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My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

Page 12

by Sable Hunter

Upon returning to the house, she saw Benjen putting shingle scraps and tools in the back of the truck. “You’re not leaving, are you?” she called, picking up the pace to arrive at his side.

  “Not on your life, doll.” He took his shirt and wiped some sweat off his belly. “I’ve got a clean shirt in my truck, but I hate to put it on. I’m dirty.”

  “Go take a shower while I dish up the food.” Her quick suggestion was met by a look of gratitude.

  “Thanks. I’d love that.”

  “Okay.” She waited for him to finish. Once he’d put everything right to his satisfaction, he placed a hand at the small of her back and went inside with her. “Rose. How you doing, girl?” He petted the dog on the head as they entered the living room. “You’ve done some work in here,” he observed. “Looks good.”

  “I refinished the original hard wood floors and slapped on a coat of paint.” She beamed at his approval. “This way.” She led him to the restroom. “Here you go. Make yourself at home.”

  “I will, sweetheart. Thanks.”

  She rushed back to the kitchen. Just the thought of Benjen using her shower, rivulets of water running down all of that bronzed skin – over those sculpted muscles, down that strong chest… “God, I’m hot.” She picked up a placemat and fanned herself with it.

  Once her heart settled enough, she dished up the dumplings and poured glasses of tea. Glancing at the clock, she realized he was probably getting close to being through – and then it hit her – there were no clean towels! Racing to the dryer, she pulled one out and hurried to the door. She’d lay it on the vanity and be out before he knew. With one tap on the door, she stepped in. “Here’s a tow – tow – towel.”

  Oh. My. God.

  Apple froze.

  The shower door was open and he was naked.

  Gloriously, stupendously naked. Water beaded on his skin, his gorgeous muscles caressed by the steam from the shower.

  And he was aroused.

  Hugely aroused. Hard. Thick. Standing upright and proud.

  “God, I’m sorry. Forgive me.” She backed up and fled, running down the hall.

  “Apple, wait!”

  She heard his voice, but she couldn’t stop. She was too embarrassed.

  Now, she knew – Alan had been a boy.

  Benjen Blackhawk was a man.

  …In the kitchen, Apple bowed over the bar, her cheeks aflame. She’d walked in on him! And stood there like a fool – staring.

  “Apple? Honey, I’m sorry.”

  His voice made her tremble. “You’re sorry? It was my fault. I should have knocked – or hung the towel on the doorknob and yelled through the door – or better yet, folded the laundry when I was supposed to…”

  She felt his hand stroke her arm and she trembled anew. “Hey, it’s okay.”

  “You’re my guest, you’ve done so much for me, and I invaded your privacy. And you were…”

  “Yea, I know.” Benjen pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck. He was a bit taken aback by her reaction. After all, she’d been married. The sight of a naked man shouldn’t have shocked her so. “I didn’t mind. After all, you didn’t see anything that didn’t belong to you.”


  “I was thinking about you.”

  Apple clutched the edge of the cabinet so hard her knuckles were white. “Oh.”

  “Come on. Let’s eat. Okay?” He tugged at her arm.

  She slowly pivoted to face him, her eyes still downcast. “Can we pretend this didn’t happen?”

  Benjen smiled to himself. “Sure.” He held out her chair. “For now.”

  Apple sat down primly, wondering how she was going to get through the next little while. She’d thoroughly embarrassed herself – first, by barging in on him, and second, by overreacting to the situation. What he must think of her. After he was seated, she swallowed nervously and passed him a basket covered with a napkin. “Thank you. Would you like some bread?”

  “I would. Thank you.”

  Without further ado, he dug into the food with gusto. “This is amazing, Apple. I haven’t tasted dumplings like this since my mother made them.”

  “Oh, thank you.” His compliment put her at ease. “There’s plenty. Here, have more.” She turned to move the pot to the table. “Help yourself.”

  “I think I will.” He proceeded to refill his bowl, checking to make sure she wasn’t ready for a second helping.

