The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Page 13

by Linda L Barton

  The words hit Frier with such force that he could barely breath. How could he be a King over the entire Kingdom? He could not even sleep in Roupert’s hut without nearly burning it to the ground.

  Privlana sensed his doubts and quickly tried to put his mind at ease. “Do not fear, my son. You will make a great King someday, but that day has not come yet. First, we must stop Alona from obtaining the Blood Key. The Champion is wearing the sacred Breast Plate and Blood Key, so she needs to come to me in the dungeon to break the curse Alona has over the kingdom. I sense great courage in Cassandra, and I know with the help of Roupert and Keira, the Milif, she will be triumphant. Do not surrender to doubt, my son, for we have the power of good on our side.”

  Frier knew she was correct, but he could not help but worry.

  “Mother,” he asked with his eyes tightly closed.

  “Yes, Frier,” her voice was calm and soothing.

  “I’m glad that you are alive and thank you for coming to me tonight,” tears streamed down his cheeks again.

  Privlana felt her heart warm with love and pride. “I’m so proud of you, and I look forward to the moment when I can take you in my arms. I love you, my son. Rest well, for tomorrow will be a difficult day for us all. Goodnight.”

  “I love you too, Mother and goodnight.”

  The swirling fog appeared again, this time taking the vision of Privlana from Frier’s mind. Once she was gone, he leaned back against the cold wall, feeling a new sense of pride surge through him. He was glad to have learned the truth from his mother and to discover what she expected of him.

  “I promise not to fail, Mother,” his words filled the empty room, as he realized there was no escape for what lie ahead of him, and those he cared for.

  Chapter 19

  The morning sun gently kissed Cassy on the cheek, awakening her from her restless slumber.

  “Good morning,” Roupert said playfully. “I found some berries for our breakfast. I’m sure you didn’t want to eat dried meat this early in the day.”

  “Berries sound fantastic, thank you.” Cassy had to admit that she was relieved not to be eating the dried meat again so soon.

  Roupert handed her a small pouch of berries then sat next to her.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” Cassy held out the pouch toward him.

  “No, I ate while you were still sleeping. I’ve been awake for some time now going over our plans again,” he smiled, but Cassy could see the concern in his eyes.

  She reached into the pouch and pulled out a handful of the berries then shoved them in her mouth. “These are really good,” she grinned as berry juice flowed from the corners of her mouth.

  “I’d say so,” Roupert chuckled as he wiped the juice from her face with a small rag.

  Once Cassy had swallowed the mouthful of berries, she shot Roupert a concerned look then shook her head. “I’m worried.”

  “What worries you?” He thought he knew the answer, but he needed to know for sure.

  “What if we can’t do it? What if we fail to get the stone and breastplate to Queen Privlana?” Cassy lowered her head, trying to hide the shame burning in her heart.

  Roupert reached out and took her hand in his. “I understand your fear, for I feel the same. We are facing great danger, and Alona will not hesitate to kill both of us to obtain the Blood Key. She is an evil soul, who only cares for her own power, so we must try to remain strong and have faith that good always wins out over evil.”

  Cassy lifted her face and gazed into his eyes, seeing compassion and strength staring back at her. “I hope you’re right. You know something; I wish that Melissa was here. Don’t ever tell her that I said this, but she’s the smart one of the two of us. She will never admit it, but she’s level-headed and able to think her way out of trouble. She just acts like an airhead so no one will expect anything of her. Me, I’m more the charge in before thinking things through type of person. I can’t tell you the times I’ve gotten in trouble for not stopping first and thinking before acting,” Cassy moaned as she realize how much she wished that Melissa was there with her.

  “I hate to admit it, but I kind of wish Melissa was here. That way the Queen could go after her, instead of me,” Cassy glanced over at Roupert and grinned playfully.

  Roupert could not help but laugh at the look on her face. “Well, my young friend, I see great courage in you and I believe that we will be triumphant.”

