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Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1)

Page 11

by L. J. Wilson

  Honor stirred a swizzle stick in black coffee. “Guess I look pretty foolish, huh?”

  “Not at all. I was just curious.”

  “I’m not sure,” she said, plucking the stick out and chewing on an end. “Maybe I heard what I wanted to hear. But I honestly don’t recall him mentioning a significant other.” She laughed and pitched the coffee onto the grass. “I’m willing to get in the game, Aaron. But since Rowen, I don’t think my radar’s in proper working order.”

  “Copy that,” Aaron said, a shoulder gently knocking against hers again.

  “But,” she said, “I’m glad I heard it from you before I made a fool out of myself—like yesterday, when Stefan blindsided me. He told me he was moving his wedding ceremony here… to the beach.” Honor motioned over her shoulder.

  Aaron wanted to swallow hard, but there wasn’t any spit in his mouth. “He wants what?”

  “The beach. Apparently he’s moving up the date of his wedding—which is top secret, by the way. Supposedly, Butterfield Lake beachfront was something in its day. I heard from Shauna that their wedding was slated to be a small affair in California.”

  “Yeah. He said that to me when we first talked in his office.”

  “Stefan thought the beach would be more intimate, good promotion for the inn. He’s like that, always making the most of an opportunity. I swear, I almost asked him why he’d never mentioned a fiancée. But why purposely plunge into an embarrassing moment when I can so easily trip right—” Honor’s hand clasped hard over the iron-locked muscle of his arm. “Aaron, are you all right? You look absolutely ill.”

  His and Ruby’s beach. Aaron knew every grain of sand, the body that belonged on it beside his. His eyes closed, and his jaw locked. The world spun by as the past slammed around his brain. It took everything he had to hold it together, keep it in context. “I… I’m fine, Honor,” he said, forcing out words that made sense.

  She nodded, slowly letting go of his arm. “Okay… so… anyway,” she said cautiously. “A lakefront wedding is now on the calendar—one more thing to deal with. But back to the point, which is that my man-radar needs a tune-up.”

  Aaron finally got a full breath in. He pushed it out and caught up with her conversation. “Uh, you’re not the only one with some rust when it comes to signs and signals. I totally did not see an incoming invite from Shauna.”


  “Earlier, we were up in the executive suite, taking a final inventory, and Shauna asked me out, like a date.”

  “And you said?” Honor pressed, leaning in.

  “I, um… I said we could talk about it after all the suits come and go, after the grand opening.”

  “Ha! If it had been me, and that was my answer, what would you say?”

  “I’d say I thought you liked men.” She looked at him, frowning. Aaron squinted toward the building, taking in its to-the-bones reinvention. He wished his life could be like that, stripped down and so easily rebuilt.

  “Shauna’s an incredibly nice woman.” Honor nudged him. “And you’re an idiot for putting her off.”

  Aaron gulped cooler coffee.

  “Listen, big brother, I know what’s on your mind. Ruby wasn’t last week. She wasn’t even last year. We both might suck at it, but we both need to make a real effort… with realistic options.”

  “Yeah… okay,” he said, standing.

  Honor’s phone rang. “Ah, I spoke too soon.” She answered. “Yes, Stefan… Sure. Right away, in your office.” She hung up. “Boss wants to see me. Come on, walk over with me. Maybe Shauna will be at her desk.”

  He hesitated.

  “Aaron? You don’t find her attractive?”

  “No… yeah, I do. She’s beautiful, smart… she doesn’t seem like a crazy bitch.”

  Honor’s eyes widened. “I’ve known Shauna a while, I don’t think crazy bitch is a worry—why would you say such a thing?”

  “Uh, no reason,” he said, thinking of Chloe Pike. “I just get the feeling I’m currently in a zone of bad karma when it comes to women.”

  Honor disappeared inside Stefan’s office. Aaron lingered near Shauna’s desk, wondering what that was all about. “Aaron, is there something you need?” She sounded cool and professional. He looked down, seeing a photo of Shauna and her son, a semi-toothless kid who looked about six. She followed his gaze to the picture. “His dad is a pro-football player—white boy from Nebraska,” she said, fingers brushing over her son’s face, whose blue-green eyes popped like Aaron’s did against darker skin. “I was a cheerleader for the team. Fraternization with players is strictly forbidden—page one in the contract. I got pregnant and fired. He’s living in a mansion in Westchester, probably Super Bowl bound this season. He hasn’t seen his son since he was six-weeks old.”

