Book Read Free

Altered Chords

Page 6

by Kristen Echo

  He growled in her ear. “I love the way you beg, Bria. So pathetic and weak. It makes me hard. Beg me again.” Klein licked his lips and she couldn’t believe she’d bought into all his lies and bullshit.

  “Take a hike!” She shoved him away and marched towards one of the cop cars. The one that held her stranger. “You have this all wrong. Please let me come with you and clear it up.”

  The window in the car was down and the officer had his arm along the edge. “I don’t think we do. My partner here, he talked with the manager and this is for the best. This isn’t the first time we’ve dealt with Mr. Burgess. Have a good night, Miss.” He waved his hand in the air, dismissing her.

  Klein Burgess had infected the entire province. Why did everyone have to know him? She had no choice but to watch them drive away. But she wouldn’t be a victim ever again. If Klein thought she’d back down, he was wrong. As soon as the cops disappeared from sight, she stomped towards him and smacked him across the face.

  “Diplomatic immunity or not, you and I are over.” Her voice bellowed loud enough for all their friends to catch her meaning. “If you come anywhere near me, I’ll have those police come right back here and arrest you. Don’t test me!” She tossed his earlier words back in his face. The naive girl he’d dated had wised up over the past few weeks.

  Another man wearing a suit approached Klein. She assumed it was the manager, and she was thankful for the distraction. It would give her an opportunity to escape.

  Bria located her purse on the floor of the van. She scooped it up and closed and locked the doors. Her friends stood dumbfounded. She grabbed Tatianna and Kelly’s hands and yanked them towards the main street. A cab sat idle, and she raced towards it. Kelly fell into step, but Tat wiggled her hand free.

  “You’re acting so strange, Bria, I don’t understand you anymore. First, you let that thug kiss you in the club, then who knows what you did with him in this disgusting parking lot. I know we said you needed sex, but I never expected you’d do it.”

  “He’s not a thug. Klein isn’t… there are things I can’t talk about yet. Trust me. I’m not a fan of keeping secrets, but just stay away from him. God. How did he even find us here?”

  Tat looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry. I texted him before we left the city. You’ve been so miserable without him. I thought a chance encounter would help you guys get back together. He seemed really receptive to seeing you. He misses you, Bria, he still loves you.”

  She scoffed at those words. Klein loved only himself. She could see that now. “He never loved me. It doesn’t matter. I’m never getting back with him.”

  Kelly opened the cab door. “Don’t say never. He seemed devastated when we first saw him in the bar and frantic to find you. He was near tears, Bria. That man loves you and is afraid of losing you. He called the cops because those animals attacked him.”

  Bria shook her head. “They attacked first. He’s not the victim, and don’t for a second believe his lies. Let’s go. I need to get out of here and far away from Klein Burgess.” She slid into the back seat and both women followed her in. As soon as the door closed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Please drive. Get us away from here as fast as you can.” She looked out the side window as Klein raced towards the taxi. His lips formed a thin line and his big blue eyes widened as the car pulled away from the curb. She smiled and waved her middle finger, leaving him behind. If she never saw his light blue eyes again, that would suit her fine.

  The only man she wanted had been ripped from her grasp before she could even learn his name. She vowed she hadn’t seen the last of her stranger. Their story wasn’t over yet. Even if all she could do was apologize. He deserved more than I’m sorry, but they had to start somewhere.


  Tyson ♫

  “Y ou find trouble everywhere,” Pete joked, stretching his long legs out from the bench where he sat.

  Tyson didn’t laugh. He’d slept for an hour total, and the guys hadn’t laid up for a second. He couldn’t catch a break. At least not when it came to women. They were right. He had a knack for picking chicks who ended up crushing him one way or another.

  One day he’d like to meet a nice girl without baggage. Such a rare unicorn didn’t exist. Even if she was out there, he probably wouldn’t be attracted to her. Not in the same way he wanted Bria. He missed her, which was crazy.

