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My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  She caressed his face. “I was so excited to be with you. Everything was just perfect, but nothing we could ever do together would be wrong. This is us.”

  Benjen rolled over, bringing her on top of them, and keeping them connected. “I’m so happy.” He tugged her down for his kiss, his hands coming up to caress her breasts.

  Apple could feel him get hard again. “Oh, yea. My turn this time.”

  To his joy, she rode him, entwining their fingers – rising up and down, throwing her head back – carrying him to the heights of ecstasy. Staring at her, he felt his chest clench with emotion. Now that he’d tasted heaven, there was no way he could go back. He wanted her again and again. “I feel like I’ve come home,” he whispered as he buried himself over and over in the sweet heat between her thighs.

  Every move of her body on his big cock stretched her so good, sending bolts of exquisite pleasure zinging through her veins. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she rode him in earnest, knowing neither of them could hold out for long. “Look at me, Benjen. See me.” His hands were never still, gliding over body, paying homage to her breasts. She could see him focusing his eyes, pushing aside the hypnotic ecstasy to connect with her.

  “I am very aware of who I’m with, the only woman I want to be with.”

  This was what she wanted to hear. As his hips flexed, forcing his cock deep enough to set off a series of erotic explosions. Her breath hitched as he filled her, driving deeper, harder, stroking the sensitive inner tissue until she quaked with pleasure, her voice rising to a fever pitch, “Benjen! God, yes!”

  Hearing her climax, feeling her body surrender to his, he couldn’t hold back. He buried himself fully inside her one last time as a harsh groan broke from his lips. “That’s right, give me your sweet cries.” He raised up and pulled her down so their lips met. Still, even after jetting his cum deep inside her, his hips continued to buck upward, his cock still stroking gently within her. “This is what I was created for.” He kissed her deeply. “You. Just you.” Whether Apple realized it or not, she’d just been claimed.

  * * *

  For hours afterward, they lay together and held one another. Whispered words were shared between them. Twice in the night, he reached for her, desperate to be joined with her again. Even though he didn’t repeat his declaration of love, Apple had never felt so complete. So wanted. As dawn drew near, they fell asleep, waking only when the rays of the midmorning sun filtered through the blinds to caress their faces.

  As they lay there, his hand stroking her shoulder, she felt the need to be honest about something she’d kept from him. “Benjen?”

  “Yea, baby?” He was so content. So happy. He couldn’t imagine anything better than this moment.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  Oh? “What is it?”

  Apple took a deep breath, dreading this. “You know when you asked me if I was safe?” She waited for him to stiffen and move away from her – but he didn’t.

  “Yea, I remember.”

  “I didn’t tell you the whole story. I can’t get pregnant.” While she looked into his face, she saw a shocked look come over his features. “No, I’m telling you the truth. I’m not trying to trick you. I have scar tissue build-up after some surgery to remove fibroid tumors.”

  “So…you can’t…”

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve explained before.” Feeling suddenly uneasy, she turned to get up. Shame washed over her. “Don’t think I was trying to pull a fast one or anything. I don’t like to talk about it. I’ve lost so much.”

  Benjen stopped her movements. “Wait. Stop.” When she wiggled in his arms, he held her tighter. “Be still, my love. Listen to me.” Yes, he was surprised. Shocked. Disappointed. His hope of having a family with Apple was taking a bit of a setback. Yet, the most important thing was for her to understand his priorities. “It’s okay, Apple. Look at me.” When she reluctantly raised her eyes, he framed her face. “You are what’s important to me. Got it? Whoever you are – is just right. Understand?”

  “Okay.” Apple kept having to remind herself this wasn’t a forever thing. Her head understood the concept, but her heart kept denying the truth. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not saying you should’ve told me. This is a very private thing, I know. What I’m saying is that you could have, you don’t ever have to be afraid to tell me anything.”

  She nodded, still unsure what to say. “Okay.”

