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Tangle Tails

Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  She felt Mars tense a moment before he groaned. He jerked his cock toward her, shoving it farther into her throat until she nearly choked.

  “Ah, babe, you’ve done me in,” he said in a tone strangled with need. “I can’t hold on much longer.”

  She didn’t let go of his cock. She never wanted to let go. When he pulled away from her, not allowing her to take his seed in her mouth, she groaned, complaining.

  “Next time.” Mars shot her a quick grin then turned away.

  Charlie plunged into her, his hands cupping her breasts. His expression was so tense, so filled with wonder, she doubted he could respond if she spoke. The muscles in his arms flexed. The tendons in his chest moved. Only his focused gaze remained still, hotly locked on her face.

  Win slapped her butt cheek again. It wasn’t enough to hurt but enough to send a rush through her. She cried out, but the cry soon morphed into a whine of pleasure. A whimper followed when Charlie took her nipple between his teeth.

  Perspiration dotted her brow, sticking her hair to her face. Their skin glowed under the light hanging over them. She clung to Charlie, digging her fingernails into his skin, uncaring if she brought blood or not. He wouldn’t mind. She knew he wouldn’t.

  “Damn, but you’re amazing.” Mars rested against the bars, appearing calm, but his expression betrayed him. He was getting turned on again, his hand surrounding his cock. His cock grew straighter, harder. “Make them come, babe. Do it.” He lay his head back against the bars, his mouth parted, his expression tight. “I’m coming again, babe. Make them come, too.”

  She rode a storm cloud within her, sexual smoke from the heat that had begun between her legs and that now encompassed her entire body. Faster and faster, she worked her body, undulating it, trying to keep up with the men’s wild thrusts. She gritted her teeth, determined to keep the rising climax at bay.

  But she was only a woman and they were only men. They couldn’t stop the roll of thunder coming their way.

  She cried out, her release whirling through her, taking both her body and her mind for the tumultuous ride. Her orgasm pounded out of her, tearing her apart from the inside out. She screamed, her cry mixing with the roars of the men. Together, the four of them climaxed, Mars physically separated from them, yet emotionally still connected. Warm seed filled her as she watched seed spill through Mars’ fingers.


  Charlie and Win abruptly pushed away from Joy. She lay on the ground, too exhausted to move. The best she could do was to turn her head toward the entrance.

  Kit barreled toward them, gun in hand, her face a mask of rage. “Stop it, damn it!”

  Joy smiled. No matter what Kit did, she couldn’t take away what they’d given her.

  “Get up! Fuck you! Get up!”

  Slowly, Charlie and Win stood. As they looked down at her, she smiled again, happier than she’d been since coming to Lonesome.

  “I love you,” she said, uncaring that Kit would hear.

  Mars came to stand by his brothers. To Joy, to them, Kit didn’t exist.

  “We love you, too, babe.”

  “More than anything,” said Charlie, his gaze meeting Joy’s.

  “More than ourselves,” added Win.

  “Fuck you! Get her on her feet!” Kit’s voice had turned into a screech.

  Charlie held out his hand. Joy took it and got to her feet. She leaned against him, closed her eyes to delight in the feel of him, then finally turned to Kit.

  “You wanted us to fuck her.” A teasing edge played in Charlie’s tense tone.

  “Not that way, damn you.” Spittle flew from Kit’s mouth. “Not as men.”

  Joy looked to Charlie, not understanding Kit. When she realized he wasn’t going to explain, she turned back to their captor.

  “You can’t take this away from us. No matter what you do, you can’t.” Maybe it was a foolish thing to do, but she wanted Kit to know how happy she was. “We’re in love. Even if you kill us, you’ll never take that away from us.”

  Kit glared at her, her sudden silence somehow more deafening than her shouts. Joy’s stomach tightened when Kit’s expression changed, going from rage to one of pure evil. “Is that right, bitch?”

  Joy straightened up, lifting her chin in defiance. “Yes. That’s right.”

  “Then I guess they told you what they are, huh?” Her look cut through Joy.

