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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

Page 16

by Linda L Barton

  “No, I cannot lose you. I just found you,” he cried out, with loud wails of pain.

  “It is not your time to go, my love,” the deep voice of Ashlym left Cassy’s lips.

  Frier’s eyes met Cassy’s and he was surprised to see her eyes shimmer a bright emerald green with swirling flames dancing in them. “Who are you?” the words escaped his mouth before he realized what he had said.

  Roupert stepped up next to Frier and smiled. “That is the spirit of your father, King Ashlym. He has been with Cassandra from the moment she wore the Blood Key.”

  “I don’t understand. How is that possible?” Frier shook his head finding it difficult to believe this news.

  Cassy placed her hand on the Breast Plate. “Son, there is much you do not know about the Power of the Dragon. You see, your mother will not die today.”

  Cassy grasped the Breast Plate and the straps holding it in place disappeared. She then held it out, and to Roupert’s and Frier’s surprise it transformed from the Stone like plate into a Dragon breast scale with the Blood Key still attached to the center.

  “Step back,” Cassy said with a glint in her eyes. She then positioned Privlana on her back then gently laid the scale on Privlana’s chest.

  A strange vibration filled the room, making Roupert and Frier take several stepped back.

  “What is going on?” Frier asked as he watched the breast scale shimmer a bright green with bursts of flames shooting from the Blood Key.

  The magic of the Blood Key filled the room, making everyone feel its power surge through them like bolts of lightning. Several of the guards dropped to their knees in fear, while Roupert and Dalmen bowed with reverence.

  Suddenly, a green fog surrounded Privlana, lifting her from the floor. Her long red hair fluttered in the air, as she spun slowly with beams of bright light emanating from her fingertips and toes.

  Time stood still, as Frier watched the transformation of his mother from her human form into the beautiful image of the Dragon now standing before him.

  Frier, my beloved son,” she cried out to him.

  Joy filled Frier’s heart, as it seemed to soar among the clouds. “Mother,” he cried, as he felt tears wetting his cheeks.

  Privlana reached up and touched the breastplate once again covering her chest above her powerful Dragon’s heart. “It is over. The curse is broken,” she cried, feeling joy and peace overtake her.

  Cassy stepped forward and looked up at Privlana. “It’s not over. There is one more thing you must do, but it will take the love you and Frier share to complete this task.”

  Cassy held out her hand. When she opened her fingers, everyone in the room gasped when they saw the Blood Stone resting in the palm of her hand. “Your Majesty, Frier, you both must close your eyes and visualize King Ashlym in your minds. You must harness all of your love and power to complete this last task.”

  Cassy stood between Privlana and Frier and held out the Blood Stone. The guards were huddled together, unsure of what was about to happen and Roupert eyes were wide with anticipation as he held his breath.

  The room was deathly quiet. Cassy lifted the Blood Stone above her head and shouted in a clear voice, “Come forth, by the Power of the Dragon. I call ye from the Land of Shadows to the Land of the Living.”

  Roupert stood in stunned amazement, as a powerful light came forth from the Blood Stone and filled the entire room. Everything seemed to move as in the rippling of water, and Roupert felt his mind grow faint.

  The guards feared for their lives, as the light seemed to consume them like fire in a pit. At the final moment when all hope was lost, a significant cracking noise filled the dungeon and in a large cloud of smoke, the mighty Dragon, King Ashlym appeared.

  “My love,” Queen Privlana cried out with joy.

  “My King,” Roupert and the guards shouted with glee, as they dropped to one knee, bowing with reverence.

  King Ashlym turned and faced Frier. “My son, it is good to see you,” he smiled when he saw tears fill Frier’s eyes.

  “Oh Father,” Frier cried, his heart filled with joy.

  King Ashlym turned and faced Cassy. “I owe you a great debt, Cassandra. You have proven that one not need be a powerful warrior to conquer the Evil Queen. I want to thank you for saving my kingdom, and reuniting my family.”

