Altered Chords

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Altered Chords Page 7

by Kristen Echo


  Bria ♥

  H er apology had gone far better than she’d imagined. Tyson was a breath of fresh air after being locked away for months in her house. Nothing derogatory or harsh came from his lips like she’d expected. If the roles had been reversed, she wasn’t positive her reaction would have been the same.

  One thing that hadn’t changed at all was her attraction towards him. Her full-body reaction was every bit as intense. From the moment he walked out of the police building topless, she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off him. The draw was more than skin deep. He was hot; she couldn’t deny that. The scars, the muscles… damn she wanted to lick him from top to bottom. However, there was more to him than the ink, the strength, and his long, thick appendages. His dark, smoldering eyes drew her in and wouldn’t let go. They made her forget about the lawsuit and the lost millions. When she looked at him, she saw a man with hunger in his eyes that matched her own.

  “What are you thinking about? It must be dirty because you’re blushing.” His breath tickled the back of her neck, making her shiver.

  “It’s been fun getting to know the band. You guys are funny and listening to them discuss musical theory has been… enlightening.”

  “But,” he added as his hand squeezed above her knee. “You’d rather fuck to music than understand what it takes to make it?”

  “Something like that. I am wondering how much longer we should stay here before we can politely excuse ourselves.” She glanced down at his lap. His shorts had a permanent tent, and she wanted to do something about it.

  The naughty delights of unfinished business had wreaked havoc on her nerves throughout breakfast. She’d hardly touched her pancakes. Listening to Tyson joke with his friends made her see him differently. He’d been burned plenty in his life, but he still found reasons to laugh. The sound played straight to her heartstrings.

  Tyson sat back in his chair and laughed, drawing the attention of his friends. “Fuck politeness.” He stood and waved at the waitress. “Check please.”

  “I’m paying!” She stood next to him and grabbed her purse off the back of her chair.

  “Fine, if you insist. We’re done here, boys. I’ll leave you the van keys,” he said, tossing his arm around her shoulder. They had stopped to pick up the van and a change of clothes for the guys. “Bria and I are heading out on our first official date.”

  She gaped at him.

  “What? You’re treating me to breakfast, therefore, I’ll treat you to dessert.” His crooked smile made her knees weak. He turned and faced her, taking her hands. He hypnotized her with his eyes as his thumb caressed over her knuckles.

  The way he touched her so reverently confused her. She couldn’t deny him anything and it scared her a little. It would be so easy to fall for this man, but she couldn’t do that. This weekend wasn’t about falling in love. It was about sexual exploration and having fun.

  As they shared information about themselves, she’d tried to keep her heart at a distance. Bria listened and told them about herself, keeping her family business and wealth to herself. She wondered if he had secrets too. Occasionally, someone would mention a woman’s name, and he’d shut them down before the story took shape. He had some responsibilities waiting for him, but he wouldn’t elaborate. At some point she’d ask him about Karen since her name came up more than once, but not now. Not when he held her hand and looked at her like she was dessert.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, and raced towards the cashier to pay for their meals.

  Her father had given her one of his cards to use for this trip in case of emergencies. Seeing his name on the piece of plastic caused her heart to ache. Her parents were still disappointed and angry with her. And she deserved their wrath. Klein had swindled millions from her bank account because she’d allowed it. She’d told her parents’ friends to do business with him. The entire time, her parents had warned her to keep their accounts separate, but she’d trusted him. His family had money too, and far more power and influence than hers. That part still confused her.

  What the hell had he done with all the stolen money? And why threaten to hurt her if she didn’t drop the suit? She’d never known Klein to be violent, but she’d never expected him to be a liar and a thief.

  Two strong arms wrapped around her waist and she jumped. Her body stiffened. She took one unsteady step to flee, but the arms tightened their hold.

  “It’s me,” Tyson said, resting his chin on the top of her head.

