Corrupt Justice
Page 24
Nina didn’t react. She felt nothing for the man—no hatred, loathing, or vengeance. Her life journey, as short as it had been so far, had already taught her that holding onto hate only hurts her. Mr. Bishop deserved to be punished for his crimes, but she had already moved on.
“What’s next for you, Nina?”
“With the money I’ve got from the bribe, I’m going to study at a community college. I’m going to study nursing. I want to help people.”
Hunter smiled. He may not have saved his father, but he saved a good person from suffering a terrible fate.
“My grandfather, may he rest in peace, always repeated one thing, and he always made sure I believed in it.” Hunter rested a hand on her shoulder. “From the darkest ashes rise the strongest trees. And Nina, I hope that’s true for you.”
Author’s Note:
Thank you for reading Corrupt Justice. I hope you enjoyed the twists and turns of this plot.
As I was writing this story, I lost two old friends and it affected me deeply. The main focus of the plot was corruption, but as I was writing I began to think about legacy. Why do we do what we do? What do we leave behind? Why are some people taken much too early?
Life experience greatly affects the way I write about characters, and that was particularly true this time.
Patrick was the quarterback of his high school football team. During his adventures across the globe, he charmed everyone he ever met with his wide, warm and welcoming smile. At only 42, his sudden passing left behind his wife Jessica, and two energetic children, Dylan and Amelia.
Derek was seemingly born with a cheeky grin on his face. I’ll forever remember him from our college days, standing in the hallway of our share house, loudly singing his favorite childhood song—Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog.
May they rest in peace.
Much love,
Peter O’Mahoney
Also by Peter O’Mahoney
In the Tex Hunter Series:
Power and Justice
Faith and Justice
Coming soon: Tex Hunter 4
In the Bill Harvey Legal Thriller Series:
Redeeming Justice
Will of Justice
Fire and Justice
A Time for Justice
Truth and Justice
In the Jack Valentine Series:
Gates of Power