  Roupert gave her hand a squeeze, this making her giggle. “I am glad you are the Champion, and that you are here.”

  “I’m glad that I’m here with you too. The old Evil Queen may think she has us, but we will have a surprise for her. We’re going to get the Blood Key back to Queen Privlana and restore the Kingdom. We’re going to be hero’s, and the subjects of Walandra will tell stories of our bravery for hundreds of years,” Cassy sat up straight with a new sense of purpose burning in her eyes.

  “Why don’t you finish the berries then we will leave for the castle,” Roupert urged with a playful grin.

  Cassy looked at him and shrugged her shoulders then put another handful in her mouth.

  Roupert had stood and was gathering their things when they heard a small voice.

  “We have come to help the Champion vanquish the Evil Queen Alona.”

  Cassy turned and saw three little creatures standing in the tall grass by the path leading to the castle. Cassy looked closely at the strange looking creatures, and she decided that they looked like elves from her storybooks. They were about three feet tall, with long, pointy noses and pointed ears. The tallest of the three was the one speaking, so she assumed that he was the leader.

  “Who are you?” Cassy looked at Roupert then over to the creatures.

  “They are Elim,” Roupert said with a hint of mistrust in his voice.

  “Yes, we are Elim. My name is Athrat, this is Tamrath, and that is Gillmer,” he pointed to the other two then bowed toward Cassy.

  “Yes, we heard the Champion had come to challenge the Queen, so we wanted to offer our assistance,” Tamrath said with a crooked smile.

  “We came to help you with your quest,” Gillmer added.

  Cassy took a step forward, but Roupert took her by the arm. “Do not trust them. They are selfish creatures who only do things for their own benefit. I promise you that they do not care about helping you. They are only here to line their own pockets with reward.”

  Athrat grasped his chest as though in pain. “It pains my heart to hear you say such things, Roupert. We have only come to offer our assistance to the Champion. We have no desire for reward.”

  “Tis true, tis true,” the other two chimed in with the same pained looks.

  Roupert was about to protest again when Cassy held up her hand. “Stop arguing. I think it’s quite honorable that you have come to offer your help with my quest. I would like to accept your help, but on one condition.”

  The three Elim looked at each other, and then up to Cassy, each nodding their agreement.

  “Cassy, no, you cannot trust them,” Roupert protested. He stepped toward the Elim in a threatening manner, but Cassy prevented his advance.

  “Stop, Roupert, you need to trust me. If these three are telling me the truth then I will know, but if they are lying to me they will face my wrath.”

  Roupert wondered what she was doing, but he decided to step back and trust her. Cassy stepped closer to the three Elim and bent down to look them directly in the eyes.

  “Do you see this?” she said in a calm voice as she rubbed her hand across the Blood Key.

  They all nodded nervously but said nothing.

  “This is the Blood Key and it is attached to the sacred Breast Plate. I wear this because I am the Champion, and through it, I have great powers. Do you understand my words?”

  The three nodded their heads again with the fear inside of them growing to a fevered pitch.

  “At first I didn’t understand what I could do, but now I know.” She placed her hand firmly on
the Blood Key, causing it to begin to glow and vibrate.

  Roupert watched Cassy, surprised to see her acting this way. He glanced over at the Elim, who now were backing away from Cassy with fear showing in their eyes.

  Cassy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, this causing the Blood Key to glow like fire with what appeared to be flames shooting out of it from between her fingers. The Elim took another step back when Cassy opened her eyes and looked at them again, but now her eyes were a bright emerald green with ribbons of flames swirling around in them.

  The three Elim gasped and dropped to their knees, pleading for their lives. “Please, Champion. You have the spirit of the Dragon inside you. Please do not kill us.”

  Roupert gazed at Cassy, shocked by this turn of events. He had not seen eyes like that for many years. Not since, he served King Ashlym.

  “You have come to take the Blood Key for your own. I will not allow creatures such as you to take what is not yours. Now leave while you still have your pitiful lives,” Cassy said in a low growl.

