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My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

Page 35

by Sable Hunter

  Apple wiped her cheek. “I turned you down once, I didn’t think you’d propose again.”

  “Are you kidding?” He pulled the chair closer and set down next to her so he could look into her face and hold her hand. “I have a confession to make.”

  “What?” Looking into his happy eyes, Apple didn’t understand why she’d had so many doubts. “You’re gay?”

  “Ha!” Benjen laughed so hard, he almost fell out of his chair. “If you don’t know the answer to that, I need to go back to the drawing board.” Seeing the love in her eyes, he knew she was teasing him. “I’m so glad you feel well enough to play with me.” He stole another kiss. “When we get home, alone, I’m going to show you how much I love you and how happy I am about this baby…” He leaned closer. “…and how I’m a one-woman man – over and over.”

  “Good. I want that.” She glanced at the door. “I want Juanita to be okay too.”

  “Of course. We both want that. Very much.” He rubbed her arm, just needing to touch her skin.

  “Now, tell me your confession before I start guessing again.”

  “Okay.” He held her gaze. “In the eyes of my people and in my heart, we’re already married.”

  His whispered words and the love in his face testified to his sincerity. “The ribbon?”

  “Yea. As a medicine man, I can perform tribal ceremonies. The words I whispered were part of the Apache wedding blessing. The ribbon was a picture of how our lives and hearts are intertwined.” He smiled at her, shaking his head. “Baby, from that moment on, I have lived as if you are mine and I am yours. Believe me, I want to marry you again, in front of God and our friends – but it will just be a formality.” He patted his heart. “You’re already my wife.”

  “Wife? What?” Alivia heard the last word as she came in to check on Apple.

  Benjen jumped up. “Yea, I just asked Apple to marry me and she accepted.” He didn’t think there was need to explain his little secret.

  “Amazing!” Alivia clapped her hands. “So…are you okay?”

  “I’ll be better…in about nine months,” Apple said coquettishly.

  Alivia’s mouth gaped open. “A baby!! How wonderful!!” She hugged them both. “I’m so happy for you!”

  “We couldn’t be happier. We’re totally in love,” Benjen admitted, wearing his heart on his sleeve.

  As Benjen walked to the door with his head in the air, Alivia and Apple shared a look. “He’s sweet,” Alivia mouthed and Apple nodded.

  “I smell burgers. Is Saxon back?” Benjen asked.

  “He is.” Alivia looked around. “Why don’t we eat in here with Apple?”

  “Oh, yes. Please do.” Apple watched as they brought in the food and gathered extra chairs. Knowing she wasn’t really sick, her appetite returned full force. Morning sickness was something she could deal with.

  As they ate and celebrated, Apple counted her blessings. The idea of a future and a family with Benjen was the fulfillment of her greatest dream.

  The only cloud on her horizon was little Juanita. Apple crossed her fingers and said a little prayer.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Apple was on her feet and they were standing at Juanita’s bedside.

  “I don’t understand, Doctor. We know she’s sick,” Benjen insisted.

  “Yes, she is. But it’s not leukemia. We’ve got to run more tests. I can’t afford to just guess.” The white-coated doctor pulled up a stool and crossed his arms over his ample chest. “There are several other things we need to test for.”

  “Like what?” Apple was upset. She felt at a loss.

  “I don’t want to say anything until I’m sure.” He wagged a finger at her. “In your condition, you shouldn’t be getting upset.”

  “How can I not?”

  “How long do we have to wait before we know something concrete,” Benjen asked as he brought a chair for Apple to sit down in.

  “Tomorrow. I think we’ll have an answer tomorrow. After that, I’ll do whatever I can to stabilize her and make the judgement when it will be safe for you to move her to Texas. I’m sure you’ll want to seek treatment closer to home.”

  “Right. Thank you, Doctor.” Apple felt a modicum of relief to learn they might know something soon.


  The tiny voice coming from the bed caused all three of the adults to whirl around.

  “Well, hey, little one.” Benjen’s heart melted when he looked into a small pair of round, brown eyes.

