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My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m glad.”

  They made quick work of picking berries and went into the house to cool off. “I picked up a pizza on the way home. It’s in the warmer. You’ll stay and eat, won’t you?”

  “Please.” He didn’t want to miss a moment with her if he could help it - not for the world.

  “Great. Let me wash the berries and put the jam on to cook and we’ll eat.”

  “I’ll help.” He offered with a smile.

  With her giving him some quick instructions, they readied the fruit, cleaned it and mashed the berries. Next, they added the sugar, a bit of lime juice for acid, and pectin. After turning the gas down low enough to bring the mixture safely to a boil, she whirled around to give him a wink and a grin. “There. I prepped the jars last night, so we should be able to eat while the berries cook and the juice thickens. Later, we’ll pour the jam up and see how it tastes.”

  “I can’t wait to try it.” He wiped his hands on a dishtowel. “Did you get the information to Zane?”

  “I did.” She gave him a grateful look. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me. I was hoping to see you in person soon so I could properly express my appreciation. Zane seems so nice.” With that little bit of warning, Apple went to him and drew his head down for a sincere, tender kiss. “Meeting you was the luckiest day of my life, Blackhawk.”

  “I think I’ve already made that claim about you. I know I’ve been counting the minutes until I could be with you again.”

  “Oh.” She smiled, trembling at the thought of being alone with him. Apple hoped they could play a little, but she was afraid to make the first move. Although…she could do her best to tempt him… “Could you get us a plate and something cool to drink while I change into something more comfortable?”

  “Sure, baby. Go for it. I’ll walk the dogs while you do, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course.” Moving as quickly as she could, Apple freshened up and changed into a lightweight cotton dress. And only the dress. After dabbing on a bit of perfume, she raced back to the kitchen, gave the jam a stir, then returned to her guest.

  As they settled on the couch to eat, Apple turned the television on, and Benjen tried to keep his eyes in their sockets.

  She wasn’t wearing a bra. He could barely eat for watching the jiggle and sway of her stupendous breasts.

  Happy for the company, Apple told him about the kittens and other things that had been going on in her life, then he told her about the conversation he’d had with Zane.

  “I hope everything turns out okay.”

  “It will. One way or the other. I told you not to worry.”

  “Thanks.” She gave a happy sigh at his normal come-back. “Surprisingly, I’m not worried.” She frowned. “Except for the jam. I’d better go turn off the berries. I’m sure it’s been enough time.” She started to get up to check.

  “Let me do it.” He motioned for her to stay seated.

  “Okay, thank you.” She glanced at his empty plate. He’d consumed four pieces to her two. “Boy, you were hungry.”

  “Yea, I am…was…” He’d tried to finish quickly. “I was too excited about dessert.”

  Apple finished the last bite of her pizza before handing him her plate. “Hmmm. I didn’t think to buy anything.” Her face brightened. “I think I have ice cream. We could put a little of the berry mixture on top.”

  “As good as that sounds…Benjen took her plate. “It’s not the dessert I’m interested in.”

  “Sorry.” A little puzzled, she waited while he went to take care of the jam.

  As he worked in the kitchen, he talked to her. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she could hear him well enough. “Don’t be sorry. I have a plan. You’ve been driving me crazy. If I don’t touch you soon, I’ll combust.”

  Since he couldn’t see her face or her blush, she responded honestly. “I was hoping you’d want to. I know you don’t want to go all the way…but…”

  Benjen laughed. “All the way. We sound like a couple of teenagers. I know this is odd, our waiting, but it’s important to me. I can promise you, you won’t be sorry. As desperate as I am for you, I’m sort of enjoying the slow burn.”

  Apple giggled. “I think our having orgasms negates the slow burn theory.” She waited for him patiently, her heart thrumming in her chest, her body already trembling with desire.

  “I don’t know. I’m sure being inside of you will surpass even the amazing foreplay we’ve been enjoying.”

  “I hope so.” When he returned, she noticed that he was carrying a small dish. “So…what’s for dessert?”

  “Kisses. Caresses. Ecstasy.” He came to her. Big. Broad. Strong. So handsome and sexy she melted. “All topped with a little dewberry jam.”

