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The Alpha's Virgin Possession

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Reaching up, he fingered her nipples, pinching and twisting the hard nubs. She screamed out, climaxing on his tongue seconds later.

  Nick flicked her clit, feeling her come apart against his mouth. She was shaking, quivering on the table.

  Pulling away, he wiped her cream from his chin. He helped her to sit up. Gripping her hair in his fist, he tilted her head back to claim her full lips.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. You will let me lick you whenever I want, do you understand?”

  She nodded. Her eyes were wide. From the flush of her cheeks and the shaking of her body, he knew it was the first time she’d ever reached orgasm. Sitting back down on the sofa, he fisted his cock. “Now, we get back to your punishment,” he said.

  Clara swallowed, looking nervous.


  He thought about her punishment. It would be so easy to take her over his knee and spank that full ass. Nick wasn’t a Dominant, and he had more interesting ways of punishing his prize.


  Clara’s entire body was on red alert. The orgasm he’d given her had taken her completely by surprise. The feel of his tongue across her pussy had sent her arousal onto a level she wasn’t anticipating.

  “How should I punish you?”

  He didn’t expect a response, and she didn’t give him one.

  Her mind was all over the place. Nick was the first man to give her an orgasm. Closing her eyes, she pressed a hand to her stomach to try to stem the turmoil building within her. She wanted to hate him so much, but every second that she got to know him, her anger turned into something else.

  “I know the perfect punishment.”

  Opening her eyes, she stared into his dark brown ones.

  “Come here, Clara.”

  The sound of her name coming from his lips seemed more exotic and seductive somehow. It wasn’t possible for a name to hold so much meaning, yet Nick made her think far more than what was actually there between them. He’d paid for her. She was merely a female for his pleasure.

  Getting to her feet, she took the few steps to stand between his thighs.

  “Straddle my lap. I want a leg on either side.”

  “I’m not ready to have sex,” she said, panicking.

  “When I’m ready to fuck you, you’ll know it. Until then, do as I say.”

  She saw no use in arguing with him. Climbing onto his lap, she rested in an awkward position with her legs painfully tight to her body.

  “Wrap your legs around my back.” His hand moved between them. She felt the length of his cock against her pussy. “There, I’m not going to be fucking you today.”

  “What’s my punishment?” she asked, feeling nervous. They were so close. She wasn’t used to this kind of touching at all. Usually she wore clothes, and no one saw her naked. Not only had Nick seen her naked, he’d also brought her to orgasm.

  “You’ll see.” His hands landed on her ass. Her breasts were pressed to his chest. She watched as his gaze moved down toward her chest. “Offer me one of your tits.”

  Lifting a breast up to his mouth she tensed at the first touch of his lips around her nipple. He sucked the red flesh inside, and she cried out at the pleasure shooting through her body going straight to her clit.

  Nick moved onto the next breast taking his time to suck on her nipples and to kiss down her body.

  His hands caressed up and down her back, cupping her ass to rub her pussy against his cock. The sensation he was causing was everywhere.

  “I want you to grip my cock,” he said, nibbling her flesh.


  “Grab my cock.”

  She’d never touched a man’s parts before. Reaching down, she circled his cock with her fingers, trying not to touch him too tightly.

  “More, hold me firmly, Clara, please.”

  Hearing the word please come from his lips surprised her. The little time they’d known each other he’d never used the word toward her.

  Gripping his cock tightly she felt the heat of him against her palm. He cursed, throwing his head back. His gaze was on her. The dark amber of his irises looked more wolf than human.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he asked.

  She shook her head. Clara really didn’t have a clue. Glancing down to his lips, she wanted to feel them on her skin once again. Something was happening to her. She should be fighting, but all she wanted to do was kiss him, be with him.

  “Here, touch me like this,” he said, circling her hand with his own. He showed her what he liked, the pressure of her hand as she worked up and down the length of his cock.

  Clara couldn’t look away from the glistening tip glinting up at her as she worked his cock. When he moved his hand away she kept up the action wanting to give him pleasure like he’d done her.

  “Kiss me, Clara.”

  She glanced up to see him staring at her. Leaning forward, she kept up the movement of her fist. He didn’t open up like she had to him. Both of his hands cupped her face before they dove into her hair, pulling on the length.

  With her head pulled backwards, her breasts were exposed.

  “I’m not going to fuck you today, Clara. I will warn you I’ll do a hell of a lot more to your body, but I will not fuck you. I don’t need to have my cock inside you to bring us both pleasure.” He kissed down her neck, biting over her pulse.

  His touch was driving her crazy. What they were doing together was more than she could have ever hoped for. Working his cock she felt the wetness at the tip with each glide up then down. Crying out, she gazed down to see him sucking her breasts, taking each nipple in turn. Her body no longer felt like her own but was his to do with as he pleased.

  Nick went from one breast to the other alternating between the two. He bit down, sucked then licked before turning his attention to the next.

  “Harder, make it burn for me, baby,” he said.

