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Carnal Series 1 - Carnal lesson

Page 8

by Harper Vonna

  “To restate the obvious, I can and will do anything I want to you,” he said. “And I’m not the only one. Think about that while I get you ready for another walk. Freedom and you no longer have anything in common. My name isn’t Reno. It’s Master.”

  He’d said that before. Back then she’d longed to scratch his eyes out. When he took the gag out of her mouth, she repeatedly swallowed.

  He tucked the flashlight under his arm and pinched her nipples. “Let’s hear it.”

  “Master,” she gasped. “Master please.”

  His grip tightened. “Please what?”

  Don’t hurt me! “What do you want from me, Master?”


  Chapter Twelve

  By everything, her master had been referring to her straddling his prone body as she worked the cock impaling her, but that didn’t happen for a while. Before, he led her by the chain along the trail with the rope still between her legs and weariness dragging at her. When they reached the condo, he dropped the leash. She trudged up the stairs and waited by the door.

  He ordered her into the shower and then let her sleep. Her only restraint while she was on the bed consisted of the chain connecting her collar to the headboard. She slept like the dead. After rousing her and ordering her into the bathroom to urinate, he cuffed her hands behind her and told her to kneel before him. Like a benevolent master, he fed her bits of meat, fruit, and bread. Before she was half full, he put away the bowl and held a glass of tepid water to her mouth. She gulped it down.

  “Say it!” he snapped.

  Her mind deserted her, prompting him to repeatedly slap her breasts.

  “Thank you, Master, for feeding me and giving me water,” she managed around gasps of pain.

  He grasped her nipples and hauled her to her feet. “Too bad I won’t have you for long. You have so much to learn.”


  Now, her mind still trying to wrap itself around what he’d said, she perched over her naked master. Her arms remained locked behind her, and he’d subjected her nipples to a different set of clamps. Instead of a chain between them, these were weighted so her breasts dragged.

  His thumb and middle finger pressed against her clit as she rode him.

  “Master, Master,” she repeated as he’d ordered her to. “I live for you, Master. My life is yours. I exist to pleasure you.”

  “Then do it!” Reaching around her, he pinched her buttocks. “Put some energy into getting me off.”

  Everything she’d gone through closed around her. She didn’t care who she was or why she was in this bedroom/cage. She was so damn helpless, yet she loved his fingers on her clit. Rest hadn’t killed the flames ignited by the crotch rope. They’d simmered beneath the surface until Master brought them back to life.

  Head back and eyes closed, she concentrated on the only thing that mattered—sex. Master and she were in this together, reaching for the same goal. Desperate for the same release.

  “Faster!” He raked his nails over her buttocks while massaging her trapped and heated clit. “Put everything into it!”

  Yes, Master. Her owner. In control of everything.

  Ignoring the burn in her straining thighs, she tightened her vaginal muscles around him. Having his cock inside her was much better than the dildo, but that would change if she disappointed him in any way. Maybe even if she didn’t. The cuffs served as a constant reminder of her servitude, the weighted clamps proof of his cruelty.

  And yet she didn’t want to be anywhere else. The why didn’t matter beyond acknowledging his utter control. He could catapult her into a thundering climax or hold her in suspended agony until he’d destroyed her.

  Master knew her body. It had revealed its secrets to him, left nothing hidden.

  “Think, slave. Who did this to you?” Deserting her buttocks, he fingered her nipple clamps until pain raged through her to mingle with the wonderful, forced pleasure. “Who brought you to this point?”

  “You, Master.”

  “Wrong. I’m the instrument, not the instigator.”

  He was demanding too much of her, commanding her to think when she no longer could.

  “I don’t—what do you want me to say?”

  “The truth, slave.”

  The word furthered locked her into her new existence, and she put her diminished strength into repeatedly rising above him and then sinking down. He felt right inside her, as if she’d been born to do this one thing. Maybe, if she pleased him enough, he’d let her spend the day servicing him.

  Unless she displeased him.

  Master grabbed her tangled hair and drew her head back. Despite the discomfort, she fought to caress his cock.

  “You’re trying. I have to hand you that—which is exactly what your new master will insist on.”

  Cold fear sped through her. “New master? But you—“

  “Damn it. Finish me off.”

  The ache in her neck and back conspired to distract her. He struck the nipple weights.

  “Ah, Master!”

  “Concentrate. I’m getting tired of this.”

  It was a lie. In the short time since he’d stormed through her world, she’d come to understand how much controlling her pleased him. Good as he was at breaking her down, no doubt he’d done this many times before. He understood what the female body—under duress—could be made to do.

  Fighting off the knife-blades searing her breasts, she lifted her sweating body high. She took a breath, then slid down over her master’s cock. Her just-out-of-reach climax became a monster lurking above and around her. Fangs exposed, it watched her every move. The beast had backed her into a corner and was nearly done playing with her.

  A monstrous mouth opened. Claws reached for her.

  Screaming, she collapsed. The great creature’s teeth closed around her and shook her. She fought to free her wrists and nipples, but there was no escape. Nothing beyond hot surrender.

