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Sheltered by the Cowboy

Page 13

by Carla Cassidy

  Her mouth was hot and welcoming. Still, in a last-ditch effort to regain control, he tore his mouth from hers. “Mandy, this just isn’t a good idea.”

  “It’s a wonderful idea. No strings, Brody. I don’t and I won’t expect anything from you. Just give me tonight and make love to me.” Her arms pulled him closer...close enough that their mouths met once again.

  She deepened the kiss, swirling her tongue against his in an erotic dance that fully aroused him. His heartbeat accelerated as wanton lust swept through him.

  He’d desired her long before their vehicles had collided in the snowstorm. Each day since then his desire for her had only increased and now it was as if he’d wanted Mandy Wright all his life.

  As the kiss continued, he ran his hands over the back of her pajamas and then across her breasts. Her nipples were hard against the soft fabric and that only excited him more.

  They kissed for several minutes longer and then she plucked at his shirt. “Take it off,” she whispered. “I want to feel your bare skin against mine.”

  He didn’t wait for her to ask him twice. He sat up, pulled his shirt over his head and then tossed it to the floor next to the bed.

  When he turned back to her, his breath caught in his throat. She’d taken off her top, as well, and the flicker of the candles played on her full bare breasts. She looked stunning in the soft illumination.

  He took her lips once again and rolled her over on her back as his hands covered her breasts. He ran his thumbs across her turgid nipples and she released a deep moan.

  He slid his lips down the length of her neck, careful to avoid the bruised area around her throat. He nipped and kissed softly across her collar bone and then captured one of her nipples between his lips.

  She placed her hand on the back of his head, as if to encourage him as his tongue swirled around the taut peak. He stroked down the length of her, the heat of her body radiating through her pajama bottoms.

  His jeans had grown painfully tight with his full arousal. He wanted to be naked, and he wanted her naked and gasping beneath him.

  After kissing her one more time, he slid off the bed. He stood and unbuckled his belt, then took off his jeans, leaving him clad only in a pair of boxers.

  Their gazes caught and held for a long moment. Hunger. He saw it shining from her eyes and he couldn’t help the surge of the same emotion that filled him. Then she wiggled beneath the sheet and he knew she was taking off her pants.

  He stripped off his boxers, crawled back into the bed and then once again pulled her into his arms. His skin loved hers and the familiar scent of her made him half-wild.

  Another husky moan escaped her as he stroked across her breasts, down the flat of her stomach and then to her inner thigh.

  She arched her hips and he touched the very core of her, using his fingers to bring her pleasure. He was more than ready to take her but he wanted her to reach her peak before he indulged himself in her.

  “Brody,” she half growled his name, hands grasping his shoulders. Tension filled her body and he moved his fingers faster, more frantically. Her eyelids fluttered. She stiffened and then cried out his name once again as shudders went through her.

  “Now,” she said. “Please, take me now, Brody.”

  He moved into position between her thighs and slid into her. He trembled and lost all conscious thought at the exquisite pleasure of her heat surrounding him, but he was barely inside her. He pushed in harder and encountered some resistance. He pushed again and she cried out. He froze as rational thought slammed back into his head.

  He gasped in stunned surprise and stared down at her. The bad girl of Bitterroot had been a virgin until a second ago.

  * * *

  “Don’t stop,” Mandy gasped urgently. She gripped him by his broad shoulders, knowing exactly why he had stopped. She’d wanted it to be him. She’d wanted him to be her first. “Brody, please don’t stop.”

  He released a groan that seemed to come from the very depths of him and then stroked into her. She’d heard that the first time could be painful and, truth be told, it was a bit uncomfortable. However, the hunger that shone from his eyes, the soft groans of pleasure that escaped him, made the pain not matter.

  It didn’t take long before he found his release. He cried out her name and half collapsed on top of her. He was only there for a moment, and then he rolled off her, grabbed his jeans from the floor and disappeared into the bathroom with a slam of the door.

  Mandy remained in the bed, preparing herself for his wrath, and there was no question that it had been anger that had driven him out of the bed and into the bathroom.

  She had no regrets. Kissing him and feeling his hands all over her body had been heaven. She’d been waiting a very long time for the man she wanted to make love to her, and it had been well worth the wait. Now she was excited for them to do it all over again. It would be so much better the next time.

  He came out of the bathroom, a half-naked scowling cowboy who didn’t know he held her heart. “What the hell were you thinking?” he asked angrily.

  “I was thinking about how much I wanted you. I was thinking that I didn’t want to die a virgin,” she replied.

  “You should have told me ahead of time.”

  “If I had told you, would you have made love to me?”

  “Absolutely not.” He pulled out a chair at the table and turned it around to face her. He sat and glared at her. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Just a little bit, but I expected it. For goodness’ sake, Brody, don’t look so gloomy. You actually did me a favor. You have no idea what a burden it’s been to have the worst reputation in town and still be a virgin,” she said lightly.

