Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 4

by Madison, Reese

  I groaned but couldn’t find it in me to fight any longer. “Goodnight Mr. Colson.”

  When I woke up it was because there was a very heavy man laying on top of me snoring in my ear.

  “Lou! Wake up!” I whisper-yelled trying to push him off of me.

  He groaned, “Nooo, I don’t want to go to school.”

  I laughed because it’s obvious he’s awake and trying to be funny. “You have to go to school, so you can learn some manners. Now move, you’re squashing me.”

  He lifted up and looked down at me with sleepy sweet light blue eyes, “How do you wake up more beautiful than when you went to sleep?”

  I think my heart just imploded. What did he just say??

  He kissed the end of my nose and hopped off. “I get the bathroom first.”

  I had to blink and shake my head a couple times as I sat up. That man is not right. How can he be so insufferable one minute, then tell me I’m beautiful the next??

  Georgia fixed us all a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes a little while later. I offered to help, but she sweetly declined based only on the lack of room to move around in the limited working space of the kitchen. I decided to talk to her from the table to keep her company. Otherwise I’m stuck talking to Lou, and he’s just plain baffling to me at the moment. When he came out of the bathroom earlier he’d given me this long appraising look that lingered much longer than it should have. It’s like there’s something going on in that man’s head he’s struggling with. I wish he’d figure it out and stop messing with my head already.

  Over breakfast I kept catching Lou looking at me. He’d look away quickly pretending it was an accident, but I can feel his eyes on me when he looks. Now I get it. He’s trying to decide if he wants to seduce me. I’ve seen this look before.

  I tend to scare men off with my coolness and impeccable grammar. Maybe it’s not impeccable, but it’s definitely off-putting to men trying to get laid. I’m a lady, not some tool to be used for a man’s pleasure.

  Now we’re back on the road. The day is long and boring, so Georgia and I decided around four o’clock in the afternoon to go in the back and watch another movie over a bottle of wine. Turner and Lou had exchanged some sort of communication via hand signals that were somewhat like traditional sign language, but not so close that I could understand completely. I did manage to pick up that he refers to her as his peach. I guess the big guy has a soft spot after all.

  Just before she got the DVD in the player we heard some loud whacks hit the back of the RV. That was no nail, and it definitely wasn’t a pot hole. I know guns, and those are bullets trying to get through to us.

  When Georgia grabbed her gun from a drawer, I went for the one under the pillow she’d shown me yesterday.

  I stumbled once as I jumped up on the bed and kicked the screen from the window before leaning out. Georgia is now in the living room shooting from behind me.

  Together we took out a pickup truck and two armed men on motorcycles. I hated shooting at the men on the bikes even though they were shooting at us.

  Georgia might have gotten another rider, but I couldn’t be sure as I was suddenly jerked from the window and tossed to the floor. I rolled to my side and looked around. Lou and his brother Turner are firing back now. I looked up the hall to see Georgia is also on the floor a few feet away.

  She smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. “Nice shooting!!”

  “You too!” I felt a bond form between us. We’ve done battle together. We’ll be friends for life.

  We both got our butts royally chewed out when the guys stopped to investigate the damage to the RV a little while later.

  Georgia looked particularly disheveled when we saw each other again. Turner had slammed the door to the bedroom when he’d lit into her. I couldn’t hear him, but I could hear her. she gave as good as she got from what I could tell. I get the feeling she can read his mind, which is probably his undoing. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost. He’s still a huge jerk.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her when she emerged from the back bedroom a while later. Lou had given up scolding me and took on a full blown pout a few feet away.

  “Oh yeah. he’s just very protective, and I scared the shit out of him.” She hopped up on her tip toes to reach for something from the top shelf over the fridge. Her shirt came up a little and I saw a few bruises on her hip.

  “Did you get those today?” I nodded to her midriff when she looked at me.

  She looked down and smiled, “It’s not as bad as it looks.”

  “It looks like it hurts. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Of course. If he actually hurt me I’d kill him. He’s not trying to bruise me Barbara. He just gets carried away. I think love does that to a man.”

  “I would think love would make a man more careful.” I argued.

  “In Turner’s case, love has made him more passionate. He gets carried away, but he’d never hurt me. All I have to do is tell him to chill and he does. The problem is, I like his passion. Like I said, the bruises look worse than they really are.” She assured me.

  The next two days we lived together uncomfortably. Georgia and I were fine, but I’ve developed a loathing for Turner. It must have been obvious because Lou even stopped bickering with me so much. I think he felt sorry for me.

  When they dropped us off at the club, which looked more like a military compound, I couldn’t have been more relieved. Turner must have been too because they didn’t even get out of the RV before leaving again.

  Lou put his arm around my shoulders and introduced me to a few of the guys. I remember Goat, but that’s about it. Once inside what I now know is a biker bar, he ordered us a couple drinks from the bartender who has beautiful long red hair. I envy hair like that. Mine is mousy brown and quite boring, as am I.

  Lou pulled my chair out for me so I sat looking around. “It feels like a very well kept antique store in here.”