  “Geez, that’s, um… that’s rough. Why… why did you just tell me that?”

  She shrugged. “Because we’ve all got a little sin somewhere. I’m lucky enough to keep mine in a photo on my desk. Good and bad, yin and yang. I also believe what goes around comes around. My son will grow up to be somebody wonderful, and his father won’t even know him.”

  Aaron smiled at her take on life. She had a great attitude. He glanced at Stefan’s office door, which could open at any moment. “Can I talk to you around the corner for a second?” Aaron led them to the private elevator entrance. It wasn’t secluded enough and he used a master key, leading them outside the building. A small cobblestone alcove offered privacy and a glimpse of Abstract Enchantment’s main entrance. “Before, when you suggested dinner, I wasn’t thinking… or maybe I was thinking too much.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m not into big pursuits. If you’re not feelin’ it—hey, we have a friendly thing here, no need to make more out of it.”

  “That’s just it. I’m not too great at figuring out what I’m feeling these days. But the friendly vibe is definitely mutual. So if the offer still stands, and I’m not being too much of jerk by not jumping when you asked, I’d love to have dinner… anytime.”

  “I see,” Shauna said, folding her arms. She didn’t say another word, and Aaron shoved his hands into his pockets, wishing the rest of him could vanish. Then she laughed. “No, you’re not being too much of a jerk. Just let me look at my calendar. Okay?”

  “Okay… great.” Aaron took a step toward the alcove’s door. But Shauna reached out, touching his arm. Aaron turned and Shauna leaned in, kissing him. For a moment, Aaron’s mind was clouded by the kiss. She was incredibly sexy, everything from her mouth, which was moving hard over his, to a slender frame that pressed seamlessly into his. Aaron’s hands moved from his pockets to her ass, surprised by the spontaneity, which didn’t exactly feel wrong. Well, his dick certainly wasn’t feeling anything wrong, having turned to titanium. The kiss slowed, and a purring sound emanated from Shauna’s throat as the two got a grip on their surroundings.

  “Sorry,” she said, fingers running over the lipstick that surely stained his mouth. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I wouldn’t say that exactly. Maybe just the location.” Aaron saw a town car pulling into Abstract Enchantment’s circular drive. It made him step back into the shadow of the alcove.

  “I have to get back.” Shauna squeezed his hand. “Maybe we can pick this up at a more appropriate time.”

  “Maybe we can…” Clearly, women were going to run the gamut when it came to stunning Aaron Clairmont that day.

  “Don’t you like it?” Stefan said, his hand moving coarsely over a taut nipple, the other squarely thrust between his rock-hard cock and Vanessa’s wet pussy. She came with a roaring gasp—one that would make any query about “liking it” moot. From her prone position on the bed, her back arched and her arms pulled forward. But Stefan retreated, withdrawing, and straddling over her—just out of reach. He checked his Rolex and immersed himself in the view. She made due by gathering a fistful of silk sheets, her muscles quivering, still rigid from the romp. She knew better than to ask, and
Stefan was well aware of what she wanted—touch. The kind of touch Stefan was completely unwilling to give. “That’s it, Ness… You work it out.” A few seconds passed and her eyes opened, blinking into Stefan’s face. “Now answer my fucking question. I wanted you to like it. Do you? When you arrived at the carriage house, you didn’t seem all that keen on being here.”

  “I… I need to get up.” He tipped his head curiously and allowed her to move, enough to rise to a sitting position. With her hair looking… well, looking as if someone had just fucked her brains out, Vanessa took the top sheet and vacated the bed. Her gait was purposeful and sedate. But he could see her rib cage—the sheet more dragging than covering—heaving with winded, overwhelmed breaths. “What’s not to like?” she said, recovering, taking a turn around the upper floor of the carriage house. “It’s the best-decorated den of iniquity I’ve ever visited. It’s even my favorite palette.”