  Apple felt her body grow warm. “Sounds delicious. Probably fattening.”

  Benjen chuckled, placing the dish on the coffee table to cool. “I have a fantasy I would like for you to fulfill for me, if you will.”

  “A fantasy?”

  “Yea.” He gripped her forearms and tugged, guiding her to the couch and into his arms. Turning, he eased her back on the cushions as he rose over her. “I want to kiss your lips. Kiss your breasts. Kiss your pussy. Tonight’s all about you. Sound sweet to you?”

  “Sounds…very respectful.” He looked at her funny and she giggled. “Don’t you dare back out now. I was kidding.” She captured his lips and kissed him hard. Her fingers pushed into his soft dark hair, clenching and relishing the silky feel of the strands. His lips parted for her and in a matter of moments they were swept up in a firestorm of sensations. As their kiss deepened, his tongue licking hers – tasting, daring her to taste him – both consumed by a rising need threatening to burn them both alive.

  “Benjen,” she gasped, easing her mouth to one side, taking a much needed breath, “things get so hot with you so fast.”

  “It’s about to get hotter.” He pulled at the elastic neck of her dress. “I love the clothes you wear. You’re so…accessible.”

  Apple giggled. “Is that a good thing?”

  “A very good thing.” Benjen rearranged them on the couch until she was sitting in the corner and his head was resting on the cushioned arm. “See, I’m in a very strategic position here.”

  “I see that.” She held her breath as he eased the bodice down over her breasts, releasing them for his viewing pleasure.

  “I love to touch you. Your tits are so perfect.” He cupped her breasts, molding and kneading the round, firm globes. His thumb rubbing the stiff point of her nipple.

  Apple was spellbound, watching his sapphire eyes darken with desire. His face was so gorgeous, she could scarcely believe he was here with her. Raising her hand, she touched him, loving his warmth, the light raspy texture of the scruff on his cheek. “You are so beautiful,” she muttered softly. This might be a fantasy but being with him was better than any reality she’d ever known before.

  “Pot calling the kettle black.” He tugged her face to him, his lips covering her, his tongue sweeping inside in a demanding thrust of primal need. She cradled him to her, reveling in his kiss as his thumb stroked her nipple. When he broke away, he whispered, “You’re the beautiful one.” His lips drifted to her throat and then the upper swell of her breast. “So fuckin’ beautiful.”

  “I love this,” she whispered as he stroked her breasts, milking the nipples. “Suck me, please?”

  “With pleasure, baby. Hold on just a second.” He reached behind him and dipped his finger into the jam mixture, then returned to coat one nipple.

  “Oh, my goodness.” She watched in wonder as he painted her flesh a royal purple. “I’ve never done this before.”

  He gave her a sexy wink. “Glad I get to share one of your firsts.” Licking his lips, he proceeded to paint the other nipple. “Now, let’s see if it tastes as good as I think it will.”

  Apple held her breath as his lips covered one taut peak, sucking and lashing the tender nipple with his tongue while his hand p
lumped and kneaded her grateful flesh.

  A cry escaped her lips at the pleasure he gave her with the firm draws of his mouth. She held his head to her, wanting to prolong the ecstasy as long as possible.

  “You’re sweeter than the jam.” He kissed a path from one nipple to the other, intent on giving it the same attention.

  Apple’s eyelids drifted shut as he suckled, she could barely breathe for the pleasure. She’d always known her breasts were sensitive, but they’d never been treated to such sensual focus. When he shifted against her, she looked to find him reaching down to adjust himself. He was hugely aroused and the sight made her mouth water. Without giving him any warning, she began to undo his belt. His eyes sprang open and he automatically got on board, tearing at the snap and zipper of his jeans.

  As Apple slipped her hand into his shorts, she bent to kiss his face. Even as he lifted his hips to jerk down his underwear, his lips met hers in a series of deep, drugging kisses. A wild hunger possessed her as she took him in hand and began to pump. The feel of velvet covered steel in her palm made her sex tingle and ache.

