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Page 9

by Shameek Speight

  Instead of running to the freeway I went back in the direction of the barn thinking of Doc, my mother and revenge for Victoria and Booker. It took me two days to return home. I could see my family standing in the barn torturing a victim and all I could hear was Sylvia screaming, "Have you found his body yet!"

  "No, but he has to be dead, I seen him go down," Doc said.

  "He's not fucking dead, bring back his head. That is the only proof I need, that's all I wanna see. It's not over," Sylvia shouted then slapped Doc in the face.

  "I'm telling you he's dead, he couldn't have survived that," Doc shouted back.

  "You're so fucking weak. You're weaker than him. I'm telling you he's not dead, I could feel it. You don't know what you've caused by doing this. You should've taken his head off when you had the chance," she said.

  The Colonel there stood quiet. I peeped through a hole in the barn watching him shake in fear. Seven other women were chained up and being molested by my other siblings as Sylvia stood in the middle praying. I went to the empty barn on the other side to grab the canister of kerosene and a rope that was laying there and threw it over my shoulder. I went back to the barn my family was in. I poured kerosene all over it and went back to the woods and found two nice size rocks and the biggest, longest sticks I could find and hand crafted my own spears. I brought them back to the barn where I poured the kerosene and rubbed the rocks together and made and fire. The barn went up in flames in a matter of seconds.

  "Ahhhhh!" I could hear everyone screaming as the barn started to collapse. As two of the Colonel's children ran out, I threw the spears into their chest and as another ran out I tossed another spear. It traveled so fast that it went through his mouth and out the back of his head. Finally Doc came out covered in fire. He rolled onto the ground and popped back up. I stood there with my machete ready to face him with no more fear.

  "I knew it would come to this. I hate you!" Doc shouted, "My mother always like you best, she always thought you were stronger. I don't know why, you're fucking weak. I hated you from the moment you were born. It's me who will rule this family. Me! Not you!" Doc shouted as he removed both hatchets from the holsters from his waist and charged at me.

  I moved swiftly as he swung. He looked at me with a confused look on his face noting that I was faster than he anticipated. I punched him in the face with my left hand then kneed him in the stomach.

  "Ugh," he leaned over in pain.

  "I am stronger than you and much more evil," I mumbled into his ears.

  He tried to attack again, swinging his hatchets left and right. I swooped low and kicked his feet from under him; he fell on his back so I jumped in the air and came down hard in his chest with my machete.

  "Ugggh," he groaned. As I pulled it out, he rolled over and jumped back up. "It's going to take more than that you pussy!" Doc screamed, but for the first time I saw fear in his eyes. He was scared of me, he always had been. I can smell it and it turned me on. I threw my machete straight at him, cutting him from his dick to his ass cheeks.

  "Ahhhh, ugggh," he hollered in pain.

  As he dropped his hatchets to try to remove it, I calmly walked over to him and picked up both hatchets.

  "I am stronger, fucker!" I yelled at him.

  Then I swung them both at the same time, decapitated him. I smiled with joy. I removed my machete from his dick and turned around just in time to see the Colonel stepping out of the barn on fire. He quickly rolled in the dirt and took out his guns once he saw me. His hands shook as he released the trigger. I dodged the first one and then boom! He fired at me again, hitting me in my leg making a huge hole through it but it didn't stop me from charging at him.

  As he continued to fire at me, I chopped off his left hand then his right, then dropped my machete and grabbed his head.

  "All the years that you fucking beat me, all the years that you thought you were stronger," I screamed through clinched teeth as I took my fingers and stuck them into his eyes. "You fucking bastard die, die!"

  I could feel my thumb going deeper into his eye sockets as I pushed harder and feeling what used to be his eyes turning into goo.

  "Die you old bastard. Die." I bent down and bit his nose while my fingers were still in his eyes. I spit out the piece of his nose.

  "Ahh!" he screamed.

  For the first time I got to see how much of a bitch he was. I wasted no more time and grabbed my machete and sliced his head off. Trapped in the barn, I could hear his children and the women that were still chained screaming for their lives. Sylvia came out rolling on the ground and once the fire was out she too got up.

  "I knew you weren't dead, I knew you would be back." I punched her two times with a combo. She fell backwards and got back up like it was nothing. "You can do better than that my son, way better. You're stronger than you know, release it."

  I couldn't hear her words, anger had consumed me. She had her shiny, chrome knife in her hands and swung at me left and right trying to cut an x in my chest. I hit her with an uppercut. It was the first time I ever saw my mother stumble so I quickly grabbed the rope and knife and stabbed her repeatedly in the stomach. Then I tied the rope to her legs and dragged her deep into the woods. I tossed the rope over a tree and pulled it all the way up and tied it. She now hung upside down swinging and staring at me.

