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The Andy Warhol Diaries

Page 110

by Andy Warhol

  And at the wedding Steve Rubell was really out of it on I guess Quaaludes. And I think I saw Madonna kick him away from her and later he threw up in the car. She was dancing with the only little boy there. And you could see everybody who was there, it was under a tent, it wasn’t too crowded. And those young actors seemed like they were in their fathers’ suits, like Emilio Estevez and Tom Cruise. All those movie-star boys with the strong legs who’re 5’10” or so. I guess that’s the new Hollywood look. Like the actors in Matthew Rolston’s big photo spread in the Stallone issue. Have I said how great that looked? Matthew is our best photographer now—he uses good locations and gives the kids “a look.” He made these new kids look stunning—like stars—he gave them all class. Oh, and as we were leaving I just couldn’t believe my eyes because Tom Cruise jumped into our car to get away from photographers. His car was down the road. I took a picture of him.

  Fred and I thought Marisa’s wedding was more glamorous, but this one was spectacular because of the helicopters.

  Saturday, August 17, 1985—Los Angeles

  I just hated the Beverly Hills Hotel. There were two TVs but no clickers. And the bathroom was worse than a 1950s Holiday Inn. I don’t know how a girl could manage in it—I wasn’t doing too well myself. There was no light. But they had a new gadget in there, I think it might have been a hairdryer. Or maybe it was just a phone. And the security at the Beverly Hills looks like it— at the Bel Air they just blend in.

  Steve Rubell decided not to go over with us to see Dolly Parton. He stayed in bed and made phone calls. You know, it’s odd to watch Steve, because it’s like he’s trying so hard to be “a character.” Like the way he eats his ketchup and his Coca-Cola and he repeats over and over that these are the things he likes and that this is the way he likes them. So that people will remember him as “a character.” It’s like he might have read a book on how to be remembered and make an impression and he’s doing everything it said. He’ll order the food and then let it sit there. And we all ordered ice and he made this big thing about waiting till the bottom melted and then sucking it out, saying that’s what he liked to do because when his father used to buy him ices when he was little, that’s what he did.

  Got a cab over to see Dolly Parton at Sandy Gallin’s. Dolly doesn’t want anyone to know where she lives because she’s had death threats. So we were there and I guess Dolly was appalled that we brought as many people, but Keith and everybody had wanted to have a totally star-filled day. Sandy Gallin had the spots measured where he wanted the portraits to go on the walls and everything. And then we walked back to the hotel.

  Called Cher’s number and it was a recording that said that anyone calling this private number was automatically invited to the barbecue going on there.

  So we went over to Cher’s and the door opened and they let us in, but we could see that Cher and her boyfriend were shocked to see us. And Cher served good pork and beans and she wouldn’t say what the secret was, and finally she admitted it was that she opened a can of Campbell’s and poured in a lot of hot sauce. The little Allman boy, Elijah, was being a brat and going around cutting the buds off every flower, any one that was just about to open. And Cher was funny, she told a story about this crane that came and stayed two days and ate all the fish. And then later on we went to Lisa Love’s and she said, “Gee, a crane just landed in my yard and he’s eating all the fish.” So the crane gets around. And she told us that at the wedding Madonna had asked her how to cut the cake. Cher said, “As if I know.” And then Madonna was asking people if she should put the cake on plates, and she was just handing it to everyone in her hand. You know, being “earthy.”

  And there was a copy of the Star there that had this story about Cher in it. And somehow everybody wound up reading it. And Cher was upset because it said she never bathed. And it said, “Next week: Cher’s meeting with Jackie Kennedy.” And nobody wanted to ask if she’d ever had one or not. And Cher talked about meeting me in an airport in someplace like Atlanta in ‘65. On one of our first tours. She was with Sonny.

  David Horii, that new Interview illustrator, came to dinner with us at Mr. Chow’s, and I was telling Fred that David was very good, and Fred was in one of those moods, he said, “I’d have to see his work. I haven’t seen his portfolio.” And I said, “Well Fred, I am telling you, this person is very good” (dinner $530).

