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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

Page 14

by Linda L Barton

  Roupert glanced back at her. “Did you say something?”

  “No, I was just thinking aloud.” She wanted to tell him the truth, but something held her back.

  “We need to be careful from now on. We don’t wish to alert the castle guards.” Roupert glanced over his shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

  As they got closer to the castle, Cassy felt the Blood Key begin to vibrate. She reached up and touched it, feeling a strange sensation surge into her hand then up her arm. Next, her body started to feel warm and every nerve in her body seemed to come alive.

  Do not fear, my child for I am with you,” a gentle voice filled her mind, and she suddenly realized the fear she had felt moments before was now gone.

  Is that you, King Ashlym? The question formed in her mind, awaiting an answer she was unsure she would receive.

  Yes, and I am pleased you have come, Cassandra. I have waited many years for one with the strength and courage I see in you.

  I don’t understand something. Everyone says that you are dead. They say that Alona killed you, but you can’t be dead because I feel you here with me. Cassy reached up and wiped a tear from her eye.

  There is much misunderstanding regarding the Power of the Dragon. There are many levels of magic that few know exist. Once we have vanquished Alona, I promise to share everything with you, but now you must stay focused on the task ahead for you are nearly to the castle.

  Roupert stopped and turned to face Cassy. “The castle is not far ahead. I want you to stay here while I go see if there are any guards nearby.”

  Cassy nodded her head then sat on a fallen tree. “Be careful and don’t forget to come back to get me,” she replied nervously.

  Roupert gave her a playful wink as he turned and disappeared through the thick overgrowth. Cassy looked around at the trees, wondering what the day would bring. Would they rescue Frier and free Queen Privlana, or would Alona defeat them?

  She closed her eyes, trying to clear her thoughts when she heard a small voice whisper in her ear.

  “Do not fear, Cassandra. I have been watching over you this entire time. I know you will be victorious this day, so put your fears aside,” Keira spoke in a hushed tone.

  Cassy opened her eyes and saw the tiny Milif hovering in front of her. “It’s good to see you again, Keira.”

  “How are you feeling today?” Keira asked with a playful tone in her voice.

  Cassy looked at Keira, wondering how she could ask such a strange question. “You want to know how I’m feeling? Well, let’s see, I’m trapped in a strange world with a Dragon’s Breast Plate and a gemstone with the blood of the King of the Dragon’s trapped inside of it. Then, I have an Evil Queen wanting to steal the stone and she’s willing to kill me in the process. Just how do you think I feel?”

  Keira’s expression was one of sadness when she answered Cassy. “That was not the answer I had hoped to hear.”

  “I don’t understand. What do you want me to say?”

  Keira reached out and touched the Blood Key. “Why do you deny what you feel?”

  Cassy’s eyes lit up with excitement. “You know. You know that King Ashlym lives inside of the Blood Key don’t you?”

  Keira nodded, surprised that Cassy would even question this. “Of course, I do. I have served the King for thousands of years. I knew the day that Alona forced his blood inside of the Blood Stone, that she had also trapped his spirit. She would have certainly controlled his power had Queen Privlana now cast the spell that transformed the Blood Stone into a key.”

  Cassy listened intently as Keira explained everything to her.

  “I did not feel the King’s spirit when Abigail came to Walandra. While she was brave, it was not her destiny to free us from Alona’s curse. Everything changed when you appeared though. I felt the Blood Key’s powers and those of King Ashlym.”

  “Do you believe that I can defeat Alona? She is so powerful, and…”

  Keira held up her hand. “Yes, it is true that her powers are great, but you have the Power of the Dragon. There is no power greater in any realm. Today will be a great day for the subjects of Walandra, and you will prove your bravery. I must give you a warning. Alona will use trickery, so trust your heart, not your eyes. She will use your love for your brother as well as your friendship with Roupert and Frier. Surrender to the Power of the Dragon and you will be victorious. I must go, Roupert returns.” Keira then vanished in a ball of shimmering light.

