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Touch Down: Book 2 (TD)

Page 2

by Jessika Klide


  TD hears the sound of the ladies laughing and opens his eyes, Mandy is leaning over him with a towel and is gently wiping his cheek. Her young face is radiant and beautiful.

  "Ah! He lives." She giggles and looks over at someone lying next to him. "Rosa, you didn’t kill him."

  When he glances over, he sees Rosa laying next to him laughing at the ceiling. Then he sees Bella lean in with a bag of ice. She lays it against his cheek and the heat he now realizes he feels there eases.

  He is as happy as he has ever been in his life.

  He grins at the three women and tells them. "My name is Touch Down because I always SCORE!"

  They burst out laughing with him.

  "What’s going on up here?" Angela’s sweet voice floats to him. "Did I miss out?"

  Mandy turns to her and explains the spontaneous orgy they had, then she takes his hand and helps him to his feet. "You need a shower!"

  "I need coffee!" He states matter-of-factly.

  Angela offers her cup. "You need this more than I do."

  He takes it and sips the hot liquid while he admires her nakedness too. Too bad she missed out. She's a gorgeous blonde. I hope she can learn to pole dance.

  "The guys are waiting on us to finish up here. Then we are going to watch Seary's show. They recorded it!" She is breathless when she gets excited. She continues telling them what they discovered about Siri. That she normally charges $5,000 per Fucking Fantasy. "And since we all got one...." She lets her voice trail off and looks at TD.

  "That’s cool." He agrees. "She was awesome. She earned it."

  She looks more at ease when she says. "I thought it would be nice to order her flowers too."

  As they all walk to the cabinets to retrieve their checkbooks, Mandy tells them she thinks pink roses would be beautiful because they represent their pink vaginas. "I’ll order them if you want. My cousin owns the flower shop, and I’ll ask if she will deliver them for us today." Then she stops and says. "Oh dear! Does anyone know where she lives?"

  TD looks up from his phone and smirks. "I do. I picked her up at Dogwood Court." Then he volunteers. "I can meet the florist there and give Siri the flowers and our checks personally."

  "You’re not leaving, are you?" Angela asks, sounding disappointed. "We usually stay the weekend."

  His charming nature is irresistible and he turns it on her. "I wouldn’t dream of missing out on one single second of the precious time allotted to be with you beautiful ladies, but I would like to go get Rachael and bring her here to meet you." He holds his phone up. "She made it back and wants to come if that is alright." He looks imploringly around at them.

  "Oh yes! Please do! That would be wonderful. The men would surely appreciate that."

  "Great! I’ll get my shower and arrange it."

  He texts Rachael as soon as he closes the door to the bathroom.

  **Rachael. Wake up!**


  **I’m coming to get you.**

  **Why? What’s wrong?**

  **Nothing. I’ll explain later this afternoon.**

  **No. Explain now. I have company.**


  **A friend.**

  **A girl friend, or a guy friend?**

  **Girl. A nice girl too.**

  **Well, get rid of her. I’m bringing you to meet the Swingers.**

  **Ok. I will. What happened to the other girl?**

  **I’ll explain everything.**

  **I’ll be ready. What time?**


  Ruth opens her eyes and stares at Rachael texting intently on her phone. She’s so pretty and sweet.

  Last night they watched movies, ate pizza then popcorn, drank a lot of beer and fell asleep cuddling under a blanket on the couch. Several times during the night, Ruth woke up to find Rachael’s foot wedged between her legs and was rubbing her pussy. The first time, she freaked out a little, and shifted so she wasn’t making contact. The second time, she was only startled, but she didn’t move. She left Rachael’s foot there. The third time, she feigned sleep, enjoying Rachael’s toes flexing over her pussy. She hated when they stopped. They felt so good. The fourth time, she feigned sleep again, rolling into it and letting Rachael tickle her clit. It was really hard fighting the urge to rub her pussy against her friend’s soft skin. Especially when her heart began to beat in her ears. She slipped her hand to her tit then peered from under her eyelids to watch Rachael’s beautiful body as she gently flicked her finger across the nipple as fast as Rachael’s toes were working her to climax. When she was ready to explode, she slid her hand down gently pushing Rachael’s foot off and then finished stroking her pussy herself. While she was cumming, she thought she could see the glint of light in Rachael’s eyes, but if she knew, she never let on, so Ruth drifted off to sleep and woke with the sound of texting.

