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The Woodsman's Nanny - A Single Daddy Romance

Page 14

by Emerson Rose

  It’s quieter, no wind, but it’s certainly not warmer. We put our goggles on top of our heads and pull up our ski masks to look around. He flicks a switch next to the door and two rows of retro pendant lights that line the ceiling glow brightly.

  “Wow, this is quite the setup. I can’t believe you don’t come out here. What a waste.”

  “Not anymore, it’s all yours. I prefer nature’s workout to these machines.”

  “Well, yeah, me, too, but this is the perfect alternative when the weather is shit.”

  “It’s also someplace we can be alone.”

  “And loud, and naked.” I can’t believe I just said that, but it’s true. There are no windows, it’s private as hell and far from the house. I turn to see him standing by the door with a huge shit-eating grin on his face. “What? You didn’t think I’d figure that out on my own?”

  He stands up straight and shakes his head. “I never said that. I just wasn’t expecting you to come to that conclusion so quickly.”

  “I’m not a prude, you know.” I bat my eyelashes flirting with him shamelessly.

  “I’m glad. We can have a lot of fun in here… working out.”

  “I thought you preferred nature’s workout.” I cock my head to the side still flirting and wait for his answer.

  “What I have in mind couldn’t be more natural, beautiful. As soon as this building has warmed up a little, I’ll show you what I mean.”

  I smile wide. “Goodie.”

  He laughs, and we both go to work removing our snowshoes, propping our poles against the wall and taking off our outermost layer of winter wear. It’s too cold to get down to our regular clothes just yet, but at least I can move around now.

  I walk down the center of the building checking out the equipment he has gathered here. It’s all very expensive top-of-the-line gym stuff. “How’d you get all this stuff up the mountain?”

  “Paid somebody a lot of money to do it for me.”

  “Were you a gym rat or something? This is expensive stuff. I worked in a gym for a while, so I know.”

  “No, I was in shit shape when we moved up here. I’d been on tour forever, and I needed to get healthy for Adley. I knew a guy who knew a guy who was closing his gym, and I got most of it on a pretty good deal. Cost more to have it moved up here than to buy it.”

  “And now it sits unused.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Why didn’t you encourage Adley to use some of it?”

  “She does, sometimes when she gets cabin fever in the winter much like you have now. But that hasn’t happened for a long time. The older she gets, the more she is inclined to sit in front of the computer. I need to get her moving again.”

  “We can incorporate it into our daily routine. Like physical education class.”

  “I like it. Can I come, too?”

  “Sure, but you might want to wait and have a private, loud, and naked physical education class with me later when she’s gone to bed.”

  He throws his head back and laughs long and low. It’s the sexiest laugh I’ve ever heard. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

  “Not created, unleashed.”

  “Unleashed then, yes. I’m not complaining, though, not at all, not one teeny tiny bit, ever.”

  “Good. I have a feeling I’m going to be in the best shape of my life.”

  “Two hard workouts per day? Yes, I’d say so.”

  I run my hands along the Bowflex machine and think of all the interesting ways we could put it to use. “I’m reading your mind. If you don’t stop thinking thoughts like that, I’ll have to take you here in the freezing cold before the place has a chance to warm up.”

  My back is to him, and I shrug my shoulder ever so slightly. He’s behind me in seconds moving down the center aisle to press his impressive and hard cock against my ass. It’s amazing that I can feel how hard he is through all the clothes we have left on, but I can.

  “Okay, I’ll think clean thoughts until it’s warm,” I say, my words coming out as a puff of cold air.

  “I don’t know, maybe we should try to warm it up in here ourselves. I think it would be sexy to see your panting breaths in the air while I fuck you from behind.” Oh my God. He slides his cold fingers down the front of my coat, my thick sweater, two tank tops, and thermal shirt. We are not dressed for this at all, and that’s when it occurs to me, I didn’t bring running shoes. I can’t run now even if I wanted to.

  He nibbles on my earlobe, and I lean against him. “I didn’t bring running shoes.”