  The sound of footsteps brought Cassy to attention. She held her breath as she waited for Roupert. After a few moments, he appeared through the thick overgrowth.

  “It is clear for us to go. Hurry, we need to get inside of the castle before the next patrol.”

  Cassy quickly got to her feet and followed Roupert toward the castle and her destiny.

  Frier sat in the corner of the dark room with only the light of the sun peeking through the small window high above him. He had tried to sleep but was unable to, as the sound of his mother’s voice kept replaying in his mind.

  “How could things have gone so wrong?”

  Frier thought back to his time with Roupert and all the happy memories they shared. He had always thought of Roupert as a father, so when the Demlins told him that his life was a lie his heart had died a bit at hearing those painful words. Shame filled his heart at believing their lie.

  “I’m sorry for not having more faith in you, Roupert. I was a foolish child to have trusted them.” Feeling despair, he closed his eyes with the image of his mother appearing in his mind.

  “You are so beautiful.” His heart leaped with joy as he held on to the image for as long as he could.

  “Who is beautiful?” David chuckled as he appeared in the room.

  “I wonder if he’s thinking of Roupert. While he is not entirely dreadful looking, I would not go as far to say that he is beautiful,” Ralph laughed as well when he appeared next to David.

  Frier cringed when he heard their taunts, for he was in no mood to face them. All he wanted was to enjoy the memories of his time with his mother.

  “Open your eyes and look upon us,” David demanded in a dark and menacing tone.

  Frier refused to do as commanded. He turned his face away and held his eyes tightly closed without saying a word.

  David and Ralph were surprised how the young Prince showed no fear with his current situation.

  “So, the little Prince is feeling brave this morning. I wonder what could have happened to bring about this change in him?” Ralph growled with a look of contempt on his face.

  “I do not know, but that is not a wise thing to do. Queen Alona will not be pleased with his attitude this morning,” David chuckled at seeing Frier squeeze his eyes even tighter.

  “Enjoy these last few moments of bravery, young Prince. The time of your usefulness grows near, and you will finally get to meet your loving mother.” Ralph laughed when he saw Frier turn his head and look directly at him.

  Frier felt his blood boil in his veins at the arrogant attitude of these two demonic creatures. He knew they had the upper hand for now, but something deep inside of him told him their plans for him and his mother would fail.

  “Enjoy this time, for you will know defeat by my hands this day,” Frier said in a calm and firm voice.

  David and Ralph found this comment quite amusing considering the situation in which the young Prince currently found himself.

  “You are a foolish child,” David fought to contain his laughter.

  “Yes, he is,” Ralph chimed in.

  The Demlins eyes met, and at that moment, they could no longer contain their enjoyment of the current events.

  Frier watched the two Demlins laugh and wished that he had the ability to turn them to ash with one burst of fire.

  Frier fought to control his anger then he said in a calm voice, “Go ahead and laugh. I am the son of the mighty King Ashlym, King of the Dragons and sole heir to the throne of Walandra. I will not allow Alona to rule over thi
s kingdom for another day. It all ends today. I will see her cast into the Land of Shadows, along with all those who serve her. So, go ahead and laugh for you will be returning to the Land of Shadows along with your Queen. Let her rule the subjects there.”

  Frier’s face transformed, it was now something dark and foreboding, which made the Demlins question their own power. How could the young Prince speak such words? He was the prisoner of Queen Alona, not the other way around. Yet, they had to admit they saw something in his eyes to make them take pause.

  Frier could see the doubt in their eyes, which only empowered him more. “I see fear in your eyes. What is wrong, do you question your Queen’s power?”

  “We do not question our Queen’s power over one as pitiful as you, young Prince. You are the one shackled in this dark room, away from everyone you hold dear,” David countered defiantly.

  Frier’s eyelids lowered in a menacing glare. “Go ahead and enjoy these last moments, for you and your Queen will soon rue her attack on the Royal family. She may have killed my father and enslaved my mother in the dungeon below, but today she will discover the real Power of the Dragon.”