  Rachael smiles at Ruth. "Good morning, Sweetness."

  "Good morning."

  Rachael holds the phone so Ruth can see the text, but not read it. "I hate to bail on you but TD’s coming to get me."

  Ruth stretches. "That’s cool." She watches Rachael as she starts to strip right in front of her.

  Rachael’s arms crisscross and pull her shirt up over her head. Her plump tits bounce and her nipples are tight. "Make yourself at home. I have no idea how long I’ll be gone."

  The sight excites Ruth and her own nipples elongate against her shirt.

  Rachael pauses with her shirt still hooked by her long hair, and teases her. "Are you cold? Your headlights are on."

  Ruth’s hard tips push against her tight shirt. She looks down and laughs. "No. I’m good." But she pulls the blanket onto her lap as she crosses her legs.

  "They are just happy to see me." Rachael teases her, smiling as she bends forward letting them sway. She pushes her shorts down, exposing her shaved pussy to Ruth.

  Ruth’s clit thumps and the blood drains from her face as she leans forward to take a cold piece of pizza out of the box. Rachael gathers up her clothes off the floor and Ruth devours the pizza while her eyes devour Rachael

  Rachael crawls around the couch, looking for something, saying "Crap. Where did I put them?" Finally, she stops, plops down next to Ruth, and laughs as she takes a piece of the pizza too and bites it. "If you find my panties, just put them in the laundry basket for me."

  Ruth laughs with her. "I’ll look for them for you."

  Then Rachael pops up, pizza in one hand, clothes in the other and prances into the bedroom. "I’ve got to get a quick shower." She leaves the doors open and Ruth can hear running water in the shower. She calls out to her. "Maybe they slipped under the cushion. My panties. Check for me, Sweetness."

  Ruth gets up and looks under the cushion. She finds a bright red thong. "Found them." She shouts over her shoulder. She takes them and goes into the bedroom.

  Rachael is under the water when Ruth comes in. She didn’t close the door and Ruth watches her as she emerges from the water. "I found them." She calls out.

  "Great. Thanks." She tells her and starts to lather up. "Just drop them there in the laundry basket for me."

  Ruth enters the bathroom and drops the red thong on top of her shirt and shorts. Rachael continues talking, keeping Ruth inside to listen. "TD didn’t say what we were doing today or how long we would be gone. If I don’t make it back before you leave, just lock up and take my key. I’ll use his to get back in, if I need to." She pauses and waits for Ruth to answer.

  "Sure. Ok."

  "The key is in my purse hanging behind the door." She opens the shower door and points to the closet door in the bedroom. Ruth’s eyes are on her tits dripping water and soap onto the floor. She pauses and waits for Ruth to find her eyes, and when they do, they lock for a moment, and then she gives her a very knowing smile as she puts her hand to her nipple and rubs the soap around. "Look at me. My tits are making a soapy mess on the floor." Then she eases back into the shower, closes the door, and starts to smear the
soap all over. She looks at Ruth through the door as she uses only her hands to smear it around.

  Ruth is mesmerized by her slow, seductive shower dance behind the clear door. She stands stock still, watching Rachael’s skin moving in rhythm against the white soap. Suddenly she shakes her head. Oh my God.... I’m fucking turned on. This is wrong! She turns her back on her.

  Rachael knowing what she is doing to her doesn't let the guilt build. She asks her sweetly. "Ruth, Hun, would you hand me the shampoo?"

  Ruth looks around. "Sure. Where is it?"

  "In the cabinet there under the sink."

  When she opens the door, her jaw drops. Inside is a replica of a penis! She stares at it. She hasn’t seen either, real or fake, up close before. Damn!

  "Did you find it? It’s might be in the back behind my dildo." Rachael opens the door again and watches her.

  Ruth reaches in for it and says. "I found it." The dildo is sitting on top of it, so she has to pick it up. It’s so big!

  Rachael giggles. "Oh. I forgot that was in there. Hand me that too."

