Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 14

by Madison, Reese

  I caught another patch on the front and looked at it closer. “What does the bear mean?” There’s a little brown bear sewn into the leather above my left breast.

  Lou leaned forward pulling me closer. He studied the patch and rolled his eyes. “Termite’s idea of a joke. Bear used to be my nickname. I never liked it, so everyone calls me Lou, if they don’t want a fist in the face.”

  “Why Bear?” I asked as he pulled me to sit on his lap.

  He exhaled, “When I was prospecting I kept rejecting all their nicknames. The guys were getting pissed at me. Anyway, we got a call to the shop one day that a bear had gotten into some lady’s minivan and they needed help getting it out. We didn’t have local game and fish services back then. At least none that were close by.”

  “Anyway, I rode out with the tow truck since we were sure the van would be destroyed. I don’t know what came over me, but when we got to the park I started barking orders sending people to their cars, or as far away as possible. The park service was just standing around waiting for animal control.

  “I watched the bear get more and more agitated and started feeling sorry for it. I made sure everyone was safe then walked over and slid the door open. I stood back against the passenger door hoping he’d bolt.

  “He hopped out of the van then turned right to me. I about shit myself when the bear went up on it’s hind legs. Termite told me afterwards the bear waved it’s paws in the air and turned to trot off into the woods. He says the bear looked like he was thanking me. I had my eyes closed bracing for an attack, so I didn’t see. Afterwards I found out the guys all had their guns out and ready to shoot. I’m glad they didn’t have to.”

  “Lou, you could have been killed!! Why would you put yourself in that kind of danger??”

  “I was young and dumb baby. Anyway, they called me Bear after that. I put up with it until I became a member, then I put an end to it, or tried to.”

  “Why? I like Bear. You’re cuddly and safe like a big soft teddy bear. Not only that but you make a living keeping people safe. It fits.”

  “Bears don’t protect people.”

  “No, maybe not, but a big soft teddy bear always makes a girl feel safe.” I snuggled into him burying my nose in his neck and playing with his beard again. It’s getting so long.

  “Don’t get any ideas about calling me Bear.” He warned me.

  “I would never call you anything you didn’t like.” I promised.

  He stood taking me with him. “Ready for bed?”

  “Please.” I begged. “Are you coming?”

  “I still need a shower my love, then yes.” He walked me to the large bed and tucked me between the sheets after helping me out of my jacket.

  I was asleep before my head it the pillow.

  For the first time in two weeks I was able to sleep in as late as I wanted. Which wasn’t too late since there is once again a very large biker nuzzling me in his sleep. I’m learning to tell by his breathing when he’s really asleep, and when he’s faking it. He tries to fake his breathing, but I’m wise to his games now.

  This is Lou asleep. He smells so good. Not just hotel soap, but his special Lou-only scent. I can smell it past the shampoo and body wash. I inhale deeply taking in all I can, waking him. Lou is a very light sleeper.

  He kissed my neck as he woke, “Good morning my love.”

  I hugged him to me. “Good morning.”

  “I have something for you.” He lifted some of his weight off my upper body making what is now pressed into my thigh very evident.

  I smiled and tried to moved his hair out of his eyes. It’s not cooperating, but it’s fun to play with. “I bet you do.”

  “How did you sleep?” He nosed the spaghetti strap of my blue nightgown down over my shoulder.

  “Very well, and you?”

  “I sleep too well with you.” He kissed his way down moving the fabric with his beard until he found a nipple to suckle.

  “Good.” What are we talking about again?

  He raked his fingers over my breasts taking the gown with him as I lift up for his mouth. He filled his hands and squeezed gently kneading as he suckled one, then the other. The tingling that’s building from my core is spreading to my limbs. I find myself wanting more. More touching, more kissing, more flesh.

  I can’t reach him like this, but I think that’s on purpose. When his kisses and skillful finger moved further down I knew I was in trouble. He slid my robe down off my hips and ankles.

  “You are one beautiful woman Barbara. The most beautiful I’ve ever seen. You should be on the covers of magazines, but I’m going to selfishly keep all this to myself.” He put his hands between my knees and pushed them apart. “Don’t be shy.”

  I covered my face with my hands and wondered how I’d survive his looking at me like this!!

  His finger found me eager for him once more. “You are so sweet. Do you know what it does to man’s ego to find a woman so wet for him?”

  “I think have an idea.”

  “Yeah, you got me good on that one. Maybe it’s time for a little payback. I’ve been gentle with you so far, but you’re a bad girl for letting me come in your mouth after I told you not to.” He pushed that finger into me making me yelp a little. “Maybe we’ll see how you like it a little harder and faster this time.”

  His playful threats should not have been taken so lightly. He added a second finger and sped up, landing deep and almost pulling completely free with each powerful stroke. My body wants more and my hips push towards him for me.

  “Shit honey. Oh man. Come for me. Please. Do it now Barbara, let go. Oh shit.” He bit my knee as I came making it all that much sweeter.

