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My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

Page 33

by Sable Hunter

  After thanking Presley, Benjen and Apple got on the road toward Kingsland.

  “I heard what she said and I know we can trust her, but I can’t believe we’re just leaving.” Apple wrung her hands in a fit of worry. “I should’ve walked around and looked at every child to make sure Juanita wasn’t there.”

  Benjen did his best to console her. “Presley will make this happen, baby. This is her specialty. We’ll do more good at home, taking care of our animals, and letting you rest. I can promise you that the moment we get any word, any direction, I’ll drop everything and go to help with Juanita. It won’t be long until we find her and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure she’s taken care of. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Hearing the confidence and reassurance in Benjen’s voice, Apple let out a long breath, mentally releasing the burden of worry to allow it to rest on the broad shoulders of the man who she trusted more than anyone else in the world.


  “Look at them, Benjen. Look at them!” Apple laughed almost uncontrollably as she played with the pit bull pups who were playing their own version of tag. She’d just come home from work and was relaxing with her favorite man and their dogs.

  Maisie watched happily from the couch, while Benjen sat on the nearby ottoman with Rose and Hope at his feet. “They’re corkers, aren’t they. Growing like weeds.”

  “It’s going to be hard letting them go, isn’t it?” Apple asked with a wistfulness in her voice.

  “I don’t think Bruno is going anywhere.” Benjen pointed toward the runt of the litter, a little spotted male. “I heard him say that he’s planning to assert his squatter’s rights.”

  “Oh, really?” Apple giggled and bent forward to kiss the tiny dog. “I’ve seen him squatting in several places around here. Pooping. Didn’t you?” She picked him up for a cuddle. “Didn’t you, Bruno?”

  The puppies only answer was a wiggle to get down. Once she placed him on the floor, Benjen moved down to sit beside her. “Any word from Zane or Micah?” she asked, hoping he wouldn’t get frustrated with her. She asked the same question at least twice a day.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I did get an update.”

  “You did?” She grabbed his thigh and squeezed hard. “What did they say?”

  “Micah emailed me just a little while ago. He and Saxon have put out feelers all across the nation, checking every facility and home where the immigrant children have been taken. They have two clues and before we take off to find her, Micah is waiting on a definitive word. They’ve narrowed it down to a foster care facility in New York City and one in Arizona.”

  “Wow, that’s far apart.” Apple wanted to jump up and go now. “I wonder if the people she’s with even know she’s sick.” From the moment she’d learned Juanita was in the states and in need of her help, Apple’s feelings had begun to change. “I’m so worried.”

  “You stop worrying, let me do it for you.” He pulled her into his arms. “How are you feeling?”

  Apple felt a warmth enter her chest. The man was definitely involved in her well-being. “Okay.”

  “Anymore nausea?”

  “Just a little.” Almost a week had passed since she’d noticed the absence of her menstrual period and there was still no evidence it was coming anytime soon. No cramps. No spotting. Since moving to Kingsland, she hadn’t made an attempt to find another gynecologist. Apple knew she needed to. Something was definitely up with her female parts. “Maybe I have a bug or something.”

  In Benjen’s mind, he couldn’t help but wish the nausea was morning sickness. “A little bug in the rug?” He’d rather have a little bun in the oven. This was not something he’d ever dare voice, though. Benjen had no intention of ever making Apple feel inadequate in any way. If she couldn’t have children, he would never voice a wish for her to do so. They could love their animals together. Maybe…someday, they’d adopt. Until then, she was all he needed. “If you don’t feel a hundred percent soon, I’m throwing you over my shoulder and taking you to the doctor myself.”

  “Oh?” She nipped him on the neck. “I’d like to see you go all caveman on me.”

  Benjen growled, lifting her higher in his arms to do just as he’d promised. Fitting her over his shoulder, he nuzzled her bottom, then nipped it as he carried her to the bedroom. “Me, Benjen! You, Apple!”

  She giggled, clutching his shirt across his back. “You sound more like Tarzan than a caveman.” Her big, beautiful man was so sweet to her.

