The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Page 12

by Linda L Barton

  Cassy leaned back, holding her hand over the Blood Key. “Wow; that was too close.”

  Roupert nodded his head then wiped the tears from his eyes. “I had promised to protect Abigail, but I failed.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for what happened. Someone must have alerted Alona, giving her the opportunity to set a trap. You were lucky, as it could have ended much worse for the two of you.”

  Roupert looked up at Cassy, and again saw Abigail in her eyes. “May I ask you a question?”

  “Certainly, anything,” Cassy reached over and gently touched his hand.

  Roupert swallowed then lifted his eyes, meeting hers. “Has she lived a happy life?”

  Cassy saw the sadness in his eyes then it came to her. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

  Roupert turned away, not wanting to meet her gaze. “I have no right to speak of such feelings.”

  “You do love her. I can tell by the way you speak of her.”

  Roupert turned and looked Cassy directly in the eyes. She could see the torment hiding behind the tears, and she felt her heart break for him.

  “Yes, I’ve loved her from the first moment our eyes met.”

  Cassy had no idea how to respond to such a confession of undying love. She sat a moment trying to gather her thoughts, but for the life of her, the proper words seemed to evade her.

  “I’m sorry; I should not have asked such a question. I just thought…” Roupert fought to control his feelings.

  “No, don’t feel that way. You have every right to know. I haven’t been around my great-grandmother much, but from what I understand she has had a life mixed with great happiness and great sorrow. She really is a special lady and I’m so glad that we got to go visit her while our parents went on their vacation. She does seem happy for the most part.”

  “You said that you have a sister. Please tell me of her,” Roupert felt his emotions beginning to calm at knowing that Abigail was happy.

  Cassy looked at Roupert, rolled her eyes then laughed. “Melissa is my twin sister, and other than the fact we look exactly alike, any similarities end there. While I enjoy sports and hanging out with my friends, she’s all into clothes and going to the mall with her small circle of fashion divas.”

  “I do not understand what a fashion diva is,” Roupert grinned after Cassy rolled her eyes again.

  “It’s where a girl will only wear clothes that are designer and in style. Heck, you put me in a pair of old blue jeans and an over-sized tee shirt and I’m a happy girl,” Cassy laughed so hard that her sides began to hurt.

  Roupert could not help but laugh himself. “Your sister sounds like some of the maidens in the castle village. I think that is why you and I get along so well. We are both simple souls,” he winked playfully.

  Cassy was glad to see a smile on his face, and she was pleased to learn what had happened when her great-grandmother faced Alona.

  “Cassy, it grows late, and I fear that we should wait until tomorrow before we enter the castle. We will be safe here, and that way we can discuss what we need to do to reunite the Blood Key and Breast Plate with Queen Privlana.”

  Cassy looked around the small clearing and wondered if they were actually safe. She trusted Roupert, but she also had a nagging feeling tugging at her.

  “Okay, if you feel that’s best. I am a bit tired,” she yawned then rubbed her eyes.

  “Good. Let us eat then we will discuss our plans for tomorrow.” Roupert opened his pack and pulled out the pouch with dried meat and the one with seeds and nuts.

  “It’s not a fancy meal, but it will keep us strong.” He reached inside one of the pouches and pulled out a strip of dried meat then handed it to Cassy.

  “Thank you.” She took the offering and took a big bite. “This stuff really is good.”

  Roupert watched as she struggled to chew the tough meat.

  “Here, take a drink of water to help wash it down,” he chuckled as he handed her a pouch with water.

  Cassy quickly took a drink of the water, with it dribbling down her chin. “Thanks, it seems to suck up all the moisture in your mouth.”

  Roupert took a piece out of the pouch for himself then took a bite. “Yes, it does, but it tastes good,” he winked as she took another bite.

  Frier had waited for hours to meet Queen Alona, and he was beginning to wonder if he had made a mistake by leaving Roupert.

