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by Shameek Speight

  Of course I know what he said, I have been hearing this same story my whole life from her. I just couldn't find myself to buy into these devil and God talks all the time. It made my head hurt and how in the fuck can the devil be my father. I'm at the age now where I can think for myself and not believe all the things the Colonel and my mother had been teaching us over the years. They kept us from the outside world by home schooling us. The only contact we had with other people was when my family was tracking, hunting and killing. As I walked deeper in the barn, I noticed four women naked with their hands chained up against the wall. They were badly beaten and crying, but seeing my mother they knew not to cry out for her. Then I noticed a huge pig about two hundred pounds hanging upside down by his legs connected to rusty old chains. He wiggled and squirmed making all kinds of grunting sounds. He acted as if he was more scared than I was and the women on the wall. I knew what was coming next.

  Momma had all of us do it. She said stabbing a pig and killing it was the closest thing to human flesh and killing people. Once you got use to it, it was easier to kill a person. I walked as Sylvia raised her knife and lightly cut into the pig, not deep, but like tracing a line all around his shin. The pig made a crying, grunting sound in pain. It squirmed and tried to break free. He finally stopped hollering when my mother took the blade of her knife off his skin. She turned around to look at me, staring with an evil look in her eyes. It was the look of an insane woman and a devilish grin spread across her face.

  "Now you know what to do, practice makes perfect son, make me proud," Sylvia said in an evil tone.

  I walked up to the pig that was still squirming around. It stopped moving as I reached him and looked to be pleading with me. I looked back at my mother who was tapping her feet with her arms folded staring at me with an attitude.

  "What's taking you so long? Get it over with boy; it's only a fucking pig. I know you're not about to bitch up over a pig are you?" she said in a thick, country accent.

  I let out a deep breath and dug my finger nails deep inside the line my mother cut into the pig's skin and closed my eyes as I began to pull.

  The pig made grunting sounds as it cried out in pain. I could hear his thick skin ripping and blood pouring down my hands. Sylvia walked up closer to me and I could feel her eyes on me and her presence right next to me.

  Whack! I felt a blow in my face as she jabbed me in the jaw.

  "Open your fucking eyes and watch what you're doing. I didn't raise any pussies, do you hear me?" she shouted.

  My facial expression balled up in anger. I was taller than her and stronger. I wanted to strike her back out of a quick reaction, but I knew the day I did it would be my last day on earth. Sylvia was cold hearted and killing came easy to her. She had no problem killing me or anyone else in the blink of an eye.

  "Go ahead get mad boy and use it, but the day you try me I'll gut you and skin you alive. I brought you in this world and I'll take you out," she stated.

  She saw rage on my face and I stared at her as if I wanted to stomp a mud hole in her.

  "Go ahead and finish up what you doing boy, now!" she shouted in a deep, country accent.

  I wondered how such a pretty woman could be so evil and why in the world would someone get her pregnant and let her have their children. I turned around and took my frustrations out on the swinging pig in front of me. The pig's grunts almost sounded like human screams as I ripped away at the left side of its skin imagining it was Sylvia I was doing this to. I went to his right side and dug my fingers deep into the open cut and pulled away seeing how his once pink body started to turn raw and bloody red. It started to feel good, the more I thought of it being my mother instead. I dropped his skin to the floor and was breathing heavy.

  "Now finish it," I heard Sylvia's voice boom.

  I pulled out my old, rusted machete from the holster on my side. The four women chained to the barn wall watched in horror, crying and terrified to even scream out as they couldn't believe what was taking place. Here was a mother teaching her son how to kill and wanted him to enjoy it as she did.

  "Finish it now!" Sylvia shouted.

  I flinched then stabbed the large pig twice. My machete went through his ribs and pierced his lungs.

  "Arghhh! Grrrr!" The pig made a weird cry out while continuing to stare at me in the eyes. I raised my machete high and came down.

