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Page 4

by Susan A Bliler

  Kneeling on the floor beside the bed, he ran a thumb absently over the back of her hand. “We were in danger.”

  Sky jerked her hand away. “We? I was sleeping! You broke into my room!”

  “You weren’t in danger from me. I’m a friend, Sky.”

  “Yeah,” she didn’t bother to mask her sarcasm. “If the man breaking into my room wasn’t the threat, who was?”

  “The man from the bar.”

  His revelation had her stilling to peek at him.

  “The one you hit. He came to your hotel. He was looking for you. Why?”

  “You drugged me and dragged me here because of that crackpot?” She snorted derisively and winced when the movement caused her brain to pound. “He’s some looney who’s been trying to offer me a million dollars. He thinks I’m…” What was it he’d called her? Oh yeah. “I’m the key to Skin Walker procreation.” She let her head fall back and sighed, willing away the pain in her head. Talking wasn’t helping. “He’s just crazy.”

  She didn’t see York pale suddenly before his jaw tightened in anger.

  Not wanting to get side tracked, Sky struggled to think around the pounding in her head. She frowned at him. “Where. Is. My. Sister?” She managed the last words just before she winced and squeezed her eyes shut, lifting a hand to massage her temple.

  “What’s wrong?” York stood quickly. “You’re in pain.”

  Sky kept her eyes closed. It was all becoming too much. Still slightly drugged and in the clutches of someone who claimed to be a friend, she was too frightened, too groggy, too headachy, and too hungry to have much fight left.

  “It’s just a headache,” she groaned even though it felt like the migraine to end all migraines. Silence hung in the air, so she cracked one eye to peek up at him.

  He was staring at her in confusion.

  “Headache! You know. Head. Ache! As in pain in your brain!”


  He appeared contemplative. “I think Monroe gets them. He often looks pained.”

  Sky drew in a steady breath and dropped her hand. Her migraine had set in full force. No amount of closed eyes and pretending the world didn’t exist would will it away. Scooting away from him, she dropped her feet on the other side of the bed.

  “Don’t get up,” he commanded. “You’ll fall again.”

  “I won’t fall,” she bit out impatiently. “And answer my friggin’ question. Where’s my sister?” She nearly choked at his causal response.

  “She’s in Montana.”

  Chapter 8

  Sky was halfway off the bed when she froze. Her head jerked around to pin Big Red before her eyes narrowed on him. “You’re lying.”

  “Sky, I wouldn’t lie to you. Shy is safe in Montana with her family.”

  Tears flooded Sky’s eyes from a compilation of her migraine and her hope and fear. Yes, she hoped that Big Red spoke the truth, but her more rational side knew better. Shy couldn’t be back in Montana with her family because Sky was her family.

  “I’m her family.” Sky shoved off the bed with a burst of adrenaline induced anger. She wobbled slightly, and was shocked when hands stilled her. How had he gotten around the bed so quickly and so quietly?

  “Shy is mat…uhh, married,” York amended quickly. “She’s also a mother. She’s had a son. It’s why you couldn’t find her. She eloped.”

  York, Shy, and Monroe had decided that it’d be easier to let Sky believe her sister ran off to have a torrid affair rather than explain the truth of her kidnapping at Megalya hands. Once York got Sky back to StoneCrow, Shy could explain the truth to her sister in person.

  “Eloped?” Sky’s brows rose in incredulity and sent York’s hopes plummeting. “My sister would not do that!”

  “It’s the truth, Sky.”

  “Okay.” She planted hands on her hips and turned to frown up at him. “If that’s true, then who are you and what are you doing here? If you’re a friend of Shy’s shouldn’t you be back in Montana helping her celebrate her recent nuptials?”

  “My name is York. York McDonnough. I’m here because,” he didn’t finish. Sea green eyes dropped to the lower hem of Sky’s shirt. “You’re hungry?”

  Sky felt her cheeks flame. Yeah, her stomach was growling like a ravenous beast. So what! Hadn’t the guy ever gone hungry before? “I’ll live.” She crossed her arms over her stomach hoping to stifle some of the sound.

  York frowned as his eyes narrowed on her. “When is the last time you ate?”