  “How much longer do I have to wait?” he asked David, the Demlin sitting across from him in the dimly lit room.

  “I do not know. Ralph has gone to report to our Queen, so once he returns we will know more.”

  Frier looked around the room, trying to get a better idea of where he was. “Why do you keep it so dark in here? Do you not have a torch or candle?”

  “We keep the room dark because that is how it is in our realm. You would know this had Roupert not lied to you all these years,” David smirked devilishly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Frier hoped that David was not angry with him. He did not understand how he could come from such a dark realm, as he never had liked the dark.

  Frier shifted around, trying to find a more comfortable position. “I’m hungry, when do we get to eat?”

  David glared at Frier. “You will eat when the Queen says you may eat and not a moment before.”

  Frier was about to protest when the large door to the room opened wide.

  “The Queen is busy and cannot see you now. You will have to wait until later,” Ralph, the other Demlin announced.

  “What, I still have to wait? I do not think that I want to be here any longer. I want to go home,” Frier fought back the tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

  “What did you say? You say that you want to go home. No, you foolish child, this is your home now. You are to serve Queen Alona, and do her bidding. You have forgotten your duty, and it is not living with the traitor Roupert. You are a Dragon, and it is your duty to serve the Queen. Should Roupert come to the castle searching for you, you are to strike him dead. Do you understand?” Ralph’s eyes glowed red with anger.

  Frier suddenly had a sickening feeling overcome him, and he realized that David and Ralph must surely have lied to him about Roupert and his past.

  “I will not kill Roupert. He is my friend,” Frier said definitely.

  David stepped forward and looked deeply into Frier’s eyes. “Oh, but you are wrong. You will be the cause of his death, as his love for you will blind him to our plans. He will come here of his own will, and he will sacrifice himself to save you.”

  “No, no, he is the bravest and smartest man I know, and you will never deceive him,” Frier cried out.

  David’s eyes shone bright with anticipation. “Brother, tomorrow will be a glorious day. Queen Alona will finally have the power of the Blood Key and she will vanquish Queen Privlana to the Land of the Shadows for all eternity. As for Roupert, he will meet his death at the hands of his beloved Frier. Yes, tomorrow will truly be a glorious day.”

  Frier stood, with rage overtaking his body. “I will go and warn him of your treachery.”

  Frier closed his eyes, trying to block out the glares of Ralph and David. Then he pulled back his shoulders to release his wings and was surprised when nothing happened.

  “What is wrong? Why won’t my wings open?” Frier cried as he struggled to spread his wings.

  Ralph stepped forward, laughing. “You silly child, you do not think that we would allow you to just fly away, do you?”

  Frier fought back tears as he tried again to open his wings.

  “Do not hurt yourself, as you are not going anywhere. We have cast a spell over you preventing you from leaving this room. You can try to fly, walk to the door or even attempt to climb out the small window above you, but you will not achieve freedom from this room.” Ralph pointed toward the small window high up on the wall.

  “You see, we have an important task for you, so you will remain here until you fulfill it,” David laughed as he saw
the frightened look appear on Frier’s face.

  “I don’t understand why you would do this. I thought we were brother Dragons,” Frier dropped to the floor, with all hope of escape sucked out of him.

  David and Ralph howled with laughter.

  “You really are a fool,” Ralph taunted with his eyes glowing red.

  “I do believe that we need to show Frier what we truly are,” David hissed with a look of complete joy burning on his face.

  Frier looked back and forth between David and Ralph, unsure of what they meant. He was about to speak when they both transformed from dragon forms into something hideous and frightening.

  Frier moved away from them, covering his mouth with both surprise and fear. “What are you? You are not dragons.”

  David stretched his long, slender, snake-like body as he towered over Frier. “No, we are not. We are Demlins from the Land of Shadows.”