  Overcome with emotion, Cassy dropped to her knees and cried. She knew the danger was over, but for some reason she could not seem to shake an uneasy feeling.

  “I see you are tormented. What bothers you, child?” King Ashlym asked.

  Cassy shook her head then held out her hand. “I don’t think the Blood Stone is working anymore. I think all of its magic is gone.” She looked down at the Stone that now had a large crack in its center and had lost its deep red glow.

  Cassy looked over at Roupert then at the Queen. “I know it was the Blood Key that brought me here, but now that Alona’s curse and your spell are broken it’s no longer a key, right?”

  “You are correct. It has returned to being the Blood Stone. Why do you ask?” Queen Privlana said.

  Cassy lowered her head, afraid of the answer to come. “If it’s no longer a key then how are Aaron and I supposed to return home?”

  King Ashlym tried his best not to laugh, “You do not fully understand the Power of the Dragon yet, do you?”

  Cassy looked up at him and shook her head.

  “You need not worry how you will return home. You as the Champion will always have the Power of the Dragon inside of you. You have shown great courage and defeated the Evil Queen Alona. Before you return to your home, let us celebrate with a grand feast. Today is a joyous day. Let us spend time together in celebration before you return to your realm,” King Ashlym laughed heartily.

  Chapter 23

  Cassy’s mind raced at the activities of the day. Roupert had taken her to the tower to retrieve the remainder of the Dragon clan who had spent the many years of Alona’s rule trapped as stone.

  “I didn’t realize there were so many of them,” Cassy laughed as each took their turn greeting her and showering her with praise and well wishes.

  “You are quite famous among the subjects of Walandra,” Roupert laughed. Suddenly a young dragon transformed into the human form of a little girl, who ran up to Cassy and hugged her while giggling with tears of joy.

  “Thank you for saving us,” the little girl said while hugging Cassy tightly. “I did not like being trapped in stone for all that time.”

  Cassy looked up at Roupert with tears in her eyes. “I had no idea they would know what was happening to them. How terrible,” she touched the little girl on the cheek, making her giggle even more.

  “Come, we must hurry. We would not want to miss the feast,” Roupert chuckled when the Dragons all transformed into their human forms and rushed to the stairway, which led down to the great hall.

  Once Cassy and Roupert entered the Great Hall, Aaron ran up to Cassy and threw his arms around her neck.

  “Hey there, Sis, I sure am glad to see you. You’re not going to believe this, but the Lillients showed me how to fly. I flew here from their castle far off to the east. Man, I heard you beat that evil Alona and sent her packing.”

  Cassy held on to Aaron tightly, with joy filling her heart. “I’m glad to see you too. You bet I did. You don’t think I let some Evil Queen get the best of me, do you,” she winked then laughed when Aaron shrugged his shoulders.

  Cassy looked around the Great Hall. “Where are the Lillients? I’d like to thank them for taking such good care of you.”

  “They said something about needing to check on Frier. I hear that he’s no longer a small dragon and that he killed Alona. That is so cool,” Aaron clapped his hands together joyously.

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t recognize him at all now,” Cassy grinned.

  A young maiden walked up to Cassy and held out her hand. “Please come with me, Cassandra, our Champion. The Queen has requested that you dress for dinner. She said that you mus
t wash and change your clothes after such a grueling day. As for you, Sir Aaron, the Queen would like you to go with Cameron. He will help you prepare for dinner.”

  Cassy and Aaron looked at each other wondering how to respond.

  Roupert walked up to them and rested his hand on Aaron’s shoulder with a broad grin on his face. “Do not argue with orders from the Queen. Go with these servants and they will help you prepare for dinner. I’ll see you back here once you’re done.”

  Realizing there was no sense in arguing, Cassy and Aaron followed the two servants out of the Hall and down a long hallway to the private chambers.

  Cassy followed the servant girl through the large wooden door into a massive bedchamber. She looked around the room and was amazed at how beautifully decorated it was.

  “Please remove your clothes and put them in the basket. I will see that they are cleaned and returned to you after the feast.”

