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Martine, Missy - Denying His Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 17

by Denying His Wolfen Heritage

  “Oh, that sounds like Maddie.” Melissa laughed.

  “Are you friends with her?”

  “No, not really. I’ve only seen her a few times when I visited her in the clinic with Michael. We hit it off pretty good when we met, and we’ve kept in touch with letters over the years. Michael has kept me up to date on everything she does, so I feel like she’s as much my sister as his.”

  Ariane had serious doubts that Michael had told her everything about Maddie, and she certainly wasn’t going to let anything slip. “What about you, Melissa? Anyone special in your life?”

  A sad, lonely look came over the other woman’s face. “No, it’s just me. I don’t even have a cat like all spinsters are supposed to have.” She laughed. “There’s not much opportunity to meet eligible men in the work I do since most of our clients are rich, older married men getting plans to have their buildings built.” She gave Ariane a shrewd look. “Besides, you might have noticed that I’m not exactly model material.” She sighed. “The men here in Texas may like everything bigger, but it doesn’t apply to women.”

  Ariane didn’t think Melissa was aware of the bitter tone of her voice. “Maybe you should come back home to Wyoming with me. The men of my pack , um, neighborhood have a preference for voluptuous women, and there are a lot of good-looking men to choose from.” She could only hope she wasn’t overstepping her bounds. Remus might flay her alive for encouraging a human into their territory, but she was Michael’s friend, and they did have a lot of unmated males.

  “Well, thanks, but I think I’m too set in my ways to just up and move to start over. I’ll just keep looking around here and be happy.” She took a drink of her iced tea. “What do you do for a living, Ariane?”

  Ariane took a deep breath, hoping the woman wouldn’t think less of her when she found out she wasn’t very educated. “I take care of preschool children.”

  “You mean like kindergarten or more like a day care?”

  “Um, a little of both I guess. The ages run from small babies to about five years old.” She waited for the inevitable question about why she didn’t become a teacher.

  “That’s so wonderful,” Melissa exclaimed. “I can’t think of anything more fulfilling than working with small children. Do you just care for them, or do you try to teach them things at that age?”

  The woman seemed genuinely interested, and a feeling of contentment came over Ariane. “Again, it’s a little of both. I’ve developed a system for teaching the young ones their alphabet, how to write their own names, and how to count up to at least twenty. The five year olds even begin reading before they go on to first grade. And you’re right, it’s a wonderful feeling to be able to mold their little minds and find ways to instill knowledge in them.”

  “You’re very special, Ariane. Don’t you dare let anyone make you feel any differently.” She looked down at their plates. “I’m finished, what about you?”

  “Absolutely, I couldn’t eat another bite.”

  “Okay, I’ll get the waiter to wrap up this food, and we’ll head back to the office. I know Michael’s probably climbing the walls waiting for us to return.” She giggled girlishly. “I can’t wait for Saturday. Cynthia will absolutely pop a brick when she sees you in that green dress!”


  “Let’s go,” she said, laughing.

  * * * *

  Melissa and Ariane were chatting like old friends as they entered the offices of Innovative Lifestyle Designs. There was no one in the outer office, so both women walked down the hall toward Michael’s closed door. Ariane was giggling at a comment Melissa made about Cynthia when she pushed open the door, and both women stepped inside the office and immediately froze in their steps.

  Cynthia was pressed up against Michael’s body, her hands on his chest and his on her waist. Before she could stop herself, Ariane let out a low growl. She saw Melissa jump and stare at her with curiosity in her eyes. Luckily, neither Michael nor Cynthia had heard her. Her wolf was enraged! Another woman had her hands on their mate! She had to struggle to keep her beast contained. It wanted to force its way out and tear Cynthia to shreds. She glanced at Melissa and got the feeling that she wouldn’t have minded if the wolf got its wish. As she watched, Michael forcibly pushed the clinging woman away.