  “Red likes her antiques. Poor Joe, the guy went from Marine slash Navy Seal to baby-making pack mule. He’s always dragging something home she’s bought.” He laughed and I felt a bit of relief. Lou has a very nice laugh, it’s not very loud, but it’s honest.

  “I bet he’s very happy, she’s a beautiful young lady. I wish I had hair like that.” I admitted before sipping my beer directly from the bottle. Usually I pour it into a glass, but that seems overkill here.

  “It’s hard to tell, the man’s a rock, like Turner.”

  “Turner is an ass. Excuse my language, but that man is just plain mean. Did you hear the way Georgia screamed?”

  He laughed, “Those were not screams of agony kitten, those were pleasure screams. Lucky fucking bastard.” He looked at me, “Sorry.”

  “I’ll accept your apology, as the subject bothers me so. Why do you say lucky??” I asked suddenly realizing what he was saying.

  He smirked, “The more noise you can get from a woman the more you know she’s enjoying herself.”

  I blushed and felt a rush of butterflies in my belly. I don’t know anything about physical pleasure with a man. I’ve spent my life in prep school or hanging out with bodyguards.

  “Are you turning red?” he leaned in to look at me, “Aw, the ballsy little southern belle is blushing?”

  “Stop teasing me, it’s not funny. You say the crudest things.” I tried to hide what I knew was my very red face by taking a drink of my beer and turning to look elsewhere.

  He took my hand and put it under his on the table as the redhead appeared. “Hey Red. This is my charge Barbie. Barbie, this is Red. You got any good eats tonight?”

  “The usual.” She smiled at me after seeing our hands on the table. I tried to pull away, but Lou has a good grip. “You want pasta or Mexican?”

  Lou looked at me, “You decide.”

smiled up at her. “Can we have one of each and a couple extra plates?”

  She beamed, “Sure. Two more beers?”

  “And a SoCo back.” I added.

  She winked, “You got it babe. Welcome to the club.” She twirled on one toe and left us alone.

  I looked at Lou who is looking at me like I’ve lost grown a second head. “What?”

  “SoCo back? Who are you? First you escape handcuffs, then you shoot like a pro, now you drink like one?”

  I felt my mouth curve up into a smile betraying my amusement at his surprise. “There are many things you don’t know about me Mr. Colson.”

  He narrowed his eyes and sat back keeping my hand but moving it to his knee. “The handcuffs I figure Myles taught you. He teach you to shoot too?”

  “At first, yes. Then I took some classes, entered a couple competitions, and before I know it I have seventeen various awards from tournaments. Skeet is my favorite.”

  His eyebrows went straight up like they were attached to strings. “Are you serious?”

  I nodded taking another drink before saying. “Yes. Last year I wanted to donate some local turkeys for Thanksgiving to the orphanages around town. I threw a hunting party for all the employees working the plantation. Those who didn’t hunt helped with the event. It was quite a turn out, I’d like to do it every year.”

  “People still use the word ‘plantation’?”

  “It is what it is Lou, I can’t change the name of the place. Not yet anyway.” I thought about my father.

  “Did you hunt?” Lou asked going back to the original topic of conversation.

  Feeling sure of myself again, in a conversation I am comfortable with I replied with pride, “Oh yes, I shot three turkeys, we took twenty three total, but that was after an all day hunt. Turkey hunting is tricky. You have to shoot all at once or they run before the rest of the hunting party can get off a shot. We use hand signals and turkey calls to communicate.”

  “Sounds like a fun day.” He didn’t sound convinced. I’m sure he would rather be on his motorcycle any day.

  “Do you hunt Mr. Colson?”

  “No. I’m the guy saving the hunted from being shot.” He gave me a wink and a cocky smile.

  I cringed, “Makes me look like the bad guy.”

  Red saved him from replying by setting down two casserole dishes and two plates. “Lasagna, the house fav, and enchiladas. “The enchiladas are fresh from the oven. I had to reheat the lasagna, but it’s always best the second go around anyway. Anything else?” She asked as another server set our drinks down. I couldn’t help but notice this female server is not wearing much in the way of clothing.

  “This looks wonderful Red, thank you.” I’m suddenly starving as the aroma of a fresh home cooked meal filled my nose.

  “Okay, enjoy, and Lou, you should let go of the poor girl’s hand so she can eat.” She winked at him and left like before with that happy little twirl. She seems like a very happy person. I wonder what kind of man it takes to make a woman that happy.

  Lou surprised me by kissing the back of my hand and batting those lashes at me. “I want this back later.”

  I pretended he hadn’t just said and done that, and served up the lasagna first when he let go of my hand.

  “Thank you.” He said as I put food on his plate.

  “You’re welcome. Do you know how my father is?” I asked wondering if he’d been in contact with anyone recently.

  “Yes, he’s fine for now. I don’t know where they’re hiding him though. Sorry.” He took a big bite, looking as hungry as I am.

  We ate like starving idiots before finally sitting back with the second beers.

  I put my hand over my stomach. “I believe Red is a fabulous cook. If I hang around here too long I’ll be right back into a larger dress size.”

  He smiled and leaned over to take my hand back. “Tomorrow we head north.”