  And then we went to Brad Branson’s. He was Paul Jasmin’s assistant and now he’s a photographer, too. It turned out they had the best time there because they took Keith and everybody to a porno store where they got a spray called “Fart” and they sprayed it in the car and everybody had to jump out (hotel tips $50).

  Sunday,August 18, 1985—Los Angeles-New York

  We got back to New York and I had the limo (my share $50) drop me on my corner and as I walked down 66th Street to my house some girl yelled, “Andy!” And when I didn’t turn around she screamed, “Your mother’s a whore.” That’s a strange thing for a girl to yell. It brought back bad memories of Valerie Solanis and getting shot.

  Thursday, August 22, 1985

  Talked to Sandy Gallin about the Dolly Parton thing. Fred asked him to send a deposit and he said he would.

  Monday,August 26, 1985

  Looked at the TV kiss of Linda Evans and Rock Hudson in the Enquirer.

  It was so muggy out.

  I tried to read Final Cut but it was like reading The Wall Street Journal.

  Tuesday,August 27, 1985

  Stayed at work till 7:15.

  Susan Blond called and said she had tickets for Boy George that night in Asbury Park and she said I could have two and Keith could have two. It was a benefit for B’nai Brith. Ron Delsener did it, and he was there and wanting me for publicity, and I said, “Oh what about that night at Tina Turner where you just couldn’t get us backstage?” And he said, “Uh-uh-uh, oh it was impossible.” I didn’t tell him off but I wanted to. So we went out there with Susan and we were late, we missed his first number. We went backstage. And then we went back out and the kids were screaming, “An-dee, An-dee!” To be funny. George did three encores. And he signed a million autographs now that he’s come down in the world—he always refused to before. He was thrilled to see us. Marilyn wasn’t around and we were told by Susan not to mention him in front of George’s boyfriend because I guess he’s jealous of him.

  And Keith and everybody were making fun of Asbury Park, of George being there, and it was, “Oh! The Asbury Park news is here.” And “Oh, the Asbury Park TV station is doing an interview!” And George said to Keith, “Where’s my painting?” Because when it was Keith’s birthday George had he said he’d sing “Happy Birthday” if Keith would give him a painting. And Keith said he would give him a painting but because he wanted to, not because George sang “Happy Birthday.”

  Wednesday,August 28, 1985

  Miami Vice called and offered me $325 to be in an episode. And Fred just sort of laughed and said when they raise more money to call back. Anyway they sent the script over and I couldn’t figure out which part would be mine. They said I was a “Puerto Rican crook,” but everybody on Miami Vice is a Puerto Rican crook.

  Gael looks really great now, thin. She came in, and Chris predicted it was going to be about a birthday present, and (laughs) it was.

  Asked Wilfredo to the dinner that Paige was giving at Texarkana for advertisers (cab $5). This is part of Paige’s new strategy because she got so sick of all the under-people stalling for so long about ads that she decided to only invite the presidents of the companies out, and it turns out a lot of times they don’t have anything to do, they’re bored, and they’re just dying to go out.

  Dropped Wilfredo (cab $10). And then I got home and watched some Letterman, and he had on Eddie Murphy who was cool and casual, and then Dick Cavett came on and he was really funny. He’s gotten more gay-looking and -acting, and Letterman was nervous because Cavett was so funny, he just sort of faded out of the picture. Dick was really working his ass off, u
sing funny intellectual words and making puns.

  Sunday,September 1, 1985

  We got to the Meadowlands for the Springsteen concert and it was so exciting, a sea of people. We had tickets for the press room, but we stayed out on the floor. Dolly Fox and Keith couldn’t believe how many autographs I had to sign for the Jersey kids.