  Fear now replaced victory in the eyes of the Demlins.

  “How can it be that he knows Queen Alona killed King Ashlym?” David tried to control his fear.

  “There is no way he could know,” Ralph stepped back from Frier with dread consuming him.

  “Is that fear I see glowing in your eyes? Frier teased.

  The Demlins exchanged glanced, with a mixture of both fear and disbelief showing on their faces.

  Frier released a loud laugh that filled the small room. “You and your Queen have made the fatal mistake of underestimating the Power of the Dragon. I must tell you it will lead to your demise and that of your Queen.”

  David and Ralph were at a loss how to respond. They knew the Power of the Dragon was the most powerful magic in all the realms, but the curse cast by Queen Alona had prevented any Dragon from using their powers. Queen Privlana sat in the dungeon trapped in her human form, as the rest of the Dragon clan sat atop the castle as stone Centurions. They sat in silence, overlooking the Kingdom from the spell cast by Privlana to save them from death.

  Frier watched as doubt continued to grow in their eyes. “Ah, not so sure of victory now, are you?”

  “We have nothing more to say to you. Prepare to do as commanded by Queen Alona, and maybe she will allow you to live,” Ralph snarled dismissively.

  Without saying another word, the two Demlins vanished in a puff of black smoke.

  Once they were gone, Frier said a silent prayer that his words were true and that today would be the end of Alona’s rule over Walandra.

  Chapter 21

  Roupert and Cassy reached the clearing along the back of the castle. She nervously looked around then followed Roupert to some tall bushes growing beside the castle wall.

  “The door is behind these bushes,” Roupert said as he moved some of the branches aside, exposing a wooden door. “Hurry, we do not want to be seen by any guards who may be on patrol.”

  Roupert grasped the handle on the door and tugged. “It’s stuck. Quick, come help me pull on it.”

  Cassy rushed to his side and grabbed the handle, and together they gave it another tug. The door opened some, but not enough to fit through.

  “Pull hard again,” Roupert groaned.

  Cassy braced herself and when Roupert gave the order, she pulled with all of her might.

  With a loud groan, the door swung wide. Roupert glanced over at Cassy, who was smiling.

  “Good job, now let us hope it closes much easier,” Roupert winked.

  They both stepped through the door, and Roupert quickly pulled it shut behind them.

  “See, I told you that we are a good team,” he chuckled.

  “True, but I was worried the door was stuck shut,” Cassy teased.

  “As was I. I guess the years had rusted the hinges in place, but together we were able to solve the problem. Let me see if I can find one of the torches they used to have along the wall.”

  Roupert began to rub his hand along the wall until he felt where they had left a torch. He removed it and then laid it on the stone floor. Next, he pulled the bronze handled Firesteel and his knife hanging from his belt. Cassy watched intently as he leaned down and rested the Firesteel against the torch, struck his knife on the edge of the Firesteel, causing it to spark. It amazed her how the torch had caught fire after only three strikes and was now lighting up the small room.

  “Wow. That was cool. I’ve never seen anyone start a fire like that before,” Cassy said while shaking her head from side-to-side with disbelief.

  Roupert looked up at Cassy, confused by her response. “I do not understand. How do you start fires in your realm?”

  “We have matches and lighters.”

  “What are matches and lighters?” Roupert asked.

  Cassy thought for a moment before answering. “Well, matches are small sticks with a ball on the end of it that when you strike it on something rough it causes a flame. I guess it sort of works on the same idea of your instrument by using friction to cause the fire.”

  Roupert nodded his head, understanding her explanation.

  “Now a lighter is a device that uses fuel and a small flint. You push a button, which causes the striker to hit the flint, igniting the fuel inside of the lighter. That one is my favorite. I wish I had one so I could show you.”

  “That sounds very interesting, but I will stay with what I know. Come, we must go.”