  Whack! Whack! Whack! Was the sound in the barn, mixed with the four women crying as the pigs head came completely off and rolled onto the barns floor. Blood squirted out everywhere as if I shook a bottle of soda then opened it. For some reason it felt good to cause pain and take life from something.

  "About fucking time, now the real fun can begin," Sylvia said as she walked towards the four women chained to the wall.

  I turned my head and really studied the women for the first time. Two of them were completely dark skin; they looked as sweet as a Hershey chocolate bar. They looked to be in their mid-twenties. Fear was written all over their faces. The third woman had to be no more than 17. She was light skin, but if you really looked at her you would have thought she was white if it wasn't for her big, juicy, pink lips, wide hips and thick legs. I could tell she had a fat juicy butt just by looking at her waist. Her hair was as jet black as the night sky, and looking at her I became aroused and felt my dick growing inch by inch trying to break free of my jeans. Everything changed once I laid eyes on the forth one. It was a feeling of lust mixed with something else I can't explain. She was the same brown complexion as my mother and her hair was mess, a little nappy and stopped at her shoulders. She had a petite size, C breast and was country thick. She looked at least 160 pounds in all the right places, but that's not what caught me. Her eyes were dark and evil looking like mine and my mothers' and she showed no real fear. She had the most beautiful face I had ever seen.

  "What are you doing over there just staring boy? Pull down your pants and get to making me some grandchildren!" Sylvia shouted snapping me out of the daze I was in.

  I looked at her as if she lost her mind. These were the things Doc and my other brothers did on the regular, but not me. I didn't want any part of it. Killing pigs and cows was one thing, but all this other shit was too much for me.

  Sylvia's facial expression balled up in anger, "If I have to tell you twice to do something again I will kill you where you stand!" she shouted.

  While having her long, chrome knife around, I wondered how long I could really last in a physical fight with her as I hesitated pulling down my jeans. I watched my mother walk up to the high, yellow woman first and press the chrome knife to her neck.

  "Bitch spread your legs wide and you better not put up a fight or I'll slice you from ear to ear. I'll pull your fucking tongue out through the open womb of your throat and just before you die you'll feel my knife tearing the inside of your stomach up," Sylvia whispers through her clenched teeth. Her body began to tremble. I just wanted to run out the barn and get as far away from my crazy family, but I knew escaping was damn near impossible.

  "Michael, get your ass over here now!" she shouted.

  No matter how much I didn't like what was taking place my penis was still aroused standing straight up, all ten inches of it and the head was hard as a rock. I removed my shirt and moved in close to spread her legs. Looking into her eyes, I couldn't tell if it was the size of my penis that scared her or the fact that Sylvia still had the knife pressed to her neck. The whole situation felt weird at first, but as I lifted the lower half of her body and spread her legs wide cuffing them in between my biceps so she couldn't move, I pushed my ten inch dick deep inside her dry womb. It slowly became wetter with each stroke. I went deeper and deeper moving around side to side hitting her walls.

  Surprisingly the woman's facial expression changed from panic and fear, to pleasure and lust, as she let out loud moans, "Mmmm, ahhhh, damn! Damn your dick feels so good. Yes God yes!" she screamed as Sylvia released her grip moving to the side with a sick grin on her face as if she was pr
oud of me.

  "Is this what you want mother!" I shouted out at the top of my lungs without looking at her as I pound away like a mad man.

  "Ahhhh! Oh god you're ripping me! You're ripping me, slow down please!" the light skin woman with the pretty lips hollered.

  A twisted smile spread across my face as I felt my dick harden even more and grow another inch. What the hell is wrong with me? Why is seeing her in pain turning me on more? Why does this creepy sensation feel so good going through my body? I feel the thickness of my penis stretch and rip her tight hole. The head of my dick crashed into her inner walls. The funny thing is, even though it was causing her pain, her pussy was becoming wetter and wetter and it soon looked as she was enjoying it and trying her best not to, but I could feel her juices drip on my balls and down my thighs as she climaxed.

  "Ahhhh, oh God it hurts so bad but feels so good damn ahhhh Lord!" she screamed.

