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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Four

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by Desiree Broussard

  Kosmas remained still, his hooded eyes never leaving her face. He muttered harshly when her hands wrapped around his swollen, meaty cock, but his only physical reaction was to wrap his hands around her upper arms and grip them.

  Her mouth moved to his throat, her tongue marveling at the sensation of his stubble against it as she licked across his taut flesh. Her body was nothing more than a deep well of unfulfilled desire, and Kosmas was the only one that could bring her to completion.

  “Please, Kosmas,” she begged prettily. She existed only for him, and the pleasure he could bring her. He wanted her, she knew it. His stiffened body revealed just how tightly he was leashing his own arousal. Why was he resisting? Fire licked her insides, her hidden recesses damp and slick in anticipation of satisfying him. She had to have him in her. She just had to.

  “Please, Kosmas,” he said mockingly, his tone bleak. It sounded out of place in the heat of her all-consuming desire, but so long as he didn't push her away she wasn't concerned. He was as still as a statue as he continued, “Tell me what you'd have me to do to you.”

  “Fuck me,” she moaned against his lips before closing her mouth over his and darting her tongue against his firm surface. For once, she was the aggressive one. The blaze pumping through her veins demanded it of her. “I don't care how, just so long as you are inside of me.”

  Keely pressed her lips against his once more, wordlessly pleading for him to take control. After a moment he conceded, his tongue plundering her mouth with an experience that spoke of years of practice.

  His hands slid up to her breasts, gently lifting them as he cupped them. He lingered for several seconds, as if he enjoyed their weight, before his fingers brushed against her rigid nipples. His caresses sent fiery tendrils straight down her stomach as she trembled. His pace was slow and unhurried, but his actions were driving her wild with lust.

  All of a sudden he grabbed her hair, pulling her head back until her eyes were forced to meet with his. “Damn you,” he rasped harshly, the sharp points of his fangs visible as he spoke. “You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that. But you've waited too long, Keely. I won't take you when you're high off of my blood. When I possess your body, you won't have an easy out to use, once your passion is spent.”

  Her fingers curled into his shoulders as rage filled her body. “No, damn you,” she spat out, furious with him and her traitorous body. Arousal beat within her body, her skin flushed with heat. “You did this to me. You had to know that I would react this way, your blood left me no choice. Do you get some kind of sick pleasure out of arousing me without any intentions of easing me? Release me,” she demanded, humiliated beyond belief. “If you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will kill you myself, Kosmas.”

  “You dare to threaten me?” he asked her, in a cold, silken voice. His dark eyebrows were pulled together, a dangerous expression on his face. Keely stared at him in a mixture of horror and anger. He didn't want for an answer.

  “You've pushed me too far,” he roared, shoving her back on the bed. Keely fought to get back up, but he grabbed her legs as he yanked her to the edge of the bed. Dropping to his knees, he turned his head toward the closed door and yelled, “Bring Pammie to me.”

  As tall as he was, Kosmas towered over the bed, even on his knees. Wrapping his hands on her hips, he held her in place as he stared down at the apex between her thighs. The heat of his dark eyes was like a caress, her inner muscles clenching immediately in response. “Let me go,” she hissed, attempting to roll away from him. It was impossible. She was trapped with her legs spread wide, completely powerless to resist him.

  “Why would I do that?” he asked her, meeting her eyes with a sneer on his face. “After all, isn't this what you wanted?” His voice was low, but his rage hadn't abated. If anything, Kosmas was even more dangerous.

  Keely was aroused, more so than she'd ever been in her life. His anger, his control, it excited her. She wanted to unleash the vampire within him just as much as she wanted to retreat from it. He was right, if she were honest. Her current position was exactly what she'd wished for, the only thing lacking was the feel of his body inside of hers.

  “I'm going to pleasure your delectable little body,” he continued, his eyes slowly straying back down her body. “But I'm also going to punish you, Keely. And between the two, I'm going to find my own pleasure.”