  “Oh, my goodness, you’re awake.” She studied the little girl’s tiny face. “I wish I could speak Spanish.”

  “Nita hungry.” She held out her hand to Apple. “Apple.”

  “She speaks English!” Apple took her hand. “Okay, baby. We’ll get you an apple to eat.”

  “Want migas and toost.”

  “An apple with eggs and toast,” Benjen interpreted with a smile. “She’s very specific. As for the way she’s speaking, Alan probably talked to her in English.”

  The doctor stepped up to examine the child. “You’re a very brave little girl. How old are you?”

  Juanita raised four fingers. “Dis many.” She looked at Apple again, holding out her hand. “Apple.”

  Apple’s eyes widened. “Are you saying my name? How did you know?”

  “Picture. Daddy gave me picture.”

  “Oh? Makes sense.” She glanced at Benjen, who looked a bit funny.

  “Probably forgot to take it out of his wallet,” he remarked a bit harshly.

  “She’s got a slight temp,” the doctor said, interrupting their exchange about the picture. “Lower than before though.” He patted Juanita’s leg. “I’ll go make sure the nurse brings you some migas and toast. Do you want some bacon?”

  Her little face brightened. “Si. Yes. Si.”

  “I’ll send someone right in.” Stepping away, the doctor gave them a head nod to step close.

  “This is a good sign, isn’t it?” Apple needed to know this was true.

  “Those liquids made her stronger, but we still have no idea what we’re facing. I’m glad she seems happy, that’s always a positive thing. Knowing the situation, her recognizing you is going to make all the difference.”

  As he left them, Apple grabbed Benjen’s hand. “This is amazing, isn’t it?”

  “Yea, it is. From her attitude, Alan must have said some good things about you.”

  “Yea, I guess. The grandmother thought I might be his sister, so maybe that’s what he told his wife and Juanita.” She frowned. “Jerk.”

  “Apple.” Hearing her name again, Apple’s heart brightened. “Yes, baby?”

  Juanita smiled. “Looked for you.”

  “You did?” Apple asked, her heart pounding. “Where?”

  “Every Where.”

  “So, your grandmother told you that you were coming to see me?” Hearing the story from the lips of the child changed her whole perspective.

  “Yes.” She pressed her chest. “Sick. Abuela says you will help.”

  “Abuela is her grandmother,” Benjen whispered, his hand on Apple’s shoulder. “My name is Benjen, Juanita.”

  She pointed a chubby finger at him. “Beegee.” Next, she patted her own chest. “Nita.” Apple was next for a point. “Apple.”

  When she smiled at him, Benjen couldn’t help but smile back. “Do you like dogs, Nita?”

  “Perrito? Puppies?” she asked weakly, but with a happy smile.

  “Si. Yes. Si,” Benjen answered her in kind.

  A tap on the door alerted them that Nita had a visitor. “Knock. Knock.”

  Apple looked over to find Alivia and Saxon entering with a huge balloon bouquet. At the bottom, the strings were being held by a teddy bear. “Come in. She’s awake!”

  “Oh, she is!” Alivia exclaimed. “What a darling little girl you are. Tu eres querido.”

  “Tank you,” was Nita’s response.

  “She speaks English,” Apple said proudly. “Her da
d was very good at languages. I think Nita is too.”

  “These are for you, little one.” Saxon placed the balloon bouquet on a table by the bed. Nita was fascinated with the balloons and couldn’t wait for the teddy bear. Benjen gave her a hand and removed the bear, tying the balloons to the end of the bed.

  “There. Now, you have a sleeping buddy.”

  “Food!” a nurse announced cheerily. As she came in and set the tray on a mobile table, Alivia spoke to Apple, “We’ve rented two hotel rooms. One for us and one for you. We thought we could take turns sitting up with you both.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to leave,” Apple protested, but Benjen heard her and came over to set her straight.

  “You will go get some rest.” He wagged his finger at her, then placed his hand on her belly. “Our baby needs you to be healthy. I will stay with Nita.”

