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Trophy Wife's Temptation: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  I stood and advanced towards him, putting some swing into my hips and regaining some of my sexiness as I regained my balance.

  “That’s okay,” I said in a husky voice. I reached him and grabbed his thigh, pulled him towards me. “I can think of a few fun ways you could apologize to me.”

  3: Coitus Interruptus

  Dan pulled me against him and I sighed and melted into his firm body. God he was so hot! He was still so firm, so muscled under his work shirt. He looked like your typical executive type with maybe broader shoulders than most men his age, but I knew that underneath there was a sculpted god waiting for me thanks to all the time he spent at the gym with his personal trainer.

  His female personal trainer, but I didn’t mind. She kept him in good shape and he was always good and worked up when he came home from the gym which had me confident that he wasn’t doing any extracurricular cardio with her.

  I couldn’t wait to get him out of his shirt, feel him on top of me. I know there were people who probably thought I was just digging for gold when I married him, but as far as I was concerned there was nothing hotter than a strong older man on top of you!

  The money helped too, don’t get me wrong, but a strong older man with money was the complete package as far as I was concerned.

  I leaned up and pulled him into a kiss. Our mouths started exploring one another as he wrapped his arms around me. His chiseled chest pressed against me up above and I felt something else hard pressing against me down below.

  I pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him. He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  “Is that an expense report in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” I asked.

  He growled and then he was pushing me forward towards his desk. I worried about the knickknacks he had strewn across that oak monstrosity, but he cleared that crap out of the way with one swipe of his arm and it went clattering to the floor. Then he sat me on the desk and pressed his cock up against my pussy through my sundress as his mouth descended on mine and we were making out once more.

  I moaned and sighed as his hands went everywhere. It was one thing I loved about him. Every time we were together he explored me as though it was the first time. He made me feel like we were a couple of teenagers who were getting to know one another’s bodies for the first time every time. It was just one of the incredible ways that sex with him was so mind blowing! That was why I missed it so much, particularly when he was so busy at work that we went a week or more without. Like right now.

  That coupled with my fun with the foreman down below explained why I was so turned on. Why I was so on edge.

  He pressed against me once more and I felt an explosion radiate out from my pussy. Holy shit! If he did that much longer then I was going to come just from feeling him dry humping me against his desk.

  Dan leaned me back and then he was on top of me, pressing against me, still in our clothes but I knew that wouldn’t last for very long. I felt his hard body pressing against me in every way and it was making me lightheaded. I was seeing stars. It had been too long. I was a girl who had to have it regularly and this business stuff was putting a serious cramp in my style. Being with Dan was always incredible, and it was all the more incredible because it had been awhile, I was turned on from Mike and those yes-men, he was so passionate, so fueled by lust, and we were in the middle of his office no less!

  It felt almost like I was getting him to cheat on his favored mistress, his job, with me, his wife.

  I threw my head back and gasped, almost let out a moan. I was so close. So near the edge. All it would take was a little more attention and I would be…

  A knock rang out on the door.

  I wanted to cry out in frustration. I wanted to hold Dan down on top of me. I wanted to keep his body where it was, wanted to make sure this pleasure never ended and fuck whoever was on the other side of that door.

  Only the knock came again. More insistent. Louder.

  Dan pulled up and once more I wanted to scream out in frustration. Damn it! He was supposed to pay attention to me. This was supposed to be his lunch hour. This was supposed to be my big release after he’d been so busy working for the past couple of weeks!

  He turned to the door and I resisted the urge to pelt him in the back with one of the knick-knacks still on his desk. I wanted to keep him pressed against me. I needed to feel him against me. I needed to feel him inside me. It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair!


  He looked down at me and at least had the good grace to look apologetic, but I wanted to smack that look off of his face. Looking apologetic meant he was about to disappoint me. Again. Damn it.

  He took a step towards the door, though he had to fend off my arms and hands a couple of times as I reached out and tried to pull him back to me. In a last desperate move I tried to pull him against me with my legs.

  This wasn’t fair. He was supposed to be running his hands up and down my legs, not pushing them away. He wasn’t supposed to be making sure he looked presentable for whoever the hell was on the other side of that door. I had no doubt that it was another one of his yes-men coming to him with some sort of problem that somebody lower on the factory’s org chart could easily handle, but they wouldn’t because he insisted on handling everything personally.

  Damn it.

  I had to try one last time. Had to try and get him to stay. I looked into his eyes, pleading.

  “Please,” I whispered. “I need this.”

  “I’m sorry honey,” he said. “Whatever it is it’s important, otherwise they wouldn’t interrupt me on my lunch break.”

  I pulled myself up and sat there with my arms crossed, a pout on my lips. I knew for a fact that whatever they were probably asking him about wasn’t that important. None of the stuff he ever decided he had to deal with, none of the stuff he ever decided was more important than me, actually seemed important. It was always the stuff that somebody else could sign off on.

  “Don’t look like that honey,” he said.

