Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 13

by Madison, Reese

  I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as hard as I could. He tastes so good. Somehow I know this is the only man who tastes this good. His hands are strong and capable on my back.

  He grabbed my butt with both of those big hands making me pull back in surprise. “Lou!! People can see us!”

  He raised his eyebrow a little and tilted his head, “You jumped me.”

  “You really booked this fancy place?” I looked around.

  “I did. I want to spend a couple nights here. Maybe go look for wedding rings in town tomorrow.” He set me back on my feet. “I like you this happy.”

  “I like being this happy. Now I know why you didn’t mention the rings this morning.”

  He shrugged, “After I thought about it I didn’t want the ring to remind you of all that went down in Vegas.”

  “I don’t think it would have mattered, but I was anxious to leave there. I found myself looking over my shoulder for Paulie, it was unsettling.”

  A valet stepped over pulling a luggage cart, “Can I get your bags?”

  Lou was still focused on me, “Yes.” He held the keys out to the kid. “Can you park her without dropping her?”

  “Yes sir, my father rides, taught me well. If you just step inside, I’ll see to your things.” He assured us.

  I can’t take my eyes off Lou’s. “You’re going to let him ride your bike?”

  He shrugged, “Normally, no, but I’m making an exception today. I don’t want to leave your side just yet.” He put his arm around my shoulders and led me inside.

  “I think I’ll be okay if you want to go park your bike.” I tried to assure him.

  “I’m sure you would be, but I’m not taking any chances until we get to Newcastle.” He handed Sheila behind the counter a credit card and I’m assuming his ID.

  She beamed up at him, “Mr. Colson! Welcome to Hotel 43. Would you still like dinner served at nine?”

  “Yes, and make sure there’s two bottles of champagne. Did you get the rest of my requests?” He hinted making my eyebrows go up. What’s he up to??

  “Yes sir. The list was very clear, and we were able to handle it without a problem.” She motioned to another young man in a fancy hotel suit. “Kenrick here will show you to your suite. Mrs. Colson?” She looked at me now.

  I blinked and had to muster a little Charm to reply, “Yes?”

  “Your husband asked that we put you on a waiting list for the spa. I have two openings, one at ten and another at one. Would you like a massage or manicure?”

  I looked at my nails, “Well, I’ll take the ten for a mani-pedi if that’s okay?”

  She smiled, “Certainly. You can have the one o’clock for a massage if you’d like.” She hinted.

  “Um, no. Thank you. The mani-pedi will be more than enough.” The only reason I’m bothering is because they’re due, and I want to look my best for meeting Lou’s Newcastle family.

  “I’ll schedule you in. Have a pleasant evening Mr. and Mrs. Colson.” She batted her lashes and blushed when she looked at Lou.

  I felt my eyes roll as we followed Kenrick to the elevators. “If that woman drooled any more she’d need a bib.”

  Lou laughed, “It’s the eyes. Women love blue eyes. At least that’s what I’ve come to understand.”

  “Oh, it’s the eyes, but that’s not all. Your hair is unruly. Like you just woke up. Then you add to it the fact that you look like you could bench press a stagecoach and it’s no wonder women drool over you.” I remembered the bell hop as we stepped into the elevator and felt myself blush a little at my bold words.

  “I’ve never tried a stagecoach, but Joe and I picked up a Volkswagen a couple months ago.”

  “Pray tell, why were you lifting a car?”

  “It was stuck in a ditch. It didn’t seem right to rip the fender off, and possibly the wheel, when it was otherwise just a little banged up. It was sitting like this,” he showed me his hand at an odd angle, “so we picked it up and carried it out instead of yanking it out with a wench.”

  “Wow. That is quite impressive.” I knew he was strong, but car carrying strong?? Wow.

  “Not really. Joe probably could have done it himself. Turner definitely could have. I was just trying to help, and maybe showing off a little. It doesn’t hurt a man’s reputation to have rumors of car lifting floating around.” He kissed the top of my forehead.

  I watched as the bellhop measured his own bicep with his hand and looked up at Lou, “Maybe I should hit the gym.”

  Lou laughed enjoying himself, “If you do, start with some kickboxing. It’ll make you strong and fast. Weights are for pussies, if you’re going to work out, work it out, don’t fuck around. Make sure you run too. Sometimes you need to be able to run.”

  He nodded, “Yes sir. I’ll do just that.”

  I felt my eyes roll again as I hugged Lou around his waist. “You’re going to have him riding motorcycles and picking up chicks before we get out of this elevator.”

  The elevator doors opened saving him from having to reply.

  “Right this way folks. I took the liberty of filling the hot tub. It will stay warm on it’s own, so take your time getting settled in.” He opened a large door and led us to the main living area of a large apartment. Suites are big, this is more like an apartment. I like the reds and browns of the decor. The furniture is contemporary, but still manages to be warm.

  “It’s lovely.” I turned and almost jumped as Lou handed me a glass of champagne.

  “As are you my love.” He tapped his glass to mine and held it up in toast. “Here’s to Myles. He just sent me a text a few minutes ago. Evidently he bought a FatBoy in Vegas and is headed this way.”