  Ruth turns around and holds them out to her. "Are you going to use it now?"

  Rachael laughs. "I am the shampoo." She reaches for it, and almost slips. She grabs the side of the door. "Bring them here, Hun."

  Ruth walks over and Rachael asks her. "You know we could shower together if you want too." She smiles a sexy smile.

  Ruth hesitates. "I’m not a lesbian."

  "I didn’t say you were." She takes the shampoo from her and sets it down.

  Ruth stands there holding the dildo waiting for her to reach for it too.

  Rachael watches her and smiles a sexy smile again. "Ever used one of these bad boys?"

  "No." Ruth admits.

  "Want to?"

  "Maybe." She stares down at it, then holds it out to Rachael. "Maybe later."

  Rachael reaches for it. "It needs cleaning." She closes her hand around Ruth’s securing the dildo, then brings the tool to her breast and rubs it around her big pink areola. It slides over with silky ease. The nipple hardens and elongates. She flicks the tip on it.

  Ruth draws her breathe in, trying not to show how turned on she is.

  Rachael takes it out of Ruth’s hand and puts Ruth’s hand on her breast, sliding her palm over her entire tit, and in little circles around her nipple too. Rolling it around and around.

  Ruth’s pussy lurches so hard, she bites her lip. Rachael’s nipple rolling over her palm is sending sparks flying around her pussy.

  "You’re welcome to try it out later while I’m gone, or you can wait for me to show you how to use it." She rubs it in her cleavage.

  Ruth pulls her tingling hand away. "Ok" is all she says and she turns and leaves the bathroom. She heads straight to the kitchen and rinses the soap off her hand. Dries it with a towel, then plops down on the couch and turns the TV on.

  Rachael finishes her shower, knowing she is scoring big points with Ruth. If she’s lucky, that dude tonight will finally reject her once and for all, and Ruth will fall into her arms. She rinses the dildo off and leaves it in the shower to dry. Curiosity is a good thing.


  TD taps the horn on his Ferrari twice and Rachael emerges from her apartment. She looks great! She is wearing a tight red dress with heels. Unashamed of her voluptuous body.

  It took TD years of whispers in her ear to convince her that not only are big breasts and big butts attractive to men, but the bulges in-between were good too. "Sister, those are just more to love and cuddle; snuggly; it isn’t the stalk of a plant, but the plump, delicious fruit that is desired, Rachael Baby."

  She opens the door, slides in and offers her lips for a kiss. He gives her a peck then pulls out as she buckles her seatbelt. "What happened?"

  "You aren’t going to believe me!"

  She shifts in the seat and listens to the story of the cocktail party as he drives. He glances at her several times to see her eyes are big with the look of shock on her face. He tells her about how Siri is actually a stripper from Vegas and how she entertained them with her dancing. "She’s a pole dancer!"

  "Get out of here!"

  "I’m not joking. She’s a stripper from Vegas. A headliner too. She climbed up on the pole and we were all stunned!"

  He tells her how she gave them lap dances and how she set up the game of Gorilla. How he had fucked Mandy while Charlie watched, and they used a remote toy too. "Goddamn! It was an incredible night! I found out this morning that they recorded the whole thing too." He nods to the back seat. "We have to drop this off at her place first, then we’re to head back to the house. We watched it already, but wanted to watch it with you too."

  She doesn’t say anything, speechless while she absorbs everything he rambled off so fast.

  He laughs. "I even got my first spanking."

  That spurs her voice. "What the fuck?"

  "Yeah! It was crucial! Siri is fucking awesome! I’m telling you! She set me up, sure, but it was worth it and I deserved it." He cuts his eyes at Rachael. "I didn’t tell her it was a Swingers party."

  She shakes her head, and looks out the window. That’s just like him. Screw everyone as long as he gets what he wants. Then she starts to laugh. "You got spanked! I can’t wait to see that."

  "Yeah. Mandy did it with a riding crop. It hurt like hell, and I shot my wad across the room. The whole damn party last night was incredible! And this morning too."

  They turn into Dogwood Court.

  "What happened this morning?"

  The gate is up and TD takes the curves up the drive too fast. Rachael has to brace herself. When he pulls in a parking spot, he tells her.