  All too quickly he pulled free and got up on his knees between my legs. Before I could panic he was pouring himself onto my stomach as he falls forward to capture my left nipple and suckle al title to hard. I moaned in pleasure and pain as he repeated the same thing on the other side.

  “Ow, easy Lou.” I begged softly not wanting to alarm him and deter from his obvious release.

  He set his forehead on my chest trying to catch his breath. “Wow.”

  “I couldn’t have said it better.”

  He sat back, “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay. I don’t think I could move if I wanted to.”

  “Holy hell.” He stumbled into the dresser. “Ow, fuck.” He hopped on one foot for a couple steps making me giggle.

  “Are you alright??”

  “I don’t even know my name right now.” He disappeared into the bathroom and came back out with a wet towel and a dry one.

  I watched as he cleaned off my stomach. “Thank you.”

  “For what? Making a mess all over you like some teenage boy with no control?” He’s not too happy with himself.

  “Actually, yes.” I waited until he look at me like I was nuts before continuing, “Yes. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with control issues.” I took his hand pulling him back onto the bed with me.

  He dropped the towels to the floor and pulled the sheet over us as he settled down alongside me. “I should be better, for you.”

  I hugged his head to my shoulder as he wrapped around me, “I love you. You are better for me. You brought light into my life. Even with everything that’s going on you’ve found a way to make me feel safe and loved. On top of that you show me all these wonderful things in bed, and dressing rooms.” I teased kissing the top of his head.

  “I love you too, but I need to find more control with you.”

  “Why? So you can take away that wonderful feeling I get when you look like that? No way. I hear it’s good for the skin, so feel free to do that again.” I can’t believe I said that.

  Neither could he because his head came up and the look of shock m
ade me laugh a little too hard. He tickled me with sweet threats of exactly where he was going to it next.

  Once he got me pinned and breathless he smiled slyly down at me, “So I guess staying in bed and making love all day is out?”

  I laughed and tried again to buck him off. “Yes! I need coffee before I can function.” He let me escape this time and followed me to the bathroom. He stopped just behind me in the mirror.

  I looked at him as I loaded my toothbrush. “What?”

  “I like the way we look together. We fit.” He said simply.

  Once again he’s caught me off guard, “We do?”

  He pointed to the mirror, “Look. You don’t see it?”

  I looked, “All I see is you.” With him in the picture all I want to do is look at him. I turned around and looked up. “Do you really want to get married??”

  “Of course I do. Why do ask?”

  “I was thinking, or maybe dreaming since I was so tired last evening.”

  “Thinking about what sweetheart?” He stepped back and sat on the side of the large tub.

  “Well, I want Myles to give me away for one thing, but the other is a little harder to say.”

  “I’m not going to bite you for telling me how you feel. I want Myles to give you away too. What else?”

  I fidgeted a little, “I want to meet your family first, before we, you know, sleep together all the way. I need to know they’ll accept me. I know you gave me the jacket, but I need to know they like me.”

  “Of course they’ll like you. I love you, they will too.” He assured me.

  “There’s a saying in the south that when you marry a person you also marry their family. I’ve seen plenty of cases where families didn’t like each other and it tore the couples apart.”

  “Movies?” He teased.

  I relaxed because he’s not mad like I thought he might be. “And books!!”

  His eyes are bright and playful, “Relax love. I’m not going to rush you into anything. We have a long ride tomorrow before I can get you home and tucked into my bed. The following day I have to work, so you’ll meet Liz and the rest of the crew. Women are women, aside from Liz, you might get that typical skeptical welcome at first. Once they spend five minutes with you they’ll see what I see and fall head over heels just like I have.”

  “You’re quite the silver-tongued devil, you know that?”

  “If you say so. Liz will welcome you with open arms, that’s just who she is.”

  “Who is Liz?, all you said was she’s your club’s president’s wife.” I turned to pick up my toothbrush and brush while he talks.

  “Liz is The General’s wife. The chapter I belong to is called General’s Tribe. It was started on an old Indian reserve back in the day and because the guy who started it is a retired Army General, it became General’s Tribe. When I told her I was in love with you she about blew my eardrum screaming in delight.”

  I finished brushing and rinsed before turning back to him. “She sounds very nice.”

  “She’s a wonderful person, you’ll like her. She’s also a viper when it comes to protecting her family. I’ve seen that woman go off, and it ain’t pretty.”

  “Ain’t is not a word Lou.” I teased him.

  “I used it for emphasis Miss Whitmore. Are you going to smack my hand with a ruler? Or wash my mouth out with soap?”

  I laughed feeling the weight lift from my shoulders. “Are you going to get out of here so I can get dressed?”

  He stood up and flipped up the lid on the toilet, “I gotta pee first.”

  I covered my face with my hands, “LOU!!! You could have asked me for some privacy!”

  “Why? What’s the big deal? Couples pee in front of each other all the time.” He smiled at me enjoying my torment!

  “The big deal is I don’t tinkle in front of people!!” I had to laugh though.

  “Tinkle?? Now that’s too cute.” He teased flushing then washing his hands.