  Screaming again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cheri tried to straighten, but Master had tied her too well. They were on the front porch while inside Master Damek whipped his slave. The other woman’s grunts and sobs had a rhythm to them as if she was caught between pleasure and pain. After the days and nights Cheri had spent under her master’s tutelage, she understood the connection between the two all too well.

  She didn’t want to be beaten again, yet she did.

  “It’s time,” Master said, “for you to understand.”

  She hadn’t worn clothing for a long time and should be accustomed to the way Master studied her nude body, but today his scrutiny made her uneasy. Was he thinking of a new way to torture her? Maybe she simply didn’t want to acknowledge what he was about to tell her.

  Giving into the strain in her shoulders, she sagged. Before bringing her out here, Master had roped her wrists behind her. A week ago she would have resisted when he looped more rope around her elbows, but he’d taught her not to. The elbow rope was connected to a bolt in the bungalow overhang. He hadn’t been content to simply tether her in place, not this man who’d turned her sexuality against her and sped her journey into servitude. A broad leather strap tightly spanned her waist. Its purpose was to keep the connecting leather between her legs cinched tight. A dildo hummed inside her vagina while a plug echoed the movement in her ass.

  If she was an obedient slave, Master might reward her with a badly-needed climax but if she did something to displease him—

  “You’ve had time to think about it,” he continued. “Who do you think is responsible for this?”

  This was her new reality, her imprisonment, her slavery.

  “I’m not sure,” she started. The vibrations all but rattled her teeth, and her thankfully free nipples ached. “I was dating a married man who—“


  She stared at her dirty feet.

  “Go on.”

  Master had hold of the remote. If he increased the vibrations, she wouldn’t be able to speak
. “Norman likes bondage. He wanted me to—“

  “But his attempts turned you off,” Master finished. Smiling, he stroked the side of her right breast. “Too bad he didn’t incorporate my techniques.”

  Master’s techniques were responsible for her striped flesh and empty belly. Just this morning he’d whipped her for not immediately dropping to her knees when he entered her prison.

  “So you think Norman contacted Carnal? He forked over more than you want to think about to have me train you.”

  Train. Like a puppy. “I don’t know. Maybe. But…”

  “Go on.”

  “He’s married. I don’t think he has that kind of money.”

  “Norman isn’t the only man in your life.”

  Think. “No. Ah, several times you made me run like a horse while flogging me. Ed likes to bet on horse races. He took me to a few, but we argued. I said the crops were cruel. He disagreed.”

  “But you let him spend his money on you. Hell, you’d do anything as long as money was involved.”

  Past tense? “It wasn’t like that.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them. She should know better than to disagree with anything Master said. “He enjoys spending money on me. He pays for my bets and if I win, I get to keep the money.” Used do. “He says he’s more likely to come out ahead betting on horses than at marriage.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “He’s been married three times.”

  “So the chance you’d become number four was pretty slim.”

  “I don’t want—I’m not interested.”

  “Too bad.” He caressed her other cheek. “Chances are you wouldn’t be in this fix if you wore some man’s ring.” He pinched her nose, and she wondered if he was thinking about placing a ring there. “So why doesn’t matrimony hold any appeal to you?”

  “I enjoy being single.”

  “Those days are behind you.”

  Her throat clogged. “That’s up to you, Master.”

  “Maybe. So Norman and Ed are possibilities. Anyone else?”

  “Platt.” She stared at her still-beautiful breasts despite the bruises and whip marks. “He’s extremely wealthy and…”

  She should be used to Master’s slaps, but his hand against her breasts caught her unawares. Gasping, she shuddered.

  “What about Platt’s wealth?”

  “He spends it on things that bring him pleasure, like these.” She indicated her breasts.

  “So he paid for big boobs thinking they’d become part of his playground. Why would he chance his investment being damaged by nipple clamps?”

  “I don’t know. Master, please, it’s hard for me to think when I’m like this.”

  “You should be used to it, slave. Back to the matter under discussion. What would make Platt—or someone else—decide you deserved what’s been happening?”

  Her veins turned cold. He’d backed her into the corner he’d been planning from the moment he brought her out here today, if not before. The time with him had sanded away not just her arrogance but her self-respect as well. Master had taught her she was nothing.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh I think you do. Why would Platt have it in for you?”

  “I—sometimes got him to buy me things or give me money.”

  “What did he get for his generosity?”


  “Good sex or mediocre?”


  “Or not. So why would Platt ask a Carnal operative to deal with you if you were the best lay he’d ever had?”

  “He wanted me to himself.”

  “He figured you owed him after the boob job.”

  “He had no right thinking—he didn’t own me.”

  Master grinned. “You can’t say that anymore can you? What about Norman and Ed? Did they want to put their brands on you?”

  Appalled by the way he’d put it, she nevertheless nodded. “Norman wanted me to be his mistress. He said he had accounts his wife knew nothing about. I wouldn’t have to work. All I had to do was be available but why would I put my life on hold in exchange for a few hours of companionship?”

  “Which is what you told him. What about good old Ed? He wasn’t interested in trying out a fourth wife.”