  "Sit tight. I’ll be right back."

  "Wait. What happened this morning?"

  He grins his sexy half smile at her and turns his face so she can see his other cheek. "This cheek got spanked too."

  "What the fuck?" Rachael’s look of shock is priceless.

  TD gets out and opens the back door, and leans in to get the envelopes and the zip drive.

  "Hurry your ass up. I can't wait to hear the rest and to get my ass there. I want in on the fucking fun."

  He grins at her, gives her a wink and says. "Go, Baby, Go!"

  She has no clue what that implies, but it must be good. TD is as spoiled as they come and would never take a spanking, much less two, unless there was something major in it for him. "Must have been something dope!" Rachael tells the empty car as she watches TD hurry away.

  He stops and greets the lady with the florist van parked at the entrance. He opens the door for her and she carries a huge bouquet of pink roses inside. He hovers listening while she tells Lucy. "I have a delivery for Siri Wright."

  Lucy looks genuinely surprised then she grins really big. "Ah. Yes. yes. Very good."

  The florist says. "There are more in the van."

  "Oh. OK." Lucy frowns. "How many more?"

  "Three like these."

  Lucy takes her phone and dials a number. “Good morning, Miss Wright. You have flowers! Too many flowers! You hab good time last night, yes? Good on you! But what do wit dim? Call me.” She smiles at the florist. "We wait."

  The florist offers. "I can take them to her. I don’t mind. It’s not any trouble."

  "No. No. Not in elevator. Too tiny." She tells her.

  "I can take the stairs." The lady offers.

  "No. No. Too messy." Lucy frowns at her, then calls another number. "Raymond. Lucy. Miss Wright hab flowers. No. No. Not her. Miss" She hisses into the phone. "Yes. Yes. 9A. Too many flowers. Ok. We wait."

  She hangs up and says. "Raymond come."

  "I’ll get the others then." The florist walks back to where TD stands listening and he opens the door for her.

  "Thank you very much, young man."

  He nods, then walks to the elevators while the florist returns to the van. He pushes #9 and taps the envelopes in his palm. Riding up, he thinks about Siri and the party again. Wow! She really knows her stuff!
I can’t wait to see her to tell her, thanks! She owned us all last night.

  When the doors open, Siri has just passed the elevator and is heading away down the hall, holding her phone out and giggling at something a deep voice is saying. He sees again the graceful, sexy dancer twirling around and around. Her naked body on the stripper pole is forever burned into his memory and it comes forward front and center. He sprints quickly up behind her, excited to see her and snatches her pony tail hard, bringing her to an abrupt halt.

  She drops her phone and says. “What the fuck?” Then whirls around to face him. Her eyes shooting daggers.

  He steps back remembering the punch she gave him last night, and yells louder than he intended in a high pitched, extremely excited voice. “Siri, you fucking bitch!” His sexy half grin plastered across his face and his arms open wide, asking for a hug.

  “Hey man, what are you doing here?” She says surprised to see him. Standing tense. Not falling for his charm.

  “I came to see you bearing gifts.” He swoops her up anyway and lifts her off her feet. “I know Rule #1 and all, but I need to give you a hug, girl! You’re the greatest! What you did last night was fucking fantastic!”

  Her whole body tenses and a door at the end of the hall is snatched open.

  TD turns his head to see a vaguely familiar man storm into the hall. He is wearing only a pair of distressed, faded jeans, no shirt, no shoes. His body is sculpted. His short hair reminds TD of the security bodyguards that Rachael’s father, his stepdad, employs. Former military special forces. He freezes in fear.

  Siri tells him in a voice that means absolutely NO TOUCHING. “Put me down, TD! NOW!” Panic wells up inside TD’s gut making him drop Siri instantly. She shoves him away, then spins to face the military man. Hand in the air. She commands him. “AUREI, STOP! STOP RIGHT THERE! DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!”

  TD sees from Aurei’s body language that that is a hard command to follow, but he manages. Stopping, and watching them like a hawk. The feeling that TD is now prey falls over his body and he shivers. Without taking his eyes off the hunter, he asks. “Damn, what’s got him so pissed off? Is that the same dude from last night?”


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