  "Motherfucker, you think this is over don't you? You think this hadn't already been planned. I planned this from day one, even this moment. You are the devil Ice. You don't even know what you did."

  "Shut up! Shut up, I am not the devil."

  "Yes you are Michael? When I gave birth, you had a twin. You two were a gift from the devil and the Colonel helped me raise y'all. The other one was a female. I kept her hidden in the cottage in the woods away from all of y'all and taught her all of my ways. She was a better student than you and Doc, more evil and more conning. She was stronger, smarter and didn't hesitate to kill and you just helped formulate the plan by sending her into the world." Sylvia said while grinning.

  I wondered what the fuck she was rambling about and how could she be grinning when she's hanging upside down. I have my machete out about to end her life. I tried and tried to figure it out but couldn't. She grinned more when she saw the confused look on my face.

  "Javasia is your sister. You just gave the world a perfect offspring when you got her pregnant. It was all a plan. The devil told me to do it," she said.

  I dropped my machete. I couldn't believe what the fuck I was hearing.

  "Javasia is my sister?" I asked. My mind started to wonder and piece things together. She looked just like my mother and has her strength. Our bond was so powerful. "It can't be true!" I screamed.

  "Yes, you stupid bastard and you fell for it."

  I cried hysterically and stopped; no more crying. I left Sylvia hanging there and went back to the Colonel and grabbed his guns and holsters. "You won't need these," I mumbled then walked backed to the woods and aimed a gun at Sylvia.

  BOOM! The gun roared as the first bullet tore through her stomach and came out of her back.

  "Ahhh, uggghh!" she yelled in pain.

  I smiled and I squeezed the trigger again and boom! I aimed for her leg shooting it off, now she's hanging from one leg. I put the gun back into the holster and picked up my machete.

  "Is this what you wanted? You created this. I will be the devil that you wanted me to be. I will hate women and never trust anybody," I said through clinched teeth. I swung and the machete got stuck in her neck.

  "Ugghh," she made a noise trying to breath.

  I snatched the machete out of her neck and swung over and again until her head fell to the ground. I picked up her head and walked deeper into the woods knowing my destination.

  "I will be heading to New York next to kill Javasia," I said out loud.

  Chapter 14

  In an old building in the Bronx, owned by Black Ice he had put in one of his crack-heads name, Tanya rubs her stomach while holding Tiffany's baby. Months have pa
ssed since Black Ice had moved her into this new place and still kept her cut off from the world. She looks at the two scientists, just like Black Ice had ordered her to do.

  Three months ago:

  "Tanya it's time." Dr. Raym said as they pressed a button, releasing all the water out of a clear tank.

  Tanya stood up out her chair and walks over to them and smiles as they stared at a naked man with tubes in his body and a scar on his face. His body was pure muscles. He opens his eyes and laughs.

  "Hahahaha!" His laughter sent chills down the two scientist spines.

  "Lord what have we done?" Dr. Raym mumbled.

  Tanya got wet from the fear she felt and couldn't wait to have the man inside her. She looked at Tiffany's baby in her arms.

  "Daddy's home," she said with a Kool-Aid smile on her face.

  Chapter 15

  Lawana finally felt safe in her new home in Los Angeles. Michael had helped her get as far away as she wanted from New York City. The farther she got the better she felt. She lay in her bed, in her room rubbing her stomach with the lights on. She was scared to sleep with the lights off. She closed her eyes for a second and dozed off. When she reopened them all of the lights were off. Her room door was open when she remembered closing it. She jumped up as she saw a pair of eyes staring at her from her doorway. She reached under her pillow for her gun.

  "I miss you my beautiful bitch," she heard a voice whisper.

  Her eyes widened as her body trembled in fear. She fired into the darkness at the eyes that were watching her.

  "It can't be! You're dead! You're dead! We killed you!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she heard a clicking sound letting her know that her gun had been emptied.

  "Ahhhh! God no! Ahhhh!" she screamed as a strong pair of hands grabbed her ankles and pulled her off of the bed and into the darkness.

  "We killed you! You're dead! It can't be!

  Lawana moaned in pain, her head felt like she had been hit with a sledgehammer. The last thing she remembered was Black Ice coming out of the dark in the hallway of her house and grabbing her, and then she opened her eyes for a quick second and noticed she had been thrown in a black van. Driving down the streets she noticed a dog as big as her standing next to her bleeding from the side.

  Once she woke up completely she saw that she was no longer in a van but in a room with a king size bed. Her heart raced because it resembled the room she was trapped in in the warehouse of the coca cola factory. She wanted to cry as she looked down at her stomach. A familiar face came out of the room.