  “I’m good.” Apple held her hand over her bowl, which was still over half full. “I must tell you again how grateful I am for your help with the roof.”

  Benjen stopped eating to catch her eye. “Hey, I’m here with you. That makes this an occasion, not a chore.”

  Apple didn’t know what to say, so she moved on to another topic. “How’s Hope? I’m surprised you didn’t bring her today.”

  “Sara and Daniel were there when I left and Hope adores Sara.”

  “This is your brother’s wife. Right?”

  “Yea, they’re only at the Rock House about half the time. They’re building a new home and many nights they stay in a camper onsite.”

  “How exciting? So, you call your home the Rock House?”

  “Yea, when you see it you’ll understand, it’s made from local Austin stone.” He broke off a piece of bread and daubed it down in the savory sauce. “When we were on the picnic the other day, I intended to show you the spot where I’ll build my house someday.” He grinned at her. “But I got distracted with that kiss.” When she blushed again, he reached a hand out to lightly brush her cheek. “I love how you react to me.”

  “Tell me more about the house.”

  “Which one?”

  She shrugged, causing the oversize neck of the soft sweater she wore to slip off one shoulder. “Both.”

  “Okay.” His eyes lingered on the exposed velvety skin and he had to clear his throat before speaking. “Well, there’s not much to tell on the future house. We always knew three of us would eventually move out so we can have space for our own families and Daniel was the first to do this. The rest of us haven’t really discussed it, but…like I told you before, I’m hoping to be the one who ends up with the homestead.”

  “You are more connected to the past.”

  He pinned her with a look. “Exactly. I think I am. The land has meant so much and my father and grandfather built the house with their own hands.”

  “So, Blackhawk Ranch has been in your family for generations?” She’d finished her meal and was now sitting with hands folded in her lap, enjoying being so close to him.

  “Yes.” He shifted in his seat, pushed his now empty bowl back and clasped his hands on the top of the table. “The whole story is rather interesting, I think. I don’t know how much you know about the history of the area…” He started his story, then wondered aloud, “Are you sure you’re interested in this? I don’t want to bore you.”

  Apple stretched out her arm and covered his hand with hers. “Oh, please, tell me. I’m very interested.” When she started to withdraw her hand, he captured it, entwining their fingers.

  “Good. Anyway, my father’s people lived here forever. They hunted this land before white men moved in. The last skirmish between the Indian tribe and the settlers occurred on Packsaddle Mountain and my father’s great-great grandfather was killed in the battle. It was over a cow, believe it or not, and you’ll hear conflicting accounts of the clash, but the end result was the same. More death and subjugation.” He shook his head. “That’s not my point, however. Of course, my father’s ancestors didn’t have a legal deed to the property – my mother’s people did.”

  “Oh, really?” This made Apple smile. “So, their destinies were intertwined. Like fate.”

  “I’d like to think so.” Benjen nodded. “My mother was a Ramsay. The first of her forebears to come to Texas was a man named Kingston Ramsay. He came here after the Civil War, along with about a half dozen of the men who’d fought under him. I think he left Tennessee when he came home and found hi
s fiancé had married his brother.”

  “Oh, gracious.” She certainly knew how unfaithfulness felt. “That’s horrible.”

  “Turned out for the best, I think.” He rubbed his thumb on her palm. “He married a mail-order bride. Her name was Fancy. She became the light of his life. They created a dynasty together. The town, Kingsland, is named for him. I’ll show you an old tintype picture of them someday.”

  “Oh, I would love to see it. That’s so romantic.” She sighed with happiness.

  “This land has seen a lot of tragedy, but also a lot of love. Years after Kingston Ramsay died, the land was parceled out and sold. My grandfather bought a section of it and built the Rock House. When my father met my mother, her family still owned a portion of it too. They combined their holdings and bought more, acquiring most of the original family property. My mother, understanding the prejudice my father always faced, insisted our home be called Blackhawk Ranch instead of King’s Ransom, the original name given to it by Kingston himself.”

  “What a marvelous tribute. She was a wonderful woman, wasn’t she?”

