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My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

Page 37

by Sable Hunter

  “Okay,” she said the word as if that settled everything.

  “But it might not be that easy. We don’t know what the rules are. We don’t know what other relatives she may have back in her home country. We don’t know…anything. So, please…don’t get your hopes up. I don’t know how this will play out.”

  He expected Apple to get upset, but she didn’t. “It will all work out.”

  “We can’t know that.”

  She looked up at him with all the trust in the world in her eyes. “Like you told me before, I can depend on you. I know you’ll talk to Zane and find out the proper procedure. You could even do one of your Apache rituals, Magic Man.”

  As much as Benjen wanted her to rely on him for everything, he knew he wasn’t infallible. “I’ll do my very best, sweet Apple. I just don’t want you to be devastated if this doesn’t work out.”

  “I won’t,” she assured him – but when she settled back against him with a contented sigh, she did so with every confidence that he could do anything he set his mind to do.

  * * *

  Once they were on home ground, Benjen’s first stop was to buy a car seat. Once they had Nita safely installed in it, they drove to the ranch. He’d communicated with his family to let them know what was going on and their time of arrival.

  “Look, it’s a full house,” Apple observed happily upon seeing all the vehicles parked around. “I think everyone is here.”

  “Yea, I think this is a bit of a celebration. Look, Easy is even here!” he exclaimed with joy in his voice.

  “What did you do?” Apple studied his face, seeing a bit of guilt playing on his handsome features. “You spilled the beans, didn’t you?”

  “What beans?” He gave her a playful wink. “Heck yea, I’m happy. I might have mentioned a few things.”

  As he pulled into his normal spot, Apple shook her head. “Do they know about the baby?”


  “The wedding?”


  “You’re so bad.”

  “Yea.” Benjen came around to help her out and pick up the sleeping toddler to place in her arms. “You like me like that, don’t you?”

  She couldn’t argue with him. “I do.”

  “Memorize those two words, you’re going to have to remember them soon.” This was the last sentence they were able to share between just the two of them for quite a while.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally here! Congratulations on everything!” Sara came running up to give Apple a hug. “A wedding! A baby! I am so happy for you. We can be pregnant together!”

  “Thank you so much. I’m thrilled to death.” When Daniel and Sam came up to give Apple a hug, Nita opened her eyes. At first, she tensed in Apple’s arms. “It’s okay, baby,” she whispered. “These people all love you.”

  “Day do?” She wiggled to be held up right so she could see better. “Hi.” Nita directed her greeting to Sam who held a balloon in his hand. “Is dat for me?”

  “It is,” Sam told her solemnly, placing the string in her hand. “You sure are a pretty girl.”

  “Tanks,” she said as she tilted her small head up to look at the bright red balloon against the blue Texas sky. “Putty.”

  Easing closer, Sara whispered to Nita, “Now, let me introduce myself to this pretty girl. Hey, I’m your Aunt Sara.”

  In light of Apple’s hope to adopt Nita, Sara’s introduction brought tears to her eyes. “Yea, sweetie, meet Aunt Sara.” Seeing Sara’s open arms, Apple slipped Nita into them. “She’s old enough to walk, of course. She’s still a little weak.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m going to love carrying her around and I can’t wait to show you her room.”

  “Her room?”

  “Oh, yea, have we got a big surprise for you!”

  “Surprise?” Apple was feeling a bit overwhelmed.

  “You’re sounding like an echo. Anyway, just wait. I think you’re going to love it,” Sara said as she stopped to wait on Daniel to accompany them into the house.

  As they started for the porch, Easy hollered in song from the corner of the house, “Woot! Woot! Who let the dogs out? Woot! Woot!”

  To Benjen and Apple’s joy, all their dogs came running across the yard, their joy uncontained. “Hope! Rose! Maisie!” They knelt on the ground and were consumed by sloppy, wet kisses. Sara held Nita down so she could get in on the dog sugar. Her baby giggles made everyone smile.

  “Where are the puppies?” Apple asked expectantly.

