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A Magical Reckoning: Magic and Mischief Book 1

Page 18

by N. R. Hairston

  I didn’t know how to do the job when the mill first employed me, but I stayed past my shift, worked twelve to sixteen hour days, and soon I was bringing home an extra six and sometimes seven hundred dollars every week. Hard work, putting forth an effort, and training every day, had always netted me the results that I wanted.

  I tilted my head to the side as the thought fully formed in my mind. Why should this be any different? Max and the others didn’t want us using these powers unless they told us to. There had to be a reason for that.

  Maybe the more we used them, the more powerful we got. Maybe if we practiced and learned how to better control it, we’d be able to defend ourselves against even them.

  I flipped Andrew over my shoulder while we waited for Max to tell us what to do next. I bent his arm behind his back and whispered in his ear. “Get Lincoln and Gerell and meet me by the dance hall, three hours after bedtime.”

  Renee cooked steak, with baked potatoes and tossed salad for dinner. I ate my fill knowing that I would need the extra energy for later. Renee and Ed seemed pleased when I asked for seconds and happily piled more onto my plate.

  I brushed my teeth, took my bath, and then retired to my room like always. I didn’t have a lock, so I turned on my side, away from the door. I closed my eyes and focused my energy. The silver ball appeared, and I made it disappear immediately, only to bring it back again, trying to be faster each time.

  Many years on the streets had taught me how to move with stealth and slip in and out of places completely undetected. I waited until I was sure Renee and Ed were asleep and then crept out into the cool night air.

  I didn’t take one of the little white soarers, as I was sure a record of my activities would be recorded and sent to my sponsors. I went on foot instead, keeping to the shadows and hiding and ducking whenever necessary.

  When I finally arrived, the place was empty, and I had a single moment of panic thinking they’d stood me up. A sound to the right caught my attention, and I started to duck away, then Lincoln peeked from behind a tree and waved. Relieved it was them, I made my way over.

  The city was different this time of night. It was almost eerie how quiet it was. The only sound that could be heard was the scurrying of small animals hunting for food and chasing down prey.

  Gerell’s hand fidgeted at his side. “What are we doing here?”

  I moved in closer. “We need to talk, but not out here like this.”

  Lincoln and Gerell shared an unreadable look, and then the former nodded. “There’s a spot we go to sometimes.” Voice low, he kept his eyes on Gerell the whole time. “When we can get away that is.”

  Andrew and I followed as they led us through the back of the dance hall and down a tree lined street. Careful to avoid discovery, we walked at a crouch and spread out as much as we could.

  Finally, we came to the entrance of a small forest. It brought back painful memories of playing in the woods as a child, and I cleared my throat and tried to change the subject, knowing that line of thinking would do me no good right now. “How did you all find this place?” I asked Andrew.

  He shook his head and pointed to his brother and Gerell. “Not my gig.”

  So this was something private to the two of them. I’d thought as much.

  We walked on, following a well-used path that made me wonder just how often the two were able to come here.

  We went on for about ten more minutes before coming to a small clearing. Large rocks lined the bank, and a river of water flowed downstream, clearer than any water in the middle of a forest had the right to be.

  Throwing rocks and watching them splash and bounce around in the water used to be a favorite of mine. Hell, even being able to dip my toe in would have been nice, but those were activities best left for a different night.

  Knowing that our sponsors could discover us at any time, I got straight to the point. “I don’t believe Max when he says that we can’t be as powerful as them. Renee and Ed’s power leaks out in silver sparks sometimes, but I’ve never seen them be violent with it. What about you guys? Notice anything about your sponsors?”

  Andrew nodded. “Sometimes, but they probably only really use it when it’s time to fight. Might take too much out of them otherwise.”

  I took a seat on one of the rocks and stretched my legs out. A slight breeze blew through the air ruffling my hair and sending a feeling of peace all through me.