  “Don’t joke about it,” he snapped. “You should have waited for the prince you talk about all the time. I’m just another damned toad and you should have never given that to me.” He raked a hand through his dark hair. “Hell, we didn’t even use protection.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m on the pill and I’m clean.” She released a deep sigh. “You’re really ruining my afterglow. Why don’t we just say good-night, and if you feel the need you can scowl and yell at me some more in the morning.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to work a shift tomorrow?” He got up from the chair and moved to the sofa.

  “I already texted Daisy to tell her I wouldn’t be able to come in.” Now that the desire was gone from her, the burning pain of her bruised throat had roared back to life. She was also suddenly overwhelmed with exhaustion. The night had held so many highs and lows.

  She got out of bed, grabbed her pajamas and walked naked to the bathroom. After dressing, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time in twenty-nine years it wasn’t a virgin who stared back at her. And there wasn’t an ounce of regret in her heart. She’d always believed she’d have sex for the first time with a man she loved, and that was exactly what had happened.

  She knew the score, and what she’d told him about not having any expectations of him was true. The fact that he cared enough about her to be with her now was all she needed.

  Even his anger about taking her virginity warmed her heart in a perverse sort of way. It showed that he really did care about her.

  Brody’s eyes were closed when she left the bathroom, but she knew he wasn’t sleeping. She crawled back into bed. She stared across the candlelit room for a long moment.

  “Brody?” she called softly.

  “What?” He didn’t open his eyes.

  “I was just wondering when we were going to make love again,” she asked.

  His eyelids snapped open, and even in the semidarkness she could feel his scowl. “When hell freezes over. Now go to sleep.”

  She rolled over on her back and smiled. She could already visualize the arctic chill moving into hell. Because she’d been
aware of his hot gaze on her when she’d walked naked across the floor. Because she’d felt a new hunger radiating from him even as he’d been arguing with her.

  Whether he knew it or not, they were going to make love again. And she couldn’t wait for it to happen again.

  * * *

  The man in the dark ski mask grabbed her by the throat and squeezed. Help me, she cried in her mind. Somebody please help me. He’s going to kill me.

  Air. She needed air. Her lungs burned and her heart felt as if it might explode in her chest. She desperately needed to breathe.

  Suddenly she was released. She cried out in relief as she hit the kissing booth’s floor. She breathed in precious oxygen and then looked up and saw that the man was still there, only this time he held a knife in one hand.

  Run! a voice inside her head screamed. Get up and run! But she couldn’t. In fact, no matter how hard she tried to move, she couldn’t. She was frozen, no muscles responding to her inner pleas. The wicked knife gleamed as brightly as the man’s eyes as he advanced toward her.

  He raised the knife and she tried to scream, but nothing would come out of her throat. She didn’t want to die. As the knife thrust toward her, she finally managed to scream.

  * * *

  “Mandy... Mandy, wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”

  Brody’s deep voice pierced through the terror, and when she opened her eyes and saw him, she burst into tears. “I was being strangled...and...and then he was going to stab me to death,” she managed to gasp out between sobs.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms. “Shh, it’s all right,” he said as she burrowed her head in the crook of his neck and continued to cry. “It was just a nightmare and you’re okay.”

  The fear of the dream containing so much reality continued to roar through her. Brody caressed her back and murmured comforting words.

  Eventually the fear slowly dissipated and her tears turned into hiccupping gasps. She finally raised her head. “I’m sorry, Brody. I didn’t mean to blubber all over you. I can be so stu...” She halted and shook her head. “You’re right. It was just a horrid nightmare.”

  “Are you good to go back to sleep?”

  Oh, when he looked at her with such caring, she could almost believe he might love her. “I’m good,” she replied. He got up from the bed and headed back to the sofa. “Thanks, Brody.”

  “No problem,” he replied.

  Within minutes she was once again asleep. When she opened her eyes again, the sun was shining through the windows and Brody sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. The television was on a news channel with the sound turned all the way down.

  “Good morning,” she said as she sat up. “What time is it?”

  “Almost ten.”

  “Oh my gosh, I never sleep this late.” She scrambled out of bed, appalled by the lateness of the hour.

  “You had a pretty rough night. You deserved the extra rest. How’s your throat?”

  She raised a hand to her bruised throat. “Sore, but I’ll survive. I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll make you some breakfast.” It was more than a little sore, but she wasn’t going to think about it and she definitely didn’t want to be a whiner.

  “Not necessary,” he replied. “I made myself a couple of pieces of toast a little while ago. I noticed you had some tea bags in the cabinet. How about I make you a cup of hot tea with some honey when you get out of the shower? It might be good for your throat.”

  She looked at him in surprise. “Oh, that would be so nice. I won’t take long.” She grabbed the clothes she intended to put on and then went into the bathroom.

  Brody’s tone had been civil, yet distant. She had a feeling he was still more than a little bit irritated with her. But his offer to make her a cup of tea touched her heart. She’d spent her entire life taking care of her father and herself. Nobody had ever offered to do much for her.