  “Stay in bed. I’ll fix breakfast and tend to Rose.” He got up to go to the kitchen.

  “No, I don’t need to.” Apple rose and grabbed her robe. “I’d rather be with you.” She felt odd after making her confession. “So, what do you want to do today?”

  He picked her up and swung Apple up in his arms. “What do you think?”

  “I can go along with that plan.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Remember, we have lots of food fixed, so we don’t have to spend time in the kitchen other than to warm things up.”

  “Good, because I think we’ll be preoccupied.” He set her on her feet next to the dining table, before heading to the back door to let the dog out to go to the bathroom.

  While he was busy, she slipped the cinnamon rolls she’d made the day before into the oven to bake, setting the timer to come on after it was preheated. Seeing he was still preoccupied with the dog, she ran to the bedroom to dress. Throwing off the robe, she quickly freshened up, grabbing underwear and a simple purple sundress and pulling it over her head.

  “Applesauce! Where are you?”

  Apple shook her head, grinning at his creativity with her name. “I’ll be right there!” she called as she put on a tad of mascara and some lip gloss.

  As she was hurrying into the kitchen, she could hear Benjen talking. At first, she thought he was talking to the dog, but the she realized it was something else entirely.

  “That’s wonderful news, Governor. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  Benjen looked up as she entered the room. His smile told her the full story. To Apple’s surprise, he beckoned her closer. “Yes, here she is. Hold on a moment.”

  Apple’s eyes bugged at the prospect of speaking to the important man. When Benjen urged her to take the phone, she did so with a shaking hand. “Hello?”

  “Miss Wright? This is Kyle Chancellor. I just heard from my contacts at the Pentagon and they’ve met with the Veteran’s Administration. You’ll be keeping the military benefits that you were entitled to receive before learning of your husband’s desertion.”

  “Oh, thank you, Governor.”

  “Call me, Kyle.”

  “Okay, Kyle.” She made a funny face at Benjen, who chuckled at her discomfiture.

  “That’s better. I just want to tell you how sorry I am that you were treated this way.”

  “I guess I can understand it. Alan betrayed his country.” As she spoke on the phone, her eyes stayed locked with Benjen’s. She could barely contain the emotions washing over her. He’d made all of this possible.

  “Yes, but you didn’t. A military wife serves and sacrifices for her country. I spoke to Alan’s commanding officer and he upheld what I believed. You did your part in good faith. You shouldn’t be punished for your role in this travesty. Miss Wright, you were a victim, not a criminal.”

  Tears began to flow from her eyes. “I’m just grateful for your efforts.”

  Kyle laughed jovially. “That’s why I’m here. To serve the people of Texas.”

  “I appreciate you so much. Thank you, again.”

  “You’re very welcome, Miss Wright. I wish you all the luck in the world.”

  As soon as the call was ended. She launched herself into Benjen’s arms. “I thanked him, but you’re the real reason this happened.” Apple hugged him as tightly as she could. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  “You’re welcome, baby.” He rubbed her back and kissed her neck.

  “I knew you had high hopes for this outcome, bu
t I didn’t know what to think.” She exhaled and relaxed in his arms. A heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. “This way, I can stay here. I bet you’re relieved not to have an unwanted houseguest, huh?”


  His harsh tone took her by surprise. “I was teasing.” Mostly.

  Walking her back to the cabinet, he lifted her to sit on the counter. “Have I been unclear about my intentions?”

  Suddenly, he seemed…bigger. From the moment they met, he’d been so lighthearted and easy going. Now, she could see a whole different side of him. Intense. Laser-focused – on her. “I…” What should she say? “I know you like me.”

  “Like you?” A low, growling laugh burst from his lips. “Didn’t you hear what I said while I was buried deep inside of you?” When she didn’t respond, he continued. “I love you, Apple. Completely. Irrevocably.” Before she knew it, he gripped her hair, holding her still as he jerked her to him. Holding her head tilted back, he captured her lips with a kiss meant to rock her world. This was no seducing kiss, no playful kiss. This was a marking. A claiming. He used his lips, his tongue, his teeth – his hunger – to show Apple in a way that was impossible to deny how much he wanted her.