  “Yes, she was.” He squeezed her hand. “You’re pretty grand yourself.”

  She shook her head. “How would you know that? I’ve never done anything noteworthy.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true. You love animals. You saved Rose. You were loyal to your husband, even when he didn’t deserve it. You’re building a new life for yourself – on your own. I think you’re amazing.”

  Apple had to bite her lip to keep from letting all of her hurts and troubles spill out. She wanted to tell him that she’d failed. She’d failed as a mother and as a wife. The only thing that kept her from pouring out her secrets was how embarrassed she was about them. “Ha! I can’t hold a candle to you, Mr. Baby-beanie knitter.”

  “Ha!” He laughed. “Let’s just agree we’re both wonderful.” Benjen picked up her hand and kissed it. “A good match.”

  Her eyes immediately flew up to crash with his.

  Seeing the conflicting emotions reflected on her face – hope, panic, arousal – he decided to give her time to come to terms with his interest. “This food was stupendous.”

  Sensing he was about to go, Apple jumped up and put their empty dishes in the sink and ran a tad of water in each. “You are so welcome. The meal doesn’t sufficiently compensate you for your efforts.”

  “You’re right.”

  She jerked her head around to look at his face.

  “Come here. Sit back down for a second.” He held out his hand for her to take – which she did, easing back into her chair. “I think you owe me a second date.”

  “Oh, Benjen. There is so much about me you don’t know,” she protested, even as her heart and body yearned for him.

  “I agree. We need to spend some time together to learn those things about one another. Don’t you think?”

  “I’m not sure.” She was torn between wanting to throw herself at him – bad idea – and realizing she was getting in too deep. After her failed marriage, did she have any business getting into another relationship? Especially with a man as good as this one?

  “I am.” He touched her upper lip, caressing it lightly. “Tomorrow, I want to take you to Wimberley to the ice cream festival. We’ll get to know one another better. Forge our bond.”

  He probably didn’t mean anything erotic by the words ‘forge our bond’, but all that was going on through Apple’s mind was heat and friction. “If you’re sure you want to.”

  “Oh, I want to,” he whispered, rising to his feet. Pulling her to stand next to him, he threaded his fingers through her silky, long hair. “I want to very much.”

  The look on his face could only be described as brooding and sexy, making Apple weak in the knees. Hunger filled the sapphire depths of his eyes and she felt powerless to resist him.

  “I need a kiss before I go.”

  Apple held her breath as his mouth touched hers in a tender caress. Rubbing softly from side to side, his tongue teased the seam.

  With a sigh of surrender, she let her hands slide up his chest, and opened her mouth, inviting him to kiss her harder. Hotter. She wanted more. More of him. With a whimper, she pressed against him.

  He slid his mouth from hers, kissing her cheek, her neck. “What do you want, Apple? Tell me.”

  Tell him? Could she? “I want you. Don’t hold back.”

  Benjen growled and claimed her kiss, his mouth slanting over hers, his tongue thrusting past her lips – tasting, owning, devouring. He pulled her closer until she was riding his thigh, his hands moving down her back, around her waist, to just below her breasts.

  Apple wanted to take his palms and place them over the throbbing mounds and beg him to touch her. Even though she wasn’t good at it, she missed sex so much. She could feel the evidence of his desire. He wanted her too. “Benjen…”

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you. Let go for me. Just let go.”

  As his lips and tongue continued to drive her crazy with need, she found herself moving on him, grinding – faster, harder – finding white-hot pleasure unlike any she’d known before. “Oh!” she cried, gasping, clutching his shoulders, her face buried in his neck. “I didn’t mean to…”

  “Hush, you’re perfect. I loved it.”

  “But you didn’t…”

  “Holding you while you came was fuckin’ amazing.”

  For a dozen heartbeats or more, she rested against him. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  This pleased him. “Good.” He kissed her once more and let her go gently. “I’ll be here to pick you up right after lunch.” When she opened her mouth to say something, he didn’t give her a chance. “Sleep well and dream of me. Don’t think about the past. Don’t worry about the future. All I want you to do is remember how you felt in my arms.”