  “In the barn,” Sam told her. “I bet they’ve doubled in size in the short time you’ve been gone.”

  “I can’t wait to see them.” Apple glanced toward the barn wistfully.

  “We will. We will,” Benjen assured her. “Let’s get our stuff in the house first.”

  After that…everything descended into wonderful chaos. To Apple’s happy surprise, the family had gone all out, moving everything around so Benjen and Apple could have one wing of the Rock House just for themselves and Nita. “This is too much,” she cried, upon seeing the way Sara had set up the room she would share with Benjen and the gorgeous room they’d prepared just for the small, sick child. “I love it. You painted it pink!”

  “We take care of family, Apple.” Easy came up to greet them both. “Congratulations, you two. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Thanks,” Benjen replied. “How about you? Got your palm read lately?”

  Easy shook his head. “Are you kidding? The woman is definitely playing hard to get.”

  Apple touched Benjen’s arm. “I need to put Nita down and help Sara with the food.”

  “Okay, baby. Be sweet.” He kissed her tenderly, then returned his attention to his brother. “Well, that’s probably good for you, Ease,” Benjen said in a kidding tone. “About time some woman told you no.”

  Looking a bit sad, Easy nodded. “I deserve it, I’m sure. I just hate that my chickens have come home to roost now.” He grimaced at Benjen, shrugging. “Everything felt different with this girl, you know?”

  Losing his cocky grin, Benjen slapped his brother on his back. “Well, don’t give up. If she’s the one, destiny will step in and lend a hand.”

  “I hope so.” He leaned a bit closer to whisper, “The next time you do that voodoo of yours…” He wiggled his fingers at Benjen. “Say a few kinds words for me.”

  As Benjen looked around at his family, especially the woman he loved, he squeezed his brothers shoulder. “I’ll do it, Ease. I have quite a few requests to make of our revered ancestors.”

  * * *

  The next day promised to be a busy one, beginning earlier than either expected.

  Hungry for one another, they made love at the crack of dawn. Benjen taking her as they spooned, his thrusts gentle and tender. While he cradled her to him, his hands found her breasts, teasing the nipples. She lifted one hand to wrap around his neck, turning her head to receive his kiss. Benjen groaned with pleasure as he filled her again and again, one hand sliding down to tease her pussy.

  After days of abstinence, their arousal carried them to the finish line quickly. After a few moments to catch their breath, Benjen was ready for round two – when…

  “Apple! Beegee!”

  Benjen raised his head. “What was that?”

  Apple giggled. “That’s the end of your good time, bud.”

  Both crawled out of bed, grabbing something to make them decent, before hurrying to Nita’s room. They found her sitting up in her bed, chin trembling. “I fogot where I wuz. Scared me.”

  “Ah, cutie, there’s nothing to be scared of. We want you to think of this as your home. Everybody in this house is going to do their best to protect you.”

  “Kay. Si. Yes. Si.”

  “Si. Yes. Si. That’s your favorite phrase.” Benjen tickled her in the belly. “Ready for some food?”

  “Si. Yes. Si!”

  Apple followed them downstairs. To her surprise, Sara was already in the kitchen. “What
are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to take care of Miss Nita today while you go to work,” she answered as she dished up plates of eggs and bacon.

  “Oh, my goodness!” Apple hit her forehead with the palm of her hand. “I’ve got to study up on this mothering stuff. I totally didn’t think about how we were going to handle it.”

  Benjen tapped his temple. “Kidneys, man. I got it covered.” He sat Nita gently down in his chair, then laughed when he raised up and saw Apple was looking at him like he was crazy. “What? You never heard that joke?”

  “I guess not.”

  “Oh, brother. His jokes are so lame,” Sara quipped as she sat a bowl of cereal in front of Nita. “Dig in, sweetie.”