  “And I’ll stay with him,” Saxon said, then leaned to whisper to the little girl. “Would you like me to read to you?” He held out his hand to Alivia and she reached into her purse and pulled out several books.”

  “Si. Yes. Si!” Nita responded gladly.

  “Good, that’s a plan.”

  “Okay, you win.” She kissed Nita on the cheek. “You be good. Benjen is a wonderful man. He will take care of you.”

  “Okay. Bueno.” Nita nodded, then grabbed Apple’s arm. “You will come back?”

  Seeing fear in the little one’s eyes, she promised, “Absolutely.”

  Benjen kissed her goodnight, while Saxon did the same to his wife. As they walked out the door, Apple lifted her hand and kissed it twice, blowing both Nita and Benjen kisses.

  … “Wow, she’s a sweetie,” Alivia murmured as they headed down the long, tiled hall toward the exit. “I was surprised to see her awake.”

  “Yea, a good surprise,” Apple agreed, watching the tiles as she placed her steps carefully within the lines. No stepping on cracks for her. “The doctor doesn’t think she has leukemia. They’re running more tests.”

  “Well, that’s good, right?” Alivia asked as they passed through the automatic doors and out into the early evening.

  “It is. Although, he did lead us to believe it still could be a serious situation. Plus, we can’t start any treatment until we know what to treat her for.”

  “I see.” Alivia hooked her arm through Apple’s. “Do you want to go out or order room service when we get back to the hotel?”

  “Room service sounds good.”

  “Do you want to have a slumber party? Sleep in the same room?” Alivia asked with a grin when they reached the SUV.

  “I’d love that,” Alivia admitted. “I could use some company, for sure.”


  They climbed in the big, black vehicle and headed to a nearby hotel. “You know what’s strange?”

  “What?” Alivia asked curiously.

  “Juanita recognized me. Apparently, Alan had shown her my picture. Or…she’d found it in his wallet. Anyway, that explains why she’s here. Alan never told them I was his wife. The grandmother and probably the…second wife thought I was his sister. When Nita got sick, I was the first one the grandmother thought of. The little girl was so happy to see me.” She clasped her chest. “It just did something to me. I always wanted to help her…but now…”

  “Now, you’re feeling something for her, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, yea. Big time.”

  When they arrived at the hotel, they asked for valet service, and a bellboy carried their luggage up to the room. Once there, both girls stepped out of their shoes and flopped on the beds.

  “Gosh, it feels good to lay down. I’m so tired.” Apple yawned.

  “You’re pregnant,” Alivia said as if that was the answer to everything.

  “Yea!” Apple squealed. “You know, I didn’t think I could get pregnant. I have Asherman’s Syndrome, which is a fancy name for scar tissue in the uterus. The doctors told me I’d never have another child.”

  “Another?” Alivia lay on her side, supporting her head with her palm, looking at Apple sympathetically.

  “Yea, my little girl Jenny only lived a week. I was eighteen when she was born. My husband joined the Marines the day she was buried and our marriage was never the same. I don’t know how long he was cheating on me. He kept a journal, which I received when he went MIA. What I read in that journal broke my heart. Alan was never happy with me. His parents forced him to marry me. Our folks were close and I’d even given him a kidney.” She barked an exasperated laugh. “Isn’t that crazy?”

  “No. That’s the kind-hearted person you are. Doesn’t surprise me a bit.”

  “Well, our marriage was over and I didn’t even know it. I have no idea how long he was seeing this woman in Honduras. He wrote about how good the sex was with her and how bad it was with me.”


  Apple giggled sadly. “I agree. Yet, here’s Juanita. And she’s amazing. She’s the product of a relationship that broke my world apart and I already love her!”

  “Like I said, you have an amazing heart. Besides, that little girl is easy to love. She can’t help who her parents were any more than you can help the bad choices your husband made.”

  “Yea, I guess you’re right. They’re dead anyway. Alan and Juanita’s mother.” Apple shrugged. “I don’t even know her name. They were killed in Honduras.”

  “By the Marines?” Alivia asked.

  “No. I was told it was in some local skirmish. The Marines were notified by one of their local contacts about it later. I don’t know any more details than that.”