  His words confused her sluggish mind. She was panting, her breasts moving with each rapid breath. Kosmas growled deep in his throat, leaning forward to suckle one nipple into his mouth. His fangs brushed against her sensitive skin, his stubble raspy against her softness. Keely trembled in pleasure at the weight of his upper body between her thighs, any defiance gone at the first touch of his lips.

  “Oh, God,” she groaned, her hands sliding through his silken hair before clenching it in her fists. Kosmas went back and forth between each breast, nipping and licking in abandon. Her hips moved of their own accord underneath him, the lower half of her body rubbing against his muscular abdomen. She craved his hardness, existed for it. Nothing he said mattered. All she could do was feel.

  With slow heated kisses, Kosmas worked his way down to hover over her smooth nether lips. His eyes met hers again as his tongue snaked out to taste her. Keely was lost, her eyes closing in ecstasy at the contact.

  Using his thumb and forefinger, Kosmas widened her small lips so he could center his mouth over the rounded button that was throbbing for his touch. His tongue darted against it several times as he groaned. The sound of his pleasure was so sexy that Keely nearly climaxed herself.

  She was close, his talented tongue bringing her to the brink faster than she would have believed. Her inner muscles clenched in anticipation of embracing the pleasure that was about to wash over her. Distantly, she heard the door open and close, but she didn't open her eyes to look. “Kosmas,” she moaned throatily. Just another quick flick of his tongue, and she'd be there.

  He pulled his face away to press a kiss against her inner thigh as his hands slid up to her breasts again to cup them. Her eyes flew open in protest, staring at his rigid expression. “No,” she groaned even as she arched into his caress. “I'm so close.”

  “I warned you,” he muttered, his eyes hooded and mysterious. “You've experienced a taste of the pleasure I'm to give you, but now it's time for the pain.” He turned his face toward the door. “Come to me, Pammie.”

  Keely turned her head and gasped. Pammie slowly walked over to them, an expression of joy on her pretty features. She was wearing nothing but a thong, her large breasts firm and perky. She slid a quick condescending glance toward Keely as she came to a stop, but her attention, her lust, was fixated on the vampire between them. In a sexy, breathy voice, Pammie asked, “How can I pleasure you, master?”

  Kosmas didn't immediately answer. Instead he stared at Keely with a calculating look in his deep black eyes. It penetrated the fog that surrounded her. She knocked his hands away as she sat up, curving her own hands around her bared breasts. “You disgust me,” she told him, staring between Kosmas and his concubine. “There is nothing about you that I want.” It was a lie, they both knew it.

  He ignored her as if she'd never spoke. “Suckle me,” he ordered the other woman, once again pulling on Keely's legs until she fell back on the bed. He then hooked a leg over each shoulder, trapping her into place, his breath heated against her core.

  She fought against the seductiveness of their positions, but it was a losing battle. With his blood pumping through her veins, she was a prisoner of her own body, incapable of really resisting his sensual actions. She wasn't unaware of the pain, though, and the hurt that stemmed from Pammie's presence. Kosmas had meant it when he'd promised pain, but he hadn't meant the physical kind. He was forcing her to accept the other concubine's presence, reminding her that she was just one of many that existed solely to please him, in whatever manner he saw fit.

  Pammie's hands slid all over his body as she shot Keely a victorious sm
ile. When Kosmas locked his mouth back on her swollen clit, Pammie kissed her way down his hip and stomach before taking his swollen cock head between her plump limps.

  Damn him, Keely raged silently, hating him as much as she desired him. Her legs trembled on his shoulders as lust engulfed her body. And when his thick, long finger slid within her weeping passage, she surrendered to it, as an explosive climax blew her to the stars.

  Her legs were locked on his massive shoulders, her hips bucking as she rode his mouth. Tears ran out of her eyes at the sheer intensity of her release, while she mindlessly begged him for more. Kosmas lifted his face, his finger continuing to pump in and out of her as he watched her. For a moment, Keely forgot everything except the heat of his eyes, and the pleasure inside of her.

