Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 5

by Madison, Reese

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  “It means stay in the room.” He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under his head.

  “You’re hogging the entire bed.”

  “Mm.” And just like that, he was sound asleep.

  I went through my nightly routine in a much better mood. The attached bathroom is larger than the one in the RV, but not by much. When I finished my nightly routine I went to stand over the bed looking at Lou.

  He’s long and lean, with strong broad shoulders and a fairly narrow waist. I walked around and worked his boots off. I doubt I can get his jacket off without waking him, so I curled up near him with a quilt I’d found on the back of an antique chair and fell soundly asleep with my back to him.


  I woke to the sound of someone knocking on the door, “Room service!!” It sounds like Red.

  I jumped up and opened the door, “Hi. Good morning.” I fumbled half awake.

  She smiled handing me a wicker basket. “Sorry for the rude awakening, but Lou asked for a wake-up call.”

  “Why didn’t he set an alarm?” I asked not sure if I’m supposed to invite her in, or go out in the hall. Standing here in the doorway is uncomfortable.

  She seemed to sense my tension and thumbed over her shoulder, “Coffee is behind the bar. Come help yourself after you wake the sleeping bear.” She teased and started to retreat.

  “Okay, I’ll be right there. Thank you Red.”

  She waved and disappeared around the corner.

  I closed the door and set the basket on the dresser. “Are you awake?”

  He groaned and rolled over, “I am now.”

  “I’m going to go have coffee with Red while you wake up.”

  “Fine.” He put his arm over his face like he might just go back to sleep instead.

  As I’m in no hurry to spend the day in a vehicle with him again, I quickly grabbed his jacket, he must have taken if off during the night, because it’s right here by the door and mine is on the chair across the room. I left in a hurry to find coffee and Red. I have a coffee addiction that must be addressed before I can function properly for the day. More than that, I’d like a minute to talk to Red before we leave.

  Red saw me and looked over. “Have a seat, I’ll pour. Cream and sugar?” She asked motioning to a table with a basket of muffins sitting in the center.

  “Black, please. Did you do all this? It’s so much fun to look around in here. A feast for the eyes if you will.” I looked around the bar pulling the leather of Lou’s over-sized around me to keep warm. It’s a bit chilly in here and I’m glad I decided to steal his jacket as it covers more of my legs than my own.

  “Salina and I did the decorating, Prospects did the labor.”

  I took the hot coffee. “Thank you.”

  She looked at me funny as she sat back with her coffee in hand.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Why are you wearing that?” She nodded to Lou’s jacket.

  I looked down, “It was by the door and I felt the chill in the hall when I opened the door. Why? Will he be mad?”

  “I doubt it since you don’t know, but usually a man’s cut is only worn by himself or his old lady. On the rare occasion he might use it to protect an unexpected passenger on their bike, but that’s it. By wearing that you’re saying you’re his old lady.”

  I started to stand, “I’ll go change.”

  She laughed, “Don’t worry about it. I just thought you should know for future reference. It’s not going to be a problem this once.” She assured me and put her hand on my arm to keep me from getting up.

  “I’ll go take it off. I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression.”

  “No, don’t do that. Leave it on. After seeing the way he was holding your hand last night, I can’t wait to see his face with his cut on your back.” She laughed.

  I sat back in my chair, “This is such a different world than the one I’m used to.”

  She laughed and we proceeded to chat for a while getting to know each other. When I got to the part about Georgia and my concerns about her bruises she flew from her seat and disappeared through the door.

  Before I could finish my coffee and go for another cup Red and two large men appeared in front of me.

  The one with long greying hair and a patch that reads ‘President’ addressed me first. “How many bruises?”

  “I didn’t count, just a few on her hips and arms.” I think my stomach is in my throat.

  “Fuck!! That son of a bitch!!” He punched the air as he spun around angrily. “He knows I don’t tolerate hurting women. Debt or no debt, he’s going to answer for this.”

  “I don’t think he means to.” I tried to backpedal.

  He spun on me, “I don’t give a fuck if he meant to or not. My men do not hurt women. Period.”

  Lou stepped up and pulled me by his jacket back and behind him. “Easy bro. What’s going on?”

  “Turner is hurting Georgia?” Slider snapped at Lou.

  “Not on purpose bro. You know him as well as I do, he’s not… .”

  “Fuck that. He knows the rules. Get out of here so I can bring him back in. If he finds out you two opened your traps he’s going to want to kill you.”

  “Seriously bro… he doesn’t… .”

  “FUCK THAT!!” Slider yelled really loud this time making me jump about two feet straight up in the air, then left us standing there looking at the door that slammed behind him.

  I looked up at Lou, “I’m so sorry.”

  He pulled me in for a hug holding my head against his chest. “It’s okay kitten. Slider is just going to teach Turner a little lesson, that’s all. Come on, let’s get ready to go.”

  I started crying uncontrollably.

  “Whoa.” He hugged me tighter. “Easy baby. Easy. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I feel like a shit! Georgia is going to hate me!”