  She’s insane. We knew that before, but now it’s even clearer.

  “Leave it alone, Kit. You’ve done enough to her.”

  Joy frowned then searched Win’s face. Alarm pricked at her as he looked away.

  “They didn’t tell you.” Kit chuckled. “No. I can see that they didn’t.”

  “What is she talking about?” Joy looked to Charlie then Mars. “Tell me.”

  “Better yet, show her.” Joy moved to the bale of hay. “Go on, guys. You’ve got to show her sooner or later. It might as well be now. Although, as a woman, I would’ve wanted to know before you fucked me.”

  Joy put her back to Kit, unable to stand her smug look. “Tell me what she’s talking about.”

  “Show her, guys. If you don’t, I’ll put a bullet in her head.”

  Anger had taken hold of the men’s expression. But their looks changed, anger giving way to something more intense, almost horrifying. Amber flecks dominated their eyes. Joy suppressed the urge to back away. “Please tell me.”

  “Show her. Now.”

  Mars looked to Charlie. “We don’t have any choice.”

  “No, you sure don’t,” agreed Kit. “Now show her. Do it right now, or she dies.”

  “Remember that we love you, sugar.” A plea was in Charlie’s voice.

  “Don’t be afraid. We won’t hurt you,” added Mars.

  Why would she be afraid of the men she loved? She knew they’d never hurt her. Yet doubt took hold.

  Joy’s pulse pounded in her ears. Whatever Kit knew was the truth. She could see it in their eyes. Staying quiet, she waited, the knot in her stomach telling her that her life was about to change.

  At first, she wasn’t sure what was happening. Had her eyes suddenly gone bad? Yet, it was clear enough that nothing was wrong with her sight.

  Their bodies are blurring.

  Her breath quickened.

  Oh, my God, they’re changing.

  But how? Into what? Yet she couldn’t find her voice to ask.

  She was too stunned to move, too curious to run. As she watched, her men’s bodies broke and reformed. Their skin disappeared, replaced by fur. As she watched, her men dropped to the ground, no longer men.

  Fear trembled its way through her.

  They’re lions.

  Chapter Eight

  Win let out a low growl, meaning it for Kit and how she’d demanded that they shift but, at the last moment, realized that it further frightened Joy.

  Shit, he thought. Or at least, as close to that as his lion mind would come.

  Joy backed up, her focus never leaving them. Her eyes went wide and her mouth slack as she kept moving until she ran into the bars. She shook her head, denying what she saw.

  Win stepped in front of his brothers as they started forward, warning them not to get any closer. She was frightened enough as it was.

  “See what they are?” Kit came up behind Joy and put a hand on her shoulder. Joy didn’t flinch, her attention squarely on him and his brothers. “You had sex with animals, Joy. How’s that for a kick in the head?”

  His lips pulled back into a snarl, but he kept the growl from surfacing. Every ounce of instinct in him wanted to pounce on Kit and tear her apart, bit by bit. But the human side of him held him back, knowing it was of no use. They’d tried to break down the cage and had failed even with four of them attacking the bars. If he gave in to his animal aggression, he’d only serve to terrify Joy more.

  Instead, he let out a soft purr then lay down, putting his belly to the ground. He put his head on the ground and waited for his brothers to do the
same. At first, they didn’t understand, but once they did, they did the same.

  You’re all right. Don’t be afraid. See? I’m not dangerous.

  His amber eyes flicked to Kit.

  At least, not to you, Joy.

  To Kit, however, he hoped one day that he’d be her worst nightmare.

  “Do you understand, Joy? They’re shifters. Men who can change into animals. Into lions.” Kit squeezed Joy’s shoulder. “And you let them fuck you. Happy now, right? You laid down with animals.”

  At last Joy jerked away from Kit then scrambled to snatch her clothes off the ground. Her gaze never left them. Clutching her clothes to her chest, she moved to the farthest side of the cage and hurriedly began pulling them on. When she was dressed, she finally broke her gaze from them and looked to Kit. “Get me out of here.”