  The tremors started to fade, although Kosmas didn't release her. Pammie's head popped back up, a satisfied expression on her face as she licked her lips meaningfully. Keely stared down at Kosmas with a frown. Had the other woman suckled him into orgasm? If she had, he certainly hadn't shown it.

  Now that her own lust was spent, none of the events leading up to their passionate interlude settled well within her. She pulled away from Kosmas, relieved when he didn't try to stop her. As she came to her feet in search of her clothing, he muttered harshly to Pammie, “Leave us.”

  Pammie hesitated as if she wanted to protest, but one look at his face was enough to send her packing. She sashayed away, sending a lusty look back in Kosmas' direction. He didn't seem to notice as he came to his own feet and approached Keely.

  Keely found her bloodstained clothing, putting them back on reluctantly. They were all there except for her panties. Where the hell were they? She looked around the floor with a frown. They were nowhere to be found.

  The stiff, filthy clothing was a harsh reminder of the events that had led up to her even being in his room to begin with. His mother had nearly killed her, and she still could. It was a little bit like living with a rattlesnake. No sane person would do it. “How long have I been in here?” she asked suddenly, refusing to turn around and face him.

  “A few hours,” he replied, his voice flat.

  “Only a few hours?” she repeated, in disbelief. Her injuries had been grave, possibly even enough to kill her. “How is it that I am healed, though?” Physically, she felt great.

  He didn't immediately answer, but he didn't need to. It all came together in an instant. Spinning around to glare at him, she said, “It was your blood, wasn't it?”

  Kosmas nodded stiffly. He was fully nude, the muscular planes of his body easily comparable to a prized work of art. He crossed his arms, studying her as he waited for her to accept his confirmation. As cold as he was, it was hard to believe he was the same man that had pleasured her so well, only moments before.

  So many emotions washed through her. She felt vulnerable and needy after experiencing such an intimate embrace, but at the same time she felt ashamed for allowing it to happen. Why did she have such a bad habit of falling for men that were completely wrong for her? Zander was as good as engaged, and Kosmas had a harem. What hurt the worst, though, was the knowledge that neither one of them were willing to just settle for her.

  To the vampires she was a rarity, but they didn't prize her for anything meaningful. Zander had desired her body, but that was all. At least he hadn't expected her to share him, though. What Kosmas wanted from her was degrading, and she hated him for it. Or did she just hate the fact that his caresses were enough to make her consider doing anything he asked?

  “You knew your blood would affect me like an aphrodisiac,” she said furiously, her body trembling with emotion. “My God, did you send your mother after me, just to get the chance? And then you had the nerve to bring your whore in here, too. Everything about you is despicable, Kosmas. I hope you enjoyed it because you'll never get the chance again.”

  Quicker than her eye could see, he pulled her to his naked frame. His erection pressed against her like a steel rod, strong and unyielding. Keely swallowed hard, but she didn't back down. When his fingers tightened on her arms, she was sure he would shake her, but he didn't. Instead he lowered his face to hers, his expression angry. “I could have had you begging for my touch long before now, had I been of mind to. I warn you to think before you speak, at least when it comes to me. I have much better uses for that waspish tongue of yours, and you might just tempt me into demonstrating them. Now return to your room. Your presence is starting to bore me.”

  He released her arms, turning away to pick up a black robe from a chair. Keely gaped at him in disbelief, angered by his easy dismissal. It didn't matter that she'd been the one that wanted to leave in the first place. But she had too much pride to reveal how much his harsh words hurt her.