  He laughed and cupped my face to look into my eyes, “You did good kid. Relax. We’re a family, we look out for each other. If Turner is going to take an old lady then she falls under our protection too. You didn’t do anything I wasn’t already thinking about doing. Okay?” He tried to reassure me.

  I nodded, “I still feel bad.”

  “And I still feel like kissing you.” He smacked my rear end. “Come on woman, let’s go to Vegas.”

  “Las Vegas?”

  “The one and only.” He took my hand and pulled me towards the hall down to the apartment.

  “Did you just smack me on the tush again?? I thought I told you that was not to happen again Mr. Colson.” I scolded him, but my heart wasn’t in it.

  “You have a very spank-able ass Miss Whitmore.” He replied.

  “Language Lou.” I scolded him.

  He held the door for me. “Nag.”

  “I am not getting on that death trap.” I stepped back crossing my arms in defiance.

  He turned and grabbed me around the waist setting me on the rear seat of the large burgundy and chrome machine. “Yes, you are. We’re back on my turf now. We ride.” He insisted.

  I’m sitting funny because the bike is resting on it’s kickstand. My foot doesn’t quite reach the ground so this balancing act is a little tricky. I ride horses Mr. Colson, not motorcycles.”

  He set a helmet on my head and fastened the chin strap. He gripped my jaw gently and looked into my eyes, “As long as I’m in charge, you do what I say. I’m going to get on in front of you. Put your arms around me and hold on tight.”

  “I’m going to die.”

  He rolled his eyes and smirked, “Not on my watch baby.”

  Baby?? Did he just call me baby?? My brain locked up at his words so all I could do is watch as
he climbed on in front of me, righted the bike, then started the loud thundering engine.

  He leaned back as he walked the large motorcycle back out of the parking space. “Put your arms around me Barbie!” He reminded me like I was a child who needed to be told one too many times to do something mundane.

  I did as he instructed and hid my face in his back. God help me.

  “Oh yeah, that’s better. Tighter!” He yelled as he hit the gas and pulled onto the road.

  I squeezed as hard as I could. I couldn’t open my eyes until the first stop. Two women in the car next to us were looking Lou and the bike over, deliberately ignoring me.

  My inner bitch reared her ugly head and sat straight up with me. I leaned forward into his ear. “Looks like you have a couple admirers.”

  He looked over and nodded, “Chicks loooove motorcycles baby!” He said it loud enough they could hear.

  Oh good Lord, he’s called me ‘baby’ again.

  A couple turns later Lou’s hand patted and rubbed my leg like he was trying to comfort me.

  I tried to summon the strength to look up, but we’re going so fast! It took some focus and determination not to wimp out before I finally found the courage to brave the wind and look up from his intimidating patch on the back of his jacket. Okay. I can do this.

  “Relax! You need to trust me!” He yelled over his shoulder as he slowed for another turn.

  I managed to lift my head and look up over his shoulder. Oh no. The freeway!! No!! I went back into hiding behind his back.

  He laughed and drove us on two balanced wheels into fast moving traffic. Two wheels!! Horse have four legs to stay balanced. I’m going to die.

  The first stop was Flagstaff. He pulled into a Harley dealership and helped me off the bike. “What are we doing here?”

  “You need proper riding gear. Jeans and a flimsy leather jacket aren’t enough, you need real leather.” He informed me as we crossed the parking lot.

  “Are you planning on crashing??”

  He laughed, “No baby, you never plan on crashing, but you should always be prepared. The extra padding will keep you warm as we head further north. It’s a lot cooler up there than down here in the desert.” He opened the door for me.

  I stepped inside and felt completely out of place. I turned and looked up at Lou, “Can’t we just rent a car? I’ll pay for it.”

  He rolled his eyes, “No baby, we can’t. Come on, Julie over here will set you up.”

  “You know her?”

  “She’s a friend, sort of. I’ve run a couple jobs with her husband.” He shrugged as he led me to this Julie.

  Lou introduced us and gave her a list of items he wanted. A couple minutes later I was whisked away to the dressing room and handed various denim and leather items to try on.

  I had to ask one too many times for help so Julie joined me in the dressing room. “You okay honey? You look scared out of your mind.” She asked.

  “I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before, it scares the dickens out of me.”

  She laughed, “Don’t worry, you’re with one of the best riders I know. He probably just wants to see you in all this sexy gear.” She turned me to face the mirror. “What do you think?”

  “Oh my. This is definitely out of my league. Who is that?” I pointed to the mirror where my reflection thinks she’s some kind of bad ass biker chick.

  Julie stepped back and looked me over, “Well honey, even if you are out of your element, you wear that leather like it was made for you. Lou is going to bust a nut when he sees this.”

  “A what?” I wasn’t sure I heard her right.

  “You’ll see.” She put her hand on the doorknob. “Ready?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “Okay, I think so.”

  She opened the door and stepped to the side. I looked up and saw Lou standing there with his hand over his mouth and a look of shock on his face. I think it’s shock. I probably look ridiculous and he’s laughing at me.