  Ralph stretched his long slender body, as well. He then leaned over Frier, glaring down at him, as though ready to strike. “Do you have any idea how horrible it has been for us to be in your sickening form? Oh, my back is so stiff; I can barely move. Just the thought of being stuck as a dragon for much longer makes me ill.”

  “I, I don’t understand. I have been a fool. I trusted you, and you have betrayed me,” Frier cried, realizing what must surely lie ahead for him.

  “We may have betrayed you, but you have betrayed not only Roupert, but the Champion. You will lead her into the trap which will allow Queen Alona to take possession of the Blood Key, gaining its great power,” David chuckled at the look of fear on Frier’s face transform into one of panic.

  “I don’t understand. Why is the Blood Key so important?” Frier tried to control the fear building inside of him.

  Ralph looked at David and smiled. “Do you think we should tell him, brother?”

  David glanced down at Frier and laughed softly, “I do not see where it would do any harm. He can do nothing to stop what will happen tomorrow; Queen Alona as seen to that.”

  Ralph rubbed his hands together and let out a deep chuckle. “You are no ordinary Dragon, Frier. You see, you are the Royal Prince of Walandra, the only son of the great King Ashlym and Queen Privlana.” He waited a moment for this surprising information to sink into Frier’s mind.

  “What? That is impossible. I am the only one of my kind in the Kingdom,” Frier felt his body quiver at this unexpected news.

  “That is the lie Roupert told you. You see, your mother did not want you after your father died, so she sent you away with Roupert to live in the forest. Then she took her own life once the guilt of killing the King consumed her,” David said with a complete look of satisfaction on his face.

  “No, that cannot be true. How did my father die?” Frier felt his heart breaking.

  “It was your mother’s doing. She killed him,” Ralph said gleefully.

  “NO, NO, do not tell me anymore,” Frier held his hands over his ears, trying to block out the painful words.

  Both David and Ralph laughed aloud at the pain consuming Frier at learning the truth about his identity. Frier rocked from side-to-side, crying until he was sure he would die. Everything that he had believed in his life was a lie. He had always thought himself a mere creature of the forest, living happily with Roupert. Now he has learned that he is a Prince, whose parents were part of some evil plan? To learn that his father died because of his mother, and then to learn that she cast him away was more than he could handle. Frier closed his eyes, in the attempt to block out the pain, but the devilish of laughs of David and Ralph filled his senses.

  “Come, Ralph, it grows late and I wish to enjoy the feast that awaits us in the Great Hall,” David sneered with a demonic gleam in his eyes.

  “Yes. It’s a shame that Frier will not be joining us,” Ralph gloated with feigned sadness.

  “Please let me go. Let me return to my life in the forest. I promise that I will never come back. Queen Alona will never have to worry about me,” Frier pleaded.

  David and Ralph exchanged devious smiles then turned and left the room without saying another word.

  Once the door had slammed shut, Frier felt his heart lose all desire to live. How could this be happening? How could he have lived his entire life and not known the truth? He leaned his back against the cold stone wall and wondered what he could do to stop Queen Alona. He had nearly given up all hope when he heard a soft voice, whispering in his mind.

  “Frier, it is I; your mother.”

  Frier lifted his head and franticly looked toward the door. “Mother, where are you?”

  “I am in the dungeon where Alona has kept me in bondage all these years.”

  Frier looked about the room, convinced that he had lost his mind. “No, that is not possible. You are dead.”

  “No, Frier; that is another lie. I have been here since Alona killed your father and trapped me in my human form. She tried to destroy our clan, but she was not successful. You see, evil will never win over good.”

  Frier shook his head, trying to understand her words. “But she has won, Mother, and now she plans to use me to complete her evil plan. How can I stop her? I do not want my friends to die.”

  “Son, you must not surrender to defeat. The Champion will face much adversity when she arrives at the castle. She will be tested, so you need to remain firm and believe in the power of the Blood Key.”

  “Mother, what gives the Blood Key its power. Why does Alona crave its power so much?”