  That’s when I knew it was safe to come out from hiding and peeked, “You sir, have zero manners.”

  He smiled, like one happy man, at me through the mirror, “You can spend the rest of your life trying to teach me.”

  I felt my eyes roll and my cheeks puff up as I smiled even bigger. Lou is turning out to be quite fun. I could get used to this. This not being alone. I pushed the thought away of just how totally alone I’ve been my entire life, except for Myles.

  “You okay sweetheart?” He’s drying his hands and turned to look at me now.

  I shook off the thoughts, “Yes. I just got lost in thought for a second.”

  “About what?” He’s interested. Truly interested. Wow. This man. This big, wonderful, powerful biker of a man cares about what I’m thinking.

  “Myles has been my lifetime companion and protector. I never felt alone because of him, but now that you’re here, I realize just how lonely I was.” I motioned to us and the bathroom, “The way we can talk, and joke with each other. I had no idea, it’s a bit unsettling to see all that I’ve been missing in life.”

  “Me too. I like it very much. So much I want it every day for the rest of my life.” He walked over and kissed me softly, “I’m going to order coffee and breakfast. Any preferences for breakfast?”

  “Just the pleasure of your company.”

  “Always.” He kissed me again then left after touching my chin and giving me one last loving look.


  “What are we going to do today? Besides the rings of course, which I think can wait.” I hinted.

  “No waiting. I want an engagement ring on your finger now.” He pointed to my hand from across the table. We’re having an elaborate breakfast of omelets, pancakes, bacon, sausage, pastries, and fruit.

  “Did you talk to your bug friend about lunch?”

  He almost choked on his mouthful of bacon before managing, “My bug friend?”


  “Oh! No, I’ll call him in a little while. That bug doesn’t do mornings. We’ll be lucky if he makes it out for lunch. Knowing Mary she’ll drag him out anxious to meet you.” He added.

  “How did he get his nickname?”

  “They made him eat termites when he was prospecting. He developed a taste for them and began eating them all around the club. Chocolate covered, salted, roasted with cayenne pepper, you name it.”

  “That is disgusting.”

  “I agree, but he still eats the damn things.”

  “Let’s hope not for lunch today.”

  “No, he usually refrains in restaurants. Aside from touring the old penitentiary, there’re a few museums, a bird of prey park, a zoo, and a botanical garden we can explore today if you would like.” He sat back finally full. He eats a large amount of food. Then again, he’s a large man.

  “I get the feeling museums would bore you to pieces, and I have no interest in exploring a prison, new or old. I vote for the birds of prey and the botanical garden. That way you get something manly, and I get more flowers.” I sat back picking up my coffee.

  “Today isn’t about me, it’s about you. I want to spoil you.”

  “No, you said we should get to know each other. Each other. That means both of us. Do you like the birds of prey idea, or not?”

  He shrugged, “Sounds interesting enough.”

  “I thought so too.” An idea hit me. “What’s your favorite color?”

  He tilted his head, “I don’t think I have one, why?”

  “Not even black?”

  He laughed, “Maybe, if I had to pick one. Why are you asking me this?”

  “To get to know you better. Favorite song?”

  He shook his head, “I got nothing. The only ‘favorite’ I have, is you.”

  “That’s silly. Y
ou have to have likes and dislikes.” I argued playfully, and horribly curious all of a sudden.

  “I like you. I dislike being away from you.”

  “Lou, you’re being difficult again. Just tell me. I want to know the man I’m going to marry, if all goes well that is.” I added and instantly regretted it as the look on his face changed to one I hope to never see again.

  “Please don’t do that.”

  “I’m sorry, it came out wrong. I love you. I want to marry you, but I worry. I worry that being with me is putting you and your family in danger.”

  “I know that, but you’re safer with me than without me. Are you trying to give me another ‘out’ Miss Whitmore?” He asked suspiciously.

  “I don’t want you to think you have to marry me for me to sleep with you.”

  He let out an exasperated breath and slapped his napkin on the table. He shook his head and looked up at me. “Do you really think I need to marry you to get you into bed? Do I look that desperate?”

  “Desperate? No.” I’m confused.

  “If I wanted you just for the sex, that part would have been over and done with and I’d be on to my next job. Think about it Barbara.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess I’m not very good at this.”

  “Just try to trust me. This isn’t about getting laid. Not to sound like an ass, but I can get that anywhere I want.”

  “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Geezus. I thought you’d let that go? I did that because I don’t fuck every woman in my path and I was pent up to the point of it being painful. If I had known it was going to be thrown in my face by the woman I love I never would have done it.” He started to stand.

  I panicked, “Lou, wait. I’m sorry. Really, please, don’t leave.”

  “Leave?” He looked at me with his hands on the back of the chair, “Who said I was leaving?”

  “I… you got up.” I feel stupid all over.

  “I’m not going anywhere that easily, but nice try. My favorite bike is the Road King, I prefer side roads to open freeways, and I like strong dark beers. I like my job because it gives me purpose. And I fucking love you with every fiber of my being. I would appreciate it if you would start believing that.”


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