  Benjen was in heaven. After years of celibacy, he found himself blessed with the sexiest, most giving woman in the world. She was not only his lover, she was his friend. He enjoyed every moment he spent with Apple. Being with her like this was more wonderful than his mind could process. He could kiss her lips, suck her breasts, caress skin so soft he couldn’t stop touching it. As if that wasn’t enough, she wanted him. She welcomed him. And when their intimate time was over, he’d still be thrilled to talk to her and share anything and everything. At the moment, he was experiencing so much pleasure, he couldn’t separate the components. Bucking his hips, he pushed his cock into her hand, straining to get as close as possible. He loved this. He wanted an orgasm. He wanted her.

  He wanted it all. He wanted forever.

  In a sensual daze, Apple gave, even as she received. As she stroked him, she enjoyed the blissful kiss of his mouth at her breast. Heaven help, this was perfect. Powerful. She felt as if she was being swept into an erotic storm, overcome by emotion and sensation. At each pull of his lips, each movement of her hand on his engorged staff, the lashes of pleasure only grew in intensity. She couldn’t be still. Her pussy was so wet, so needy. Bending her head, she kissed his shoulder, her thumb rubbing the head of his cock, barely conscious of his groans, of the pre-cum wetting the tip of her thumb. All of the pleasure was coalescing into a rising wave of excitement.

  “Faster, baby,” Benjen whispered as he kissed and licked the large pink areola of her sexy breast. He hissed his satisfaction as she granted his request. He could feel his crisis building, he could feel the muscles in his thighs shaking, his scrotum tightening, a bellow rising in his chest. “God, Apple!” he exclaimed as creamy plumes of his cum jetted out on his abs.

  Apple was shaking. She was so aroused, her skin felt electrified. “Good, baby?”

  “Perfect. Now, it’s my turn.” Easing off the couch, he grabbed a Kleenex from a box and wiped his stomach, then went to his knees in front of her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he urged her to sit up long enough that he could lift her dress over her head.

  “Returning the favor.” He gave her a wicked smile. “Spread those pretty legs and let me see you.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t want to wait?”

  “Not for this. I can’t wait for this. I need to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Uh…okay.” In the erotic haze surrounding them, Apple put aside her usual reticence. She opened her knees, leaving her naked and aching in front of him. Instead of a mirror judging her appearance, she saw herself in his eyes. His face. The look of admiration, the hungry lick of his lips, the heat in his gaze. She could hardly believe what she was seeing.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He took a moment to look his fill. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours if you want me.” Always. His declaration stole any shame or hesitance on her part. When he settled between her knees, Benjen leaned in and began planting kisses on her skin, beginning at her breasts and traveling down her body. With gentle smooches, teasing sips and nips, he erased bad memories and replaced them with anticipation. She’d never had this before – this tantalizing experience of being the heart of someone’s focus, the source of their delight. She hadn’t realized what a difference it would make being a man’s choice and not his obligation.

  Pushing her legs farther apart, he bent closer, his broad shoulders spreading her thighs even wider. For long moments, he stared at her softness. “God, you’re perfect.” He took one finger and tenderly traced the delicate pink folds. “So beautifully made.” Benjen tore his eyes from her exquisite femininity to look into her eyes. “I treasure you.”

  Apple was about to cry. “I treasure you too.”

  He turned his attention back to the temptation before him. “I want to do this right.”

  “You will,” she assured him. “There’s no wrong way, I’m thinking.”

  “You’re thinking? You don’t know?” He looked at her in amazement. “But…”

  Apple’s face clouded with embarrassment. “Alan didn’t…” She swallowed her shame. “He liked to receive. He wasn’t a giver.”

  “Fuckin’ ignorant, selfish bastard.” He bent to gently kiss her secret place, letting his tongue taste her. “I may be selfish,” he told her, “but I’m glad to be the one who does this for you. I just hope I don’t disappoint you.”

  Hearing her own thoughts given back to her, Apple sat up, placing a hand beneath his chin. “You are no kind of disappointment. To anyone. Ever.” With absolute purpose, she sealed her statement with a kiss.