  Tightening her grip, she cried out at the sudden jolt of pleasure slamming through her going straight to her clit. The grip in her hair tugged her head backwards. He kissed her neck going up to claim her lips then down to take her nipple.

  She worked her hand harder and faster trying to send him over the peak like he’d done with her.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come,” he said, panting. His breath was deeper than she’d ever heard it. His hips jolted causing her to bounce on his lap. Glancing down she watched him move his cock, and the first wave of white cum spurted onto his stomach. Nick kept climaxing. His release coated their stomachs with each pulse. She was fascinated by what she’d done to him.

  “Thank you,” he said, seconds later when nothing else would come from him.

  “Erm, you’re welcome.”

  “Your punishment is over with,” he said, drawing her down to kiss her. “You may go and get changed now.”

  Staring down into his dark brown eyes, Clara frowned. “What? That’s my punishment?”

  “I could take you over my knee, but I thought your punishment was sufficient.”

  Clara didn’t argue because as far as punishment went, it was the best one she’d ever experienced.

  Chapter Six

  Nick saw the shock on Clara’s face along with the happiness. Slapping her ass, he ordered her to go and get dressed. Glancing down at his cum coated stomach he shook his head. He’d make a fucking awful Dom. When he walked into the sitting room he had every intention of slapping her ass. Seeing an opportunity to get more pleasure out of the experience had driven him to change the punishment to suit his need.

  Getting up from the furniture he checked to make sure none of their releases had gotten onto the fabric.

  Satisfied all was clear, he grabbed his clothing and walked to his bedroom. Showering and changing into a fresh set of clothes he went back downstairs to find Clara sitting in the robe once again.

  “I’ve got to go out,” he said, thinking about the urgent call from his office. “I’ll be back for my guests. Amuse yourself, Clara. Look
around, go for a swim. You can also stand around naked. No one will see you.”

  The light brightened in her gaze.

  “You won’t get a single chance to escape,” he said. “I’ve coded everything. The moment I leave this house, the doors will close, and your only access outside will be looking through the windows.” He saw the hope die within her.

  He hated the sight of her defeat. Standing close to her, he leaned down kissing her head. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  The desire to stay at home was strong. He’d cut the conversation short and knew he had no choice but to go in.

  “Amuse yourself while I’m gone.”

  Before he changed his mind, he spun on his heel and headed outside. The moment the door closed, all other doors and windows would shut. He’d designed the security for his own peace of mind. After being outlawed from all packs he’d been concerned for his safety. Some pack alphas would get it into their heads to hunt down an outlaw and remove him permanently.

  No one even tried to hunt him down. They must all know he’d kill anyone who tried.

  Climbing into his car, he waited for the gate to open then shut it before he was driving down the street heading toward the city to deal with his current problem. Getting a call from one of his security managers about Mark invading his offices had been a slight problem. Hearing from Mark again was another one of his problems mounting up the list of stuff he needed to deal with. The agreement should have been that their contact would cease the moment he paid for Clara.

  Parking his car, he nodded toward another wolf shifter on his security team. Nick made sure to employ outlawed wolves like him. Most of the wolves didn’t have the invasive mark that he did, but he respected them all the same.

  He took the elevator taking him straight to his office. Dean was standing there with Mark and one of his security men, Bill.

  “Get the fuck off me. This is business, nothing else,” Mark said.

  Closing the door, he watched with satisfaction as the men flinched. All of them had been so preoccupied with arguing they hadn’t even smelled his approach.

  “If I was still an alpha of a pack, I’d punish you all for simply not paying attention,” Nick said, gaining their attention. Bill had walked out of his pack when they’d murdered his wife for being unfaithful to him. The laws of the pack were strict. Once a male and female mated, it was for life. If a female was to cheat then death was the penalty. He noticed the same rule didn’t apply to the males. All they got was a slap on the wrist. Bill walked away because they took his life mate from him even though he’d asked to watch her with another man. Someone had spied on them, killed his mate, and Bill had left. The story was sad, depressingly so, and another reason why Nick would never be part of a pack even if one was offered.

  “What’s going on, Bill?” Nick asked, taking a seat behind his desk. Refusing to look at Mark, he concentrated on the men he didn’t want to kill.

  Don’t kill her father. His death would make a mess, and there are more humans in the office than not.

  He tried to reason with himself. The more he thought about what he learned of Clara, the harder it was not to hurt the bastard.

  “This asshole,” Bill said, pointing at Mark. “Stormed into your building shouting out his demands.”

  Bill looked ready to commit murder.

  Get in line, Bill. Anyone who takes out this fucker will have to answer to me.

  “He caused a stir, terrified the women, and started bad-mouthing you.”

  Moving his attention to Dean, he waited for another explanation.

  “I tried to get him out of your office, Nick. He wants more money,” Dean said, shrugging.

  Getting his anger under control, Nick turned his attention onto the man he wished to murder. “What gives you the right to come into my place of work and start mouthing off?”

  “I want more money.”