  “Yes, your Majesty, we meant no disrespect,” the three Elim bowed as they slowly backed away, not wanting to turn their backs on Cassy.

  “I’m sure that you did not. Now, leave my site before I change my mind,” Cassy took a step forward, causing the Elim to turn and run for their lives.

  Once they were gone, Cassy turned to face Roupert. “Wow; that was weird.”

  Roupert ran his fingers through his hair as he shook his head. “I do not know what weird is, but it definitely was strange,” he laughed nervously. “If I didn’t know better, I would have sworn that was King Ashlym.”

  Cassy shook her head, trying to understand what had just happened. “I think it was. I felt him with me, in me. That was incredible. I felt so strong, as though nothing or no one could hurt me.”

  Roupert gawked at her, trying to understand her words. “It isn’t possible. King Ashlym died many years ago. He died by Alona’s hand with a dagger through the heart.”

  “I know, but isn’t his blood in this?” she placed her hand over the Blood Key.

  “Yes, but…”

  “Roupert, I know what I felt. Keira and the Lillients tell me that the Blood Key chose me to be the Champion and that I have powers because of it. They said that Alona forced a drop of the King’s blood inside of the stone, right?”

  He nodded his head, realizing there was much he did not understand about the power of the Dragons.

  “I believe that somehow the King is still alive because of his blood inside of the stone. I think when Alona forced his blood inside the stone to trap his powers, she also trapped his soul. I felt him inside of me. I felt his power and strength. I know that with his help, we will vanquish Alona forever.” Her eyes met his, and he knew in that instant that she spoke the truth.

  Roupert could not contain his joy. He grabbed Cassy and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.

  “Hey, you’re squeezing me,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he released her then laughed at the silly look on her face as she straightened her clothes.

  “I wondered why the Elim were so terrified. When you threatened them, your eyes looked like King Ashlym’s with ribbons of flames swirling in the bright emerald green. You’re voice took on his tone as well.”

  “I did? No wonder those three were ready to run for the hills,” Cassy laughed a deep belly laugh, remembering the look of terror on their faces.

  Roupert laughed as well. “I must admit that I was frightened for a moment. You see, I am no longer worried for I know that my King is watching over us. We have nothing to fear with him at our side.”

  “I feel the same way. Come on, let’s go rescue Frier and save the Kingdom so Aaron and I can go home,” Cassy said with a joyous tone in her voice.

  Chapter 20

  Privlana awoke feeling lightness in her heart that she had not felt for many years. She had long prayed to see her son, but with each passing year, she had begun to lose hope.

  “Frier, you are such a handsome young man,” she whispered as she lay on the filthy straw mat on the dungeon floor.

  “What did you say? Oh you poor thing, you’ve been down here so long that you are beginning to talk to yourself,” Alona chuckled as she crossed to floor toward Privlana.

  “I didn’t say anything, you must be hearing things,” Privlana shot back, not wanting Alona to know of her time with Frier the night before.

  “If you say so, but I’m sure I heard you say something. No matter, I just wanted to come down and visit with you for a while. You see, today is going to be a special day for both of us. Today, I will obtain the Blood Key, and today everyone you care for, including your sweet son, Frier will die. Yes, today is going to be a full day,” Alona laughed devilishly.

  “You are such a fool, Alona. You already tried once to get the power of the Blood Key and failed. What makes you think that you will be a success today?”

  Alona stepped closer, and lowered her voice. “Because I have your son, and if the Champion does not give me the Blood Key then I will kill him, and that foolish Roupert who travels with her.”

  Privlana had known that Alona was desperate to get the Blood Key, but she never thought she would resort to killing Frier when she could harness his power as well, unless…. She doesn’t know, Privlana quickly shoved the thought from her mind.

  Alona lowered her eyes, trying to read Privlana’s thoughts. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing, I’m not thinking anything other than what a pitiful creature you are,” Privlana said flatly.