  Turning away from him, she marched to the door. At the doorway, she turned back to face him, determined to have the last word. She cleared her throat, waiting for him to look at her. When he did, she said sweetly, “Just remember that boredom can go both ways. I've had a vampire's blood now, which means I'm fertile to your species. And I can assure you of this. Should I find myself attracted to one of the men here on Legionnaire I won't hesitate to seduce them. Why should I? This is my new home, and I intend to spend the rest of my years with a man of my own choosing. And in his arms, I'll be a queen, not just concubine to a weak man that needs his ego babied by a harem.”

  Kosmas' face darkened with rage. Keely slammed the door shut and took off of for her own room, racing through the hallways as she looked over her shoulder. He didn't pursue her, which strangely hurt. By embracing her desire for him, she'd joined the ranks of countless others. And just like the others, she'd be used and discarded by him quickly, her heart broken when he moved onto his next pursuit.

  “I hate him,” she muttered to herself, locking the door and leaning back against it as she caught her breath. “But God help me, my body wants him.”

  From the hallway, Keely heard growling. It increased as the seconds went by, and it sounded as if it were headed straight toward her door. She quietly peeked out, sagging in relief when she saw Brownie.

  At least until she realized what he had in his tiny mouth. He growled again, his tail wagging as he viciously slung his head to and from, the material dragging the ground. Using his foot, he held it in place as he tore into it. “Give me that,” Keely admonished, opening the door wide to take the material from his mouth. After several seconds of tugging, he finally released it, looking past her and into her room with an expression of interest on his face.

  Sighing, Keely held up her ravaged panties as she slowly shook her head in exasperation. The mystery was solved. She felt deflated. When she couldn't find them, she'd thought that maybe Kosmas had decided to keep them. She should have known better. It wasn't as if their sex play had meant anything to him.

  “Come on,” she told the chihuahua, waiting until he waddled in before shutting the door behind them. Compared to his owner, Brownie was actually wonderful company.

  Chapter 3

  The following day found Kosmas walking up the stone steps to the prisoner's tower, his heavy tread louder than usual. He'd spent a lonely and sleepless night in his rooms, something that was virtually unheard of. Even Brownie had conveniently disappeared, likely following the concubine to her quarters. Damn her, he fumed silently. Keely had thwarted him at every turn, and now even his dog seemed to prefer her company to his.

  His need to possess her was driving him insane. His desire went way past lust. Kosmas was consumed by the need to dominate her. Nothing could ease him but her complete and total submission to his wants and desires. He wanted Keely to burn for him, to experience the pain that came from unrequited lust. Her constant refusals made him want her even more, but at the same time it was slowly killing him.

  He'd given her his blood, but he hadn't taken hers. The temptation had almost been too much for him to resist, but somehow he'd found a way. Had they exchanged blood, they would have been mated. The idea was attractive to him, but
the consequences weren't. He would lose her if he forced her, of that he was sure. Not physically, but he would lose any possibility of ever finding happiness in their union. She wouldn't allow it.

  For the first time in his life, Kosmas felt like beating his head into the stone wall next to him. Was she even worth it? It was a question he'd started to ask himself daily. There was no relief from the constant doubts and thoughts that plagued him.

  At the door to his mother's temporary quarters, he nodded his head at the guard. The guard quickly opened it. Kosmas was still furious with her over her actions and not sure how to punish her, but during the hours of his sleepless night, he'd come to one solid conclusion. He couldn't release his mother, at least not yet.

  The interior of her chambers was lit up as he stepped inside. Her maids gasped before quickly scurrying away. Kosmas didn't miss their interest, though. Eve stood next to the window, her expression warming at his arrival. “Kosmas,” she said happily, her head held high as she slowly walked to him. Taking his hands in hers, she kissed both of his cheeks. “I knew you would come.”

  Kosmas sighed as he pulled his hands away from hers. He'd never doubted the fact that Eve loved him, but her love was a problem. She loved him to death. No female could ever live up to his mother's ideal. Eve turned a blind eye to his concubines because she knew they were simply there for his pleasure, but Keely was a completely different story. Kosmas was willing to mate her, and Eve knew it. His interest could very well mean her death.


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