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The Visitor_The Final Ride 1875_1928

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by Barbara Svetlick

  “When the sun rose and the river receded, the coyote placed his head upon her as she took her last breathe then he rose and walked away from the village. The women picked up the small frail body and took her to the river where they removed her clothes and washed her body. They combed out her curly blonde hair and dressed her in deerskin. She was placed on the bier in the forest so that her spirit would return to the supreme power of the sun. Many days passed before the coyote was seen moving through the forest. When they looked for him they found the bier was empty with no sign of her small body. The deerskin lay on the bier as though it had been laid out and lying upon it was a small gold band.”

  “Grandmamma, did it belong to the moon child?”

  “It certainly did. The deerskin was sewn into a small amulet bag in the shape of her moon and the ring was placed in it. They carried that small amulet and over the years other items would appear in the bag but the coyote never returned. When the people looked at the night, they could see the coyote walking beside the moon child and so they waited.”

  “How long did they wait?”

  “My sweet child, that is a story yet to be told.”

  “Will they love me as much as you love me?”

  The woman picked up Mirisa’s little hand and rubbed the finger where the ring once rested. She helped Mirisa climb back into bed then walked over to the window and looked up at the moon. She closed the windows and kissed Mirisa on the cheek.

  Mirisa opened her eyes and looked at Conrad. He knew that she was confused as the forgotten memory was trying to find meaning in her world. Mirisa crouched and looked at the forest that now surrounded her. The dappling light fell through the leaves and across the small stream as the minnows glistened just beneath the surface. She looked at the small handkerchief in her hand that had been embroidered and back at Conrad. “We’re at the plantation. We’re at the beginning.”

  “No we are where your strongest memories begin, where the adventure began and where we met.”

  “Conrad, why am I here?”

  “You are struggling at the moment. Your body is fighting to heal as you are fighting to bring your fourth daughter into the world.” Conrad put out his hand. “Walk with me for a while.”

  “You have nowhere to be?”

  “Not really. I haven’t really spent a lot of time with you since you first came to the plantation. I built the small cottage when I was very young because my life was not one which my parents could understand. As the oldest son, my father deeded me the property and it took me and my brothers a month to build it. I used to love to sit out on the porch and absorb the richness of the forest.”

  “What happened to your life?” Conrad walked up on the porch and told her to sit down.

  “I was out hunting one day in the forests east of the house. I think I was probably close to twenty and I ran into Sequasi who had just taken down a beautiful buck. We stood there looking at each other before I dismounted and helped him to skin the deer. After that we started to hunt together and when the hunting was lean I would bring him one of the dressed pigs. Of course, when my father caught me taking the pigs he was extremely angry. I started taking assignments and Sequasi always rode with me. He was probably the best tracker I have ever met. Algonquin occasionally showed up with her brother but she was very leery of the white man in the woods. After a while, she came to trust me and we fell in love. Like you did with Dominic, she formed her life around mine and mine wasn’t what a normal woman would seek much less tolerate.”

  “Did you prefer living with her people to living on the plantation?”

  “The plantation was where I was born and I missed my brother and Sara but it was rare that I came back to visit. I don’t know if Jake ever knew how I died but it was long before he passed on. He was a good man in love with a beautiful girl.”

  “Do you ever regret your decisions?”

  “No. We had a very good life and had four more children. Algonquin lived to be a very old woman who was surrounded by the love of her family. Living by the laws of nature not only slows you down but it makes you more aware of every little nuance in the world. If I had it to live over, I wouldn’t change anything.”

  “Do you believe I have made bad choices?”

  “Mirisa there are no bad choices. It’s not like when you are born that your life is decided. If your choice doesn’t bring you what you want, then you have the choice to change your path. Do you imagine that the deer enters the pasture thinking that it might be his last decision? My parents went east with most of the family to attend a sister’s wedding. I was gone when they left and Jake was taking care of the plantation. Not all my brothers were supposed to go but my mother talked father into taking everyone. That choice wiped out the entire family leaving just Jake and me. Was it a bad choice? Probably but you never know ahead of making it that it will be a final choice. You chose to have another child and even though you are strong enough to survive she will be your last child.”

  “But I chose her as my last child.”

  “But did your husband?” Conrad lit his cigar and put his feet up on the railing. “I find it unusual that he consented to you having children by other men? A man’s ego and his pride are the things that make him strong and powerful. His woman is something he holds dear. Have you ever thought about how Dominic really reacted to your sleeping with another man?”

  “I have and I know that he is more traditional in his thoughts on the place of a wife but I don’t agree that a man should have the right to walk on the vows that he demands a woman’s respect.” Mirisa pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them.

  “But Alexander has not walked the path of Dominic. You keep trying to be everything for everyone and in the process you have jeopardized losing the only man whose love and loyalty is genuine. As you must understand a man’s need to be stronger than a woman, you must also understand that when he gives his love he opens himself to undermining his own strength.”