  Frier waited for an answer, but none came. “Mother, are you still there?”

  “Yes, my son. I created The Blood Key from the powerful Blood Stone, which has great magical powers. Alona stole the Blood Stone from the Guardians and planned to increase its power by infusing it with the blood of the most magical of all creatures in our realm.”

  “I don’t understand, Mother. Whose blood did she need?”

  Privlana did not want to tell Frier, but she knew that he deserved to know the truth. “The blood that she needed was that of King Ashlym, the King of the Dragons and your father.”

  Wails of pain burst forth from Frier, filling the small room. He closed his eyes forcing the anger to stay deep within him for fear that it would consume his soul. Alona had destroyed his family, and now she intended to destroy those he cared for the most.

  “Mother, what can I do to stop her? How can I prevent her from fulfilling her evil plan?”

  “I am not sure, my son. I do know that you must fight against anything she may try to force you to do. She has great power and can bend your will to suit her needs. Therefore, you must not allow her to use you in that manner. I wish that I could help you more, but I cannot.”

  Frier reached up and wiped the tears from his eyes. He knew that she was right. He would have to be strong if he wanted to save not only his Mother, but also his friends. He closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind. Suddenly the image of Cassy flashed in his mind and he felt a pain stab his heart.

  “Is that the Champion?” Privlana asked.

  “Yes, I hate to think of her facing the Evil Queen alone,” Frier’s heart ached for Cassy and the task ahead for her.

  “Do not fear for her, my son. I have a good feeling about this Champion. Apparently, Alona fears her greatly, so I believe that she will have the strength to be victorious.”

  Frier knew that his Mother was probably correct, yet a part of him worried for Cassy’s safety. He did not understand the feelings stirring up from deep inside of him, but for some unknown reason she seemed to possess his heart.

  “Mother, we have been able to speak by sharing our thoughts. Can we see each other as well?” He held his breath and waited for her answer.

  Privlana felt her heart leap with joy at his request. “Yes, my son, but I must warn you that I am not in my Dragon form.”

  “It does not matter, Mother. I just want to know that you are real and not a product of my imagination. Seeing your face will give me the strength I need to face th
e danger ahead for me.”

  Frier felt a strange tingling in his head as the image of a beautiful woman with flaming red hair and bright green eyes appeared before him in his mind.

  “You’re beautiful,” the words escaped his mouth.

  “And you are quite handsome, my son,” Privlana cried through tears of joy.

  “We both have the same green eyes,” he laughed with the thrill of knowing they shared something special.

  “Yes, all Dragons have eyes the color of emeralds. It is a sign of your Royal Heritage. Still, I must warn you they will glow blood red when we are angry. Your Father’s were the brightest of all dragons,” Privlana laughed softly as the memory of her beloved husband flowed into her mind.

  Frier gasped. “Is that my father?”

  Taken aback by the question, Privlana felt her heart quicken. “Can you see him? Oh, how wonderful; yes, that is your Father.”

  Frier squeezed his eyes tighter, trying to hold on to the vision in his mind. “Mother, I see flames dancing in his eyes. Why don’t you or I have them?”

  “What an excellent observation, my son. The flames dancing in your father’s eyes show the intensity of his powers. Your eyes will have the same once you take his powers as King.”

  Frier felt sadness tug at his heart at never knowing his father and mother. “Mother, do you think father would be proud of me?”

  “Oh yes, he was so excited about your coming birth. He would count the days until you came forth from the egg, as did I,” Privlana’s voice was soft and sorrowful at the memories of the loss of their lives together.

  “So you both wanted me? You didn’t cast me away?”

  Privlana sensed his sadness and wished that she could take him in her arms. “Oh my son, my heart has ached every day to see you. My heart broke to know that you would come forth from the egg and not know about your heritage. Your father had such plans for you. He wanted to teach you the way of the Dragon and all the responsibilities involved. You are a Prince of Walandra and destined to be its King.”


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