  “Yack it up. When we get out of here, I’ll—”

  “You’ll what? Cry yourself to sleep for the next month like you’ve been doing. Or you’ll man up and find another pussy to drive into. Personally, I’d pick the latter, but it’s your life.” Nathan punched his shoulder.

  He’d known Nate since they were two young punks who’d joined the same street gang. They thought they were tough back then. Life was a lot tougher, and they barely survived the ordeal. He trusted his friend with his life, but his love life was another matter altogether.

  “This one is different. I’m not sure why I’m jacked when I barely know her.” Tyson leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor. He couldn’t get Bria out of his mind. “There’s something about her … I wanted to get to know her. Life fucking hates my guts. Why else would the cops show up when I’m seconds from blowing my load?”

  “Pity party time!” Daryl paced the small room like a caged animal. Tyson was positive the guy hadn’t slept a wink and the let down from the drugs had worn off. He was irritable, which wasn’t like him. Of all the guys in the band, he knew Daryl the longest. They grew up in the same beat down neighborhood, only a few houses apart. Few kids from their street had amounted to much.

  “Fuck off!” Tyson had reached his limit.

  “No, you fucking man up. Karen cheated. Big deal. Get over it. She’s a whore. We told you not to get involved with her. You fuck chicks like Karen; you don’t fall in love with them. Like this new one. A woman who’s been passed around more times than—”

  “Stop!” He stood and gripped Daryl’s shirt. His fist clenched. “You didn’t like Karen because she wouldn’t sleep with you. Let it go. I didn’t care I wasn’t her first, but I won’t let you blast her for having a past.”

  “You have to admit you fell for her way too fast. She’d been around the block is all I’m saying. You’re always chasing love. The minute a woman opens her legs you’re in love. Grow up.”

  Brody stepped between them. “Ty, you do fall hard and fast. It’s how you roll. Regardless if the woman is worthy of your time.”

  “Christ, no one in this room is a saint. Well, except maybe that dude passed out in the corner. He could be… we don’t know.” He shrugged his shoulders and released the cloth in his hand when Daryl smiled. “One day you’ll find love. You’ll see why it’s so amazing. Then you tell me if there’s a right or wrong way to fall.”

  All the guys laughed, including him.

  “I wouldn’t sleep with her,” he mumbled and finally sat.

  Considering it was a long weekend, there weren’t too many drunks sharing a cell. Besides them, only five other men spent the night in lockup. This wasn’t his first time being carted off for being drunk and disorderly. As a teen he’d spent many nights surrounded by concrete walls, sleeping it off. Unfortunately, the last time he got cuffed, he’d been one hundred percent sober. The charges of assault causing bodily harm would forever follow him. The sting of that arrest was still fresh.

  “Everyone shut up and sleep until the guard tells us we can leave.” Grant’s eyes remained closed as his head rested against Pete’s shoulder. The usual scruff on his chin had developed into a beard. “It’s a new day. This little overnight stay will give us interesting stuff to post on our website. The fans were blowing up about it when I posted a pic of Nate in the back of the cruiser.”

  “Fuck. Stop posting shit like that. You’re making me look like a thug.” Nathan ran his fingers over his shaved head. “If the band doesn’t make it, I’ll never find work.”

  “Our ban
d will make it.” Pete rolled his eyes. “Have a little faith. The only reason we’re all in here is because you and Daryl got into a fight defending Ty’s new woman. I think Grant is a genius for thinking out of the box. We aren’t some preppy boy band from the nineties. It’s important to get our image right. We’re close to signing a deal, but the label thinks we’re too soft.”

  “I’m not sure having our lead singer in cuffs is the image we’re going for. It makes venues nervous and we look unpredictable. Badass is one thing, but unreliable is bad for business,” Brody piped in from the floor. He was lying down on the dirty floor, staring at the ceiling. “It’s tough finding steady work. Until we get discovered, we should keep the focus on the music.”

  As the leader of the band, people listened when Brody spoke. He was the glue that kept them together and he wanted them to succeed more than anyone else. Tyson admired his friend’s grit and determination. He wished he wanted something so badly he’d do anything to get it.