  “Mirisa, I think you need to consider what it is you want in life. You can’t continue to carry the burden of a bad marriage if you wish to rejoice in the love you hold in your hand. If these men want a family, they have the ability to have one. They put too much on your shoulders and you believe it is your path to make too many of them happy.”

  “But I love my children.”

  “Are you willing to confront fate?” He watched her face as his warning sunk in. “Do you truly believe that because you have a good heart that life will not bring you to your knees?”

  “Are you here to warn me?”

  He took the ring out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Your father almost lost you when you were a small child. The influenza that took your two brothers wanted to take you as well. You were so little that you really should not have recovered. You need to reflect on your life and your hopes for your children. You need to understand that your decisions not only affect you but those you love.”

  Mirisa opened her hand and the ring was gone as was Conrad. Mirisa stood slowly and stepped down off the porch onto the path. She knew that her love was going to have to be strong and accept whatever consequence came with being so frivolous. Resigned she took in her breath and prayed that it wasn’t too late.

  Dominic and Garnett made it to Washington before the end of the week without any further problems Garnett went upstairs and sat down on the edge of the bed slipping off his boots. On top of the mail on his desk was a small blue envelope with a crescent moon embossed on the front. Garnett put it up to his nose taking in the faint smell of roses as he sat down and opened it. Inside was a paper heart with imprints of little lips all over it. He laughed because he could just see Mirisa and the girls putting on the lip paint to create the little note.

  Garnett handed Dominic his mail as he kicked back waiting for the room to warm up. Dominic was glad that Garnett had decided to hire a housekeeper because it was nice to just come home to a welcoming house.

  Garnett pou
red a shot and lit his cigar. “I love the fact that there are so many girls.”

  Dominic laughed. “You might regret that statement one day.”

  “I am sure I will. I’m heading to New York this week.”

  “You don’t think it would be better to let it alone?”

  Garnett thought for a moment. “No. The fact that Louis hired what he must have thought was an intelligent assassin means that we caused him a heavy financial setback. I think I need to handle this now rather than waiting for the next attempt.”

  “I can’t leave right now.” Dominic sipped on his whisky. “I really think you are over reacting. I don’t believe he has the connections to really reach out to someone who would be a challenge.”

  “He doesn’t but I have too much to do without looking over my shoulder for a bumbling dolt. James and Meeks is all I need to handle this problem.”

  Dominic spent the week at the Capitol going through orientation and setting up his office. He hadn’t been that busy in a long time and he had never experienced the exhilaration that came with power that isn’t at the end of the barrel of his gun.

  Dominic sent Mirisa a letter indicating that he would be staying in Washington through the holidays but would like the boys to spend Thanksgiving and Matthew’s birthday with him. He went into long details on his explanations and how busy he would be until he was settled in Washington. It felt strange to write to her and just writing her name invoked sweet memories.

  Mirisa read the letter slowly and shook her head. Meeks brought up a box of cream wafers and tea setting it on the little table in front of the fireplace. “Are you tired of being in bed?”

  “I am but mostly I miss you.”

  “How can you miss me?”

  She ran her fingers between his buttons and he wrapped his hands around her wrists. Mirisa pushed back the blanket and got up on her knees kissing him with as much ardor as she could pull out of her heart.

  “Mirisa, sweetheart you have not been released by the doctor…”

  “Alexander I shall not wait another minute.” She slipped off her gown and pulled him down on the bed. “I have put others in front of the only man who gave up the world for love. I have not considered your feelings and I am so sorry.” She made him fall in love with her all over.

  Mirisa spent the next few hours pampering herself before she pulled out her favorite jeans and slipped them on. She smiled at herself in the mirror before she sat down and braided her hair. Meeks was sitting in the library working when she came in and pulled the sash.

  “Alexander, where are the children?”

  “Down for their naps. What did Dominic want?”

  Mirisa pulled the folded paper out of her pocket and handed it to him. Meeks read it before he folded it back up. “And?”

  “And I thought I would ask the boys what they wanted to do but I decided to stay here for the holiday.” The maid brought in a tray of hot tea and cookies placing it on the table. “I have written to Jasmine and asked her to come back into our employment. I sent her money to get a train ticket so I am hoping she will think about it.”

  “The girls don’t like Mrs. Wharton?”

  “I miss Jasmine and the girls miss her plus I want to get to her before Dominic realizes he’ll need a nanny.”

  Meeks started laughing. “I still want you to take it easy and whatever you do don’t let your father catch you out of bed.”

  “My father has returned to Virginia so I think I am pretty safe.”

  Mirisa sat down on his lap and kissed him as her fingers ran through his hair. His hand pulled out her blouse as his breathing became rapid. Mirisa stood up and walked over to the door locking it and slowly turned facing Meeks with a wicked smile. She stepped away from the door as she unbuttoned her jeans. By the time Mirisa had crossed the room she was wearing only white silk. “Mr. Meeks, I love how protective you are. I’m always utterly surprised at how caring a hard man can be when no one is listening and how you give me anything I want before I even think to ask for it.”

