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Blood Sacrifice (The Blood Sisters Book 3)

Page 10

by Jill Cooper

  They dumped into the casino’s main floor. It was eerie the way there was no one at the slot machines or blackjack tables. Weren’t there always people there? Unless the building had been cleared, just in case their little arrest went bad.

  Yeah, Jessica figured that was probably the score, which meant they were running out of time. They had to get moving before they were pinned down. One option was the elevator leading up to the penthouse suite. The other was toward the front entrance. Jessica knew which way she wanted to go. Lucky for her, there was no time for an argument, as police rushed in from the outside.

  “Quick!” Jessica hissed.

  “Freeze, Ms. Blood!”

  Jessica held her hands up as the police drew their weapons. “Hey, there’s no need for that. I haven’t resisted. I haven’t drawn any weapons.”

  Amanda stepped forward. Jessica grabbed for her hand and hissed a warning at her. The police trained their guns, but Amanda waved her hand through the air. It threw the officers backward and they gave a guttural scream.

  She hadn’t even said anything. Jessica’s heart skipped a beat as Amanda turned back to her. “Let’s get moving.”

  That sounded like a good idea to Jessica. She hurried along, but between the slot machines, a woman emerged with a sick smirk on her face. Dressed in a silver bodysuit with weapons holstered at her hips, it was clear, whoever this was, she wasn’t your average, run of the mill gambler.

  No, she was something more.

  Amanda tilted her head to the side and laughed. “Hello, Vain.”

  Vain, so this was she? The one who had Duncan? Jessica thought to rip her face off, but Vain bowed at the waist in greeting. “I know you two also, by reputation. Amanda,” Vain nodded her head at Jessica, “Jessica. I’ll propose a truce, for now. I have something you want, yes? And you…” Vain strolled up to Amanda and took in the sight of her. A look of lust danced across Vain’s face. “You have something I’m desperate for.”

  Amanda scowled with a headshake. “What?”

  “Power. Real power.” Vain licked her lips. “I want what Lourdes cursed you with when she died. In return, I’ll give you Duncan. Anything you want.”

  Amanda snarled. “You can’t just take it.”

  “Upstairs I have the Ruby Heart. I even know how it works. I just need to touch it and you…Why don’t the both of you come upstairs? I’ll release Duncan to you both and let you go on with your lives. Once I’m in the underworld, you won’t have any more demons to worry about as long as I’m the one with the power.”

  Jessica breathed a sigh of relief. This was good. Real good! She couldn’t have asked for anything more. It was like Christmas morning and nothing was ever that easy, so what was the catch?

  Amanda shook her head. “No.”

  No? What was she thinking?

  Vain’s eyes widened and narrowed quickly with anger, surprised as Jessica was at Amanda’s answer. She lunged for Amanda, but Amanda raised her hand and it was as if Vain was held in stasis. She couldn’t move forward, and her face twisted with rage. When the police advanced, Vain yelled an order. “Stay back! No one moves on her until I say! We can still work through this, Amanda. I give you my word.”

  “Listen to her,” Jessica grabbed Amanda’s free arm. “This is what we want. This is everything---.”

  “No.” Amanda’s face flashed toward Jessica, the creep of black ink covered half her face, like entangled veins. “She’s conditioning Duncan to kill you. She hates you. She’s jealous of you. She’s a liar and she’ll never let you go.”

  Jessica read the horror on Vain’s face as truth, but there were other truths weren’t there? “So what, we deal one step at a time. I can talk Duncan down. I can break through whatever crap Vain’s done to him. I promise, Mandy…You have to let her go.” Jessica’s chin quivered as more of Amanda’s face was lost in Lourdes’s dark magic. “Amanda, we don’t have a lot of time. I’m…losing you, baby.”

  Tears rose up in Amanda’s eyes and her teeth clattered together uncontrollably. “I know. That’s why you need to go save Duncan on your own. I’m sorry, Jessica. So sorry.”

  Jessica’s face twisted with confusion. “I don’t understand…”

  “If Vain becomes queen of the underworld, it’s trading one evil for another. Don’t you see that? But I can make a difference. I can put things right.”