  He reached down and put a finger under my chin. Lifted and pulled me into a kiss. I held off for a moment, still pissed off, but he was persistent and I couldn’t resist him. Mostly I couldn’t resist in my current state considering how turned on I was! I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him. Tried to pull him against me again. My chest was heaving and my blood was pumping. My pussy was on fire as he pressed against me in that brief but passionate kiss.

  Of course it was all over too soon. He pulled away from me with a reluctant smile and headed towards the door. He turned and raised an eyebrow.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he said. “Nothing’s more important than you baby.”

  Yeah right. The asshole.

  I sighed as he walked out the door. I noticed that this time he was careful to step out in such a way that he wouldn’t give whoever was on the other side a good view of me. As I looked down I realized why. My dress had ridden up past my panties, when did he find the time to do that? One of my straps was pulled down and pas my bra so a generous portion of my chest was exposed.

  Yes, anybody who walked through that door would’ve gotten one heck of a surprise. Probably a pleasant surprise if it was another yes-man. I’m sure those two guys from earlier were already gossiping to everyone in the office, and apparently that was something Dan wanted to avoid.


  I went over to his bookshelf and inspected some of the titles there, but there wasn’t a single good thing there. Chaucer? Dostoevsky? Who cared about those guys? Why couldn’t he have a single James Patterson on the bookshelf? He said he was after valuable books, after all, and old Jimmy seemed to be pretty popular. At least in the circles I ran in. All the girls at the country club loved him.

  Okay, so the bookshelf with its supposedly rare books was a bust. I moved over to his computer and wiggled the mouse. Maybe I could catch up on the latest gossip. Only Dan’s login came up denying me access to his computer. I tried
a couple of likely passwords, my name, the dog’s name, his kids’ names, but nothing worked. Whatever he’d picked, it was a tough one to crack. It wasn’t the usual stuff.

  I went over to the picture windows on the other side of his office and looked out across the parking lot. The problem was the view was pretty damn boring. What was the point of having big picture windows like this if they just looked out on the employee parking lot? It just meant that he could look down on people as they were coming and going from their shifts. Definitely not anything interesting to look at down there.

  I turned back and sighed as I took in his office. There was absolutely nothing here to entertain me, and I left my purse and phone out in the Mercedes because I thought I was going to be having some fun up here and then going to lunch with my husband, not waiting around while he attended some meeting that was apparently way more important than having sex with his wife!

  I flopped down on his chair. This was frustrating. This was infuriating.

  I glanced at the expensive clock on his desk. About fifteen minutes had passed. Fifteen minutes of trying to find something to entertain myself. Fifteen minutes and he wasn’t back despite his promises that he’d be right back. Where the hell was he?

  I found myself moving towards the door before I realized I’d made a decision. I walked out into the hall and heard laughter coming from somewhere. From down towards that damned conference room he always seemed to be stuck in when I came to visit.

  Curious, I moved down towards that conference room. Wide windows ran along the room facing the hall but a long strip had been frosted on those windows making it impossible to actually see in. The window was clear below and above, and so I decided to get down on my knees and have a little look. I just hoped nobody would see me.

  So I went down on my hands and knees, crept forward trying to sneak a peek. And what I saw in there infuriated me.

  There was my husband and he didn’t look like he was doing any work at all. The asshole was sitting smoking a cigar, so much for the no smoking policy at the factory, and holding court while all of his yes guys gathered around him and laughed at whatever he was saying. Probably some of those lame old guy jokes that always had me rolling my eyes. Old guy sex made me moan. Old guy jokes made me groan. He had a huge grin on his face and there wasn’t even any paperwork in there!

  This was his idea of an important business meeting? This is why he’d abandoned me?

  That asshole. I was infuriated, but I wasn’t exactly surprised. Well, if he was going to be that way then I’d just head back to the car and leave. He could come back to an empty office for all I cared. I picked myself up, brushed off my dress and made sure I looked presentable, and then stalked down the hall towards the elevator back to the factory floor and away from that damned conference room and all those stupid yes-men who were apparently more important to my husband than his gorgeous wife who was hot and ready to go!


  4: Lost Again

  I fumed as I stepped off of the elevator onto the factory floor. And immediately got lost again as I made my way through the machinery. Workers in hard hats glanced up at me as I made my way through with my ears covered, but no one bothered to help.

  Though plenty of them did stop and stare. Of course I was in the sort of dress that begged for an appreciative audience, and I was getting turned on just thinking of all those guys on the factory floor staring at me. Thinking of what they’d like to do to me. What they couldn’t do to me because I was the boss’s wife. Forbidden fruit.

  With the way I was feeling those stares were plenty enough to get me hot and bothered all over again. And that got me to thinking about Dan ignoring me which caused me to just get angrier.

  I could hardly think. The place really was incredibly loud. I saw machines moving all around me, so fast they were a blur.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. There was something about the smell of those machines, a mixture of oil and who knows what else, that got me going. I don’t know why, but I’d always loved the smell.