  "Tanya that's you?" she said.

  The little girl that she met a few months ago changed her hair and was much crazier. She had lost so much weight from smoking crack and she had a deranged look in her eyes.

  "Yes it's me. I see he brought your ass back. I don't know why because all he need is me. But I guess he wants the child inside you," Tanya said.

  Lawana stared at her funny and for the first time noticed that she was carrying a baby. Her body looked as if she could barely hold up the stomach.

  I'm going to give him what he wants. He doesn't want you," Tanya stated.

  "What's wrong with you girl, how did I get here? I was in LA. Where am I?"

  "You're back in New York," Tanya said as she lay down on the bed.

  "What do you mean give him what he wants; I thought Black Ice was dead. How the fuck did I end up here? It's no way he can be alive." Lawana said as she cried hysterically.

  "That's where you're wrong. My man can't die," Tanya said.

  "Your man?"

  "Yes bitch, my man." Tanya said. She pulled a knife out of nowhere and stabbed Lawana in the stomach.

  "Ahhh, what are you doing?" Lawana cried out.

  Tanya skid the knife across the lower part of her stomach, opening her up to see two pair of legs.

  "This all he wanted bitch, the twins," Tanya said as she grabbed one of the babies and pulled it out.

  'Waaaah!' the baby cried as she cut the umbilical cord.

  "Ahhhh, ugghh!" Lawana screamed.

  She tried to fight as Tanya reached in and removed the other baby cutting the umbilical cord.

  "He's mine bitch and you can never have him." Tanya said as she raised the knife high.

  A sound caught her attention before she came down with the knife. She turned around to see Black Ice standing in the doorway. Black Ice stared at her covered in blood then stared at Lawana.

  "Bitch, what are you doing?" Black Ice hollered.

  "Nothing," Tanya said as she dropped the knife.

  Chapter 16

  Michael Jr. stood up and couldn't believe what he was reading. He wiped his eyes. "What the fuck?" he said out loud as he stared at the jars with Sylvia and his father's head in them. "My fucking family is twisted, this can't be true. What the hell?" Michael Jr. said to himself. He started to close the book but something told him to turn to the next page. His phone was vibrating. He checked it and saw that it was a text from his mother.

  'Boy I told you not to ignore me, the devil is not dead, he's real, and he's still alive. Keep your eyes open,' the text read. He put the phone back into his pocket and turned the page of the thick book and his mouth opened up wide in shock as he saw his name, 'Evil', the name people call him on the streets.

  Evil, my son, I knew you would be the only one to find this book. It has plenty of stories in it. You also need to know that the same blood that runs through Sylvia runs through all of us, so you can't fight who you are. You are just like us, but know this; I will be coming back for Mike. I have more kids out there; you have a sister named Shanelle, who's part Trinidadian, hiding out in New York. You also have a nephew; Wanno, who's an offspring of your deceased brother Noble. There's a Detective Alexis Lovett, she had a son that wasn't evil enough and he died but left an offspring; a beautiful daughter named Shenice, I will be grabbing her. I have two more sons that are great killers but too soft. Their names are Bless and Damou. Bless has picked the perfect wife, Tess; who happens to be an assassin. Tess met and fell in love with Iris. They both are professional killers and have two daughters named Isis and Ayoyna and they have great potential. I will teach them to be great killers and help rid the weak and dominate the world. I will be coming for them. So I will see you soon. You know where to find me, deep in the woods in North Carolina.

  Michael Jr. couldn't believe what he was reading, "I have more siblings and some of them are my age, what the fuck? Thank God it's over. Thank God I killed him so he will never be able to touch my kids or my sibling's kids ever."

  "Hahaha, that's what you think."

  Michael Jr. jumped as he heard the voice echo. He grabbed his machete and looked out of the trophy room and couldn't believe his eyes. It was his father but not as he was before. He looked younger and much stronger. He had a machete in his hand and was wearing nothing but a tank top and a long leather jacket. Michael Jr. trembled in fear as he looked back and forth from his father's head in the jar to the look-alike standing before him.

  "This can't be you're dead; you're dead!" Michael screamed.

  "You can't kill the devil," Black Ice said. I'm coming for all my children Michael. Either you follow my in footsteps or die with the rest."

  "Never!" Michael screamed as he charged at Black Ice with the machete as all the lights in the house went out. Michael studied the room for movement and in seconds the lights came back on and Black Ice was gone.

  "THIS CAN'T BE REAL! I must've imagined it reading that fucking journal!" Michael screamed as his phone vibrated in his pocket. He grabbed it and saw that it was another text from his mother and read it.

  'The devil is near you. Be ready!'

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