  Apple was so overwhelmed by his onslaught that she barely noticed he was undressing her – pulling her dress over her head and releasing the clasp of her bra. Big, broad hands cupped her breasts, fondling them as his insistent, callused thumbs rubbed at the swollen peaks.

  “Benjen…” she whispered when his mouth moved from hers, not sure if she was wanting him to stop and talk or keep going.

  “Do you love me, Apple?” he asked as he kissed and nipped at her neck, then bent to suckle at her breasts.

  “Oh, Benjen, I…” she murmured as he tasted and teasing, kissing one tender tip and then the other. After drawing one puffy areola into his mouth, he suckled even harder, making her move against him, her sex clenching in need. When his hand came down to cup her mound through the thin, silky panties she wore she gasped, but still gave him no coherent answer.

  “Do you love me?” he asked again. Giving her little chance to respond, he returned to crash his lips to hers for a series of long, drugging kisses as his hands moved from her breasts to her bottom, cupping her ass and tugging her forward until she wrapped her legs around his hips. He continued to drink from her lips, nipping, then moving down to lick and suck at her neck and shoulder. “Tell me, goddammit!”

  As the burning caresses moved over her sensitive skin, she whimpered, unable to deny him any longer, “Yes. Yes, I love you. Very much!”

  “Good answer,” he murmured, then lowered his voice. “Thank God, love. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t.” As his lips moved over the swells of her breast in a heated caress, he spread her thighs even farther. Clasping the crotch of the panties she wore, he ripped them off with one forceful twist of his wrist. After tossing them aside, his fingers finding the slick folds, caressing the narrow slit and rubbing the pearl of her clit with his thumb. “Am I welcome?”

  “Always.” Her head fell back as his caresses sent riptides of intoxicating sensations crashing through her. “Forever.” She reached between them and fumbled with the fastenings of his jeans, freeing his cock, then almost lost consciousness as he took control and impaled her, working himself inside – pulling back, thrusting in – burying himself to the hilt as she keened his name. “You’re so big. So good.” Her inner walls clasped him, rippled as they adjusted to accommodate his size.

  “Hell, yeah, it’s good. You were made for me. Just for me.” Benjen kissed her neck as he began pumping inside of her, pulling almost all the way out before pounding back inside of her in a relentless rhythm that set her head to swimming. “You’re mine. I waited for you.” The more insistent he became in his declarations, the harder he drove inside of her. Holding her to him, he covered her with his body, his hips bucking and pistoning between her thighs.

  Apple felt herself coming unwound, flying apart. Pure bliss rose inside of her as inevitable as the incoming tide. “Oh, God, I do love you. I do!” she cried, losing herself in a whirlpool of pleasure so strong, she knew she’d never break away from its pull.

  Benjen shook with the force of his eruption. He’d reacted out of a need so desperate, so pure, that he’d lost all control. Bowing his head, he rested it against her shoulder as his breathing came in harsh pants. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  Stroking his back, she held him as he trembled. “What? Take me in the kitchen?”

  He laughed weakly. “No, standing up.” Rubbing his face on her hair, he kissed her cheek. “So, you love me? Right? It wasn’t just the passion talking.”

  “No, it wasn’t just the passion talking. I do love you. With all my heart.” She placed her hand on the side of his face. “When you first said those words to me, I thought the same thing, that they were said in the heat of the moment.”

  “Oh, hell, no. I fell for you so hard and fast, Miss Apple. You stole my heart from the moment we first met.”

  This made her giggle. “You certainly didn’t take no for an answer, showing up here with flowers for the dog.”

  He gently pulled free of her and adjusted his pants, taking the time to straighten her clothes. When he’d finished with his tender ministrations, he did something that almost made her heart stop beating.