  I walked along the floor searching for a door, though it was actually more of a metal grating here which wasn’t much fun with my heels. Flats would’ve been a much better for walking the factory floor, but I didn’t think I’d be walking the factory floor when I got here. I was supposed to be up in the nice noise-insulated offices creating some loud noises of my own with my husband damn it!

  Guys working the floor turned to look at me as I passed and despite how mad I was I couldn’t help but smile. More than a few of them eyed me up and down as I walked, and I made sure to put a little extra swish into my walk, letting my deliciously curved ass do all the talking as their eyes devoured me. Hey, if they were going to look then in my current turned on state I was more than happy to give them a show.

  The idea of the boss’s wife coming down here and shaking her ass in front of all these workmen was a real turn on, even though there were probably only a few of them I’d actually consider going home with if I met them out at a club or something. Mike had been a little dry run earlier, but now I was getting really wet teasing an entire factory floor!

  Not that I was likely to meet any of these at the kind of clubs I frequented now. The country club was way different from clubs on campus. That brought a smile to my face as I thought back to fond memories of squeaking past bouncers with a fake ID and my tits in their face.

  No, these guys wouldn’t even be in a campus bar because they were on the opposite end of the age spectrum. They all seemed more like the type to go to the bar across the street, open 24 hours a day thanks to the constant shifts in the factory, and have a few beers before they went home to crash for the day or night.

  I smiled. Let them look. Let them see what they couldn’t have. That was part of the allure. And besides, I was so worked up that I felt compelled to do it. I was so pissed off at Dan that I didn’t feel guilty about doing it.

  I was so distracted by the combination of my anger and the warmth spreading through my body as I thought of all those eyes on me that I didn’t notice when I got close to some railing. I bumped into it and suddenly I was pitching forward towards some piece of machinery that was moving, and moving fast. I had no idea what the hell it did. To be honest I had no idea what the hell it was Dan manufactured other than a vague idea that it was something to do with car parts, but the bits of metal moving back and forth in a blur on that machine looked dangerous and nasty, and I was falling into it.

  I didn’t even have time to scream.

  Then something just as hard and unrelenting as that machinery wrapped around my arm and yanked me back roughly. I screamed again, though the sound was a lost in the din of machinery rattling around me. I felt a sharp jolt of pain in my shoulder as I was yanked back.

  That same unrelenting grip pressed me against the railing. Pressed me to the point that I was more than a little uncomfortable. To the point that it almost hurt where the metal was digging into my back. The combination of that insistent pressing, the pain in my shoulder, how pissed off I already was, and the remaining adrenaline and fear from nearly falling into whatever the hell that machine was had me spitting mad and ready to lash out at something or somebody.

  “What the hell?” I yelled.

  Of course my scream was lost in the cacophony around me. And I only got out the one yell before being stunned into silence as I saw exactly who’d rescued me. I glanced up and down. Damn.


  He was a gorgeous chocolate god standing before me in that skin tight t-shirt that showed off his rippling muscles. Yeah, it definitely looked like he worked out. Not just the kind of work he’d get on the factory floor either. There were plenty of flabby guys standing around me eyeing me to prove working the factory wasn’t enough to stay in shape. No, Mike was built. I glanced down and licked my lips, wondering if his muscles were the only part of him that were oversized. You know what they say about black guys, though I’d never found out firsthand.

  What was I
thinking? I was married, damn it. I don’t care how worked up I was. I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts about the factory foreman!

  Still, it didn’t hurt to look did it? As long as looking was all I did. I finished my inspection of his fabulous body and my eyes finally moved up to his face. I blinked. There was anger there. He was looking at me with barely concealed fury that was in stark contrast to the barely concealed lust I’d seen earlier. That just made me even angrier and I was already ridiculously pissed off. Who the hell did he think he was to look at me like that?

  I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, to let him that I might’ve been flirty with him earlier but that didn’t give him the right to talk to me like that, but two things happened that prevented me from saying anything. The first was that I remembered how loud it was out here and there was no way he was going to hear me even if I did say something. The second was that he thrust his hands out.

  I looked down. What the… Oh. Earplugs. Some of my anger faded and I took them from his hand mouthing a “thank you” as I put them in and I could finally hear myself think.

  I still couldn’t hear anything though. The machine noise was just muted instead of deafening me. Mike jerked his head for me then started walking. I fell into step beside him but he was going fast. No matter how quickly I pumped my legs to keep up with him, he always seemed to make sure he was going just fast enough that I struggled to keep up.

  Finally we reached his destination in a secluded little corner of the massive factory floor nestled behind some tall machinery that didn’t sound like it was running. At least it wasn’t moving, though I couldn’t really tell from the sound since I still had the earplugs in. He hustled me into the office and slammed the door behind me. Again, I couldn’t hear the door slamming, but I could see the glass pane rattle. I was impressed. That door looked thick.

  Mike walked over and reached for my head. I flinched away, wondering what he could possibly be planning, but then he was grabbing at my ear and yanking the earplugs out. This room must’ve been soundproofed somehow. Without the earplugs there was just a muted roar in here instead of the loud noise I was expecting.


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