  She was so not answering that. “Don’t change the subject,” she prodded. “Answer my question.”

  Her demand went unanswered as he took a step closer, forcing her to tilt her head back to continue looking at his face.

  “You answer my question. When’s the last time you ate?”

  She wasn’t going to answer, but it didn’t keep her from doing the math in her head. No food today except that hot Coke. Did I eat yesterday? I’m pretty sure… Nope. It’s been two days. Well, she turned to eye the darkened window. Three. It’s now been three days.

  The sound of grinding teeth drew her eyes back from the window to a clearly displeased York.

  Why’s he so pissed? I’m the one that’s starving.

  York turned sideways and jabbed a finger toward a partially closed door. “I drew you a bath. Go get washed while I order us dinner.”

  Ha! Like that’s gonna happen. She cleared her throat, “You know . . .”

  York cut her off. “Yes. I do. I know that if you don’t get that pretty little ass in that bathroom and in that tub, then I’m going to strip you bare myself and carry you in there. It’s your choice Sky. Are you bathing alone or shall I join you?”

  Sky snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. The idea of a bath was heavenly, but there was no way in hell she’d get naked in a room with a total stranger who may or may not have abducted her sister. “You think one little phrase proves that Shy sent you?”

  “She told me the phrase from her poem probably wouldn’t work. She also told me that no amount of talking would convince you because you’re the most stubborn, hard-headed woman on the face of the planet. She said I should watch my back and keep a better eye on my front. She said you wouldn’t waste your time with a jab, but’d throw a straight left first thing, which I’m assuming means you’re a southpaw. She said not to trust your sweetness because you don’t have any when it comes to protecting her.”

  Okay, that sounded like Shy. Sky relaxed a little.

  “First things first, Sky.” York mimicked her pose by crossing impressive arms over his massive chest. “Let’s get you refreshed, fed, and take care of that headache and then we’ll start working on everything else.”

  As if in agreement with his plan, her belly growled loudly and she bit back a curse. “Fine, but I want a weapon.”

  “A weapon? For what?”

  “For protection! I’m not striping down in a room with some stranger. How do I know this isn’t some ploy to get me naked so you can ra…”

  York’s deep growl halted her words, and when he finally spoke he looked so wounded that she actually felt a little guilty.

  “I am a man of honor! I could never intentionally harm a female, and I’d die before ever hurting you.”

  “Me?” she scoffed. “What so special about me?”

  “You’re my…” He growled again. “No weapons, Sky. If you need protecting, I’ll do it, but you have nothing to fear from me except . . .” He smiled.

  Holy shit! Sky’s heart seized. If he was gorgeous before, he was a God when he smiled. Her insides fluttered and her heart suddenly came to life, thudding at a thunderous pace. “Ex-except?” she stuttered.

  “Two seconds for you to turn around and get in that bathroom, my heart.”

  Still captivated by his smile, she sighed. My heart, mmmm. WAIT! What?

  “One second,” he inched closer and lowered his voice. “If this is an invitation . . .” He let the sentence linger.

/>   Sky swallowed hard and blinked before quickly backing up and hurrying to the bathroom. “I’ll be out shortly.”

  She heard York chuckle behind her as she closed and locked the door. She nearly jumped out of her skin when the chuckle died and his voice suddenly boomed from the other side of the door. “Unlock this door!”

  Without having to face him, she finally had some courage. “No! I want privacy.”

  “There are still drugs in your system. What if you fall?”

  “I won’t!”

  “What about your head hurt?”

  “Ache,” she corrected. “I’m fine. The door stays locked.” Her eyes rounded at the animalistic sounding growl that emitted from the red-haired behemoth on the other side of the door.

  “FINE! But if you get distressed, I’m coming through this fucking door!”

  “FINE!” she yelled back just as angry. Turning, she jerked her shirt over her head as she mumbled under her breath. “Doesn’t own me!” She had toed off her shoes and had her socks removed before she peeled her pants off, eyeing the tub longingly. A fine layer of bubbles sat on the water’s surface, and she prayed the water wasn’t too hot. After days in the heat without a shower, she desperately wanted a cool soak.