  “Trust me. I’ll make us all famous,” Grant said without opening his eyes. His short, black curls were plastered against Pete, who didn’t seem to care.

  “So, back to your dilemma. To fuck or not to fuck. No matter what you do, Ty, I am happy to see you finally moving on.” Nate leaned one arm against the wall and faced him. “When we get home, don’t let them suck you back in.”

  Being behind bars was not how he expected his first night in the mountains to end. Tyson crossed his arms over his bare chest. “I’m over Karen. She’s ancient history. I won’t get sucked in. They made their bed and they can figure out their own shit.”

  As the words came out, he meant them. Turning his back on his family wouldn’t be easy, but his wellbeing mattered too. Being with Bria had opened his eyes and reminded him an entire world existed beyond Winnipeg. Maybe he’d find happiness again. He smiled, thinking of Bria. He wished she’d find what she was looking for too. More than anything he hoped she was safe. Whatever messed up shit happened between her and her ex, it didn’t look good.

  “Then I’m glad you met Bria. Even if she got us tossed in here.” Nathan smiled and pounded on the door. “Hey, when are you gonna let us out?”

  “It wasn’t Bria’s fault. Not really.” Tyson wasn’t sure why he defended her; it’s not like he’d ever see her again. That thought erased the smile from his face.

  The guard opened the cell door. “Wake up and get out.”

  The guys all filed out of the small room. They lined up to sign out and collect their belongings. Tyson picked up his wallet, cellphone, and keys, and shoved them in his pocket. Once they made their way back to the bar, he’d pack up and haul ass to the next venue. He peered out the window, and the sun cast an orange glow behind the mountains. It would be a long while before it made its presence known. The early morning darkness lingered, making it difficult to see much of anything.

  “What time is it?”

  “Six a.m. Have a great day,” the officer sitting behind the counter said before sipping his coffee.

  The aroma wafted towards him and his stomach growled. He needed caffeine and food in the worst way. “Thanks,” he said, inching his way towards the exit.

  They stepped outside, and standing next to a sleek, silver Bentley was Bria. Her wild, firecracker hair was tied back in a ponytail, but the colors were still vivid and brightened his day. She wore a light summer dress covered with a dark jean jacket. He’d never seen anyone more beautiful. She chewed on her lower lip again as their eyes met across the parking lot. He wondered how long she’d been waiting there.

  Bria waved and took one hesitant step towards him. “Hi,” she said. Her feet shuffled from side to side and she cast her eyes down. “I… I wasn’t sure you’d want to see me after last night. You guys spending the night in there was all my fault, and I am so sorry. I needed you to know that. If you never want to see me again, I get it.”

  The guys stepped beside him and smiled when they saw her. He didn’t need her apology, he was too happy to see her. “Bria. You—”

  “The least I can do is drive you back to your van. They wouldn’t allow me to bail you out. I tried, but it was like talking to a brick wall. Again, I’m really sorry about all this.” She waved her hand at the building. She wouldn’t look at him.

  His grin grew wider as he closed the distance between them in two large strides. She’d tried to bail him out. None of his previous girlfriends had ever done that. His heart filled with joy at seeing her and he needed to touch her. He picked her up and his lips claimed hers. Their tongues collided, and she wrapped her arms around him.

  The laughter from the guys behind him broke through the stillness of the morning. He never wanted to let her go, but they needed to be alone for what he had in mind. The kiss didn’t last nearly as long as he wanted.

  “Good morning,” she said as he set her back on her feet. “Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot?” Her fingertips grazed along his cheek, next to the bruises.

  The bruises had all been forgotten. “Better after seeing you.” He threaded their fingers, enjoying the way she smiled at him. Tyson gripped her chin, forcing her eyes towards his. “I’m happy you’re here. Last night wasn’t your fault. Your ex caused this shit. He is your ex, right? You two didn’t patch things up after I left.”