  This was such a lovely place, and any other time I would have enjoyed it greatly, but right now the seriousness of the situation kept me from fully embracing it. “We may not be as strong as them now, but if we keep practicing, using it whenever we get the chance, who knows what can happen,” I shrugged.

  Andrew sat beside me. “It’s a good idea, but the four of us can’t take on a whole city. It’s just not possible. We need help.”

  I wouldn’t be deterred. “So, we talk to some of the others, get the word out, surely they want to be free of this place just as much as we do.” I knew Lia did, and she couldn’t be the only one. She just couldn’t be.

  Gerell picked up a rock and tossed it in the water. “Some maybe, but a few may believe they actually have it better here.”

  At my dumbfounded look, Lincoln decided to explain. “A lot of people were living in poverty on their home worlds. Many even slept on the streets. Here, they get food, and a safe clean place to lay their head, I’m not so sure they’d want to go back to how it was before.”

  It used to be when the subject of homelessness came up I would bow my head in shame. I refused to do that now, refused to be cowered anymore. Not ever again.

  I held my head high and made sure my voice was strong and self-assured. “Well, speaking as one of those people who was homeless when they snatched me, I’m here to say that I’d do anything to go back home. Even if I do have to sleep on a park bench in the dead of winter.”

  A surprised look or two, but no one said a word, so I kept talking. “This whole thing gives me the creeps. Why are we here? They’ve got something planned and we better be ready for it. I mean, anything’s better than living with the constant fear of being set on fire if we get out of line. Isn’t it?”

  Gerell nodded and then looked around as if he expected our sponsors to emerge from the trees and set us aflame that very moment.

  I thought about something else that’d been bothering me since Ed had first kidnapped me. “You know, I don’t have to lift a finger back at Ed and Renee’s. They cook for me, keep my clothes clean, make sure I’ve got a comfortable place to sleep. I could almost understand their motives if they’d brought us here to serve them, but it’s the opposite, they’re the ones serving us. Why?”

  Andrew steepled his fingers together, a contemplative look on his face. “They’re getting the geese fat for dinner day.”

  A bunch of different threads tied together, and the story of Hansel and Gretel popped into the forefront of my mind.

  I inhaled sharply as I realized he was right. “Why did it matter if we knew how to ballroom dance or the correct answer to an algebraic equation?” I ran a frustrated hand through my hair, I felt like pulling it out, but that wouldn’t help anything.

  Lincoln tossed a rock from one hand to the other. “We can talk to a few people, try to get a feel for allies, but it’s a gamble. It’s hard to know who to trust around here.”

  “And we need as many people fighting with us as we can get,” Gerell finished for him.

  “We need somewhere to gather with them too.” Lincoln picked right back up. “They can’t come here. I’m not willing to give this place up.”

  He and Gerell shared a soft look, and I decided to let it go. I almost wished I’d found this place first. I would love to be able to sneak out here sometimes when it all got to be too much, but horning in on someone else’s private time wasn’t my style. It never had been.

  Andrew stood and wiped down his pants. “I think we should only try to meet once or twice a week, more than that is just too risky.” />
  I stood as well. “It’s all risky, but I see your point. First, we find a spot, and then we bring in others, a little at a time.”

  Gerell nodded. “We get as strong as we can.”

  Lincoln put a hand on the small of Gerell’s back. “We learn how to fight together.”

  Andrew’s eyes went hard, a determined look on his face. “We get them before they get us.”

  I snuck back into Ed and Renee’s without incident, giddy that I was finally doing something to take control of my own fate.


  For the next couple of weeks, we kept our heads down and did as we were told. Nightfall was our time, and we took full advantage of it. We only met about twice a week, and mostly we focused on using our powers and working together.

  We did learn a few fighting moves too, from one of the guys who’d been taught back on his home world.

  Lia had joined with us. I should have asked her in the beginning and wasn’t sure why I hadn’t. She had new information tonight and I couldn’t wait to get to the meeting place to see what she’d found out.