  “Same difference,” he muttered, shifting her down so he could wrap his arms around her and feed on her mouth like he was starving.

  His passion, mixed with her elevated emotional state, made Apple a little crazy. Suddenly, her need to touch him, to give him proof of how much she cared consumed her. With trembling hands, she ripped at his clothing, more than desperate to be skin on skin with him. Tugging on his shirt with force, she sent three buttons flying. After some tugging, she managed to get his belt undone – but in her haste, the zipper caught on something important, causing Benjen to grab her hands and laugh.

  “Allow me, baby.”

  Helping her strip, Benjen took enjoyment in every inch he uncovered, taking the minimum time necessary to divest himself of the remainder of his clothing. Apple didn’t hesitate a moment, taking his cock in hand. His turgid erection was so hard and hot, it seemed to scorch the palm of her hand. She came over him, starting at his mouth, kissing him with hunger. Working her way from his lips to his throat, she licked and nipped, leaving tiny love marks on his beautiful bronze skin.

  “Marking me, baby?”

  “Yea.” She liked that notion of marking him as hers. Continuing her mission of seduction, she caressed, kissed, and licked her way over his sculpted chest, sucking at his flat male nipples, loving how they hardened beneath the attention she gave them. Holding onto his thighs, she ran her tongue down the intriguing happy trail, teasing him until he gripped her hair in his fist and growled. In sight of her intended target, she planned her sensual assault. Her mouth watered as she surveyed his manhood, the thick shaft jutting proudly in the air, every vein prominent, the flared crest leaking pre-cum. She planned on taking him in her mouth and sucking him deep until he came completely undone. Going to her knees, she wrapped her hand around the large shaft, tonguing the head, licking the tiny slit until his hips jerked and he bellowed…


  Immediately, she was in his arms, then flipped gently onto her back. Benjen’s face was fierce in his need as he loomed over her. Without a word of warning, he made a place for himself between her thighs, palming the pad of her pussy to ensure her readiness. One second he was above her and the next second he was buried to the hilt inside her with one powerful thrust, stealing the very breath from her lungs.

  “God! Yes!” She’d been so exquisitely aroused, his sudden powerful possession caused her to completely shatter. Apple gripped his hard biceps and screamed his name as she sought a lifeline in the midst of the raging storm of her coming. The climax seemed to go on forever, until she was shaking and crying with the seemingly endless hunger overwhelming her. In all the times they’d made love – it had never been like this. She didn’t know what was different – all she could do was hold on and beg him to never let her go. “Hold me. Hold me. Hold me,” she chanted.

  Benjen gave her what they both needed, sitting back and drawing her up to straddle his thighs, keeping them connected in their passionate embrace. “I’m here. Trust me, love. I’ve got you.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face in his chest and just let go. Her body and emotions had been wound so tight, this second orgasm was even more powerful than the first. Every fragment of her being seemed to fly apart in ecstasy and all she could do was cling to him.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m your man. I’ll always give you what you need.”

  “Always,” she echoed his promise as he continued to love her, lowering her flat to the bed and taking his p
leasure until he shuddered and cried out, emptying his love deep inside her. Cradling him in her arms, she felt completely secure in his warm embrace. This was what being loved felt like. When he tried to lift himself from her, she wouldn’t let him. “No, I love your weight pressing me down. I feel so loved.”

  “I’d stay like this forever with you if I could.” He kissed her gently. “I don’t want to crush you, baby.”

  “You won’t, just another minute.” This feeling of peace enveloping her was the most beautiful thing she’d ever known. Here, in his arms, there was no fear, no doubt, no insecurity.

  There was just love.

  * * *

  The next morning, they were both at work when Benjen got the call. He texted her in the next heartbeat, letting her know he was on the way to pick her up. “Micah is almost sure he’s found her. She’s in a foster home in Arizona.”

  “Oh, thank God,” she exclaimed. “I’m ready. Come get me.”

  “Okay, I’m on my way now. I’ve already called Sara. I let Sam and Daniel know. Micah doesn’t think we’ll have any trouble, but Destry Cartwright is on his way too, just in case.”