  Chapter 9

  Eyeing the door one last time, she tip-toed to it to ensure the lock was still engaged before she stripped out of her bra and panties. She snagged a fluffy towel off the rack and folded it on the edge of the tub before lifting a leg and dunking a toe in the water. Perfect! Not too hot, not too cold.

  Smiling, Sky stepped into the large tub before bracing her hands on either side of the rim to lower herself down. Her arms trembled with the exertion, and she sighed at how famished and exhausted she was.

  Finally fully settled in the tub, Sky made short work of washing and conditioning her hair before she took up the pink razor that was laid out and shaved before scrubbing her body. Her plan was to be as quick as possible but once she was squeaky clean, she couldn’t help but relax back in the tub. A moan escaped her parted lips as the cool water soothed her tense muscles and rinsed away the grime she’d been tortured with for days. Her head jerked toward the door when she thought she heard glass break in the other room. “YOU ALRIGHT?”


  Funny, his voice sounded deeper…strained. Sky shrugged and moaned a contented sigh. “I never knew a bath could be so divine.” She lifted a sudsy hand and blew the bubbles from her fingertips, noting her chipped polish. Tilting her head, she lifted a foot and saw her toenail polish was also in need of attention. “Soon’s I get back to the States I’m having real lasagna, an ice-cold Bud Light, and a friggin’ pedicure!”

  She smiled remembering how she and Shy used to go every other Saturday when they were in college for manies and pedies. The smile was short lived. Shy. Could York be telling the truth? What if Shy really was back in Montana? Was it possible she eloped? It wasn’t something she’d picture Shy doing, but she also hadn’t ever pictured Shy going off to an internship without her twin. Tears filled her eyes with the regret that flooded her.

  Once inseparable, she and Shy were now becoming two wholly independent individuals. It was strange and uncomfortable. She missed her sister and yearned for the closeness they had shared growing up. Dating had helped them separate a little, but it seemed Shy had all the luck when it came to men while Sky was relegated to helping her sister primp for dates and then stuck waiting around for the juicy details. Funny, she didn’t think they looked that different, but apparently, they did. All the girls wanted to be Shy and all the boys wanted to be with Shy. It was hard for a twin to endure. She’d envied Shy and often cursed her. She felt the guilt of her ill will now. How could she have ever felt anything but love for a sister who had always taken care of her? Because she was selfish, that’s how. Sinking lower in the water, she let self-loathing wash over her.

  A light knock drew Sky from her thoughts. “Don’t fall asleep in there. Food’ll be up in five.”

  “Kay. Thanks,” she tagged on as an afterthought and sat up to get out of the tub. Instead, she gasped and jerked the towel from where she’d set it to cover herself as she heard the door knob twist until the lock broke, and York entered.

  Dropping back into the water with the towel clamped to her front, she screeched, “What are you doing? Get out!”

  “I brought you clothes and something for your head.” He set a pile of clothes and a few tablets on the sink with a glass of water before he bent and gathered her clothes up off the floor.

  She wanted to argue but didn’t. The sooner he was out of the room the better. The bubbles that would have hidden her naked form from view had dissolved until her pale legs were clearly seen through the water. Looking up she caught York eyeing her.

  “OUT!” she bellowed and wanted to throw the shampoo bottle at his back when he laughed and exited.

  Alone, she climbed from the tub and tossed her wet towel in the sink before retrieving a dry one and rubbing her body vigorously.

  She had intended on taking her time and slathering on lotion, but with the door lock broken and York refusing to observe the rules of etiquette, she dressed as quickly as she could before digging through the drawers for a brush.

  Her hands stilled when a delicious scent hit her. Her belly growled, and she forgot about her disheveled bob. Leaving the bathroom, the scent grew stronger, and she followed it to a kitchenette with adjoining dining table. The lights were dimmed, and York was laying plates out on the table. He looked up and did a double-take that had Sky lifting a hand to her messy hair. “I couldn’t wait,” she shrugged. “Too hungry.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  His tone was reverent and had her blushing. Okay, clearly he’s blind. She claimed a seat, and when he still stood staring at her she growled, “Well, are you going to feed me?”

  That got him moving. He placed two plates in front of her before retrieving something from the fridge. She eyed the small dinner salad before her eyes slid to a still-steaming steak, bubbling with butter beside a creamy pile of mashed potatoes smelling of garlic and a hot buttered roll. Her belly growled, and her mouth salivated as she waited for York to take his seat.