  Then he strode forward making me step back into the dressing room. He pulled the door shut behind him and cupped my face. His blue eyes darkened as they looked into mine. “Oh honey, if you only knew what you do to me. I’m about to steal your first kiss.” He warned me.

  I was so relieved he wasn’t laughing I nodded.

  He touched his lips to mine twice before crashing into me and sinking his hands into my hair.

  Oh my. This is kissing?? He’s ravaging me!! Oh my. This is nice. My heart is pounding as he leads my tongue into a perfect dance with his. So this what the girls get all riled up about! No wonder they always look like giddy fools.

  I put my arms around his neck so I don’t fall as my knees weaken.

  He took that as an invitation and moaned as his mouth took mine even harder and deeper. If this is anything like sex, I’m going to go into sensory overload and explode. Something is stirring in my belly. Butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies.

  He slowed and eased his way back to release and look at me, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You look so beautiful I lost my mind.”

  I smiled and tried to focus. “Don’t be sorry. I don’t know much about kissing, but I’m pretty sure that was wonderful.”

  He rested his palm on my my right cheek and ran his thumb over it as he looked at me. “We should go. Thank you for giving me your first kiss, I will never forget that one.” He assured me before taking my hand and pulling me with him to pay the bill.

  Once outside in the parking lot he got on the bike first this time and held his hand out for mine, “Swing your leg over, like riding a horse.”

  I hopped on my left foot twice before finding my place behind him.

  He reached back and guided my arms back around his middle. “I like you here.”

  “What?” I asked unsure what he said. He started the engine and took off without replying. This man is getting weirder by the day. Wow. I just had my first kiss in the dressing room of a Harley dealership. I didn’t see that one coming!

  As a young girl I would dream of princes and first kisses under magnolia trees in the Spring. Flower petals flittered through the air as I imagined being swept off my feet by a gallant man in a white suit riding an equally gallant steed.

  Well, he may not be gallant, but he’s quite good at the kissing part. My lips feel swollen. Good thing he can’t see me. I’m smiling like a school girl after being asked to the dance by the most popular boy in school. Although in this case I think I was just kissed by the bad boy in school. The one mothers warn their daughters about.

  The scenery was not enough to keep me from resting my head on his back and closing my eyes. I’m tired for some reason. Lou has been an interesting distraction from worrying about my father, but now that we’re riding I’m thinking too much. All this not knowing what’s going on and why is frustrating to say the least. The worrying is exhausting. Traveling and meeting all these new people is also exhausting. Not to mention I didn’t sleep too well last night. Evidently Lou snores when he’s really getting a good night’s sleep.

  I sat up when I realized Lou was pulling over. He took us to the nearest hotel parking lot and helped me off.

  “I think you’ve had enough. Sleeping on the back of my bike is a big no-no kitten.”

  “I’m sorry.” I stifled a yawn. “I just feel so tired all of a sudden.”

  He scooped me up in his arms like a bride, “Yeah, I got that.”

  “I can walk Mr. Colson.”

  “We’ve shared a very passionate kiss kitten, you can call me Lou.”


  “Don’t know what to say? Yeah, I think I got that too.” He pushed the lobby door open with his foot and walked right up to the counter. “I need a king and I need it now.” He shifted and must have been going for his w
allet. I hid my face in his shoulder completely mortified.

  Five minutes later he’s setting me on a large hotel bed and holding my chin. “Look at me.”

  I blinked trying to focus on disarming blue eyes, “Yes?”

  “I’m going back to get the bike and get our shit. Can I trust you to stay put?”

  “Yes. I don’t have the energy to poot.”

  He laughed and tucked me under the covers. “So she does have a sense of humor. I think I’m in love.” He smacked me on the butt. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Hmm.” Before he pulled the door shut behind him I was out cold. My last thought was of wishing I had the energy to tell him to stop smacking me on the rear, again.

  I heard Lou talking and began to wake up. “She’s fine Myles, just tired. Living with Turner and his old lady wore her out… Okay, ten a.m., no problem. Can you ride? . . . . Good. A prospect will meet you and bring you a bike. Meet us at the Luxor. Ask for Bret Colson and have them ring the room. We’re borrowing my brother’s penthouse suite. It comes with a security team and full surveillance system.”

  I sat up. Myles is coming to Vegas??

  Lou saw me sitting up and came over to take my hand. “Do you know why he wants to meet with her? . . . . Alright. I’ll see what I can find out on this end. Safe flight man.” He hung up.

  “Why is Myles coming to Las Vegas?”

  He dropped to his knees in front of me and pushed his head to my stomach. “I don’t know how to tell you this except to get it over with… your father has been killed.”

  I just sat there letting the words sink in. “How?”

  He sat up taking my hands, “You don’t want details. There’s more.”

  “I’m listening.” I felt the old teachings from prep school kick in. The Salem Academy For Girls teaches young ladies how to use their inner Salem Charm to push through any crisis. Let’s hope I can do this.

  “He wasn’t your real father.”


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