  Bria exhaled and tried to calm her breathing. “I… I knew that, but you startled me. Seeing Klein out here, still has me on edge. He’s got a few screws loose.”

  “Makes sense. I promise I’ll keep you safe. That fucker won’t come near you as long as I’m around.”

  She nodded. Klein wouldn’t try anything with witnesses around. As long as she wasn’t alone, she’d be safe. “Thank you.” She twisted in his arms to face him. “Now, about dessert?” She chewed her lip and batted her lashes.

  He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “When the waitress mentioned a trail close by, your eyes lit up. I figure we could go check it out. Then head back to your hotel if that’s cool?”

  “That sounds like a perfect date.” She planted a chaste kiss against his lips, knowing if she lingered, she might not have the strength to stop. Everything about him was becoming addictive.

  “It’s settled, let me get directions from her and we’ll be off.” His arms fell away, taking his heat with him. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He blew her a kiss, and she smiled as he chased after the waitress.

  “He might look tough and unbreakable, but he’s like everyone else. That big idiot wears his heart on his sleeve. I can already tell he’s smitten with you,” Nathan said, leaning against the countertop.

  “I like him too.” Bria put her elbows on the counter next to him. “He seems like a great guy,” she added.

  Every tidbit she learned about Tyson was like a piece of gold, and she hoarded them away for later when the weekend ended. Already, she dreaded having to say goodbye. She tore her eyes off Tyson’s ass and looked at Nathan. He scoffed at her response, causing her hackles to rise.

  “He’s far from great, but he’s my friend and I hate seeing him hurt. So, I’ll warn you now. He has a tendency to love easily. Verdict’s still out if you’re worth it or not. Either way, if you’re only after a good time, then be real with him.”

  Bria giggled as she faced him. “I don’t think he would—” She stopped mid-sentence when she noted he wasn’t joking. Nathan’s expression was one hundred percent serious. “I’m not… We couldn’t.” She exhaled and started again. “We’re from different parts of the country. Besides sexual chemistry, Tyson and I are total opposites with next to nothing in common. This is a weekend romance, nothing more.”

  “Just making sure everyone’s on the same page.” He winked and walked past her. “Have fun.”

  “Ready, Bria?” Tyson’s voice rang next to her ear. There was an edge to his tone.

  She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, knowing he’d overheard what she’d said. That wasn’t how she really felt at all. She wanted to take it all back. “Tyson,” she breathed his name, and he stepped next to her. She could feel his eyes on her, but she was afraid to look.

  When he took her hand, everything felt so right. They might be worlds apart, but if she’d been honest with Nathan and herself, she’d have said she loved too easily, too. She’d have said his heart was safe with her. Her eyes drifted to his, and her heart skipped a beat.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  “Don’t sweat it. We make little sense as a couple seeing as we live thousands of miles apart, but I’d still like to spend the weekend with you. I’m not much for romance, but I can show you a good time.”

  She exhaled the breath she’d been holding. “I’d love to spend the weekend with you. Let’s go.” Bria squeezed his hand and adjusted her purse strap. Grant and Pete appr
oached, and she was thankful for the distraction. “What are you guys doing today?”

  “Killing time on the streets until show time.” Grant scratched his beard and yawned.

  “A bed would be killer,” Pete said, opening the door for her.

  Bria reached into her purse and pulled out her keycard. “Go to my hotel. We have a suite and you’re welcome to use the beds and showers.” She put the card in Pete’s hand. “Take it. Please don’t trash the place.”

  “Are you kidding? I’m so exhausted I’ll be passed out cold for hours.” He lifted the card high in the air. “Nate. Daryl. Move your asses. Bria’s letting us crash at her place!”

  “Keep one bed clean for when Bria and I get back.” Tyson shoved Pete. “I mean it. Hands off the master.”

  “Fine. I call dibs on sharing a bed with Grant. He’s the only one who doesn’t snore.” Pete wrapped his free arm around his friend’s shoulder and Grant turned beet red. “Last one to the van sleeps on a couch!” He pushed past Bria and bolted out the door with Grant in hot pursuit.