  “You noticed,” he said, genuinely pleased.

  Her hand ran over a velvet lavender chaise, the other hues complementary and the perfect contrast to a redhead.

  “Good.” Stefan got out of the bed and came up behind her. His cock was still waiting its turn, as they were both well aware. He wrapped his arms around her. In Stefan’s mind, it was a complimentary gesture. Gentle touch was Vanessa’s weakness, and he used it sparingly—tease and reward. “It’s very important that you like this space, Ness. I want you to feel like it’s ours.”

  She turned, the sheet pinned between the two of them. “I get it, Stefan. I’ve been relocated to the carriage house. I assume my presence will still be appropriate in the corporate areas of Abstract Enchantment.”

  “Of course, don’t be absurd. I can’t run the place without you. I can’t run any of my business endeavors without you. Your head for numbers is infallible, and your imaginative skills regarding shell companies are unprecedented. But once again, Ness, I’m hearing a note of jealousy.”

  “Then you must also be hearing voices if you think summoning me here, on the same day your fiancée is due to arrive, is in any way a sane idea—even in light of our arrangement.”

  A low sigh hissed from his throat. “So we’re back to that. You disappoint, Ness. I thought we had this all worked out. I need to trust you.”

  “And demanding I come here today was what, a test?”

  “Not exactly. I have important paperwork I need you to take care of—a contract that needs to be filed with my attorney right away.”

  “Don’t you have a secretary for that?”

  “Not for this venture. It’s a personal contract, and I want you to take care of it. We’ll get to the details. However, if you think I was going to let you take the trip up from the city, come and go without a satisfying fuck between us… Well, my need for you physically won’t allow for that kind of lapse.”

  Her eyes cut to his. “And maybe I had an ulterior motive in agreeing to come here.”

  “Like what?”

  A rail-thin shoulder shifted. “Seeing other men is certainly my prerogative. There’s a man here I’ve noticed. I thought I’d see if he’s around today and introduce myself. I’m not a bad date. I can make regular conversation.”

  Stefan pursed his lips, a small smile pushing into his cheekbones. “I didn’t know blue collar was your type. Other than me, that’s all you’ll find around here at the moment. He’d probably have a hell of a time picking up the check at Masa or Daniel’s,” he said, rattling off two of her favorite New York haunts. “But let me know if I can help with an introduction. Perhaps Diego, the electrician? You fancy darker serious types—”

  “You’ve no idea what I fancy.” She turned away from him and the remark.

  “My assumption. My apologies.”

  Vanessa turned back, her gaze cutting down him.

  “And I take back my money remark. If it is Diego, for what I’m paying him, he can at least afford dessert and drinks. Or maybe the British chap, Reggie—the architect’s liaison. He’s a few years younger, but what the hell,” he said, eyes glossing over her. “I’m sure you could teach him a thing or two in bed.”

  “Fuck you,” she said, clearly having abandoned any role-playing. Vanessa and the sheet moved away.

  “In a minute,” he said, laughing. “Tell me first, Ness. Who is it?” Stefan’s voice softened, and he came to where she stood at the carriage house window. Her back was to him, the sheet between them. His knuckles rolled like a waterfall down her spine. He tucked her hair behind her ear, whispering. “I’m curious to know.” Stefan kissed her shoulder, his hand softly touching the other. “I need to know.”

  Vanessa pirouetted, the sheet twisting around her like a candy wrapper. “I find your new right-hand man rather attractive. Aaron…”

  Stefan willed his expression blank, though the words didn’t match. “You stay the fuck away from Aaron Clairmont. Do you hear me?” Stefan’s fingers locked around her jaw. “Do you?” As he let go, Vanessa’s fingers grazed her chin, Stefan seeing a red mark he did not like. He deplored uncontrolled outbursts. That was his father. Comeuppance of any kind should always be a deserved and calculated effort. “You can have the pick of the place, Ness” he said in a more controlled tone, “but I don’t want you near Aaron Clairmont.”


  Stefan had to think fast but not too deep. “He has a criminal record. Did you know he was just released from prison?” He stepped away and grabbed his cigarette case off the table, lighting one. “I’m only thinking of you.”