  He returned and set a frosty bottle beside her plate, and her eyes lit up as she instantly recognized it. “Where did you get this?” She cracked the bottle and took a healthy swig waiting for him to respond.

  “The concierge found it for you.”

  Lowering the bottle she swallowed and gave a giddy, “Aaaah!” before she corrected him. “You mean you. He found it for you.”

  York took the seat opposite her and took up his knife and fork, tearing into his steak. “No. He found it for you. I’m a Guinness man.”

  Sky attacked her own plate, shoving a bite of potatoes into her mouth and moaned, “Mmmm, so good!” She chomped quietly before reaching for her beer again. “Good guess, by the way.”

  “It wasn’t a guess,” he swallowed as he cut another bite off his steak. “I heard you say you wanted a Bud Light and Lasagna. You had to settle for this though,” he waved absently toward her plate with his fork. “I’d already ordered it and didn’t want you to have to wait.” Lifting another bite to his mouth, he stopped with his mouth open as he caught her sitting motionless and staring at him.

  “You spied on me while I was in the bath?”

  He lowered his bite. “No.”

  “You just said…”

  “I said I heard you, I didn’t say I spied on you.”

  “Yeah, well I was mumbling to myself so for you to have heard me; you'd have had to have had your ear pressed to the door.” She shook her head and jabbed her fork into her salad while pursing her lips. “Creepy, Big Red. Cree-py!”

  He chuckled. “I have good hearing.”

  “I guess,” she muttered.

  “Big Red, huh?”

  Her head jerked up. She hadn’t even realized she’d called him that. “Well I had to put a name with the face didn’t I?”

  He was smirking.


  “When you were out earlier. You were moaning in your sleep.” His smile widened. “It sounded quite pleasurable.”

  Oh shit!

  “You called out a name. Big Red.”

  Fuck! She didn’t look up, knowing her cheeks were flaming. It had been one hell of a dream, and the Viking warrior had been incredibly pleasurable. She shrugged. “I probably said big bed.” She kept her eyes glued to her plate. “The one in my motel is crap!”

  “Why were you staying there?”

  Whew! Thank you conversation Gods for the change in subject. “Where else would I stay?”


  She looked around. “Nope. Couldn’t afford it.”

  “So you subject yourself to squalor and starve yourself half to death? How does that help your sister?”

  Stuffed, Sky set her fork down and took a long drink of her beer, eyeing him over the bottle before setting it on the table, and taking up her napkin to dab at her mouth. “That isn’t any of your concern. She shoved back from the table. “Thanks for the bath and dinner. Where are my shoes?”

  York pushed his plate back and clasped his hands together, bracing them on the table top and resting his chin on his knuckles. “You’re not leaving, Sky. I promised your sister I’d watch out for you.”

  “How do you even know my sister? We haven’t cleared that up.”

  “She’s married to my brother.”

  “Oh yes. She eloped. Riiight!”

  She couldn’t come for you herself because she’s just had her son. She can’t travel and Leto wouldn’t leave her side.”

  “Leto? Her supposed husband, I presume?”

  York nodded.

  “I wanna speak to her!”

  “Fine.” York pushed back from the table.

  “Fine,” Sky countered following him into the sitting room and watching with increasing hope as he picked up the phone and began dialing numbers.

  Chapter 10

  Two weeks later, Sky paced the sitting room of York’s suite. He hadn’t lied. Shy was back in Montana, married and a mom! Elation had soared through her when he’d handed her the phone, only to be replaced by disbelief and then anger. Her sister eloped, leaving Sky to scour the Philippines searching for her. She’d explained to Shy how her resources had quickly run out and how she’d survived on hot Coke and a crappy dive of a room. A little guilt on her sister’s part might help the sting of having to shack up with York and rely on him to feed her. Luckily, she’d kept enough money to get plane tickets for both her and Shy to fly back to the states. Now, she’d hang on to that small amount of money. She would need it to get herself away from York and back home. She didn’t need a babysitter, and certainly not one as cocky, self-assured, and sexy as York McDonnough.


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