  The concert was long, from 7:00 to 11:30. The Boss talks dumb and he’s a Democrat but he doesn’t exactly say so—he just talks about getting jobs back for the steel mills and things. He’s a real little fireball. And the choreography, well, if this is choreography, then I can do choreography. And by the way, slam dancing, I think I could really be good at. I really do think so. Bruce’s laugh is the cute thing, he giggles. And he’s gotten good-looking. He wasn’t good-looking when he was younger. And then we came back to the city and went to P.J. Clarke’s. Got home about 2:00 (dinner $110).

  Tuesday,September 3, 1985

  Benjamin arrived and we ran into Crazy Matty and I said why didn’t he go bother Greta Garbo over on East 52nd Street, so he took down the address. And I can just see it in the papers now after he kills Greta Garbo: “Andy Warhol gave me the address.”

  Oh, you know, I was talking to somebody yesterday, and I found out that Bruce Springsteen really does give a lot of his money away, so I do like him now. Maybe we can get him for a cover when he’s wanting to publicize Farm Aid.

  Saw American Flyer. I was looking at this girl in the movie with this hooked nose and I realized it was Jennifer Grey. I mean, it’s really sad, her father got himself a new nose and didn’t send her for one. Isn’t that mean? Oh, but go to the movie for the nose—you have to see it. And for Kevin Costner, he’ll have a big career. The movie’s really good.

  Wednesday,September 4, 1985

  I can’t tell which nights Fred’s been drinking and which nights he hasn’t. I don’t know if he’s grand when he drinks or grand when he doesn’t. It’s like he thinks he’s Conde Nast or something. And I said that the Stallone issue of Interview was great, but that I can’t see it paying for itself. And he said yes, yes, that he knew very well how much it cost, that he knew ev-er-y-thing. And I said, “Oh, well, okay if you know everything, you know everything. But I remember that time when we had a big debt nobody knew about, but if you know everything, that’s great.”

  Went to Keith’s party in his new loft (cab $3). And Keith had a good group, too, a lot of girls. Martin Burgoyne was there and he told me that Madonna was upset because we let People photograph the paintings Keith and I gave her for a wedding present. They’d called me and I said no but then I told them that if they wanted to try Keith they should just call him. So Martin said Madonna hates us for that and I told Martin he should’ve made her not hate us.

  Thursday, September 5, 1985

  Jean Michel had called and said he wanted to go with us to see Susan Blond’s act, Luther Vandross, at Radio City Music Hall (cab $3). And a black girl said she’d show us to our seats, and she took us down an aisle and had me sign something and then left us standing there and then I realized she had just wanted an autograph, that she wasn’t even an usher. That was funny. But I mean, she could’ve taken us down the right aisle, anyway. So we found our seats and Eddie Murphy they said was somewhere but I didn’t see him.

  So Luther sang and his songs were all long long stories. But very good, the audience loved him. Then we cabbed to Area ($7).

  And Lester Persky was there, drunk, kissing everybody, saying how I’d picked him out of the gutter and made him somebody and (laughs) I guess I’ve told him that so often that he’s started to believe it. And he wanted to meet Boy George, so he had me introduce him, and then when I left them alone I guess Boy George lost interest because Lester came over and wanted to be reintroduced.

  And Lester’s friend Tommy Dean was there who I just can’t stand. I remember when he told Lester not to give us the money to make Bad. And he did it so smugly. Oh, I remember that. So smug.

  Benjamin walked me to a cab and I went uptown ($8).

  Friday,September 6, 1985

  Jean Michel came in and our show is on Saturday. But really, the shows that get noticed are in October and November, so it’s still kind of early, but it’ll be okay, just a little thing. And in his stupor Jean Michel knocked paint onto the Dolly Parton portrait and messed it up. And Sandy Gallin keeps calling, saying he wants it right away, and I wish they wouldn’t rush me because I want to make it really good and it’s not ready.

  Saturday,September 7, 1985

  I was going to go to Dr. Karen Burke’s for collagen but it was too hot out and I didn’t want the pain.