  “Come on in, baby. Cynthia was just leaving.” He gave Cynthia a look that should have scorched her, but it seemed to have no effect. She slowly pulled away with a little sly smile and then sauntered over to the door. She gave Ariane a little smirk as she passed her and headed down the hall.

  “I’ll just leave the two of you alone.” Melissa had a worried tone in her voice. She patted Ariane on the shoulder and then left, pulling the door shut behind her.

  * * * *

  Michael and Ariane stared at each other for a few moments. He could see the uncertainty in her eyes, and it infuriated him that he’d allowed Cynthia to put it there. He was so embarrassed at her catching them like that. He felt guilty even though he’d done nothing to feel guilty for. “It’s not what it looked like. I promise you I’ve never been with her in any capacity except as her boss. I’ve never even been out to dinner with her. It’s all wishful thinking on her part, and she’s extremely jealous of you.” He watched her carefully for any kind of reaction, something that could tell him what she was thinking. He took a step closer to her and ran his hand through his hair. “I choose to be with you, love. Do you understand that?” He was relieved when she smiled at him.

  “I understand. Melissa told me how she’s always been after you and that you’ve never given her the time of day.” She took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders. “Let’s forget about her. I bought, or rather you bought, me a fabulous dress. Want to see it?” Her voice had a teasing quality that he couldn’t ignore. It seemed to ignite something in him.

  Michael felt the lust overtake his body and slowly stalked toward Ariane. Her eyes widened as he reached around her body and turned the lock on the door. “Later,” he whispered. He walked quickly back to his desk and picked up the phone. “Melissa, hold all my calls, and no interruptions until further notice.”

  “You got it, boss.”

  He walked back to Ariane and took the shopping bag from her hand, letting it drop to the floor. “We’ve got better things to do,” he said.

  “Uh, Michael? We can’t do this here. They’ll hear us.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t care, I want you.” He pulled her to him roughly and covered her mouth with his, cutting off her words as the moist heat from her mouth blended with his. He pressed his hardening cock against her lower abdomen as he stroked his tongue along her lower lip. Hearing her whimper, he plunged his tongue into her mouth, devouring her, taking their kiss deeper than ever before. He couldn’t think past the idea he had to be inside this beautiful woman, had to feel her skin-to-skin. He yanked off his jacket and then pulled at the buttons of his shirt, popping at least two off in the process. Quickly, he dropped his clothing to the floor.

  Michael pulled her blouse free from her pants with one hand while he kneaded her breasts through the fabric with the other. Quickly, he pushed it off her shoulders and then released the front fastener of her bra. Soon, both garments were lying on the floor at her feet. She made a little mewing sound when he captured the tip of her breast between his thumb and finger and squeezed gently. Bending, he latched onto one hard nipple and suckled while he pinched and tugged on the neglected side. He could barely hold her body still as she writhed in his arms.

  The button gave way easily on her pants, and he quickly slid them down her hips, letting them drop to her feet. She stepped out of them, kicking them to the side. Michael allowed his hand to drift up her thigh on its way to her dripping pussy. He pushed aside her soaked panties and plunged two fingers into her soft, silky folds. Pulling back, he yanked the lingerie down past her thighs and allowed it to fall to the floor.

  His breath caught when he felt her hand reach between their two bodies to tear open his
fly. Her hands trembled as she slid down the zipper, the rasp loud in the quiet office. He groaned as her hand tunneled under his boxers to cup his full length in her palm. “No, baby. You have to stop or it’s gonna be over before it starts.”

  Ariane laughed up at him then placed both hands at his waist and began to pull down his pants and boxers at the same time. He hissed when she pushed his pants down far enough for his engorged cock to spring forward, slapping the underside of his belly. She continued to push the clothing down past his knees and then all the way to the floor. He stepped out of them and then froze when he felt her tongue lick the underside of his erection.