  Exasperated, Jessica rolled her eyes. “You can’t fix Hell from the inside out. I won’t let you. Mandy, this is crazy!”

  But Amanda wouldn’t be swayed. “Dad’s there. I can save him. I can let him go. So his spirit can finally rest, Jessica.”

  Pure lunacy, but she understood why Amanda wanted to do it. Why she wanted to free Dad. “You think I don’t want him free? But your plan will never work.”

  “Listen to your sister,” Vain finally said. “Let me go and let’s come to a deal. Everyone has a price, Amanda. We just have to find yours.”

  Tilting her head to the side, Amanda spoke. “The plan’s already fully formed in your head. You’ll take the power and then kill me. Expand the drug trade you stole from Vaughn. And Jessica and Duncan? You’ll pit them against each other and….”

  Vain held her arms out in the stasis field. “And to the victor goes the spoils. So what? I’ve worked hard for this and for him. I deserve this and it’ll be mine, one way or another, it’ll be mine. I don’t lose and the faster you realize that...”

  “Enough talking. You’ll never have this power.” Amanda dropped the stasis field and with a thrust of her fingers, Vain’s neck was broken. Like a twig, it snapped audibly and Jessica screamed as Vain’s body fell to the ground, like a rag doll.

  Jessica couldn’t believe what she’d seen. She covered her mouth in horror. The police rushed toward them. “Amanda,” Jessica’s pain crashed through Amanda in waves. “She was our only answer. She was---.”

  Amanda had killed a human, dislikable as Vain was her heart and blood still pumped human. Her sister took a life. That wasn’t her. That wasn’t what her sister was about.

  “There is no other answer.” Amanda placed her palm against Jessica’s forehead. “Bye, big sister. Make us all proud. You get Duncan. You go off and live a happy life, like you always should’ve. I can’t hold you back anymore.”

  A surge of power crashed through Jessica’s skin. She didn’t know what was happening to her, but her vision brightened as if she was looking at the sun. Her boots crashed into the earth and Jessica fell over onto some freshly churned soil.

  The sky was gray, and rain fell in a steady stream. Jessica stood and spied the gray, lifeless souls ambling toward her. Some drug limbs behind them and all of their eyes were dull, lifeless.

  Sin Town. Amanda sent her there to save Duncan and now Jessica didn’t have a choice. She had to go on alone. Nothing was worth doing without Amanda.


  At her feet was a shotgun and Jessica made out her initials on the grip. At least Amanda didn’t send her empty handed. Picking it up, Jessica checked for ammunition and saw it was loaded. She wouldn’t use it on the humans here.

  Not even the demons.

  Jessica pushed past the gray people who grabbed at her arms and legs. A woman in rags, missing all of her teeth, touched Jessica’s face. Her fingers were like leather strips mashing against Jessica’s skin. “You’re so beautiful,” her words all ran together. “I remember being as beautiful as you, once.”

  “Step back,” Jessica warned her and held the shotgun up. She pitied them, but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t defend herself.

  They scurried back like ants and retreated to the shadows, but this place was all shadows. It plagued Jessica’s mind; how soulless this place really was. Continuing down the road, the buildings were lined with laundry, hung out all the windows, except for one. A big brick building with a werewolf knocker on the door. Above it, a wooden sign in golden leaf letters spelled out The Vampire Kiss.


  Jessica’s heart jumped wit
h anticipation as she yanked on the door. It wouldn’t budge. Well, Jessica gripped her shotgun tighter, time for her old friend to get to work.

  Chapter Sixteen: Hannah

  Hannah couldn’t believe what she had allowed to happen to her body. She couldn’t believe what she had done.

  Her body rocked with silent sobs as she sat on the edge of the bed. This time, her client was a demon and his lips traced down her spine, his hands gripping the flesh of her hips. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. I had no idea that such a sweet young thing could dominate like that in the sack.” He looked more like man than a demon and Hannah was grateful for that as he touched her chin.

  He brought his mouth over to hers and Hannah swallowed back the sickness that grew in her throat. His eyes churned with maggots and his soul, well, it didn’t even exist. She closed her eyes as they kissed. He took her with greed, his hands pushing against her breasts and his breath hurried with excitement.