  With a wink and a smile, he was gone, leaving Apple in a lovestruck daze.


  “Twelve forty-five. He should be here soon.” She went to the couch and sat down, then immediately stood and walked to the window to look out at the rain-washed world. Apple was finding it hard to be still. She wasn’t tired, but she’d barely slept the night before. Not because of the storm that had blown through. She felt exhilarated, high on life, like she stood on the verge of a great adventure. Every time she thought of Benjen, her whole body vibrated with excitement. “I can’t believe I did that.” She hugged herself tightly, still amazed at how she’d let go with him. Rubbed on him until she came. How she touched herself twice more during the night remembering how it felt.

  Blowing her breath on the glass, she wrote his name. BENJEN. “Benjen. Benjamin Blackhawk. Mrs. Benjen Blackhawk. Apple Blackhawk.”

  “WHOA! Where did that come from?” Covering her cheeks with her hands, she whirled around so fast the skirt of her white embroidered sundress stood out like an ice skater’s. “Don’t even go there, Apple. You know better. This is…” She didn’t really know what this thing with Benjen was – but it wasn’t that. “You’re just sex-starved and he’s a feast for the eyes…and every other part of me.” She moaned her frustration. “He’s also the nicest guy you’ve ever met.” She turned back to the window and rubbed out the writing, creating a large smudge on the glass. “A wonderful guy who deserves the very best. And that’s not you, Apple Cates.” She frowned. “No, not Cates. I don’t want to use Alan’s name anymore. I’ll be Apple Wright again.”

  As she considered her idea, the sound of a truck engine reached her ears.

  “He’s here!”

  Despite her confusing mental argument with herself, she couldn’t deny how happy she was to spend time with him. “This might not be the smartest thing you’ve ever done, but it’s certainly the most thrilling.”

  Without further hesitation, she rushed out the door, locking it behind her and hurried out into the yard. When he came to a stop, she was right at the passenger door. Before he could turn off the engine, she was already sitting besi
de him. “Hi!”

  “Hey, love.” He placed a hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her to him, meeting her halfway. “You look fantastic. I love your dress.” Benjen kissed her lingeringly. Savoring the moment. “Ummm, you taste so good.”

  “You do too.” Even though she turned a bit red, she couldn’t help but smile. “I’m glad to see you.”

  “Me too, precious.” He kept his hand on her neck as he pulled out and headed out of town. “How did you sleep last night during that storm?”

  “I was too excited to sleep. Thanks to you, I didn’t have to set out bowls and buckets to catch leaks.”

  “I’m glad. What did you do with Rose?”

  “She’s spending the day at the Cleveland’s. They have a big yard and a huge covered porch. She’ll be fine.”

  “Good. Have you ever been to Wimberley?”

  “No. I haven’t.” She straightened her skirt, then placed a hand over her heart willing it to calm down. “I do hear it’s beautiful. A haven for artists.”

  “True. We’ll do some exploring. I think we’ll have a good time.”

  “Undoubtedly.” She exhaled, admiring how handsome he looked. “You look dashing in your blue and red plaid shirt. The blue matches your eyes.”

  Benjen steadied the steering wheel with his left knee and tipped his straw Stetson with his left hand, never letting go of her with the other. “Thank you, ma’am. I…” He bowed his head, blinking his eyes. “Oh, crap.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  After applying the brakes to slow down, Benjen pulled over on the side of the road. “One of my contacts slipped.” He pulled the rearview mirror toward him and gazed into it while he adjusted the contact.

  “I didn’t know you wore contacts.”

  “No? You thought I was perfect, didn’t you?” he teased her as he checked his reflection in the mirror.

  “No. Yes.” She giggled. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I think it’s sweet, shows you have a vulnerability.”

  “Well, it wasn’t a secret. It just hadn’t come up.” He restarted the truck and they continued on their journey. “Tell me something about you. I want to know everything.”


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