  I pulled out to jerk off, shooting cum all over her stomach as she laid there breathing hard. I looked down at her legs in between her thighs to see a smear of thick red blood mixed with cum running down her inner thighs. Then I looked down at my dick that was still rock hard pointing towards her. My facial expression balled up in disgust as I looked at it covered in blood. I quickly grabbed my shirt off the floor and used it to wipe off the blood.

  "Why did you pull out boy?" I heard Sylvia scream.

  I turned around to see pure rage in her face. I wondered if her face stayed stuck like that. The only time she's not mad is when she's causing harm to someone or one of her children are following her lead.

  "I don't know I just did," I said while standing there.

  "I never told you to stop Michael? You're done when I say you're done. And don't be pulling out. When you're ready to release your load, do it inside of her. The world is filled with weak people. Children with my blood, our blood won't be weak. I will not fucking allow it. We must stand strong and destroy the weak. Now spread the next ones legs and take her!" Sylvia shouted while using the chrome knife as a pointer, pointing in the direction of the next woman, the one that pulled me in the most because of her aura.

  "No, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm done with you and this crazy shit. It's just not right!" I shouted.

  Before I knew it, Sylvia punched me in the nose and grabbed my windpipe. With her left hand she somehow managed to grab my ten inch dick placing the knife up under it and applying pressure with her thumb, as if she was about to cut off a carrot with one hand.

  "I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again Michael or ill chop your dick off and stuff it down your throat. You have no idea who the fuck you are Ice. You are the devil and share the same blood as him. I'll kill you before I allow you to be weak. Out of all my children you and Doc are very special to me. You two are my prodigy. Now stick your dick inside her before I chop it off!" Sylvia shouted.

  Chapter 6

  No matter how much I feared her and tried my best to keep my body from trembling I still managed to mumble the word, no.

  "Ughhh!" I gasped for air.

  The rage grew in her eyes as she tightened her grip around my windpipe.

  "Ahhhh!" Sylvia leaned her head back and screamed in anger.

  I could tell that every part of her wanted to kill me right then and there. What she did next completely caught me by surprise. She released her grip off my neck and dick. She turned around to the beautiful, light skin woman who stared her in the eyes fighting back her tears.

  "You are a damn monster! You will kill your own child because he doesn't want to be an animal like you," the light skin woman said. She hogged back sucking all the muscles out of her nostrils into her mouth to make spit. She spits all over Sylvia's face and it slowly dripped down her chin.

  To my surprise Sylvia just smiled calmly and wiped the spit from her face. What scared me the most was that it was no sign of anger on her face at all. She slowly walked over to the light skin woman and tightly grabbed her by the chin and forced her lips onto hers. The young woman tried to pull away and turn her head as Sylvia kissed her seductively and used her tongue to pry open the young woman's juicy pink lips. I stood there with a puzzled look on my face. Then I see the woman that raised me, the person with the most evil soul that I knew. The young woman tried to scream, but couldn't as she made a funny crying sound.

  Blood dripped down the side of her and Sylvia's mouth. The sound of the chains was banging against the barn wall as the light skin woman tried to break her wrist free. My eyes opened in horror as Sylvia pulled her head back inch by inch from the light skin woman's lips. Caught in between Sylvia's teeth was a piece of the young woman's tongue.

  "Ahhhh! Help, no, no!" the young woman tried her best to scream out as a huge smile spread across Sylvia's face and chopped down even harder on her tongue.

  "Ahhhh!" the other women hollered in terror and shook side to side as if it would help them break free. Sylvia spit out the young woman's tongue onto the dirty floor.

  "Bitch, I warned you of what I'll do to you if you speak again. I guess you thought I was a joke, that mommy was soft huh!" Sylvia shouted with her hand still gripped tightly on the young woman's chin. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she coughed up pools of blood trying not to choke on it.

  "Ahhhh! No, no, God please help me, help me. Lord I'm sorry," the woman managed to say as she cried hysterically and her once light skin complexion was now red, covered in blood as it dripped out of her mouth and down her breast and stomach.