  “Sounds like it’s all coming together. I have just a few things left to do here. I’ll be waiting outside for you. I guess we can pick up my car when we get back.”

  “Sure thing, doll. I’ll be there before you know it.”

  …Apple was standing outside bouncing up and down on the tips of her toes when Benjen pulled up alongside her. She didn’t wait for him to get out, she bounded over and opened the door, anxious to be off. “Hey.”

  “Hey, beloved.” He leaned over to claim a kiss. “How’s my baby?”

  “Excited. Anxious. Scared.”

  He chuckled. “How about hungry?” He reached in the back and handed her a burger.

  “Oh, yeah!”

  Her happy outcry made him smile. “I don’t want you to get to feeling bad like you did the other day.”

  His explanation made a queasy feeling come in the pit of her stomach. She’d been sick this morning after coming to work. “This is very sweet. I’m feeling fine, but I think I’ll make an appointment when we get back. I haven’t had a checkup in ages. Plus, I don’t have a doctor here yet.”

  Benjen couldn’t deal with the thought of something being wrong with her. “Damn right. You need a doctor. I’ll get you the name and number of the one we use.” He sliced the air with his hand. “I don’t know what kind of insurance you have, if any, but I’ll pay for everything.”

  “You do too much,” she protested. “Let me check, I may still qualify for some veteran benefits.”

  Benjen wanted to growl his frustration. He wanted her to have everything she deserved, but he longed for the day when he could openly provide for her every need. “Well, don’t do without anything. Just tell me what you need and I’ll handle it.”

  There were times when Apple didn’t really know what to do with Benjen’s determination to care for her. “All right,” she agreed with a smile. “You do the same. I want to take care of you too.”

  “Oh, you do, baby. You do.”

  In her excitement, Apple didn’t realize they were going in the different direction from what she’d expected. “We’re headed south instead of west.”

  “Yea, we’re flying. I thought you’d want to get there fast.”

  Apple let out a breath of relief. “Thank you, I just didn’t expect to be able to.”

  To her surprise, they didn’t fly commercial. Chancellor Corp, owned by the governor, donated the use of one of their jets for them to make the trip. They weren’t alone, Destry Cartwright, Kyle’s Secretary of State, was there to accompany them, and a couple of state representatives were on board heading to California on business.

  As they flew, Destry briefed them on what would happen.

  “The situation was a bit dicey. Kyle doesn’t have jurisdiction over a federal matter. We’ve found a judge who is ready to rule on our behalf. Presley is meeting with him now. The foster family may give us a few problems. At first contact, they’re resisting, but we have an injunction seeking custody based on the girl’s medical needs.” Destry drew out some documents. “Now, since you’re not a blood relative, you’re going to need to apply to be a foster parent yourself.”

  Although it probably shouldn’t have, this news took Apple by surprise. “Okay.” She looked at Benjen for support. “I’ll do that.”

  Benjen’s hands formed fists. He wanted to legally be able to help her. “Could I qualify as a co-foster parent?”

  Destry frowned. “Not really. Texas is one of those states that doesn’t certify homes where a couple is cohabitating…”

  “Well…” Benjen cleared his throat. “We go back and forth. Nothing formal.”

  Apple winced, swallowing nervously. “Does that make a difference?”

  Holding up his hand, Destry tried to put them at ease. “I’m not judging and we aren’t going to go there. This is an emergency and you’re just applying for temporary custody. Actually, I’m going to play up the fact that she’ll have your family’s support, Benjen.” He touched Apple’s shoulder in support. “Don’t worry about the details. Just let me handle it.”

  “Gladly,” Apple said, feeling overwhelmed. “Whatever we have to do to make this happen, I’m willing.”

  Destry made a few more notes, then held his tablet out to Apple. “I’m going to need you to fill out a few forms so I can rush this through.”

  “All right.” She took his tablet and moved to a seat by the window.