  Wilfredo came by the office and helped me. It seems like Interview’s doing Madonna for the Christmas cover. She’ll be interviewed by Sean Penn and another person. I got my pictures of the wedding back from Chris’s ex-assistant Terry who’s making prints for me now, and Madonna really knows how to do her makeup in that great Hollywood way. Somebody must have showed her or always does it for her—everything painted just perfectly. Sean’s going to be the new Dustin Hoffman. He’ll be around a long time.

  Then decided to go to the Pyramid club to see Ann Magnuson. She does “Edie and Andy” and “Gala and Dali” and “Prince and Fallopia.” Like Apollonia, get it? The intellectual girl of downtown. She wasn’t funny, but she’s a good actress and she’s a hard worker—there’s something there.

  Monday,September 9, 1985

  Today on Donahue they have Betty Rollin killing her mother. She and her husband told the mother what pills she could use to kill herself in what combination and how many, and they sat in a room with her while she did and now Betty Rollin has written a book.

  Had calls about the Dolly Parton portrait—“Is the beauty mark in or out?” I’d taken it out and they want it in, so I called Rupert and told him it was in again.

  Then went with Paige over to La Colonna because Estée Lauder has a new perfume called “Beautiful.” Isn’t that great? Someone was telling me that today people want to wear a smell that you know right away what it is. Like Giorgio. It’s a status thing. Isn’t that interesting? I was next to the editor of Elle, and I’d bought a copy the other day and it’s good.

  Went home and called PH to tell her about my “Beautiful” day because we want to do a perfume line together, and we had great ideas for names and packaging for three different smells.

  Tuesday,September 10, 1985

  Chris sold a picture of me to In Touch magazine which has an interview inside. He’d sell you to a gutter. I’m going to have to remember when I sign releases for him to specify that it’s only for the one occasion.

  Sandro Chia came by to visit, he was really sweet. And the news was that Carl Andre the artist may have pushed his wife out the window in the apartment in the high rise in the Village where they lived. The big headline said that he was suspected, but then the article was all about how she’d probably fallen. And Sandro said, “Good, good, they should kill all women.” He’s getting divorced from his wife.

  Wednesday,September 11, 1985

  Some of the Dolly Parton portraits came out light and some were dark. And then they kept calling me from L.A. about were they ready were they ready, and they wore me down so I finally just said yes, they’re ready. But I could’ve done better.

  Thursday, September 12, 1985

  Pete Rose is on Donahue. I wish I could do another portrait of him. Now in looking at him, he’s really good-looking, a good nose and good hair—1 could do a really good one of just his head.

  Jean Michel called and I’m just holding my breath for the big fight he’ll pick with me right before the show of our collaboration paintings at the Shafrazi Gallery. The opening’s on Saturday.

  Oh, and I’d given a $1,200 bid to the girl at the auction place for a bracelet, and so after the auction she called to say that it went for $850 but that she just didn’t get my bid in on time. And I said, “Oh, isn’t that great.” I mean, I can live without it, because I can live without anyth
ing, but it was nice. And I keep going to that lady who has the earrings that match the ring I gave PH, and instead of coming down on the price, she’s going up all the time. It’s one of these desperate people that they get something in their head. She’s stubborn. I should try to get her on a day when she has to pay her bills.

  I called Stephen Sprouse to have dinner at II Cantinori (cab $6). And then Paloma came in with Fran Lebowitz and with her husband. And I said to them, “Why don’t you join us?” And Fran piped up with, “No! We’re waiting for someone.” And they weren’t. No one ever showed up. So I think Fran is just horrible because they could have made the dinner fun—I haven’t talked to Paloma in a long while.

  Friday,September 13, 1985

  Jean Michel called and said he was invited to the MTV awards thing. Keith called, same thing. MTV must want artists to do their logos for them. And Keith was upset because his tickets were up on the mezzanine. Jean Michel arrived in a limo. He said he didn’t want to go with Keith because Keith was too pushy. And it did get sick later on—Keith just wanted to be photographed so badly. And he wanted to go with me so he’d be sure to be photographed.


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