  “Well, I’m going to tell it anyway,” he fussed at Sara. Turning to Apple, he began, “There was this line of patients waiting for their turn to take an oral exam to see if they qualified for a release from the mental institution. The first guy walks up to the review board and the judge said, “Point to your knees.” The patient points to his elbow so the board revokes his release. The second guy walks up and the judge says, “Point to your ear.” The man pointed to his foot, so the board revoked his release. The third man walked up and the judge said, “Point to your heart.” The man correctly points to his heart. The judge nodded and said, “Now point to your foot.” The man pointed to his foot and the judge was satisfied with his responses and the board approved his release. On his way out, the first two guys approached him and asked how he got all the answers right. He tapped his forehead and said…Kidneys man, kidneys.”

  Both Sara and Apple collapsed in a fit of giggles. “I wouldn’t quit my day job, cowboy, but that was pretty good,” Apple told him with a kiss.

  Between Nita, the dogs, and the Blackhawk brothers, breakfast was a fiasco in the making. When it was over, Apple put a hand on her hip. “Wow, this place is a zoo!”

  “Zoo?” Nita picked up on the interesting word. “I want to see the animales.” She used the Spanish word, giving the regular word an exotic flair.

  “We’ll have to go soon,” Sara promised her. “Now, go, Apple. Get ready for work. I know you two have a lot to do today.”

  “You’re right about that,” she agreed.

  Back in their bedroom, Apple entered just as Benjen was setting his Stetson on his head. “Hey, babe. Let’s confer a minute, okay?”

  “Follow me to the bathroom while I start the shower and brush my teeth.”

  “Just don’t get naked or I’ll lose my train of thought.”

  This made Apple giggle. “Okay.” While she put toothpaste on her toothbrush, she named off her agenda. “I plan on resigning from work today, calling Sara’s gynecologist for an appointment, and going shopping for Nita on the way home.”

  “Good. And I will get with Alivia and pinpoint the best doctor for Nita and make her an appointment. I’ll also call Zane for him to put out feelers on the adoption question.” He also intended to do a little wedding planning, but he wanted that to be a surprise.

  Since Apple’s mouth was full of sudsy toothpaste, she nodded.

  “Am I forgetting anything?”

  After rinsing her toothbrush, wiped her mouth on a hand towel. “I need to pack a few things from home, but I can make do for a day or two.”

  “All right. Call me the minute you have an appointment at the doctor, because I want to go with you when you go.”

  “Same here. I want to know about Nita’s.”

  When he grabbed her for a quick kiss, she hugged him tight. “This is pretty exciting, Blackhawk. I think I’m going to like being married to you.”

  “You’d better.” He tapped her on the end of her nose. “I’d hate to have to…”

  She stopped his words with a kiss. “If you threaten to spank me one more time without doing it, I’m going to take matters into my own hands.” She reached around him and popped him on the butt with the palm of her hand.

  “Why, Apple Blackhawk, you vixen you!” He caught her hand and kissed her palm. “Like you said earlier, I think I’m going to like being married to you.”

  …When Apple went to work, she found Dr. Cleveland ready and waiting to learn every detail. She filled her boss in on the ordeal they experienced trying to get Nita away from the foster family.

  “I can’t believe he pulled a gun on you!”

  “I know. If the Equalizers hadn’t been there to help, I don’t know what we would’ve done.”

  “I’ve seen them on television. That is one hot group of men.”

  Apple grinned. “I didn’t notice. I was pretty taken with the one I’m going to marry.”

  “Marry!” Mandy cried from the front. “Did you say you’re getting married?”

  “I am.” She kept the news of her baby to herself, wanting to wait until she saw the gynecologist before making it public information. “We were planning on doing it sooner or later, but Nita needs us to be together – for several reasons. Benjen is finding her a hematologist today. We’re hoping to get her on the list for a bone marrow transplant as quickly as possible.” Only the possibility of her pregnancy kept Apple from demanding the doctors test her as a potential match.

  “Whatever we can do let us know,” Dr. Cleveland offered generously.