  Tyson pulled her against his chest as the other two band members barreled towards them. “Thanks, Bria,” Nate said as he dashed out the door, beating Daryl who smiled as he ran past.

  “That was generous and stupid, but mostly awesome. I’m having a hard time finding something I don’t like about you. Are you always this nice?” He kissed the top of her head and she snuggled into his embrace.

  The compliment melted over her like hot fudge over a sundae. “I have a naughty side. Let’s go on this hike, so we can put that empty bed to good use.”

  They raced out and laughed the entire way to the trail head. It wasn’t far from the restaurant and she didn’t get lost for once. Tyson gave clear directions unlike her navigationally challenged friends. They parked in the lot across the street and she was surprised to see only two other vehicles.

  She sent a text to the girls, advising them they had visitors coming. Her phone blew up with less than happy messages. Tyson reached over and tossed her phone in the backseat.

  “Swing your legs over this way and lift your dress. I’ve been dying to know what you’re wearing under there.”

  Turning towards him, she scanned the area. It was still early, and they were alone. “I thought I was the one getting dessert,” she said, lifting her dress and planting one foot on the dash. She spread her legs wide open for him to see her naked mound.

  “I’d hoped that’s what I’d find.” He lifted her other leg over his shoulder as he settled between them. He inhaled and swiped a finger through her slick folds. “Smells delicious. I’m not stopping until you come. I want you nice and relaxed for our date.”

  “This isn’t the way to… oh!” Her hands tugged on his hair as he licked along her entrance. “Relax,” she finished.

  His nose nudged against her clit and her body quivered. He inserted his tongue, and she lifted her hips, granting him full access. He licked and sucked, using his tongue and fingers to pleasure her. The wet slurping conveyed the magnitude of her arousal. She watched his head bob as he sucked her clit and moaned.

  “Oh! Tyson… don’t stop. Yes! Yes!” Her sex quaked as he sucked the orgasm right out of her. She let go of his hair, closed her eyes, and went limp.

  Everything seemed brighter when she reopened her eyes several minutes later. Tyson sat in his chair, staring at her. His lips were puffy and glistened. She leaned over and kissed him.

  “You look calmer now. For a moment, it looked like you would lose your mind. Is everything all right?” Tyson stuffed a bottle of water in each of his pockets before taking her hand. “The waitress said we’d need them.”

  They got out of the car and she retrieved her phone from the back. “Sorry about this,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “I didn’t think they’d be so averse to the company. Apparently, the guys will have the entire place to themselves because the girls are leaving.” Bria read the last message and put her phone in her purse. There was no sense in responding.

  “Oh, that’s cool of them. They’re going out for the day and letting them crash. Your friends seem as nice as you.” He hugged her from behind, lifting her feet off the ground.

  Bria squealed. “Oh my god! They’re not being nice; they’re pissed off and going home. Put me down before you break something.” She swatted at his hands as he laughed at her, twirling her around and carrying her across the street.

  “You won’t break me, firecracker,” he said, setting her back down.

  “If your back is sore later, don’t bitch at me. Why do you call me that?” Bria adjusted her dress and smiled at him. She didn’t mind the nickname but wondered what it meant.

  Tyson tugged on her ponytail. “Your hair is vibrant and reminds me of fireworks.” He stepped closer, pulling her into his arms. “I didn’t realize how much it suited you until you exploded all over my cock when you came last night. Then again on my face just now. Your whole face lights up too.”

  The air whooshed out of her lungs. That was far and away the hottest thing she’d ever heard, and he was talking about her. About them. She touched his face and traced the scar towards his lips. “We can skip the hike and go straight for the bed? Mountains are overrated.” She gripped his ass, pressing their lower bodies together.

  That earned her a growl and a fierce kiss. When they finally broke apart, they were both breathless. “Come with me.” He took her hand, leading her towards the path up the mountain.