  A slight knock at the door signaled it was over. Thank God, it was finally over. Hannah would never get her insides clean, that much was sure.

  “Time’s up,” Hannah whispered and pulled her head away. Her face angled down, she could only see how her hands gripped the black sheet covering her body.

  “You can call me Markus,” he whispered against her cheek. “You’re going to be my new regular girl. You’re the glimmer in my eye, sweet stuff.” His long serpent like tongue licked her neck and it was all Hannah could do, to keep from calling out in horror.

  He left the room first and Hannah relaxed as soon as he left. She put her stockings back on and then the revealing little outfit she wore, all the while her shoulders rocked gently from her sobs. Hannah’s tears flew so hot and violent; she couldn’t see the corset as she tied it around her waist. Her hair was a mess, she knew that, but at least it was over. At least everything was finally done.

  She’d had to do it to obtain her freedom.

  But still she could feel him wiggling inside of her.

  She had to get Duncan out of here, because he had tried to save her. He had been nice to her and it had been so long since anyone was nice to her. Vaughn used her. Worse than that, he assaulted her. The more she cried, the harder he went. The more he made sure it hurt.

  And Vain, what she did was a criminal. A sin. Vain was a woman and still she enslaved Hannah and acted as if it was for the best? As if she had Hannah’s best interests at heart. So Hannah had done what she needed to do, but her skin burned at the memory of the demon’s touch.

  That would heal. That, she would forget with time, but what she did to him? How her body responded to having sex with that pig of a creature? Hannah might never forget that.

  Never, but to be free of this life and to get far away from Sin Town, it had been worth it.

  Hannah wiped her face clean and with a deep breath, sauntered from the room. The hall was empty. Curious, Hannah stepped into the lobby, but was cut off by Morgana. Vain’s hellhounds barked and snarled at her ankles. With a quickened heart, Hannah jumped back.

  Alarmed and scared she licked her lips.

  Morgana smiled. “They really don’t like you. Must be that sweet naïve vibe they smell on you. I’ll tell you Hannah, I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  “Oh?” Hannah tried to control her shaking breathing. If Morgana suspected what she was up to…

  “But the client loved you. He never raved like that. Not even about me.” Morgana handed Hannah a blade. The overhead lights glistened over the sharp tip and the hilt covered in black leather. “Congratulations, darling. Welcome to the family.” She leaned in and kissed Hannah full on the lips.

  Her lips were soft, pouty, and so warm. They even tasted of watermelon. Hannah couldn’t help being pulled in by the seductive nature of Morgana’s hips pushed against hers. She kissed Morgana back, resting her free hand on the base of the woman’s neck.

  “You’re going to be so much fun. Come with me, I have a surprise for you that you’re going to love.”

  Not another surprise. Hannah didn’t think she could take any more surprises, but she followed Morgana back out into the hall. What choice did she have, really? If she was going to get Duncan out, she had to go along with Morgana’s little plans.

  Morgana took a key from her cleavage and unlocked the door to the master bedroom. Hannah followed her inside, happy at least the hellhounds hadn’t followed them down the hall. Those beasts were foul, angry, murderous monsters. Morgana stepped inside and begged Hannah to follow with her soulful eyes. “Step inside. Your surprise is right here.”

  Swallowing hard, Hannah stepped inside the luscious bedroom. Her feet met the carpet and Hannah’s eyes fell on Duncan. Bent down, on his knees, his hands were tied behind his back and the look on his face said for her to go. To run.

  Hannah was helpless to do either as Morgana slammed the door shut. She leaned against it with her hips tilted and her slender arms crossed. “Surprise.”



  He couldn’t move his arms, but Duncan craned his head to meet Hannah’s eyes as she entered the lion’s den. Hannah’s mouth opened, but Duncan shook his head with urgency

  . Don’t do it, girl. Don’t say anything about me. Keep it to yourself and we’ll just pretend I was acting alone.

  Duncan wished his eyes could convey that much, but Hannah was smart. He believed she was anyway; he barely knew her. She’d survived Vaughn and Vain so far. Her survival instinct was strong, so Duncan had to believe she’d figure this out too.

  If only he could send her a message.