  “Oh, God,” he groaned. He could feel the moist heat swirl around the tip then jumped when she poked her tongue delicately into the little slit. “Woman,” he growled as he pulled her up his body. “You’re definitely gonna be the death of me.” Covering her lips with his, he moved his hand down her body to search under the silky curls. Using his thumb, he massaged her clit while his tongue traced the inside of her mouth. Her hands gripped his arms, fingernails digging into his skin.

  “Oohhh,” she moaned as her hips began thrusting against his hand. He buried his face in her neck, sucking on the skin strongly enough to leave a mark while he increased the rhythm of his thumb. Michael felt her fingernails break the skin on his arm as her body stiffened and shuddered under his hands. She cried out with her release. “Michael!”

  Ariane’s knees buckled, and she began sinking to the floor. Michael quickly scooped her up, encouraged her to wrap her legs around his hips, and then walked swiftly over to his desk. He took one of his hands and swept the top clear, then laid her down on the smooth surface. ”Hey,” she cried. “Michael, it’s cold,” she complained.

  “Don’t you worry, baby. I promise it’s about to get a lot warmer.” He gave her a wicked grin and then captured her lips in a kiss. Turning, he walked over and picked up his pants to search through the pockets for his wallet, quickly pulling out a condom. She watched his every move as he returned to stand between her thighs and quickly rolled on the protection. Michael cupped both her breasts and then tugged lightly at the swollen, rosy nubs. Leaning down, he took one nipple into his mouth while his hands brought her hips to the edge of the desk. In one forward lunge he had buried himself balls deep into her slick channel. “God, you feel so damn good.”

  Ariane tightened her legs around his hips and ran her hands across his chest. He had to bite his lip to keep from crying out when she scraped her nails across his nipples, hidden in the light hair covering. He continued to pump furiously into her fiery warmth and then used one of his hands to pluck at her still-sensitive clit. She began to undulate her body with his thrusts, crying out his name in her pleasure. He wasn’t going to last long, and he wanted her to come again with him. He continued to torment her clit and then took her nipple into his mouth and bit lightly. She cried out, her body shaking with her release just seconds before he climaxed, pumping the condom full inside her luscious body. Completely spent, he allowed himself to collapse against her small frame.

  “Hey, big guy, can’t breathe here.” Ariane’s voice was muffled underneath his weight.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” Michael quickly pushed off her, taking off the condom and cleaning up with the tissues he kept in his desk. He pulled her up to a sitting position and then picked her up and sat back down in his chair with her in his lap. He smiled as she cuddled close. “Nobody has ever made me as happy as you do, Ariane. I’ve never wanted any woman the way I want you. Hell, I’ve never had any woman in my office before.”

  She looked at him with wide eyes. “Never?”

  “Never, I swear. You’re the first.” He pulled her tight against his chest and just held her for a few minutes, letting the silence drift around them. They both seemed content just to be with each other. After a few minutes he began rubbing his chin across the top of her head. “What do you say we take this home and practice it all over again, only in our bed?”

  Ariane giggled. “Sounds warmer to me.”

  He laughed, feeling lighthearted and free. “Then let’s get dressed and get the hell out of here. We can stop for dinner on the way home or have a pizza delivered, your choice.”

  “Will getting a pizza delivered get us home faster?” she asked shyly.

  “Pizza it is,” he exclaimed. He placed her on her feet and pointed her toward her clothes. “Get dressed, baby.” He slapped her on her naked bottom and was rewarded with a very feminine squeal. “Get moving, woman, there’s a bed calling our name.” He smiled as she laughed and rushed over and started putting on her clothes. God, I love that woman! His body froze in place. Did he really just think that? Shit, what was that going to mean for them? Hell, she needed someone who could give her a true mating, and he wasn’t ever going to be able to do that. No matter what Maddie believed, he didn’t have a wolf in him waiting to get out. Now what am I going to do?

  * * * *

  Cynthia sat fuming at her desk, furious at the turn of events of the morning. I can’t believe he brought some little hick back from the mountains. There’s no way I’m going to lose him to someone like her. He needs someone to help him with his career, and that person is me. I’m just going to have to prove it to him.