  “That’s not how it sounded.”

  “Well, there you go,” he said, taking a long drag. “I guess I can be… bothered when it comes to you and other men. You’re not to have any contact with Clairmont—none. I won’t tolerate it.”

  “Because it would bother you? Because you find it an unsafe situation for me?”

  Stefan ground the barely smoked cigarette into an ashtray. He was going to have to give her something—a show of emotion. “Yes, if it pleases you to hear me say it, because I would worry too much about you. You can do better than someone like him.”

  “Can I?” she said, her gaze gliding over his naked body. “Seriously. I had no idea you cared—not like that.”

  Stefan drew a breath, considering the best way to round out the admission. “Emotions aren’t something I indulge in. You know this. Instead, why don’t I… ” he said, prying one hand from the sheet, “show you how much…”

  “You care?”

  “Of course.” He reached around, grabbing her ass. Vanessa had the perfect ass, the perfect body. He favored porcelain, tall, and thin—steel on the inside. “Despite needing those papers filed, getting you here today… Well, I had other reasons. I really did need to see you… touch you,” he said, his fingertips caressing her creamy smooth skin in some eye-rolling gesture.

  “And you don’t you think you’re cutting it a little close? Tonight your bed in the executive suite will be filled with a different body.”

  Stefan’s chin grazed Vanessa’s soft cheek. His lips tickled her neck, a deep kiss ending further objection. Vanessa melded into the moment as the sheet slipped to the plush carpeted floor. He kept kissing her, which was as good as any love potion, inching her backward, toward the bathroom.

  At the door, he stopped, guiding Vanessa around so she could see the Italian-tiled interior, marble tub for two, mother of pearl finishes and designer fixtures, candles and scented oils accentuating the luxury bath. He heard the gasp—stunned pleasure. Stefan felt her struggle, wriggling against what was bothering her versus the temptation in front of her. “You didn’t answer me,” she said, her head leaning against his shoulder as his hands roughly mapped her body. But he knew she was enticed, and this altered her question accordingly. “Do we have time to properly finish what we started before she, um… gets here.”

  “Ness, do you really doubt my time management skills when it involves us? I’ve had a picture in my head since the marble on that counter was installed.” They moved forward
together, Stefan growling in a husky tone he knew Vanessa enjoyed. “Put your hands on it—hard.” She did, his eyes traveling the vertebrate that outlined her back to her small, cushy ass, which outlined his target. He grasped her hips, forcing her legs apart. “Look at me.” Her fair eyes rose to meet his in the mirror, an actual blush riding her cheeks. “Tell me you like it, all of it. Tell me you want all of it.”

  “Pity me. More than you need to know,” she said, her voice raspier than his.

  Stefan thrust into her, Vanessa making a pleasurable sound he sometimes thought about during long, boring board meetings. The movement grew more intense, faster, Stefan crushing her body between the hard of him and the hard of the sink. While making her come again was not a priority, he thought, why not? Besides, he wanted to watch in the wide mirror, which offered an ample view. She hadn’t yet noticed the one on the ceiling over the tub. “Do it for me, Ness,” he said. “You know it drives me mad.”

  “She wouldn’t… do anything like that for you, would she?”

  “She’s not here, and you know I don’t make comparisons. It’s not about that. Now do it.”

  Vanessa obeyed, releasing one hand from the sink’s edge to touch herself, just as he’d done in the bed. The timing, as always, was pristine, Vanessa inching her legs wider as he cupped her breasts, Stefan’s other hand sliding around to cover hers as she made herself come. It took but a moment as the pressure from either side was too much for her to resist. She pushed harder into him, her chic comely features twisting with ecstasy.

  “Jesus, Ness… you’re such a perfect piece of ass…” Her hand braced the vanity edge as he thrust harder, Stefan using her orgasm to finish wiring his own. But he didn’t back off, not letting up or letting go until he had his answer. “Now tell me. Do you like it?” he said, breathless and a little weary for a weekday afternoon.

  “God help me, yes…” she said, turning her head as he kissed her neck. “More than anything.”

  “Worth anything?”


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