  “Well, speaking of…” Apple screwed around on one foot, hesitant to drop this bomb. “I think I’m going to have to give notice. It will be so hard to work and take care of Nita at the same time. She’s going to need a lot of care and…”

  “Say no more, honey.” Dr. Cleveland hugged her. “I completely understand. In fact, I don’t need for you to work out a notice. I completely understand. I’ll gladly pay you for your vacation and the extra two weeks you would’ve worked. What your doing is too important to follow standard protocol.”

  “Oh, thank you. I am so relieved.” She hugged Dr. Cleveland and Mandy.

  When the veterinarian handed Apple her purse and walked her out, it was to get a promise from her, “I do not want this to be the end of our friendship, Apple. Please call me if you need anything and I’ll be calling you to check on your new family.” She patted Apple’s still flat stomach.

  “You knew?” Apple was stunned.

  “Hey, I’ve been pregnant myself. I know morning sickness when I hear it.” She gave Apple a teasing smile. “Now, be happy. Keep yourself safe.”

  With that sweet goodbye, Apple left to take care of the next order of business.

  …Benjen sat in his pickup in front of the jewelry store. He’d just bought Apple the prettiest bridal set he could find. With phone in hand, he waited for Alivia to answer while he looked at the ring, loving how it blazed with light when the diamond caught the rays of the sun.

  “This is Alivia.”

  “Alivia. This is Benjen.”

  “Hey! How’s Nita and Apple?”

  “Well, I wanted to update you. Nita had a setback before we left Phoenix.”

  Alivia gasped, thinking the worst. “Oh, no!”

  Reading her thought, he shook his head, sorry for his mistake. “No, no. She’s doing pretty good now.”

  “You scared me to death!”

  “Sorry.” Benjen took his hat off and raked his fingers through his hair. “Things have been wild. The morning after you left, Nita woke us up crying in pain. The doctor called the episode a crisis, something about her blood cells getting blocked from her joints and organs.”

  “I know what it is, Benjen.”

  The solemnity of Alivia’s answer told Benjen what he already knew. The matter was a serious one. “Well, Dr. Hall gave her another round of medication and she seems better now. Of course, we don’t know when the next one might happen or what damage there is – or could be if we don’t do something for her now. Anyway, we’re home. Apple’s resigning from her job today. My family made room for us all in the Rock House. Hopefully, Apple is also making herself an appointment with a gynecologist and…I’m calling you for help in picking a doctor.”

  “I underst
and. I’ve been waiting for your call. Where are you now?”

  “I’m in Austin, buying an engagement ring and a wedding band for Apple.”

  “Awww,” Alivia sighed. “I hope you both are as happy as we are. I didn’t really intend to ever marry, but this bone-headed computer geek came along and swept me off my feet.”

  Benjen chuckled when he heard a protesting male voice in the background say, “I am not bone-headed!”

  “Yea, right!” she called back, then addressed Benjen again, “Do you know where Hutto is?”

  “Sure. I’ve lived in the Hill Country all my life. You’re just north of Pflugerville.”

  “Right! So, do you think you could drop by. I’ve got someone I’d like to introduce you to. It will be a Skype conversation, but I think it will be worth your while.”

  “I’m on my way.” Feeling lighthearted and hopeful, Benjen pulled out and headed north on I-35. As he traveled, he phoned Zane. “Saucier, good to hear your voice.”

  “Yours too. I understand our little mission was a success.”

  “It was. We have Juanita and we’re getting her some help. I know I’ll gladly pay your lawyerly fees, but I’ll never be able to repay you for hooking me up with the Equalizers. I know they don’t charge, but if they did – their service is priceless.”

  “Glad to do it. I’m still coordinating things with Destry to make sure Apple’s foster standing is in good order. The injunction was great, but we still have to iron out some kinks. With Apple being single and…well, her income is a little low to qualify.”

  “Stop. I have something to tell you.”


  “Apple and I are getting married. Just as soon as I get it all lined out. Probably this week. She’s moved in with me and my money is her money.”

  “All right. Well, that’s good news. I hope…”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m not marrying her for any reason but love. We’re just moving up the wedding date a bit, that’s all.”

  “Good to know. Presley was very impressed with Apple. She said she recognized another bleeding heart.”


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