  She got up from her desk and headed down the hall toward Michael’s office. Anger raced through her system when Melissa came hurrying down the hall to stand in front of the closed door. “Get out of my way, Melissa. I have some business matters to discuss with Michael.”

  “Forget it, Cynthia. He left orders for no interruptions at all until further notice.”

  Cynthia didn’t care for the smirk on the other woman’s face. “It’s a business emergency, Melissa. He’ll want to be interrupted for this.”

  Melissa laughed. “If it’s an emergency then take it to Peter. He is, after all, a full partner. He can handle any emergency you have, I’m sure.” She took a step closer to Cynthia. “Why don’t you just give it up? You’ve lost, plain and simple. He’s in love now, and I’m not going to let you ruin it for him. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him, but that’s something that you’d never understand.”

  Now it was Cynthia’s turn to laugh. “It won’t last. She can’t give him the things he needs to succeed. She’s just a passing fancy, one he’ll tire of quickly. She can never be as good for him as I can be.”

  “Well, if that’s true, then just leave him alone and let their relationship die down naturally. If you’re so sure that he’ll tire of her then just step back and be waiting to pick up the pieces when it ends.” She looked at Cynthia smugly.

  Cynthia realized she wasn’t going to get past the little office barracuda, so she decided on another tactic. “All right, little Ms. Watchdog, I’ll back off for now.” It felt good to see Melissa frown right before she stalked back to her office and shut the door. Sitting down, she reached for the phone and dialed a very familiar number.


  “Hi, Veronica. It’s Cynthia.” She’d become close friends with Peter’s fiancé and felt very comfortable asking her to play matchmaker for a good cause.

  “Hi, what’s up? You’re still coming to the party, aren’t you?”

  “I’ll be there, in my brand new designer gown no less.” She laughed.

  “Oohhh, I can’t wait to see it. Is it sexy and naughty?”

  “What else would I wear?” she replied.

  “And could I guess who this sexy dress is meant to entice, as if I didn’t know?”

  “You know him, all right. Michael’s the only one I’m interested in impressing, but there’s a problem now. I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me with it.”

  “Of course, darling. You know I’d do anything for you, especially anything to help you reel in your man. What’s going on?”

  “Michael came back from Wyoming this morning, but, unfortunately, he didn’t come alone.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought Peter told me he probably wouldn’t b
e back until the day of our party.”

  “That would have been normal behavior for him, but he wanted to bring home a guest to show around. I guess he thought the extra time would be good for showing her around and introducing her to everyone.”


  “Oh, yes, definitely a her. He brought home a little tart from the mountains. He’s been flaunting her around all day. They’ve even been closed up in his office with orders not to disturb for the past hour.”

  “So! Bust in on them. You can claim it’s business related.”

  Cynthia sighed loudly. “I tried that. His little watchdog stopped me in the hall, practically threatening me. She’s been acting like a mother hen protecting her young.”

  “Damn, Peter called me earlier to tell me that he’d invited a friend of Michael’s to the party. He was in a hurry to get to a meeting so we didn’t discuss the details. He knew I was meeting with my party planner and wanted to make sure I had an accurate count. I can’t believe he invited her to our party.” She groaned loudly. “Can you imagine how she’s going to fit in with all my friends and family? It’s going to be an embarrassment. I’m going over the seating arrangement with the caterer tomorrow and making sure that the undesirables are seated as far away from us as possible.”

  “That’s a good idea. As big as your party is going to be, you probably won’t have to look at her the entire evening.” Both women laughed.

  “What do you plan to do about the guest from Wyoming?”

  “I’m not sure. She’s staying at his condo with him. Obviously they’re in a sexual relationship, but she doesn’t have anything else to offer him.” She snorted. “The woman doesn’t even own a formal dress for the party. After Peter invited her, she spoke up and told Michael that she couldn’t go because she didn’t have the right clothes.”

  “So what’s she doing about a dress?”


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