  Win doubted that she could’ve said anything worse. She wanted no more to do with them. He purred again, louder, hoping she’d hear him and understand.

  “So you do understand.” Kit walked to the other side of the cage to stand closer to Joy. “These men never told you the truth, did they? Instead, they waited until you were at your lowest and then took you. But that’s the way all men are. Sooner or later, they’ll reveal what they’re really like inside.”

  A tear tracked its way down Joy’s cheek. “No. This can’t be real.” She glared at Kit, yet there was a plea in her look, too. “You drugged me or something. I’m hallucinating. This isn’t real.”

  Kit held the shotgun in the crook of her elbow. “Oh, it’s real all right. I found out after I moved here. After the man who brought me to Lonesome dumped me. You should be thanking me for telling you.”

  Joy whirled on Kit. “Thank you? Are you fucking kidding me? You locked me in a cage with wild animals, and I’m supposed to thank you?” She grabbed hold of the bars. “Get me the hell out of here. Now.”

  Kit scowled then slowly, deliberately shook her head. “No fucking way, bitch. Don’t you get it? You’re their next meal.”

  “You can’t leave me in here with them.” Panic filled Joy’s voice. “You just can’t. Even you aren’t that cruel.”

  Kit shrugged. “You were wrong about them, and you’re wrong about me. I am that cruel.” She winked. “Have a good night, Joy. I’ll think about you while I’m working the night shift at the diner. But don’t worry, I’ll see you in the morning. Or at least what’s left of you.” Turning on her heel and whistling a tune, she sauntered out of the barn and pulled the barn door closed behind her.

  Win was sure his heart was breaking in half. Joy had left no doubt in his mind. She didn’t want any part of them. Still, he had to try.

  He gave another purr, drawing Joy’s attention as she spun around to face them again. He shifted, knowing his brothers would do the same.

  Joy stared at them in such a way that he couldn’t begin to know what she was thinking. Yet when she moved toward them, his heart gave a little leap of hope.

  She stopped when she was two yards away. After looking at the barn door then up at one of the cameras, she whispered, “You should have told me.”

  Charlie, back in his human body, rushed to her before Win could figure out what she’d meant. Mars let out a tortured groan then followed Charlie. Before Win knew what was happening, she’d placed her palm on each of their chests.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. He came to her, his breathing quickened by the thrill of her wanting them near her.

  “Stop.” She glanced at the camera again. “She’s watching. You know she is.”

  “You’re all right?” He stared at her, trying to believe. “Now that you know about us, you’re all right?”

  She swallowed, the fear still showing in her eyes. “I’m scared as hell. For you to become lions…” She shook her head. “It’s too much.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want us any longer?” asked Mars. He reached for her then quickly dropped his arm when she flinched.

  “I’m saying I’m still scared. I don’t know what to think.” She hugged herself. “No, that’s wrong. I know one thing.” Her gaze went to the camera yet again. “I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of hurting us. Not physically and sure as hell not emotionally.”

  “But you’re still scared,” said Charlie, not asking.

  “Yes. I am. I never thought your kind existed.”

  Your kind. The words hurt Win, but he tried not to let it show. “We’d never hurt you. Not as lions, and not as men.”

  “I know that.” She put a hand over her heart. “But not here.” She pointed to her head.

  “I can help you know it.” He’d spoken without thinking. “If you want.”


  “We have a special kind of breath. It’s called The Allure.”

  “A special kind?” Her blue eyes searched him, the hope in them so clear.

  “Yes.” He had to come clean. “Do you trust me, baby? More than you trust Charlie or Mars?”

  She didn’t seem to understand at first. “Yes. I don’t know why, but I do.”

  “That’s because I gave you a taste of my allure. I did it to help calm you down. After John…”

  Her gaze clouded over. “I think I remember. Your breath smelled different. Sweet, yet musky. I remember feeling better afterward. Was that this allure thing you’re talking about?”

  “Yeah. And if you want, I can give it to you again, except stronger.”