  In the last couple of weeks, I’d learned to carefully check the house over before opening the front door and easing out.

  I’d only made it about three feet up the sidewalk when Renee’s sharp voice stopped me dead in my tracks. “Kerry, dear. Just where are you going this time of night?” Shit.

  I closed my eyes slowly, trying to calm myself. She knew. She had to. Why else would she be out here in the middle of the night? “Couldn’t sleep,” I said, turning around, a faux smile on my face. She and Ed stood side by side, watching me. “I figured a walk around the block might help.”

  Renee threw a hand around my shoulder. “Now, Kerry, I think you need to come on back inside, right, Ed?”

  He nodded. “Been hearing a lot of talk about some usurps. They’ll soon find out that they should have just left well enough alone, I believe.”

  Renee opened the door and ushered me back in. “Got patrols out now rounding them up.” My breath hitched at the thought of Andrew and the others being captured. Especially since I had absolutely no way of warning them.

  Renee walked me to my bedroom door. “Now you don’t want them mistaking you for one of those people, do you, Kerry?”

  Ed led me to my bed and sat me down on it. “No, Renee, she don’t want that. Not with her big day coming up tomorrow.”

  That gave me pause. “My big day?” I asked, voice weary.

  Ed and Renee smiled at each other, and then Renee wiped a small tear from her eye. “Oh, Kerry, I’m going to miss you so much. It’s been such a joy having you here. You’ve brought such light to these old halls.”

  I balled my covers in my hand, then stopped when I realized what I was doing. Was I going somewhere? Were they sending me back home? I chuckled at my own stupidity. Of course, they weren’t. But what then?

  I thought back to the look of desperation on Lia’s face when she’d asked to meet tonight and cursed under my breath. Perhaps she’d figured out a way to get us home or discovered what was really going on here.

  I hissed through my teeth. Why did they have to pick tonight of all nights to bust me, and who had snitched? I guess we’d find out tomorrow.

  Ed drew his wife close. “You say that every time, dear.”

  She slapped his arm playfully. “Oh, I know, but even you have to admit that this one here is special.”

  Ed smiled at me. “It’s been a pleasure knowing you, Kerry. I wish you well in your new life.”

  They closed my door after that, leaving me stunned on my bed, fearful of what the sunlight would bring.

  I lay there about an hour longer, sleep evading me. The thought of Andrew, Lia, and the others being captured just wouldn’t leave me alone. Jumping up to a sitting position on the side of the bed, I decided I had to warn them.

  The house was quiet, so I decided to pretend to go to the bathroom just to get a feel for things. I heard Ed and Renee’s laughter the moment I opened the door. They sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and eating the muffins from earlier. Frustrated, I closed the door and went back to bed.

  A couple of hours later I tried again. They were still up, in the living room with two other couples. I did go to the bathroom this time, just to get a feel for what was going on.

  If they saw me, they didn’t say anything, so I listened at the door for a second, hoping to hear something useful.

  Renee talked about a woman name Thala, who she’d been courting for the last year and a half. Scared of being caught, I crept back to my room, flipping this insight over in my head.

  So it wasn’t just Ed who kidnapped people, his wife participated in this activity as well. I guess every couple here did, judging by how many of us were being held against our will. A cold shiver ran through me as I thought of what tomorrow would bring.

  I sat down hard on my bed. Ed and Renee would be up all night, making sure I stayed in my room. So why not get a little practice in? I held out my hands and focused on bringing that silver energy forward.

  Our little group had been practicing so hard trying to get a handle on these new powers. We weren’t perfect, but we could cause explosions now, which at least meant something.

  The next morning, I had breakfast waiting for me when I got up. Ed and Renee were already dressed and eating. I sat down and picked up the cup of coffee that was placed before me.

  Renee patted my hand. “You have appointments all day, dear.”