  "God doesn't live here child so there is no reason to call out and pray to him. He won't save you just like he abandoned me in my time of need. There is only one person to pray to and he's not up in no damn sky girl. Besides you're too weak for him to hear your prayers," Sylvia spat out with hate in her eyes.

  I watched her facial expression for a moment and I could tell she was no longer with us, that her mind had traveled outside her body and the barn. She was relieving something in her past. Whatever the hell it was, it really pissed her off. The sounds of the young woman crying and coughing up blood snapped her out of the trance she was in.

  "God please help me," the young woman cried.

  What happened next was so fast that my brain couldn't register it.

  "I told you God don't come to this land and won't hear you. What makes you think you're so special that he'll hear your calls?" Sylvia shouted as she swung the razor sharp knife back and forth slicing open her neck. Thick red blood poured out like a river. The woman gasped for air as she choked on her own blood, but that's not what startled me. Sylvia had a huge smile on her face as she reached out her left hand and forced it into the young woman's open wound. The young woman's eyes popped wide open and connected to Sylvia's, then made their way in my direction. I watched as tears filled her eyes and streamed down her face. She twisted and turned struggling to break free of the chains that were holding her hands. She tried kicking at Sylvia using her knees and feet, but her body was weakening from the large amount of blood gushing out of her. Sylvia continued to move her little hand around inside the young woman's throat until she found what she was searching for.

  "Got it," Sylvia said in excitement as she yanked until what was left of the young woman's tongue was pulled out through the open wound.

  I just stood there in horror as the young woman's tongue now hung out through her throat like a neck tie on a business suit.

  The other women screamed, "Ahhhh, oh God, oh God!" they were in terror.

  "Shut the hell up!" Sylvia shouted pointing her bloody knife at them.

  She then turned back to the light skin woman. I looked at her body and wondered how in the hell could she possibly still be alive as blood poured out of her. From the look in her eyes I can tell the pain was too much for her to bear and she wished for death.

  Sylvia smiled while licking her lips. "And you thought God could save you huh?" she said through her clenched teeth. She raised the knife and came down hard piercing through the center of the young woma
n's chest and pulling the razor sharp blade down slicing straight through to her stomach with ease. The young woman made a suffering sound as her guts and intestines hit the floor. She shook for a second then stopped moving.

  'What the hell! Is this what she wants me to be, another version of her psycho ass? I refuse to allow myself to be anything like her or my family, fuck that,' I thought to myself.

  "Fucking weak, they're all weak. Their blood isn't as strong as ours baby, none of them deserves to live and walk on this earth, they're pathetic. It will be our family bloodline that causes pain and havoc and someday control everyone beneath us. These were the words spoken to me by our Lord," Sylvia shouted as I looked at her like a mad woman. All my life she sung the same song, the world is against us and all is weak; blah, blah, blah.

  'Every day can't be like this, even if this is all I know and have seen,' I thought to myself and wondered when Sylvia would calm down and I could go on my way.

  I picked up my jeans and underwear and slid them on both at once then grabbed my black t-shirt off the floor.

  "Uh where do you think you're going? We're not through yet and I surely didn't tell you to get dressed. We're still having fun. You must learn all of this, my son. This will come in handy very soon in your life. You and Doc are meant to do great things," Sylvia said with a deranged look in her eyes.

  She turned back around, grabbed one of the dark skin woman's faces and squeezed her cheeks holding her face tight. The dark skin woman panicked and squirmed as Sylvia slowly moved the knife around her breast seductively then her facial expression got serious, "Bitch!" Sylvia shouted as she sliced open the dark skin woman's forehead by her hairline.

  "Ahhhh!" the dark skin woman screamed in horror.

  Sylvia pressed hard with the sharp knife cutting in the woman's face tracing all around it as if she was drawing. When she was done she dropped the knife.

  "No, no, ahhhh! Someone please help me! Help me!" the woman cried out hysterically as tears and blood streamed down her face.


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