  She hesitated. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you love us, sugar?” asked Charlie. “Or did seeing what we are change that?”

  Win held his breath, fearful of her answer.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I love you. I don’t think anything could ever change that.”

  “Then let us give you The Allure. It’ll make you feel better,” said Mars.

  “It makes me feel better, but does it do anything else?”

  He’d anticipated the question. “Yes. It draws you to us, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s a werelion’s way of making sure his intended mates stays with him. At least, until he can make her fall in love with him.”

  “So it’s like a drug? Or a spell?”

  He couldn’t tell if she disliked the idea or not. But either way she decided, he’d stand by her. “Truthfully? Kind of. But the small taste I gave you will wear off soon.” He took her arms, hating how she trembled when he did. “If you don’t want to do this, it’s okay.”

  She thought a minute then drew in a slow breath. “I want it. If it makes me feel anywhere near how it did before, then I want it. Give me The Allure.”

  He leaned closer. “Then just breathe, baby. Just breathe.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Pride and love for her welled up inside him as he let out his special breath. She breathed in again, a small smile coming to her face as the tension flowed out of her. When she opened her eyes, they were sparkling.

  She turned to Charlie. “Can you give me yours?” Then to Mars. “And yours?”

  Charlie tunneled his fingers in her hair and tugged her closer. “I can, and I will. Just like with Win. Breathe.”

  She did, her body relaxing even more.

  “And mine,” said Mars then turned his breath on hers.

  She sighed and leaned against him. “She’s at work, you know.”

  “What?” asked Charlie as he smiled at Win.

  Win had heard it, too. Kit had said she’d be working the night shift. She could be lying, but he had a feeling she wasn’t. If she’d gone into the house instead of to town, she would’ve seen them giving Joy The Allure. And if she’d seen them do that, she would’ve already made it back to the barn, gun in her hand. This was as “free” as they’d been since the moment they’d awakened inside the cage.

  “Are you still afraid of us?” Logically, he knew the answer. She couldn’t be afraid of them after getting their allure. Yet he still needed to hear her say it.

  “No. Not at all.” She leaned back from Charlie. Givi
ng them a sultry look, she said, “Now that I know what you are, I want you to make love to me again.”

  “Lucky for you, we’re still butt naked,” quipped Mars.

  “And ready to go.” Win dropped his gaze to his growing cock then up to meet her ocean-blue eyes. “Ready, willing, and eager as hell.”

  They watched her undress. Slowly, seductively as she kept her gaze on them. Win couldn’t keep his attention in one spot, though. Every inch of clothing that came off revealed another sensual part of her. After everything she’d gone through, everything she’d suffered that would’ve aged another woman years in a matter of days, she was more beautiful than ever.

  He inhaled as she pulled off her top and let it drop to the ground.

  His pulse picked up speed as her hands worked on her jeans.

  His mouth watered as she did a little shimmy and let her jeans fall to her ankles.

  He moaned when she gracefully stepped out of her jeans.

  “Holy shit,” whispered Charlie, awe in his voice.

  “You can say that again,” agreed Mars.

  What they said didn’t express the wonder of her. He couldn’t find any words that could. Instead, he stepped forward, his cock aching to feel her pussy walls wrapped around it, and opened his arms.

  She came to him, a queen giving him the biggest reward of all. As soon as their bodies touched, his became inflamed, the burn going from nothing to scorch through him. His kissed her, doing his best not to pick her up and throw her on the ground. His lion roared its praise, then roared again, demanding he not linger over human things like kisses.

  She answered his kiss with a heated one of her own, almost dissolving what little control he had. A whimper floated from her lips into his mouth, further damaging his resistance. He cupped her butt cheeks, firm, yet supple, and released a whimper to echo hers.

  He wanted her for himself. By himself. But he knew with his brothers nearby that it would never happen. Later, once they’d been with her for a while, once she was living on their ranch and the danger of losing her had passed, they’d take times having her one-to-one along with the many times they’d share her. But for now, he wouldn’t, couldn’t not share her. No matter what his lion wanted.


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