  “Aww, all that work to get here and for what? We should make good use of this time then, don’t you think?”

  “By having sex?” I ask playfully.

  “Sex is the best kind of workout, you get fit, and you come. What else could you ask for?” I chuckle and turn in his arms to face him. God, he’s beautiful. It takes me a second to take in his giant green eyes and his perfectly groomed beard. Every time I look at him, it’s like a buffet of my favorite things. I love a rugged man, a man who looks perfect. Gage is a woodsman god—everything in the right place displayed with just the right amount of modesty.

  “Nothing, I can honestly say that I can’t think of anything better than sex with you as a workout, or just sex with you because.”

  “We are on the same page then. Let me help you out of all those clothes.” He wiggles his eyebrows up and down, and I open my eyes wide.

  “Do you think we could keep the exposure to a minimum until it’s warm in here? Like maybe only remove the integral parts needed for maximum pleasure?”

  “So, strip you naked? Because every part of you is integral for maximum pleasure.”

  “But, it’s got to be below zero in here.”

  “Not quite, it’s more like thirty degrees, but I’m willing to compromise for your comfort. Come here,” he says leading me to sit on a workout bench. “Lay back.”

  I look behind me and do as I’m told. I gasp when my back hits the cold of the padded bench, and I still have layers of clothes on.

  He leaves me for a moment returning with his coat. He covers me with it, and instantly, I am warmer. He steps closer straddling me on the bench and bends to kiss me long and slow until I’m starting to feel a little too warm. When he pulls away, I miss his mouth on mine and whimper frowning until I see him push down his snow pants revealing his thick, hard cock.

  “Turn over,” he commands, and I can’t flip over fast enough. He leans down his body over mine adjusting the coat to keep me covered and slides my purple snow pants and very unsexy thermal underwear down exposing only what’s necessary.

  I grip the elevation bar on either side of the bench and hold on. His fingers run down my crease to my soaking wet core where he plunges them in to test the waters, literally. “You’re so wet for me, beautiful.”

  “It’s becoming the norm,” I murmur against the leather.

  “Good, I like that. Always ready anywhere, anytime.”

  I moan when he slides inside. He is thick and hard and twitching as he holds his position like he did last night until he has his bearings. His warm hands smooth over my ass and down to my hips where he pulls me flush with his body. “Ready for your workout, Ms. Washington?”

  “Oh God, yes, please,” I pant, and just as he said, I see my breath coming in quick puffs when he begins a punishing rhythm that would rival even the most popular workout in gyms across the country.

  His fingers dig into my hips, and the sound of our bodies slapping against each other is the only sound in the cabin other than the fierce wind blowing outside. The raw, passionate sound propels me into an orgasm long before I want to. My body naturally reacts to his in such an intense way, it’s nearly spiritual. He makes me repeatedly come when I’m used to having difficulty climaxing even once with other men. It’s like we were made for each other, and he knows what I need when I need it, and as far as I can tell, I do the same for him.

  His hand slides around my hip to the front, and he circle
s my clit with a long finger while keeping up his feverish pace. I squeeze my eyes shut and come again at the exact moment he does. He roars, and it echoes throughout the metal building over and over until he twitches his last and collapses onto my back panting.

  “You warm yet?” he says between deep breaths.

  “Yes, some parts more than others.” I smile, and he nuzzles my nose with his.

  “We should probably get back and check on Adley and Ollie. We can come back later so you can run when you have shoes, and the building is warmer.”

  “And we should bring Adley.”

  “What, afraid of another pleasure workout?”

  “Not at all, but I have a feeling if she’s not with us, I won’t get much running done.”

  “You’re right, she needs some exercise anyway.” He stands sliding out of me exposing my damp, hot skin to the cold. I shiver and wiggle off the bench jumping to pull up my pants quickly. “Chilly?”


  He looks at the bench. “Adley can’t use this bench. I’ll never look at it the same.”