  “Sweetheart, I believe it is you who is the seductress today.”

  Mirisa knelt down in front of him. “Don’t you love how much affection I have for those things…” her fingers unbutton his jeans “…you do to me.”

  Mirisa sat in front of Meeks on the desk putting her feet on the arms of his chair as he stood up and took off his shirt causing her to immediately run her fingers on his chest running them down his stomach. Meeks pulled her up as his hand came up her leg. Meeks took her to the floor and made love to her like the first night he laid with her.

  “Alexander, never let me go. Promise me.”

  He closed his eyes and held her as she prayed.

  James walked into the library finding Mirisa curled up on the couch reading a book. “Did you get permission to get out of bed?”


  James looked at Meeks who was reading the newspaper. “I guess it’s not surprising considering you never listen to any of us.”

  “I always listen. I just don’t agree.”

  “How are you feeling?” He pulled the cord sitting down on the edge of the desk.

  “Much better now.”

  James looked at her. “Now? Mirisa you are not cleared for any activity that requires energy.”

  “I had to return to my wifely duties to prevent my husband from succumbing to the lure of beautiful women with absolutely no moral fiber in their entire beings.”

  “That is a weak excuse if I have ever heard one since we both know you have not been neglecting him.”

  “Are you implying that I took advantage of how much he loves me?”

  “I think you know how to seduce a man better than a woman who makes a living at it.”

  Mirisa closed her book and kissed James’ cheek before she bent over her husband and told him she was going to check on the children.

  Meeks folded the paper. “How did your meeting go?”

  “Pretty good. Have you told her that the house has been finished?”

  “No, it’s my birthday present to her. I’m glad Martha took my offer to continue to work there as the housekeeper. I think the tavern was a good choice and I think being close to her family after all this time will be good for the her and the children.”

  “You spoil her.”

  “I love her.”

  “Garnett should be here on the morning train.”

  “Any idea why?”

  “He only said when he would be in.”

  “Think there’s a problem?”


  James wired Dominic regarding their plans to stay in New York for the holidays and waited on the platform for Garnett. They headed to the office where Meeks was working on a new account.

  “How was the trip home?”

  “Took the paddlewheel because they were having a professional five card tournament. It was a good trip until we headed east.”

  Meeks closed the file. “What happened?” Garnett went through the story in incredible detail.

  “Dominic thinks we should just leave it alone but I don’t. They went after James and me on the trip to Mississippi and when that didn’t work they hired this ‘black widow’ to take us out in the mountains coming back. I don’t know if it pisses me off that I have to deal with the stupidity or why any woman would ever try to be an assassin when they rarely have the balls to think on their feet.”

  “Don’t let Mirisa hear you say that.”

  “She does seem to believe she is tougher but at least she’s processing better.”

  “Actually she’s not.” The both looked at Meeks. “I distract her until she’s ready to talk it through. So, what is the plan?”

  “Is there a problem?” James looked from Garnett to Meeks as it became obvious that he wasn’t going to respond. “Is Louis in town?”

  “No I think he is in Europe or the orient for the winter.”

  “When did he leave?”

  “It was before Mirisa had the baby. I
ran into him coming out of the office and he inquired as to everyone but I distracted him with Mirisa being bed bound due to the baby. The next day he sent a box of candy to Mirisa and the girls then he supposedly left town.”

  Garnett nodded. “Our target is Thomas LaBelle who is his right hand man. Mr. LaBelle does not have the luxury of brushing off the two failed attempts and he probably now knows that we’re still alive. The woman refused to give up her name but gladly gave up both Mr. LaBelle and Louis. Right now I have the upper hand because without confirmation, he has no idea whether we engaged anyone going west or when we came back. He will spend time trying to locate his assassins before he sends out the next one.”

  “Isn’t he a lawyer?”

  “He’s a paid middleman but yeah, he is a lawyer.”

  “Well you can’t put surveillance on him because he has ears everywhere.”

  “I already know his habits.”

  James poured a shot. “It won’t be easy.”

  “Nothing worth doing is easy.”

  “What happens when he disappears?”

  “He won’t.”

  “What is driving Louis to this?”

  “Revenge. He’s a very sore loser when it comes to business and he just feels the need to get rid of us.”

  “Do I have to worry about Mirisa and the children?”

  “No. He is still too smitten with her to ever let something happen. He’s angry that we interfered with his business.”

  Meeks stood and picked up his jacket. “Well, I promised the girls I would bring home hot apple pockets.” They locked up the office and headed down to the bakery. You could smell the fresh bread before you reached the door.

  “Mr. Meeks, what treasures have you promised the girls today?”

  “You know they always want your apple pockets.”


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