  “He bought what??”

  “A motorcycle baby, a Harley. I told him where we were going and he said he’ll see us at the Newcastle chapter when we get there. Sounds like he hit it off pretty well with the guys in Vegas.”

  I took a sip before saying, “I have no idea what you just said.” I laughed because I really don’t have a clue what he’s talking about, and don’t much care. If Myles is happy, than so am I.

  “Myles is coming up to move closer to you. To us. He wants to take care of your father’s fallout where he can keep an eye on you.” He teased.

  “Won’t he be tripping over you?”

  “No. I’m going to see how he fits in with the club. If I’m right he’s going to be busy prospecting for the next year. The club could use a man with his skill set.”

  “Don’t you get him in any trouble.” I warned him.

  “Myles can take care of himself.” He countered.

  “He still works for me.” I argued.

  “Will you quit worrying?? You’re supposed to be drinking champagne and eyeing that hot tub in the bathroom.” He urged.

  I sighed giving in. I can’t help it. He’s right, I really do need to stop worrying. Myles has taken care of me, and himself, my entire life.

  “Why don’t you go do that now.” He suggested as he turned away.

  “You sound like you’re trying to get rid of me.”

  “I need to make a few calls before we settle in for the night.”

  “Kiss me first?”


  My glass was just about empty when Lou walked in the bathroom. I’d put some shampoo in the tub so the jets made a nice blanket of bubbles covering me.

  I couldn’t control the smile that took over my face as he sat on the floor facing me and topping off my champagne. “Myles will be arriving at the club tomorrow afternoon or evening. He wants you to call him tomorrow.”

  “He does?”

  “He wants to hear it from you that I’m keeping my hands to myself.” He looked at me knowingly.

s can smell a lie, even through a telephone. I think I’d be better served to tell him we’re engaged.”

  “I wonder if he’ll tell you it’s too fast like any father would.”

  “Probably, but we can be engaged for a while. No need to rush getting married.”

  “I suppose not, but don’t think for one second you’re getting out of marrying me.” He picked up a beer and drank from the bottle.

  “Champagne not your style?” I sipped mine thinking it’s a good thing supper is coming soon. I don’t want this champagne to go to my head.

  “Not especially.” He leaned his head back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I told Slider about Paulie, and the possible fallout. He’s not real happy, but he’s going to alert the rest of the club in case the mob starts sniffing around for you.”

  “I really don’t want to start a war.”

  “It may not come to that. With Slider involved there may be another solution. Sometimes I forget just how far he can reach with the club behind him.”

  “You still sound worried.”

  “People come to me for protection, I’m not used to asking the club for help, at least not on this large of a scale.”

  “What about Turner? You asked him for help.”

  “Sort of. I had something I needed to give him, and since he rarely makes an appearance I called him in on the job. A few years ago we used to run regular jobs together. Six or seven times a year. Lately he’s become more distant. I haven’t seen him in about a year.”

  “Maybe Georgia will be good for him.”

  He laughed, “She already is. I didn’t tell you earlier in case you slipped up and said something, but he calls her Peach.”

  I laughed almost spilling my champagne. “He does??? He talks to her??”

  “Well, yes, he talks to her. Only her as far as I know, but he signed it that way a couple times when he referred to her during the road trip. Georgia sent me an apology text for you today.” He added.

  “She doesn’t owe me an apology! I owe her one!!” I popped the drain. “Can you start the shower? I want to rinse and dry off before I turn into a prune.”

  He stood and reached into the shower stall. “She understands what you did, so does everyone else. Don’t worry about it. You did nothing wrong.”

  “I still feel like I betrayed her.” I replied. “I know you’ve… seen me… but can I get a couple minutes here?”

  He smiled and flipped on the towel warmer before leaving me to my nightly routine. “Take your time love.”

  I took my time just like he said. It wasn’t easy. For some strange reason I miss him! I laughed at myself because I know he’s in the other room.

  The bath and shower revitalized me from the long day of riding. I should pick up a camera for tomorrow’s ride. Speaking of cameras, where’s my phone? And my wallet?? When I called home before I didn’t have a forwarding address, now I know I can use Lou’s.

  I went to find Lou who is just shutting the main door behind him. “Did you leave?”

  “No, the guy just finished setting up dinner.” He pointed to a candle lit dinner set up on the large table.

  “Wow.” There are real plates and silver. The flowers are exploding with color just off center so when we sit we can see each other from across the table. “Suddenly I could eat a horse.”

  He walked over and pulled a chair out motioning for me to sit, “My lady. I hope you like lobster.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?” I smiled up at him, “Thank you Lou, this is very sweet. I love it.”

  He bent down and kissed my cheek, “You are most welcome. Have a seat.” He gestured to the chair with his hand.

  I took my seat and let him push me in as I picked up my napkin.

  He sat across from me. “Please tell me you have something on under that robe.” He said before removing the silver domes covering our plates revealing lobster, mashed potatoes and long slender carrots.