  I laugh. “What should I tell her? Stay off that one, your dad says it’s only for sex?”

  He looks horrified. “God no, redirect her somewhere else.”

  When he has himself all squared away in his pants, we make our way to the door and back outside into the storm. I concentrate hard on staying atop of the snow, but it’s beginning to settle causing me to sink down a few times as we walk.

  One of those times, I glance to my right and see an area that’s been trampled down recently. The branches of a bush have no snow on them, and the snow at the base is packed down like someone has been sitting there.

  I yank on the tether keeping me attached to Gage and point at the spot. I can’t see his expression behind his ski mask, but his posture becomes ridged, and he starts walking faster pulling me along with him toward the house.

  At the house, he unhooks from our tether and bends to yank his snowshoes off before running up the stairs leaving me behind. I hear him yell Adley’s name as I remove my own shoes and follow as fast as I can.

  When I get to the door, he’s screaming her name over and over, and I hear doors opening and closing upstairs. “Gage?” I call up to him.

  “She’s not here. She’s fucking not here!” he yells racing down the stairs.

  “What? She has to be.”

  “She’s not. I’m going to the clearing to see if she went looking for me there,” he says pushing past me.

  “Where you chop wood?” I ask confused as to why he would think she was there.

  “Yes, it’s the only other place I ever go. It’s where she would look for me if she didn’t know where I’m at.”

  “Hold on. We told her where we were going. She knew we were going to the gym, if she went looking for you, it would be there.” I look around the room frantically. “And where’s Ollie? She must have him with her.”

  “Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have left her here alone, not even for a little while.” He’s beating himself up, and we don’t even know what’s going on yet. He opens the door and pulls his ski mask over his face.

  “Wait, did you see what I was pointing at on the way back?” I ask grabbing his arm.

  “Yeah, that’s where that asshole was last night. Probably where he was camped out watching the hou…” he pauses when he catches up with my thought. “Do you think somebody took her?”

  “I don’t know, it’s a possibility. She wouldn’t leave voluntarily in this weather, she’s smarter than that. We should check the internet, she was skyping with her class when we left, maybe they heard something?”

  “Yes, you’re right.” He stomps to the computer table and viciously shoves the mouse. The screen springs to life showing a disconnect message from her class. “She logged out.” He taps the keyboard bringing the class back onto the screen where Miss Kitty is talking about whales and the ocean.

  “Miss Kitty, where did Adley go?” he barks startling the woman.

  “She went to answer the door, and then she said you had company, and she had to log off. Why, what’s wrong? You look alarmed.”

  “Did you see who was at the door?”

  “No, the camera isn’t pointed in that direction. When she came back to tell me she had to go, she was alone. What’s going on?”

  “She’s gone. We left for a few minutes to go to the gym, and she’s not here. There’s a terrible snow storm going on here. Nobody is visiting us.”

  “Oh my God, do you think someone…” She doesn’t even want to speak the word aloud. Kidnapped. Adley has been kidnapped probably by some fucking crazy photographer trying to prove Gage’s existence.

  “I don’t know, I’m going to look around outside for tracks. You didn’t hear anyone, nothing Miss Kitty, please try to remember anything you can.”

  “No, oh my, I feel horrible. I should have questioned her more. I know how strict you are about her missing her lessons.”

  “Did she seem upset or scared?” I ask grasping at straws.

  Miss Kitty looks thoughtful for a second. “Not especially, but she was talking to that dog you got her, Ollie, was it? She told him not to follow her, that’s the last thing I heard her say.”

  “Ollie’s not here either,” I say stating the obvious, but I can’t help it. It seems like this is all so unreal and speaking the facts aloud might make more sense, but it doesn’t.

  “Check the closet for her coat and boots,” Gage barks as he turns toward the stairs taking them three at a time and running into her bedroom.

  I open the closet, “Her things are gone!” I yell up to him.

  “Her phone is still here, she never leaves the house without her phone,” he says exiting her room holding up her hot pink iPhone.