  The handmaiden walked over to a large tub sitting in the back of the room by a privacy screen. “You may undress behind there, and I will return with your dining clothes. The water is hot, and your soap and towel for drying are by the bath. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. Once you have finished bathing, I will return and help you dress.”

  Cassy stepped behind the privacy screen and took off her clothes then put them in the basket. The handmaiden then grabbed the basket with Cassy’s dirty clothes and left the room. “Enjoy your bath and I will return soon.”

  Cassy was at a loss for what to say, so she merely nodded and smiled. Once she was alone, she slipped into the warm bath.

  As Cassy relaxed in the warm water, she thought back to the events of the past few days. No one would ever believe what she had done. To be honest, she was not sure if she believed it herself.

  “Who would believe that I was possessed by a Dragon and fought an Evil Queen using magic?” Cassy chuckled to herself.

  She knew her life would never be the same after she returned home. How does someone experience everything she did and not be a changed person?

  “Miss, it is nearly time to join everyone in the Great Hall,” the handmaiden said as she walked back into the room carrying an elegant gown.

  “Okay, I’m getting out.” Cassy stood and reached for the towel. She would have enjoyed more time relaxing in the enticing water, but the urgent look on the handmaiden’s face let her know there was no time to waste.

  “Please come over here. I had laid your undergarments on the bed earlier, and I hope you find this gown pleasing. The Queen thought the color would bring out the beautiful color in your eyes,” the handmaiden blushed and seeing the surprised look on Cassy’s face.

  “Ah, thank you. It’s quite beautiful.”

  Once Cassy was dressed, the handmaiden had her sit so that she could do her hair. “You have lovely hair, Miss Cassandra. I do hope you like what I do for you.”

  “I’ve never had anyone do my hair other than my mom,” Cassy felt sadness tug at her heart.

  The handmaiden smiled, “Your mother is a lucky woman to have such a brave daughter. To have been victorious over the Evil Queen is a miraculous thing. The subjects of the kingdom will eternally be in your debt.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. I was just doing what I needed to do.”

  “No, you put the needs of others before those of your own. The children of Walandra will hear the tale of the young girl from a faraway realm who saved us from the Evil Queen by casting her into the realm of the Land of the Shadows. They will sing praises to your name and rejoice in the freedom you restored.”

  Taken aback by the excitement in the handmaiden’s eyes, Cassy’s cheeks flushed a soft shade of red at hearing her words. “Thank you, that means a lot to me.”

  The handmaiden stepped away from Cassy and smiled. “There, you are ready. You are as beautiful as a Royal Princess, come, look.” She reached down and took Cassy by the hand then led her over to the large mirror in the corner of the room.

  Cassy’s breath caught in her throat at the vision looking back at her in the mirror. She raised her hand to her mouth, “Oh, my, is that me?”

  “Yes, you truly are a vision of beauty,” the handmaiden nodded.

  Cassy stared at the image looking back at her in the mirror. She noticed that the dress was made of an amber shimmering cloth with a pearl-colored sash wrapped tightly around her waist. She leaned in closely and saw the small jewels, each carefully sewn on the bodice of the dress, reflecting the flickering torches which hung along the walls of the room. Next, she realized how her hair was up on her head in a twisted knot, with delicate wisps gently teasing her shoulders then atop her head, sat a small crown made of vibrant flowers.

  “Thank you,” Cassy said, unable to turn away from the image in the mirror.

  “You are welcome. I’m sure Prince Frier will be pleased,” the handmaiden winked.

  Cassy glanced over at her, not understanding why she would say such a thing. “Ah, I don’t understand. Frier and I are only friends and nothing more.”

  “As you say,” the handmaiden giggled. “Come, we do not want to be late for the feast.”

  A loud trumpet sounded, letting everyone know to sit at the Grand Table, as it was time for the Royal Family to enter the hall.

  “Come sit here,” one of the service staff said, as he led Cassy and Aaron to elegant chairs up near the head of the table.