  Roupert and Cassy headed down the long hallway that lead deep into the castle. Cassy marveled how the torch caused strange looking shadows to move on the walls, and she wondered if they were in fact only shadows.

  After several minutes, they came to a turn in the hallway where they noticed light glowing from that direction.

  “Wait here. I will go make sure it is clear,” Roupert whispered then he handed her the torch.

  Cassy did not like the idea of him leaving her behind, but she did as told. Roupert glanced back and gave her a playful wink. “I promise that I won’t be long.”

  “Okay, but I want you to know that I’ll be counting the seconds,” she teased.

  Roupert reached out and gently touched her cheek then he turned and vanished around the corner leaving Cassy standing there alone.

  “Please don’t forget me,” she said silently to herself.

  It had been many years since Roupert had walked the dark hidden hallways of the castle. As he slowly approached the light shimmering from ahead of him, he wondered what lay ahead for him and Cassy. He knew that danger awaited them and their chance of success was limited, but a voice inside of him kept telling him to believe. With each step, the light grew brighter until he finally reached the opening into a large room. He was about to enter the room when he heard a voice fill his mind.

  Stop, do not enter the room without Cassandra. She must be with you.

  Who are you? How do I know that I can trust you? Roupert answered in his mind, as he felt his heart pounding in his chest.

  Has it been so long that you have forgotten me, Sir Roupert? He felt great sorrow suddenly fill his being, causing tears to come to his eyes.

  My Queen, is that you? His heart raced with anticipation.

  Yes, Sir Roupert, it is I, Queen Privlana. I have waited so long for this day. My heart is full of joy at knowing that my time of bondage will soon end.

  Roupert’s heart leaped with joy at hearing her voice again, but then the image of Frier appeared in his mind. My Queen, I have failed you. I did not protect the Prince from Alona. She has taken him.

  Do not fear for Frier. He is safe and now knows who he is. I want to thank you for raising him into an exceptional young man. Now, go bring Cassandra with you for your path ahead grows dangerous.

  Roupert returned to where he had left, Cassy. Once there, he told her of his conversation with Queen Privlana and of how Frier was unharmed.

>   “Oh, thank goodness,” Cassy cried out. “Well, let’s do as the Queen ordered. Let’s go kick some Evil Queen butt,” she said with an excited gleam in her eyes.

  Roupert bowed his head with a broad smile on his face. “As you command, my Champion.”

  Roupert took the torch from Cassy and laid it on the floor next to the wall. “We’ll leave this here in case we need it for a hasty retreat.”

  Cassy flashed a confident and wicked grin. “We will not be retreating today. We are going to free Frier and his mother then we are going to restore your kingdom. I plan to go home with Aaron, but we can’t do it if we don’t take down Alona and her evil followers. So, get any idea of failure out of your mind. The only person who needs to worry today is Alona.”

  The sound of murmuring alerted Roupert and Cassy of danger ahead. They exchanged concerned glances then prepared themselves for their attack. The two guards standing at the door leading to the main hall had no warning, as Roupert and Cassy made themselves known to them. Before either could reach for his sword, Roupert had slain one with his sword, and the other with his knife.

  “Wow, you really are a great knight,” Cassy proclaimed excitedly.

  Roupert shook his head as he replaced his sword and knife to their sheaths. “I did not enjoy taking their lives, Cassandra. One does not feel joy when killing a man he once called a friend.”

  Cassy saw the sorrow in his eyes and understood his words. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Roupert looked into her eyes, feeling her pain. “You have no reason to apologize. Alona had cast a spell over them, so they were no longer the brave and loyal men I once knew. I’m sure that we will face many more as we continue on our way to the dungeon to rescue Queen Privlana.”

  Cassy knew he was right, but she did not fully understand what they were facing until this moment. She glanced down at the two slain men and said a silent prayer that she and Roupert would not meet the same fate.

  “Come, we must hurry before it is time to change the guards.” Roupert took her by the hand and pulled her along with him.


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