  I sat my cup down. “I do?”

  She ticked off a list on her finger. “Hair salon, makeup, nail shop, dress fitter, and that’s just to start. You’re going to be the belle of the ball. Just you wait and see.”

  My eggs felt cold in my stomach as I realized that today was the day of reckoning and after this, everything would change.

  Right after dinner, Renee led me to the spa and dropped me off with a lady named Linna.

  Dressed in a black smock, she smiled at me and told me to take a seat. I did as she asked, already plotting how to get out of this mess. She wrapped a towel around me and flexed her hands.

  She started off by shaving my eyebrows and making my eyelashes stronger and fuller with the help of mascara. Blush was applied to my cheeks, foundation to my whole face. Three lipsticks were tried until she found one she thought to be perfect. Black eyeliner traced my eyes and blue eye shadow was applied to my lids.

  I’d never been so pampered in my life. I went on to have a massage, along with a pedi and manicure. My legs were soaked in lukewarm oils and shined so much they glistened. My hair held a mountain of curls, some falling over and slipping into my face.

  The dress I was to wear was floor length, light blue and sleeveless with an A-line neckline. It tied around the neck and from the feel of it, was made of pure satin.

  Tiny silver beads covered the entire dress, my earrings, and bracelet, in the same style. It was beautiful. I was beautiful, but not knowing what the day held, or where I’d end up after this, only left me empty and cold.

  I slipped on blue shoes, with small silver beads covering them, same as my dress. My gloves sparked with the same jewels and matched the dress and shoes perfectly. They went up to my elbows and were fingerless, fitting perfectly on my hands. After all was done, Linna gave me a small silver satin purse to complete the effect.

  All around me, other women got the same beauty treatment as myself. Lia was one of them. She looked absolutely stunning in a pink satin gown that hung low to the floor and matched the pink in her eyes.

  I waited until no one was looking and pulled her aside. “They had patrols out last night. I’m glad you didn’t get caught.”

  She waved her hand as if it was nothing. “Nah, we saw them and decided to call it off. Never even made it to the meeting place.”

  A woman walked by and raised her eyebrow. We waited until she passed and then lowered our voices even more. “Who told?” I asked, anxious to find out who the traitor was.

  She looked
thoughtful for a moment. “Someone we asked who didn’t want to join? It wasn’t one of our group, if it were, then the patrols would have found our meeting place and as far as I know they haven’t, so…”

  “What was so important?” I asked.

  She looked around then answered in a hushed whisper. “This. I’d heard they were planning this for today.”

  I nodded and then wandered off, not wanting the same lady to come back and catch us talking again.

  We entered the ballroom later that night, the lights low and silver and gold balloons flying. The smell of chicken and beef filled my nostrils, making me want to gag.

  I didn’t want to eat, just the thought of it had my stomach clenching in disgust. I was terrified, and no pretty lights and fancy music were going to make me feel better.

  They’d pulled out everything they could to relax us, to give us a fake sense of security. Too bad it felt like we were going to the slaughter instead of a beautiful dance. Sweat dripped from my brow as I stepped down the stairs and into the crowd.

  My eyes sought out Andrew and found him immediately. He stood out in a navy-blue suit and silver tie. He looked amazing, and I think my jaw may have hung open a bit as I stared at him. His eyes caught mine, and he took a step back and blanched. Trying to hide my small smile, I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, hoping that meant he thought I looked okay.

  Gerell and Lincoln stood beside him. Gerell in a white suit and Lincoln wearing a charcoal gray one. They looked great together, and I thought it was cute how they kept giving each other quick glances and then hastily turning away. Both fidgeted with their hands and ties, trying hard not to look at the other but failing miserably.

  I smiled despite myself, wishing this was a different place and a different type of dance. I turned to go toward the juice table and smacked dead into Ed and Renee. “Sorry,” I said, patting my hair down, determined to look anywhere but at the two of them.


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