  “There’s no one like you,” he whispered, pressing her back so he could return to his pleasurable task. Reverently, he kissed the pearl of her clitoris. “I guess this is the blind leading the blind.”

  Apple was mesmerized by the sight of the handsome man kneeling at her feet. She held her breath waiting for the next touch of his lips and when it came, she keened her delight. “Oh! Benjen! I think I can safely say sight isn’t as important in this exercise as touch.”

  Benjen chuckled. “I don’t know, I sure am enjoying looking at this pretty pussy.” With fingers and tongue he explored, learning what she liked, hoping to God his instincts were good, that the knowledge he’d garnered from varied sources gave him enough know-how to please her. If the moans coming from her mouth and the little undulations of her hips were any clue, he was doing something right. “Now, for the piece de resistance,” he muttered playfully, turning to take the small dish in hand.

  Apple’s eyes widened when he began to spread dewberry jam over her clit and around her bare folds. “Wow. I’ll never look at a jar of jam the same again.”

  “Me either.” He laughed as he finger-painted her pussy. “I bet I’ll get a hard-on in the peanut butter and jelly aisle at the grocery store. Especially if I’m doing our grocery shopping with you.”

  Our grocery shopping.

  She didn’t have more than a second to contemplate domestic bliss with Benjen before he lowered his head and got down to business. “Oh, God.” The man was talented. She gasped and arched her back at the amazing gift he was giving her, an intimate kiss that threatened to destroy her. Grasping his hair, she clenched the strands in her fingers as pure pleasure ripped through her.

  In a slow, gliding stroke, Benjen’s tongue swiped through the narrow slit of her pussy. She whimpered and arched her back as he slid his hands underneath her bottom to raise it for easier access to his kiss. Feeling greedy, Apple lifted her hips to him, overwhelmed by the myriad of sensations bombarding her senses. And when he found her clit, circled it, lapped it, then brought it between his lips to suck – she lost her ever-loving mind.

  Benjen was completely gob-smacked by what he doing. He’d watched couples do this in porn, fantasized about doing it himself – but nothing he’d seen or read had prepared him for how good it felt to d
o this for someone he loved. As his lips and tongue toyed with her clit, he put his fingers at the entrance of her sex and eased inside her slowly. “God, you’re tight. I can’t wait to get inside of you. You’ll choke me to death, baby.”

  “After seeing the size of your cock, I might.” Wild arcs of pleasure slashed at her, ripping a low, keening cry from her lips as he stroked her inside and out. “Oh God, Benjen, this is so good!” Apple felt as if she was in the middle of a powerful erotic hurricane, being swept away by torrents of emotion and great gusts of sensation – all overwhelming and unrelenting. Each wave of pleasure built on the last, mounting in intensity until she was bowing and undulating, pleading for more.

  Even as she arched with abandon, her mind couldn’t quite grasp what was happening. Before meeting Benjen, she’d never expected to love again. To be desired. Could she trust what she was feeling? Was she headed for a bright tomorrow or for a heartrending letdown. At the moment, it wasn’t important. She was too caught up in the throes of ecstasy, nothing mattered but his kiss, his touch, pushing her upward and upward to the very precipice of passion. “Please…please…” Apple found herself pleading. The suction of his lips on her clit and the thrusting motion of his fingers inside of her combined to form an inescapable explosion. Tighter and tighter. Bigger. Stronger. Apple almost blacked out with rapture as she felt herself falling over the edge and into a galaxy of shooting stars. Every sensation and jagged lash of pleasure exploded inside her. She tried to breathe in enough oxygen to cry out, but she was frozen. Her body tensed, seized with paralyzing mind-blowing ecstasy.

  In absolute awe, Benjen watched her come. He’d never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. He felt humbled. Honored. As the last vestiges of her rapture eased away and she calmed, he gave her throbbing clit one last kiss, then kissed her on each of her thighs.

  “Hold me. Hold me, please.”

  He rose from between her legs and took Apple in his arms. “Not so bad for two rank amateurs. Huh?”

  She smiled, nestling close to him, letting her breathing calm. “I wish I was a virgin for you.”


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