  “Of course I do. It’s chilly in here.” I waited as he poured wine into our glasses. “I thought you didn’t care for wine?”

  “I like it just fine. I prefer a good cold beer, but I’m going with the moment.” He smiled that sweet soothing smile that tugs at my heart.

  “If you would rather have a beer, I wish you would have one. We’re supposed to be getting to know each other. How will I know what you really like if you’re ‘going with the moment’ and not being yourself?” I picked up the wine and waited for him to lift his. “Thank you Lou, for the lovely hotel, the beautiful room, and most of all for sticking with me during this crisis.”

  He tapped his glass to mine, “I’d like to be at your side for all your ups and your downs.”

  I smiled before taking a sip and setting the glass down to focus on the food. “I may just take you up on that.”

  “I should hope so, we’re buying wedding rings tomorrow.” He took a bite of his lobster.

  I laughed enjoying the flavor of my own lobster now. We were both too hungry to do any more talking until we sat back with full bellies.

  “Now I’m tired again.” I said picking up my wine as I looked across the table to the man I have fallen so hard and fast in love with I still can’t believe it’s real.

  “I have one more surprise for you first, then you can sleep whenever you’re ready.” He said suspiciously.

  “What did you do?” I’ve never been surprised like this. If you had asked me two days ago if I like surprises, I would have said no. But now, here, with Lou and that boyish grin gracing his lovely face… I love surprises.

  He leaned over and pulled a gift wrapped box from the seat next to him. I hadn’t noticed it, but then again it was under the table. He slid it across the table towards me.

  “I come through this town a lot in my travels, so I have a few friends here in town. I called my buddy Termite and asked for a favor. He said his wife, Mary, had already gotten a call from Liz and would take care of it. She’s one of the nicest old ladies I’ve met. We might be having lunch with them tomorrow if you would like.” He seemed to be rambling uncomfortably.

  I touched the big silver ribbon on the present. Tears filled my eyes as I suddenly realized this is the first time anyone has ever given me a present. A wrapped present.

  “Baby?? Are you okay??” Lou leaned over and put his hand on mine.

  I gripped his hand and sniffed, “My first present!” I laughed feeling like I sound ridiculous. He probably thinks I’m a sap.

  He stood up and came around to pull me up into his embrace. “Oh honey. How could you have gone your whole life without one present?”

  “Myles gives me flowers. He doesn’t do gifts.” I justified.

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t know what to get the woman who has everything.”

  I looked up stepping back, “That’s what I always thought. I used to pretend they were from some secret admirer, but don’t tell him that.”

  He smiled and touched his thumbs to my cheeks as he held my face, “Never. From now on you’ll get flowers all the time, and that admirer will be me.”

  “Can I open it now?” The excitement is taking over the shock.

  He lowered and kissed me sweetly before stepping back and pulling me into his lap as he sat in my chair. “Make sure you rip the paper.”

  I picked up the box. “It’s heavy.”

  “A bunch of the old ladies got together and came up with their own patch. It’s a feminine version of ours. I thought Slider was going bust a vein, but he approved it in the end. When I told Liz, about you she called Mary and had one brought over to the hotel for you. I might have let it slip you were a little nervous and might feel out of place surrounded by a bunch of bikers.”

  I ripped open the box wondering h
ow a patch could be so heavy. I glanced at Lou before pulling the top off the box. “This is fun.”

  He laughed, “Good. I’ll have to remember to get you presents with big fancy bows more often. That smile is incredible.”

  I set the lid aside and almost choked up. Sitting there in the box is a beautiful patch of colors that make up the feminine version of the patch on the back of Lou’s jacket. Or cut, as I’m learning it’s referred to as.

  I studied the image with my fingertip tracing the outline of the motorcycle and the long blonde hair flowing from the rider. She’s wearing a bandana and sunglasses, but you can see she’s pretty. Sexy pretty.

  The flames licking up from the bottom told the story of riding through hell. Two snakes wound up around a cross with a soaring eagle that make it look like he’s following her. Protecting her.

  “It’s perfect. Beautiful, and intimidating.” I lifted the black leather jacket and stood anxious to try it on.

  “Whew.” Lou seemed very relieved.

  “You thought I wouldn’t like it?”

  “It’s not exactly your style. I was hoping it might make you feel a little more comfortable when you meet everyone.”

  “Won’t these girls be mad I have their patch when they’ve never even met me?” I untied my robe and dropped it to the floor carelessly.

  “I asked Liz about that, she said she would give them a heads up. They refer to themselves as Sisters, like we call each other Bro, or brother. I’m not too clear on the details, you’ll have to ask Liz when we get there, but she said the patch is to identify you as one of our old ladies. I think you’re good babe.” He assured me. “She would have told me otherwise. I know women can be catty, but not Liz. She is the wife of my club’s president, if she says it’s ok, it is.”

  “I still feel weird wearing it.” I shrugged it on my shoulders. “It fits perfect!”

  “Good. That was another concern. I had to sneak a peek at your wardrobe for the size.” He confessed.


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