  Alona did not appreciate Privlana’s words and raised her hand in anger. “I should strike you dead now.”

  Privlana lifted her head and looked directly at Alona. “But you won’t because it will prevent you from fulfilling your plans. We both know that my death will forever keep the Blood Key out of your reach. You know that, as do I. So, lower your hand, and be gone, for I wish to be alone.”

  Privlana lay back down on the mat then turned her back to Alona.

  “Enjoy this time, Privlana for soon you and your son will join your husband in the Land of Shadows.” Alona turned on her heel and walked back toward the stairway. She turned one last time to look again at Privlana, the in a huff she stormed up the stairs and out of sight.

  Once Alona was gone, Privlana closed her eyes and reached out to Frier. She had to warn him of Alona’s intent.

  Cassy and Roupert rolled up their blankets and put everything away in their packs. Once they knew they had everything, they both took a deep breath and walked toward the path leading through the woods to the rear side of the castle. Roupert had used the small door hidden in the tall bushes along the eastern wall of the castle when he helped Abigail on her quest. Most in the castle had no knowledge of the small door as it was only for the Royal family should they ever have a need to escape unseen.

  “How much farther is the castle from here?” Cassy asked as she followed Roupert through the trees growing over the path and making it nearly impassable.

  “It’s not far. If I remember correctly, it’s less than an hour’s walk from here.”

  “Dang, you’d think that Keira could have dropped us somewhere a little closer,” Cassy snickered at the surprised look on Roupert’s face.

  “True, but we wouldn’t want the Queen’s men to have found us sleeping while they were out on patrol, would we?” He then laughed at the look of surprise on her face.

  “No, I guess Keira knew what she was doing, after all,” she grumbled as she pushed another low hanging branch out of her way.

  They had walked in silence for several minutes until Cassy spoke again, “Roupert?”

  “Yes, what is on your mind?” He sensed that something was bothering her.

  “Do you believe that Alona will hurt Frier?” Just the thought of him held captive by the evil Alona made Cassy nauseous.

  Roupert did not want to tell her the truth, but he knew
he must. He swallowed then steadied himself before answering. “I’m afraid that she would. She craves the Power of the Dragon above all else, and she will stop at nothing to obtain it for her own. Her heart is dark and full of evil so she will not hesitate to kill anyone who stands in her way.”

  “I was worried about that,” she said flatly.

  Roupert looked over his shoulder and smiled at her. “Do not worry though. I have faith in you, Cassy. Yesterday when the Elim tried to trick you, you showed real strength. I felt as though I was in the presence of King Ashlym again.”

  Cassy stopped in her tracks, touched by his words. “I have to admit that I felt him there with me. He was so powerful. I could feel him surging through me.”

  Roupert turned around to face her. “I don’t understand what happened, but I believe that he was there with you. When I looked into your eyes, I saw him there. Your eyes changed to the color of the Royal Emerald Green, with the same swirling ribbons of flames that burned in King Ashlym’s eyes. I don’t understand how it happened, but your voice even sounded like the King.”

  Cassy searched for the words to express her thoughts, but none came to her.

  Roupert saw the look on her face and understood her emotions. “Come on, Champion. We have a Kingdom to save.”

  He turned around and began walking through the trees toward the castle. “Hurry up,” he released a tree branch that was blocking the path. “Watch out.”

  Cassy had ducked under the tree branch before it struck her. “Hey, that wasn’t nice,” she scolded.

  “I was just testing your reflexes,” Roupert teased.

  “Maybe I need to walk in front and test your reflexes,” Cassy retorted with a wicked grin on her face.

  Roupert waved his hand over his shoulder as he continued down the path. “My reflexes are just fine, but stay close, for we are near the castle now.”

  Cassy’s breath caught in her throat at the thought that they were nearly there. She reached up and touched the Blood Key, and felt its warmth under her fingertips. “I sure hope you’re still with me King Ashlym,” her voice was a near whisper.


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