  “Oh my god, no! Nothing could ever make me take him back. I hope I never see his stupid face again. Please accept my apologies.”

  He hugged her close, letting her sugary vanilla scent surround him. “You don’t have to say sorry, but I’ll take it. Are you okay? Whatever shit went down, is it over?”

  Her eyes took on the same distressed expression he’d seen the night before. “I am fine. Thanks for asking. I’d like to tell you it’s all history, but I want to be truthful. It’s not over yet. I can’t share any details, but with any luck, it should all end very soon.”

  “Are you in trouble?” He tilted her chin towards him, staring into her scared eyes.

  “No, I don’t think so.” She exhaled, and he could tell she was rattled. “It’s complicated.”

  He laughed. Everything was complicated, but he could make it nice and simple. “I like you, Bria. Let me introduce you to my friends,” Tyson said, waving at his friends.

  “That sounds great. I never did catch your name,” she whispered the last part.

  “Tyson Gilchrest. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bria.” He kissed the back of her hand and she giggled.

  “I’m Bria Rosedale. I like you too, Tyson.”

  Her last name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it. They had never met before, he knew that, and the rest didn’t matter. They had a chance to get more acquainted now.

  After the introductions were over, they piled into her car and she drove them to the van. “Nice wheels,” Brody said from the backseat. It was a tight fit, but they all squeezed in. The car was worth more than he made in the past three years combined. “Is it yours?”

  “Thanks, and technically, yes.” She glanced at him quickly, looking for a reaction, but he didn’t give her one. Her focus returned to the near empty street. “Are you guys rushing out of town to get to your next show?”

  “One more gig tonight. We have tomorrow off then homeward bound,” Nathan said in a country twang.

  “Where is home?” Bria kept her eyes on the road and one hand on his lap.

  His fingers caressed the soft skin on her wrist. “Winnipeg. You?”

  “Calgary. I’m a full-time Engineering student. How about you? What do you do back home?”

  Tyson turned his gaze from her body to the window. He was unemployed, though it was never hard to find a machine to run. “I’m a heavy equipment operator. Dozers and excavators mostly. I took the summer off to be the band’s roadie. So, I don’t have a job to go home to.”

  “I’m sure you won’t have a hard time finding work in that industry. We’re always looking for good operators in this area. The competition from the oil fields leaves slim pickings. Does the band tour often?
I’ll be honest, until we saw your flyers last night, then checked out your website, we’d never heard of you.”

  “That’s not surprising. We’re bigger out east and slowly making a name for ourselves. This was the first time coming west. But it won’t be our last,” Brody chimed in. “Can you swing by a drive-through? I’m starving.”

  “Yah, I would kill for a coffee,” Pete added.

  Tyson watched Bria’s cheeks flush as she chewed her lip again. Whatever thoughts were running through her mind, were ones he wanted to know. He squeezed her hand, and she smiled at him.

  “There aren’t any in town I’m aware of, but there’s a couple in Canmore. If you don’t mind waiting? The concierge at my hotel recommended this place down the street if you’re game? I’m buying. Consider it my way of making amends for your horrible sleeping conditions.”

  “You don’t have to buy us breakfast,” Tyson said.

  “Just thank the lady.” Brody smacked him upside the head.

  “Thank you, Bria. But you don’t have to buy us anything.” He didn’t want her to feel guilty. The fight and the aftermath weren’t her fault.

  She chewed her lower lip again as her cheeks flushed to an even more beautiful shade of pink. “I don’t mind, and this way we don’t have to say goodbye yet.”

  “It’s a date.” He leaned over and inhaled. She smelled too damn irresistible. “After we eat, I want to get you alone. We have unfinished business,” he whispered into her ear and noticed her shiver. He wanted to be inside her the next time she did that.

  “A date,” she repeated. Her nipples hardened, and his cock twitched.

  Soon, he’d have her all to himself. Regardless what kind of trouble she was in, he’d help her through it and protect her. “This time we won’t get interrupted.” Tyson pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’ll be able to worship that sexy body and make love to you properly.”


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