  Once they had taken their place, Cassy looked at Aaron and smiled. “You look so handsome. I never realized how much you look like Dad.”

  Aaron sat up straight, holding his chin high. “Roupert told me that a Palace Guard is a man of honor and must act accordingly. I will watch over you fair maiden and keep you safe. One as lovely as you would surely be a prize for evil forces,” Aaron grinned playfully.

  “Thank you fine, Sir, I am forever grateful to have such a brave Palace Guard protecting me.” Cassy lowered her head with mock gratitude.

  At hearing the murmurings of the others in the Grand Hall, Cassy and Aaron turned toward the large hallway where a man stood. He then announced in a loud and clear voice, “All behold, the Royal Family has returned. Let us all give praises for King Ashlym, Queen Privlana, and Prince Frier!”

  Cassy turned expecting to see the three fierce Dragons enter the Grand Hall, but instead three humans walked to the head of the table, causing her to gasp with surprise. She was amazed at how striking they were dressed in their elegant clothing. King Ashlym was tall and well muscled with thick, wavy hair, and his eyes were the color of emeralds with flames swirling around in them. He was quite a handsome man, Cassy thought to herself.

  She then glanced over to Queen Privlana and Cassy marveled how much more beautiful she was now. Her dark auburn colored hair shimmered under the torchlights and the beautiful green velvet gown she wore, only highlighted her green eyes, which now glistened with joy.

  As Cassy focused her attention on the King and Queen, she did not notice the young man who walked up from behind and stood beside to her.

  “My loyal subjects, I cannot begin to tell you how pleased to be back among you. It has been far too many years, but I believe that our Kingdom will once again enjoy the prosperity it once knew. I am pleased to be reunited with our loving Queen and the Royal Price. It is all because of the courage of our Champion, Cassandra,” he smiled as he waved his hand toward Cassy, this bringing loud cheers from those gathered in the hall.

  “Sit, my friends, and let us enjoy this feast prepared for us,” King Ashlym said with a loud booming voice.

  Once the King and Queen had sat in their chairs, Cassy felt someone sit next to her. She turned, and found herself looking into familiar green eyes.

  “Hello Cassy, it’s good to see you again,” Frier said with a broad smile on his face.

  “Frier, is that you? You look..ah, so different,” she fought to find her words.

  “As do you, you are quite beautiful tonight,” Frier said as he took her hand in his.

  Cassy f
elt her cheeks grow warm at his touch. “You are handsome as well.”

  “Thank you. I never knew I could transform into human form. I wish I would have known earlier so I could have slept in the hut instead of outside for all those years,” Frier laughed when he saw the surprised look on her face.

  “But I understand why Roupert never told me and I hold no ill will toward him.”

  Cassy found herself transfixed, unable to look away from Frier. In the short time, they had known each other she never felt toward him as she did now. The swirl of emotions, stirring up from deep inside of her confused her, so she forced herself to look away when the server set a plate of food in front of her.

  “Thank you, that looks delicious,” she said, glad to have the distraction.

  Aaron leaned forward and looked at Frier. “I hope you don’t mind, but I miss you as a Dragon. You were so cool with your wings and claws.”

  “Do not worry, Aaron. I can transform into the Dragon at any time. Maybe before you return to your realm I will take you on a flight now that I’m big enough,” Frier laughed when he saw the excited look appear on Aaron’s face.

  “Let us eat before our food gets cold.” Frier released Cassy’s hand then turned to face his plate.

  Cassy reached for her fork and wondered why she missed the touch of his hand so much as she took a bite of the roasted meat.

  The time spent eating her meal was awkward for Cassy. She tried to keep her attention focused on her food, but she found herself glancing over at Frier. When they had first met, she had felt drawn to him, but she had believed it was because she had never met a Dragon before. Yet, after seeing him in his human form, there was more to her feelings for him. Something she could not explain. She had had a crush on a boy before, but this was different. This was something tugging at her from deep within her soul.


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