  “I paid you one million dollars for your daughter. You’re not getting another cent from me.” Staring at Clara’s father, Nick couldn’t stop the feeling of repulsion coming over him.

  “She’s worth a lot more than a million.”

  “I heard your wife say Clara is the runt of the litter. She means nothing to you. A million is more than fair.” In truth, Nick would pay triple if not more to keep her.

  “If you don’t pay me more I’m going to the collection of alphas.”

  Nick raised a brow and turned to Dean, who shook his head.

  “Interesting. You’ll go to the collection of alphas?” Nick asked, standing up. The collection of alphas was responsible for his outlawed status. People referred to them as either the “collection of alphas” or as “the collective”. The only desire he had to deal with the collective was to hurt them. The collection of alphas acted like social workers or the modern legal system for wolves.

  “They would make you pay more.”

  “You really think they’d help you?” Nick asked, taking a step toward the other man. All he needed was any excuse to end this sack of shit’s life and he’d do it in a heartbeat.

  “I’m a pack wolf. They still answer to our calls, not outlawed bastards like yourself.”

  Leaning against his desk, Nick folded his arms over his chest, staring at the other man. “Go and get them. Tell them all that I won’t pay you another cent of my money.”

  The other man looked confused. “I will.”

  “Good, then you can make them all aware how you sold a woman for money. Not only will you incriminate yourself, you’ll bring everyone else down with you. I wonder how long you and your family would survive being outlawed with a lot of enemies, stronger enemies.”

  He let his words sink in.

  “I’ll get you for this,” Mark said, pulling out of Bill and Dean’s hold.

  “I’m sure you will. Bye.” Nick watched the angry man leave his office.

  “Why does he suddenly want more?” Nick asked, turning to Dean.

  “From what I hear he learned who you were and that you could pay a lot more money for her. He feels cheated that he only got so little from you instead of a larger payout.”

  “Fucking asshole.” Nick made arrangements with Bill to increase security. Once he was alone, he dialed one of the security firms he trusted and put a man on to trail Mark. The last thing he needed was for him to turn up and ruin his plans to mate with Clara.


  Walking around naked was not something Clara was ever going to be comfortable with. For so long she’d been forced to wear clothing that changing her habits was going to be hard. Hearing the door shut she stayed seated and watched the doors leading out of the kitchen to the patio close, beeping with a lock.

  When she heard the gate close she stood up going toward the window. She tried to open one of the windows. None of them would move. The small draft came from a partially opened window near the ceiling. Unless she wanted to risk breaking her neck she wouldn’t get through the slight gap.

  Through the house she tried all the doors leading toward the outside. All of them were locked. She went to her room to try the door for the veranda, and once again she was stopped from going any further.

  Great, she was locked in a large house with nothing to do. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she blew out a breath. Tapping her legs, she glanced around the room looking for something to do.

  I’m bored.

  Looking up at the wall in front of her, she waited for some miraculous idea to come to her.


  I’m bored.

  Again with the tapping of her leg, looking around the room for something to do, she found nothing.

  There was no need to clean either.

  I’m bored.

  Losing her temper, she stood up leaving the bedroom.

  She was alone in a large house that resembled a mansion, and instead of running around having fun she was sitting on the bed, bored out of her mind. Poking her head out of the door, she looked up and down the hall.

rawing in air, she let out an ear-piercing scream. The noise echoed around the large house. Leaving her bedroom, she jumped up and down losing her mind as she ran up and down the corridor. Opening every door she came to she stuck her head inside, taking a quick glance.

  Back at home she wasn’t allowed to do anything or make too much noise. Finally letting go in the freedom of the large house, she ran up and down the corridor, charging downstairs making a lot of noise. She screamed, yelled, and cursed out, loving every second of not fearing a beating.

  Once she got out of breath and bored of running up and downstairs, she went into the kitchen.

  In the fridge she found a selection of chocolates along with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. Grabbing the chocolate along with the carton of juice she left the kitchen behind. She would spend more time exploring the kitchen later. Her love of cooking would send her there in no time. At home she wasn’t allowed to cook as her mother hated anything she did.

  Clara walked into his office, checking out some of the books on his shelves. His collection was amazing. None of the books were romantic. She sat behind his desk staring at the laptop. Clicking open she saw it was protected by a password. Wrinkling her nose she left the juice and chocolates on his desk to continue her search.

  Running fingers through her hair, she moved from room to room looking for something to do. His office was a bust. Watching television in the sitting room wasn’t going to work. Every time she looked at the coffee table she saw his head moving between her thighs giving her more pleasure than she could ever imagine.

  Swinging her arms backwards and forwards she walked toward the back of the house and opened a door to his gym. She checked over the running machine, weights and other pieces of equipment before following through the room to find a swimming pool. The water looked clear and beautiful. Bending down, she placed her hand in the water swooshing it around.

  Sitting on the edge she put her legs into the water, kicking out.

  She hadn’t gone swimming in such a long time. Would it be so bad to take the time now?

  Lifting the shirt over her head, she climbed into the water trying not to create too much of a ripple.


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