  “I’m calling the authorities,” Miss Kitty yells from the computer screen.

  “We’re going to look for her, tell them she’s been missing for approximately forty minutes, and she’s dressed in a hot pink snowsuit with bright green snow boots,” Gage yells as he storms toward the door.

  “I’m coming with you,” I say following right behind him.

  “No, stay here in case she comes back. Keep the door locked and don’t answer unless it’s her or me.”


  “No fucking buts, Clover, stay here!” he roars. He slams the door, and I jump.

  It takes a moment before the hot tears fill my eyes and begin to stream down my cheeks. This is all my fault. If he hadn’t gotten involved with me, reporters and crazies wouldn’t know who he is or where he lives, and Adley would be safe and sound at home with her daddy. I cover my face and sob into my hands.

  “Clover, don’t cry, dear. Maybe she just wandered off. She knows that mountain like the back of her hand. I’m sure Gage will bring her home straight away.” I’d forgotten I wasn’t technically alone. Miss Kitty’s face is still on the screen looking sympathetic and worried at the same time.

  I sniff loudly and wipe my hands on my pants. “Did you call the police?” I ask crossing the room to sit in the chair that Adley was sitting safely in less than an hour ago.

  “Yes.” Her voice sounds like she’s not telling me everything.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She looks away off camera for a moment and then back at me. “Well, they say with the storm in full swing, they can’t do much. They will patrol the base of the mountain, but the trails and roads are blocked by at least two feet of snow.”

  My heart plummets. I don’t know what I was expecting. There’s no way they could get up here in this mess. But…

  “Miss Kitty, if they can’t get up here then whoever took Adley probably can’t get down the mountain, either right?”

  “That would make sense, yes.”

  “So, they have to be around here somewhere. They couldn’t have gotten far.” Excitement and hope springs alive in my chest. I need to talk to Gage, but I can’t put myself in danger wandering around in the storm looking for him. T
he last thing he needs is to be looking for two people.

  Except he probably wouldn’t bother looking for me. Dammit, why did I let myself get involved with him? I’m bad luck wherever I go, whoever I’m with, I bring it. Today is proof positive of that.

  “Can you call Gage? Ask him if there is any place nearby they could have taken her?” Miss Kitty asks.

  “I can try.” I take my phone out of the inner pocket of my coat and send him a text.

  Clover: The police say the mountain roads and trails are unpassable. Is there anywhere nearby someone could have taken her?

  I wait for a response, but after two or three minutes, I’ve still got nothing. “Maybe he isn’t getting any service out there?”

  “Frankly, I’m surprised you have Wi-Fi. I had no idea this storm was so bad.”

  “Me, too. Miss Kitty, do you know Gage well?”

  “I’ve been teaching Adley for two years now. I taught her preschool last year and kindergarten this year, why?”

  “What has he told you about himself? Like what he does for a living and why they live on a mountain.”

  “He said he inherited a fortune and that home was part of it. He wanted to raise his daughter away from the shitty people in the cities were his exact words to me when we met. Why?”

  “Oh nothing, I just wondered.”

  “Hasn’t he told you about himself? You two seem to be pretty serious, and I’ve never seen a woman around before.”


  “No, never.”

  “Isn’t that curious? He’s a very handsome man, kind and generous.” I’m leading her, trying to get her to slip up, but it’s not working. I want to know if Gage only told me who he really is or if it’s more common knowledge than he’s letting on. If he told even one other person who he is, I won’t have to feel completely responsible for all of this. If he made a mistake, I could share the burden with him, but I think I’m in this one alone.

  My fault. My responsibility. My mistake. I am the one who exposed him, and now his daughter is paying for that, maybe with her life.

  What is happening to her? Who has her? Are they hurting her, scaring her? That’s a stupid thought. Of course, she’s scared. She gets scared in the middle of the night in her own home when she can’t get into her daddy’s bedroom, and some psychopath has kidnapped her from her own damn living room. She’s scared or…


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