  Benjen had one more question. “Destry, I know you’re familiar with the situation. I brought this up with Apple, but I have to ask if Alan’s desertion is what’s standing in the way of Juanita being considered an American?”

  Destry let out a long breath, pushing a shock of brown hair from his forehead. “I haven’t forgotten that little detail, and there might be a battle to be won on that point later. What I’m trying to do is ensure she gets the medical care she needs now, plus the stability of having someone around who cares about her. A semblance of a family. I’m going the temporary foster route because it will be faster. I think it’s safe to say the citizenship question would end up in court.”

  “And she might not have that kind of time.” Benjen nodded. “I understand.” This was turning out to be a complicated situation. “I guess we’ll cross all those bridges when we come to them.”

  For the rest of the flight, Apple finished the forms, then leaned her head on Benjen’s shoulder and watched the clouds go by.

  “You okay?”

  She turned her head to glance at him. “No. I don’t know if I’m up to this task.”

  “This is something you want to do, isn’t it?”

  Apple nodded. “I need to try, yes.”

  “Then you will. Apple, you’re an amazing woman. I’m sure there’s little you couldn’t do if you set your mind to it. Just remember, you don’t have to do any of it alone.” He took her hand. “We’re a team.”

  “I’m counting on that,” she told him. “I’m leaning on you more and more.”

  “Good.” Benjen bit his tongue to keep from asking her to marry him again. As much as he ached to do so, he knew she was fragile from all the worry about Juanita and there was really no time. He had no desire to make her feel even more pressured. “I want you to lean on me.”

  They held hands until the plane landed in Phoenix. Once on the ground, Destry pointed at an oversize black SUV. “There’s your ride. I’ll be taking a taxi to the courthouse to file these documents.”

  Benjen grabbed their luggage from a flight attendant and they headed toward the waiting vehicle. Right before they reached it, a smiling guy climbed out from behind the wheel and sauntered around to meet them. “Nice flight?”

  With briefcase in hand, Destry answered for them, “Smooth as silk. Benjen, Apple, I’d like you two to meet the Equalizers new head honcho, Micah Wolfe. Micah this is Benjen Blackhawk and Apple Wright.”

>   Micah came forward to greet them. “Oh, the guv will always be the man in charge, I’m just holding his place for him while he tests out the waters for his presidential run.” As he opened the rear passenger door for Apple, he addressed Destry again. “As soon as you have your legal ducks in a row, text me. I want to be able to assure the Webb’s that we have the authority to take the child.”

  Destry checked his watch. “I’m on my way to file the papers now. The hearing is scheduled within the hour. As soon as I have the paperwork in hand, I’ll join you at the Webb’s.”

  “Good deal. We may not need help – but we might.” Micah waved Destry on, then turned to make sure Apple and Benjen were settled. “Comfortable?” Not waiting for an answer, he pointed to the other passengers in the SUV. “Meet Saxon and Alivia Abbott, two of the world’s sharpest tech minds. They were able to filter through every available ICE document to find clues about the little girl’s whereabouts.”

  The pretty woman to her left greeted Apple. “Hey, I’m Alivia. I admire what you’re doing, Miss Wright. Juanita seems to have had a difficult time of it.”

  “Thank you. Yes, she has. I’m anxious to help her in anyway I can.”

  Alivia’s husband, Saxon, turned around from his spot in the front passenger seat to address the newcomers. “Benjen, Apple, pleased to make your acquaintance. I’m glad all of this is working out.”

  “Saxon, good to meet you.” Benjen raised his hand. “We appreciate all of your help.”

  Micah returned to the driver’s side to climb behind the wheel. “How do you like this monster of an SUV? It’s almost one of those stretch limos, isn’t it?”

  “Very nice,” Benjen agreed. “Is it bullet-proof?”

  Micah chuckled. “I don’t plan on needing that feature today – but yes, as a matter of fact, it is.”

  “Nice.” Benjen looked around appreciatively.

  Apple took the opportunity to voice her thanks. “Like Benjen, I appreciate everything your team has done for Juanita. I’m sure this wasn’t an easy task.”


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