  “Yeah, I’ll tell you later in case you get drunk and start running off at the mouth.”

  I remembered my Southern Comfort and picked it up taking a small sip. “Two shots will not have me drunk, of this I can assure you.”

  He laughed and kissed the back of my hand again, “You and your perfect little southern accent to go along with that smooth Southern Comfort. I have to admit the accent is very sexy.” He sipped his beer and thanked the barely clad server for taking the plates away.

  “I’m not sure how to respond to that.” I laughed feeling the effect of the liquor as I take another sip and the music started. Nice. I like live music. I like music in general.

  Lou leaned over and pulled my chair closer to his, I’m assuming so we can see the stage better. Then he leaned into my ear, which tickled, “Do you like to dance Miss Whitmore?”

  “No, not the kind of dancing one would do in here.” I replied eyeing the pole in the middle of the dance floor & turning my head towards his voice out of habit. His lips are way too close to mine.

  His eyes danced on mine as he asked so only we could hear. “How about a walk outside then?”

  I nodded, “That would be nice.”

  He kept my hand in his as we exited the building.

  “Don’t we need to pay the bill?” I asked not wanting to stiff Red after she’d gone through all the trouble to make such wonderful dishes.

  “No, I have a running tab. She’s still up a a few bucks.”


  “In the black. She tells me when the money runs out, and I drop her about three hundred. Saves me a lot of time when I come through town, which seems to be more often than not lately.”

  “Makes sense. Why are you holding my hand?” I asked as we walked along the row of motorcycles. They’re quite beautiful machines, and all lined up like this they appear to be on display for a show.

  “I like the way you feel. You have soft skin.” He said simply.

  “I’m afraid you’re sending some very confusing signals Mr. Colson.”

  He was quiet for a minute until we stopped at the fence. Then he turned and lifted my chin. His eyes are still blue even in the dark. He ran his thumb over my cheek. “Your boyfriend is a very lucky man.”

  I laughed nervously and tried to look away from those bright blue eyes that seem to put me in a trance when I look into them for a second too long, “No boyfriend.”

  He looked confused, “How is that possible? You’re beautiful, smart, and just sassy enough to make a man wonder what’s under this soft skin of yours.”

  I gasped a little at his words. “I… don’t have time.”

  “I find that hard to believe Miss Whitmore.” He accused.

  “I went to an all girls school until college. Once there I spent my time studying. Having a body guard hanging over your shoulder all the time doesn’t help.” I confessed.

  “Are you telling me you’ve never had a boyfriend??” He looks confused now.

  “Yes, that is precisely what I am telling you.”

  “But you’ve been kissed at a college party or something, right?”

  I laughed again, “No. I didn’t get invited to parties like those.”

  He almost looks like he’s in pain as he looks at my mouth and runs his thumb over my lower lip. “Never been kissed?”

  I shook my head afraid to speak.

  He closed his eyes and dropped his forehead to mine. “If only I was a better man.”

  I gripped his leather vest because he’d leaned far enough into me that it knocked me a little off balance. “I never said you weren’t a good man.” I argued.

  “Don’t say that. I want to be your first kiss so bad it makes me a horrible man to want to soil such perfection and innocence.”

  “Why would you want me when there are much prettier and more ex
perienced women inside?”

  He stood upright still holding my chin, “You are a rare jewel kitten. The man that gets all your firsts is one lucky man. I hope he’s smart enough to keep them only to himself.”

  “I… am once again struck speechless.”

  He smiled, “We should go in before I forget myself.”

  This time when he took my hand I didn’t mind. Strange. “Where to now Mr. Colson?”

  “There’s an apartment available around back. I’ll grab my bags and we’ll go get some sleep. We should head out before noon tomorrow. I need some sleep.”

  “You didn’t get enough sleep in the RV?” I asked curious since it seemed he was sleeping just fine to me.

  “No. The only time I can sleep right is if I’m crashing at a clubhouse. Otherwise I sleep with one eye open.”

  “You seem to be sleeping pretty well when you’re sprawled out all over me in the mornings.” I accused.

  “Looks can be deceiving.” He let go of my hand to gather the bags from the ground beside the picnic table.

  “Don’t you worry about someone taking your things?”

  “Not here. There are no thieves here, unless there’s a practical joke involved.”

  I followed him around the side of the building and through a back door. He held the door open and flipped on a light switch. I was expecting a crappy cheap hotel type room, but this was very nice.


  “Yeah, Red and Salina have been on a mission to clean up around here. This room used to be a storage area, now it’s a second apartment.”

  “It’s pretty without being too feminine. I like it.” I opened the bag he’d given me for my new/old clothes after he set it on the bed.

  He set the rest of the bags on the floor and fell onto his stomach across the bed. “Don’t leave the room.”

  “And if I do?”

  “You might get shot. Don’t wander around here alone at night, it’s dangerous for a stranger.”

  “They would kill me?”

  “Not on purpose.” He turned his head to look up at me. “But the snipers won’t recognize you and the guys won’t either. They’ll hit on you, probably think you’re one of the hang arounds.”


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