  Hannah turned just as Morgana slammed the door shut. “Surprise,” Morgana hissed and tilted her head. “Two conspirators against Vain, is that it?”

  Hannah glanced between them and her hand gripped the hilt of blade tighter. That’s it, be ready to defend yourself. Duncan was ready to move, if Hannah gave him a mere moment to catch Morgana off guard, he’d lunge for her and pin her against the wall. He had to be sure Hannah would react. Had to be sure she was ready for what was going to come.

  “There’s no conspiracy,” Hannah said with a throaty breath of air.

  Morgana smirked. “Oh, I’m sure there isn’t. That’s why I caught him sneaking his head out the door? That’s why Tasha saw him doing pushups, because he is so under your thrall? Because you’ve won him over as his sister?”

  “It was working.” Hannah’s nose flared and the emotion of fear tried to break through the calm of her face.

  Morgana stepped forward, her hand extending to grab Hannah’s throat. Hannah backed up and swatted Morgana’s hand away. “I did everything you asked. I’m on your side. Vain’s side. I pleasured that demon and…I loved it.” Hannah swallowed hard. “My body loved it. I had the real power, Morgana. Not him. Not you. Me.”

  Duncan couldn’t believe her words, but Hannah didn’t appear to be lying. His heart broke into a thousand pieces for her. So sorry, girl, if any of that was true. He thought it might have been from the sadness lingering in her eyes.

  Morgana smiled. “Then you’ll have no problem using that blade on him, will you?”

  Hannah snorted and glared at Morgana and her eyes turned to Duncan. He widened his eyes and tried to convey everything he thought. It was hard. He couldn’t be too overt or Morgana would suspect.

  “But Vain…” Hannah said.

  Morgana snorted. “Her plan isn’t going to work. It never was. It was too filled with revenge, vengeance. The likes of Jessica Blood can’t be killed, even by Vain. She’s just too blinded by hate to see it. We’ll tell Vain he died trying to escape. She’ll be made to understand when she sees what I’ve made you into.”

  Hannah raised her hand and stared over at Duncan. That’s it, here they went. Duncan had to trust she really wasn’t going to kill him just to survive. Of course, there was always a chance, but in his current situation, Duncan couldn’t fight them both off at the same time.

  She stared him down and Duncan raised his head to meet her
eyes. He nodded his head and saw the tremble in Hannah’s chin. Her hand angled the blade and Hannah’s mouth parted. She screamed a battle cry he didn’t think she was capable of.

  He braced himself as Hannah pivoted on her heel and thrust the knife at Morgana, but the temptress arched her back, twisting out of the way. The blade merely tore through her dress and Morgana’s eyes lit with rage. “Oh honey, how I was hoping you’d do that.” Morgana pulled her hand back to punch Hannah and Duncan knew this was it.

  He seized the opening.

  Jumping to his feet, Duncan was in a full on run before his feet landed on the carpet. Tossing his head to one side, he lunged into a tackle. His shoulder slammed into Morgana and the full weight of his body followed through. She crashed to the floor with a cry; Duncan couldn’t stop his forward momentum and slammed into the side wall with a loud thud.

  “Ugh,” Duncan mumbled from behind his gag.

  Hannah pulled it from his mouth and the red fabric swung around his neck. “Duncan!”

  “Cut my ropes. Get down!”

  Morgana was rising to her feet. She picked the blade up that Hannah had dropped and lunged for them. Swinging wildly, as Hannah fell to her knees, Duncan leaped over the young woman and his bare foot met Morgana’s chest center mass.

  Her gleaming teeth snarled at him. “You’ll never get out of—.”

  Duncan slammed his forehead into her nose and it shut her up as she fell to the ground clutching her bleeding face with both hands. The blow made the room spin and he fell to a knee. Regaining composure, he twisted his shoulder and dropped his should onto her neck, crushing Morgana’s windpipe.

  Hannah scrambled behind him on all four and cut the ropes that kept him bound together. He rubbed his wrists with a bit of thanks. “You ready to get out of here?”

  Hannah nodded. “Are you kidding?”

  He grinned and rose to his feet, taking the blade from Hannah. He opened the door, peered outside. The coast was clear, he took her hand. “Stay close to me and you’ll be fine. You hear me?”


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