  By the time she showered and dressed in a pair of red jogging pants and a red-and-white Christmas T-shirt, he had the cup of tea ready for her.

  “I don’t know if you use sugar or milk or whatever,” he said. “I did put honey in it but that’s all.”

  “A little milk would be nice.” She sat at the table as he placed the carton of milk and a spoon in front of her. “I’m not used to being waited on.”

  He put the milk back in the fridge and then sat once again. He curled his fingers around his coffee cup. “It’s nice to have somebody wait on you once in a while.”

  “I imagine you haven’t gotten much of that in your lifetime,” she replied as she stirred her tea.

  “I’ve always taken care of myself.” He picked up his cup and eyed her over the rim. “You know I’m still angry with you.”

  She didn’t pretend not to know what he was talking about. “I don’t know why you’re so angry. It’s my body. I decide what I’m going to do with it and I decided I wanted to make love with you.”

  “You should have saved your virginity for the man you’re going to marry,” he replied gruffly.

  “Brody, I told you last night that I don’t and I won’t expect anything from you, if that’s what has you so worried.” Even as she said the words she knew he wanted to hear, they were a lie. Oh, she didn’t expect Brody to feel obligated to love her because of what had happened the night before. But she couldn’t help but wish that he’d fall crazy, madly in love with her.

  “You’re my best friend and I appreciate everything you’re doing to keep me safe,” she added. “What happens between the sheets stays between the sheets.”

  He grunted as if at least momentarily satisfied and took a drink of his coffee. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He set his cup back down on the table.

  She smiled at him. “Since I’m not working and it’s Christmas Eve day, we have lots of stuff to do. Once we’re finished with our coffee, first we’re going to bake cookies for Santa. I usually bake at least two different kinds.”

  “You do realize there is no Santa,” he said drily.

  “It’s tradition,” she replied. “I always bake cookies for Santa and he gets a glass of milk, too.”

  “And are the cookies eaten and the milk gone the next morning?” He raised a dark eyebrow.

  “No, but that doesn’t matter. The spirit of giving and love is what Santa Claus is all about and so I do believe in him.”

  “Do you also believe in unicorns?” It was obvious he was teasing her.

  “Of course. Unicorns are wonderful creatures but they’re so shy they are rarely seen.” She raised her chin as he released a laugh and shook his head.

  “What about leprechauns?”

  “Nasty little creatures who love to play games.”

  “You don’t really believe all this, do you?”

  “I believe in magic and miracles,” she replied.

  He stared at her for a long moment and his eyes grew darker. “You do realize that princes only show up in fairy tales.”

  “And I believe in fairy tales,” she replied. She believed with all her heart that he was her prince. All she had to do was somehow convince him.

  Chapter 11

  Brody woke up just before dawn on Christmas day. He didn’t get up. Instead he remained on the sofa, thoughts racing through his head...pleasant thoughts.

  Yesterday they’d made and frosted cookies. Despite the trauma Mandy had been through, in spite of her bruised throat, she’d been lighthearted and fun.


  There certainly hadn’t been much fun in his life up until now, but Mandy managed to pull out a happiness he hadn’t known he could feel.

  She’d been mentally and verbally abused by her father all her life. Somebody had tried to kill her twice, yet she had a sunny disposition and an opt
imism that drew him to her.

  And she’d given him her virginity. Damn. It was the last thing he’d expected. Hell, who in the entire town of Bitterroot would believe that Mandy Wright had been a virgin?

  She’d dated so many men. Why hadn’t she chosen one of them to be her first? Why hadn’t she slept with Butch, who obviously adored her? Now there was no way to go back in time and put the genie back in the bottle.

  Still he had to admit there was a small part of him that was pleased he’d been her first, that liked the idea she’d chosen him.

  Giving her an alibi for the night of her father’s murder had bound them together, but this had bound them together even more.

  He was still a little angry with her about the whole thing. He didn’t deserve to be the man who’d received that gift. If he’d known she was a virgin they never would have gone there. He wouldn’t have allowed things to get out of control.

  But making love to her had been nothing short of amazing. She had fit so perfectly against him and the feel of her, the very scent of her had driven him out of his mind.

  Just thinking about it now created a new heat inside him, a heat that both enticed and irritated him. He got up from the sofa. The candles had gutted overnight, but the faint light of dawn crept into the windows.

  On the kitchen table she’d left a saucer with two frosted cookies in the shape of snowmen, a glass of milk and a note to let Santa know she’d been good.

  He couldn’t help the smile that turned his lips upward as he thought about the icing fight they’d had while frosting the cookies. He couldn’t remember how it had begun, but they’d chased each other around the apartment, laughing and yelling like two kids.

  By the time it had all ended he’d worn red and white frosting across one cheek and his forehead and she’d sported green frosting on the tip of her nose and on her chin.

  He picked up one of the cookies from the saucer and took a big bite, then chased it down with a drink of the milk. Being as silent as possible so as not to awaken her, he walked over to a kitchen drawer where he’d seen some ink pens and paper.


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