  “Hmmm.” Alivia thought a moment. “I’ve heard it’s hard to grow up, much less grow old in Honduras. The gang violence is unreal. The last statistic I saw was 142 homicides to every 100,000 people per year.”

  “Oh.” Apple scrunched up her face. “Gangs, huh. In my mind, I was thinking jungle guerrilla warfare. Danger is danger, I suppose. Worries me to think of little Nita returning there.” She rolled over and stared at the ceiling. “On the other hand, I pray for her to get well enough to go home.”

  “I know you do. I’ll pray too. As sweet as she is, Juanita deserves a chance to grow up and be happy.”

  * * *

  “You smell so good. You feel good too.”

  Apple cuddled into Benjen’s arms, loving his hands and lips on her body. It took her a few minutes to realize it wasn’t a dream. “Oh, hello, dreamboat. When did you get here?”

  “I like you, Apple pie, I think I’m going to keep you.” He kissed her neck, licking a tiny trail of fire to nip her earlobe. When she squirmed, he tightened his hold on her. “Saxon brought me over about four hours ago. He and Alivia finished out the night so we could be together this morning to meet the doctor.”

  At the mention of the word ‘doctor’ Apple sat up so quickly, she almost knocked Benjen off the bed. “Sorry.” She made a grab to catch him. “Come back here.”

  He caught himself and pulled her back down again. “I know you’re in a hurry, but we’ve got a little time. The doctor makes his rounds at eight. Let me hold you a minute and just enjoy the fact you’re mine.”

  “That’s a good idea.” She cuddled into his arms and they kissed gently, sweetly. “I wish there was time to make love.”

  “I’ll make it up to you. Savor you all night long.”

  “I love you, Benjen.” She caressed his face, loving the rasp of his beard on his palm.

  “I love you too, angel.” Turning his head, he kissed her palm.

  “Guess what?” she whispered.

  The whisper of her breath on his lips made his hard dick even harder. “What?”

  “We’re going to have a baby!” she shivered and squealed softly.

  “Yea, we are. I can’t wait. Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Although, I’ve fantasized about a little boy that looks just like you.”

  “Or a girl that looks like you. Like you said, it doesn’t matter.�

  She laid her head on his chest. “Nita is abeautiful little girl.”

  “Yes, she is. I just want her to get better.”

  “Oh, I do too.” She breathed out a big sigh. “I’m just glad I’m not sick. I couldn’t imagine being pregnant, so I was fairly convinced there was something wrong.”

  Benjen tightened his arms around her. “Don’t ever keep anything from me like that again.” He whispered in her ear, “Or I’ll put you over my knee and spank that beautiful butt.”

  She giggled happily. “Would you do that sometime?”

  “What, baby?”

  “Spank me – for fun.”

  “Lord, girl. You’re killing me.” He rolled away from her. “I need a cold shower. My hard-on is killing me.”

  As he hurried to the bathroom, she laughed. “Is that a yes?”

  The last thing she heard before the water drowned out his voice was a resounding, “Hell, yes!”

  * * *

  At the hospital, they thanked Saxon and Alivia for watching over Nita while she slept.

  “You’re welcome,” Saxon told them. “We’re going to go catch some z’s and we’ll be back in a few hours to see what the doctor said.”

  Apple hugged Alivia. “This is so good of the two of you. I’ll never forget the way you stuck by us.”

  “Hey, we’re friends now. Right? That’s what friends do,” Alivia assured her.

  Once they were alone, Benjen and Apple watched Nita sleep. “She looks so peaceful,” Apple whispered. “I need to call her grandmother and tell her I found her and how Nita’s doing.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll remind you.”

  “I so hope we can help her, Benjen.”

  “I do too.”

  Another voice softly entered the mix. “Why zoo whisping?”

  Apple laughed. “Were you playing possum?” She looked at Benjen for the Spanish word.


  Apple cracked up. “I think it loses something in translation, don’t you?”

  “Si. Yes! Si.” Nita laughed, even if she didn’t know what they were talking about.


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