  “Ed is fifty-two. He’s having a mid-life crises. My presence was supposed to be his way out of it.”

  “Instead, you spent his money.” Master stepped closer. “You led him on, made him think you were in love with him—same as you’d done with Norman and Platt.”

  “It wasn’t—“

  “Yes, it was.”

  Grabbing her chin, he held her head immobile as he pressed his mouth against hers in a fierce kiss.

  “You were a piece of work, slave. Out for number one. How’d your parents handle you?”

  “They couldn’t,” she whispered. “I kept running away.”

  “Where’d you go?”

  “To my aunt and uncle. My aunt let me do everything I wanted to.”

  “What does she think of how you turned out?”

  “She’s dead. Cancer.”

  Master released her chin. “I’m not going to ask how her dying affected you. Her being gone meant one less person to have to concern yourself with.”

  “That’s not true.” But it had been.

  “Don’t lie to yourself,” he snapped. She readied herself for a blow. Instead, he freed her elbows from the chain but kept the rope around them. “We’re going for a walk. You know your role.”

  In the last two days he’d taught her how to heel. At first he’d used a leash or chain to keep her a step behind him, but after a couple of sessions with a whip on her buttocks, she’d learned to walk where he wanted her to.

  He started down the stairs. Trying to ignore the twin insertions and broad leather against her pussy, she stumbled after him. Instead of taking her back to the tree where he’d left her for the night, he headed toward the path that led to the parking lot.

  He was going to take her to her owner? Like this? Without a word of explanation?

  One face after another swam through her mind’s eye, and she admitted she hadn’t known any of her lovers as well as she thought she did. Which one had contacted Carnal? Watched her training sessions? Laughed at what she’d become?

  This wasn’t happening! Damn it, why in God’s name was she trudging behind the man who’d tortured and raped her? Why wasn’t she running?

  Where to?


  The vegetation wasn’t quite as thick near the parking lot. As a result she didn’t feel quite as claustrophobic as she followed Master into the opening. The truck she’d been brought here in and the SUV probably responsible for the redhead’s presence were the only vehicles in the parking area, but she heard one approaching.

  “Master? He’ll see me like this.”


  “Whoever is coming.”

  Master fingered the collar she loathed yet accepted. “They’re expecting this,” he said.


  Cheri recognized Platt’s black Cadillac as soon as it came into view, but because the windows were tinted, she didn’t know who he’d brought with him until all four doors opened. Uncle Stevie exited the front passenger’s door while Norman and Ed got out of the rear.

  “No,” she whimpered. “No.”

  “Yes.” Master pulled a familiar leash from a front pocket and fastened it to her collar. “So,” he said to the approaching men, “Who gets this?” He held up the leash.

  Smiling a smile she’d never seen on him, Uncle Stevie took hold of it. “We’ll take turns.”

  “We’re worked up a schedule,” Norman said. “Equal time for everyone.”

  “No,” she moaned. “Please, no.”

  Ed patted her shoulder. “Look at it this way, slave. You’ll no longer have to worry about us finding out what you’re up to.”

  His expression superior, Platt cupped his hands around her breasts. “What do
you think boys? Did I get a good return on my investment?”

  “Damn good,” her uncle agreed. “I’ll get a bigger charge out of tormenting those knockers than fucking her.”

  A total of five men surrounded her. She’d never felt so small, helpless, or lost. Desperate, she tried to drop to her knees before her uncle only to have him hold her up via the leash.

  “You can’t—“ she tried. “Uncle, I never—why are you—“

  “Shut up, bitch!” He slapped her mouth hard enough to draw blood. “Your aunt’s the one who felt sorry for you. I saw through you.”

  “We all did.” Ed’s hold on her shoulder tightened. “We aren’t as stupid as you thought we were.”

  “But don’t you worry.” Norman eyed the leather around her waist and between her legs. “We’re pissed at the way you played us, but we have no intention of damaging our investment. You’ll live, sort of. You won’t need your place any more. In fact, it’s been emptied out and your belongings sold.”

  “That’s right.” Platt squeezed her breasts. “We’re taking over everything. Conduct yourself like the good little sex slave Reno taught you to be, and we might occasionally let you wear something.”

  “Maybe,” Ed muttered. “I like her the way she is.”

  “That’s up to the four of you,” Reno said. “The last payment reached the Carnal account this morning so she’s yours.” He patted the top of her head. “You know how to get in touch with me if she needs a refresher course. And if you grow tired and want her sold—“

  “No! Please, Master,” she begged. “You can’t let them—“

  Reno slapped her buttocks. “I just did. Welcome to your new existence.”


  Cheri lay curled on her side in the trunk. It was black in here, nothing to see and nothing to do except think.

  She was a sex slave. The property of four men. They hadn’t told her where they were taking her or spelled out what her life would consist of, but she knew. She’d never be free again, never flirt, have her hair done, dress to seduce.

  Teeth clenched and eyes closed, she tightened her thigh muscles around the crotch strap. The dildo and ass plug hummed in time with the sounds the Cadillac was making. Her sex juices leaked onto the trunk carpet.

  She’d survive.


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