  “That’s the plan.” She giggled and followed along. His grip on her hand never loosened and soon her legs felt the burn from the incline. Tunnel Mountain was considered an easy hike.

  “I thought we were foregoing the hike for sex?”

  He smiled, and her thighs trembled. “The hotel’s too far. Are you upset about your friends abandoning you?”

  “Not really. They can do whatever makes them happy. If they want to miss out on the end-of-summer adventure, that’s their call. I’m happy to be here with you,” she wheezed the last sentence. “How much higher until we can rest. I haven’t hiked in years.”

  “I wanna conquer a mountain with you. We’ll earn the reward at the top,” he said as they continued their trudge up the mountain. Both were panting and out of breath before he finally slowed their pace.

  More than an hour later, they’d reached the top. The kiss that followed would forever rank as the best moment in her life. She’d needed this. She needed him.


  Tyson ♫

  T hey reached the top. His lungs ached, and his legs burned, but they did it. Together. The view was amazing. Bria held his hand and smiled as she drank in the moment. He smiled back, but for different reasons. The mountain was impressive, but so was Bria. He’d never met anyone more vibrant. The landscape paled compared to her beauty.

  The treetops swayed in the early morning breeze, and Tyson pulled her in close to keep her warm. He was on fire, and sweat dotted the back of his neck, but she didn’t pull away. She melted into his arms like she belonged there. A perfect fit. He couldn’t stop touching her and trying to get closer. He licked his lips. Her sweet nectar lingered, making him hard all over again.

  It had taken them longer than it should have to ascend because they’d taken several kissing breaks. She’d seduced him with her lips and her sexy growling noises. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to keep that smile on her face. Except fuck her on the trail. Despite her efforts, he’d wanted to wait until they made it to the top. His balls ached for release, but a quick fuck wouldn’t be special. He wanted their date to be something they’d never forget. A moment he could pull from his memory banks when life back home dragged him down. That was inevitable. He closed his eyes, shaking away the reality of things to come.

  “This is the first time I’ve ever hiked all the way to the top of a mountain. It’s beautiful,” she said, looking out at the tiny town of Banff. “I’ve lived an hour away all my life and never took the time to enjoy the beauty around here.”<
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  He stayed quiet, appreciating the view of her as she marveled at nature’s wonders. The backdrop of trees, rocks, and other mountain ranges. She turned to face him. Her cheeks had turned a radiant shade of pink from exertion, and her lips were swollen and red from overuse. She was stunning. But her wide, hazel eyes with green sparkles took his breath away.

  “One time, when I was around eight or nine, we took the gondola up Summit Mountain, but it’s not the same as climbing it yourself. I feel like we really accomplished something.” She chewed the corner of her lip and looked past him. “These mountains have been here for thousands of years and will last long after we’re gone. Makes all my problems seem insignificant. Yet, as we stand here, I feel invigorated, like I could win any battle coming my way.”

  She pushed against his chest when he didn’t reply. “You think I’m silly, right?”

  There was an innocence about her he admired. Life hadn’t beaten the marvel from her yet. Bria wasn’t disillusioned like him. When she’d called them opposites, she was right. Darkness had been his shroud for too many years. Bad things happened, and he expected them. They still hurt like a motherfucker, but they no longer surprised him. Her lightness gave him hope. He wished he could see the world through her eyes.

  She stared at him, waiting for an answer. He couldn’t speak; he had to kiss her. Tyson walked her backwards a few steps until her back was pressed against a large tree. Without hesitation, he captured her mouth. Her tongue met his, and the world fell away. He gripped her ass, lifting her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed her against the bark, deepening the kiss. He could never get enough.

  The trail was popular, according to the waitress, but they’d only encountered a handful of people so far. None of them paid them any attention, and he hoped they wouldn’t care about what he had to do next. Because he couldn’t wait another second to get inside her. He tore his mouth away.


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