  Right in front of her, Benjen Blackhawk dropped to one knee. “That’s right. I won’t take no for an answer, but this time the question is simple. I love you, Apple. I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”


  He loves me.

  He wants to marry me.

  Apple froze, every fiber of her being focused on the beautiful man kneeling at her feet. She opened her mouth, then closed it, her hand coming to her chest.

  Benjen could tell something was wrong. “What is it, beautiful? You love me. I love you. Getting married is what people do when they’re in love.”

  Apple’s face fell and Benjen’s heart sank. “Apple? Talk to me!”

  She slipped from her place to kneel beside him. “I love you. I want to be with you. We can live together, we don’t have to get married.”

  Confused, Benjen tried to make sense of what was happening. “A person doesn’t get married because they want to live with someone, they get married because they can’t live without them.”

  Apple framed his face. “You are such a perfect man.”

  He took her hand, pulling a ring from his pocket. “This belonged to my mother. I’ve been carrying it with me for days, waiting for this moment.”

  When he tried to put it on her finger, Apple stood up, moving out of the way.

  Benjen hung his head, his chest aching like he’d been kicked by a bull. “Is it too soon?” When she didn’t say anything, he glanced up. “Remember, Daniel took one look at Sara and he knew she was the one he was going to marry. Same way with Yuma and Mom. He proposed the same day they met. I told you this before and I know it sounds crazy, but I felt your presence and recognized you even before I laid eyes on you. We’re meant to be, Apple.”

  “I…Benjen, it’s just that…”

  Hearing her hesitancy, he jumped to the only conclusion he could reach. “I guess you don’t love me enough, do you?”

  This made Apple a little angry. “No, it means I love you too much to marry you.”

  At first, he smiled at her admission. She loved him! Then…the crux of her sudden outburst sunk in. Rising to stand beside her, he caught Apple by the arm, gazing at her beseechingly. “What do you mean? I don’t understand. Please explain. You’re breaking my heart.”

  “You ought to know.” She hung her head. “You read Alan’s journal.”

  Benjen bristled. “Alan was full of shit.”

  “Yea, maybe.” She covered her eyes. “And maybe he was right about some things.”

  “Like what?” Benjen couldn’t believe what she was saying.

  Apple shook her he
ad, obvious dismay visible on her face. “I adore you. I think you’re the most wonderful man in the world.”

  “So far, I’m not hearing a problem.”

  “Making love with you was perfect.”

  “I thought so too. I loved being with you and I can’t wait to be with you again.” He reached for her, ready to prove his point.

  She let him pull her close, but she stopped his kiss with two of her fingers on his lips. “Yes, but you’ve only been with me. You have no way of knowing if you’re missing something.”

  Benjen stiffened, getting her point. “This is about that shit? Alan’s stupidity?” He got right in her face, his voice raised. “You forget, I know what it’s like to cum inside you. Being with you, making love to you, was fucking amazing!”

  “Only because you don’t know any difference.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t want to know any difference. I don’t intend to sleep with anyone else. Ever.”

  Apple groaned. “One day you might not feel that way.”

  “No. I won’t. When I’ve found exactly what I want in life, who I want – why would I ever look elsewhere?”

  She let out a small moan of frustration and hugged herself tight. “You have to give yourself a chance to find out for sure.”

  “How? What do you want me to do?” he asked slowly, her point finally dawning on him. “Oh, hell. Are you saying you want me to fuck someone else to make sure I’m not making a mistake loving you?”

  Apple backed away. When he said it out loud, pain at the thought of him being with someone else knifed through her. Is this what she meant? “You make it sound so horrible.”

  “It is horrible!” He couldn’t believe what she was asking him. “I can’t believe this. I love you more than life and you don’t trust my feelings. You don’t think I know my own mind. You think I’d hurt you like Alan did…” He paused, hands on hips, looking at the floor. “You don’t trust me.”

  “No.” Apple was emphatic. “That’s not it. At all. I just want you to…”


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