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The Visitor_The Final Ride 1875_1928

Page 8

by Barbara Svetlick

  “You’re wasting your time. The house is full.”

  Mirisa turned and looked at the girls as more came down the stairs. “I understand that this is the best house in the city.”

  “It is, which is why there’s no openings here.”

  “And the men are rich and generous?”

  “They are but they are also perverted. They come here for the things their wives won’t give them.”

  “Isn’t that the way it always is?”

  “And are you ready to offer the strange and unusual? You look like you are way too tame for our clientele. Do you two work together because that is a very big request aside from the possibility of injury when the whisky flows too fast and the men are seeking a way to release some stupid problem.”

  “I do what is necessary.”

  Several more girls came down the stairs followed by an older woman who had a hard but pretty face. She told the girls to go into the other room as she turned to Mirisa.

  “How may I help you girls this morning?”

  Without even the slightest hint of a warning, Mirisa cold cocked the woman sending her across the room knocking over a table as she tried to find something to break her fall. The bartender dropped the glass he was cleaning as he reached under the bar. Charisse took out her gun and pointed it at him. “I wouldn’t recommend it. Move out from behind the bar.”

  “You won’t get away with robbing us.”

  Charisse laughed because she felt so wicked. “We don’t want your money. We’re here to settle a long overdue score.”

  The woman attempted to stand but the room was spinning as she finally found her feet. The girls ran to her to help hold her up. She spit blood from the cut on her lip and glared at Mirisa. “You are going to regret that.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. I swore on a stack of bibles that the next woman who slept with my husband would not see the light of day.”

  The men at the table picked up their money and moved away from the bar. The Madame was no stranger to fighting and she had not survived in this business this long by being nice. She pushed the girls away and charged at Mirisa who stepped aside while bringing her knee up catching her in the gut as she fell against the bar.

  “You are nothing but a worn out woman who takes pleasure in pretending men want you for more than to get their pathetic little egos stroked.” Mirisa kicked her as she moaned pulling herself back up. Mirisa unholstered her gun handing it to Charisse who told everyone to get across the room. She smiled with absolute power.

  Mirisa walked over to the woman who tried to trip her before Mirisa pulled her up by her hair. “I have more money they all the men who come in to pay for your pathetic services and if you don’t think I won’t use it to ruin you think again. You made a mistake when you sent me that letter.”

  The understanding crossed the woman’s eyes in a flash as she screamed and charged Mirisa taking her down as they rolled across the floor while Charisse watched. The sound of ripping clothes and flying shoes was not surprising to anyone except Charisse who had never witnessed a fight except when her boys were feeling too energetic. The bartender started to move toward them when Charisse fired a shot in the ceiling and shook her head. The fight rolled into the card tables as everyone backed up. The bartender attempted to pull the Madame away from Mirisa when Charisse fired again and he stepped away as the Madame stood up facing Mirisa.

  “You are just another useless over pampered used up wife who doesn’t have the imagination to keep her husband entertained but to think that there is anything here except money you are wrong.”

  Mirisa smiled as she backed away. “Tell me, what do you think your boss would say if he found out you were trying to shake down the men who frequent his establishment. What does it say to your girls about what is acceptable. You think wives aren’t aware what their husband’s do when they come here?” Mirisa held all their attention. “Some don’t care some so appreciate your servicing their husbands and others lose all hope that love exists. Does money mean so much to you because you have lost hope? I will not allow you to touch my husband ever again.”

  “I have no idea who your husband is or if he was even here. I was paid handsomely to post the letter to you.”

  “Who paid you?”

  “Jack Casper.” Charisse’s mouth dropped wide open as she looked from Mirisa to the woman. “He said you needed your comeuppance for rejecting his advances. I think he underestimated you.” The woman felt her jaw which was swollen and bleeding.

  Mirisa watched the Madame’s eyes measuring her next move. “If you don’t know he was here, why would you send a letter saying he was?” The Madame turned around and looked at the girls who by this time were backing away. “Then how did you know to send me the letter?”

  “Jack told me what to write.”

  “Do you always do what Jack wants?”

  “Generally, he’s a lousy lay who over pays if you tell him he is great. I would think his wife would thank us for servicing him since the experience is not noteworthy at all. Most wives are relieved to not have their husbands demanding sex. So tell me why would your husband seek pleasure in my house?”

  “He was angry with me.” Mirisa took off her holster and put it on the bar. One of the girls moved around the side and went after Mirisa as the rest attempted to rush her. Charisse moved behind the bar and kept the guns trained on everyone as the bartender disappeared. She knew that the cops were probably on the way.

  Charisse slipped out the side door and put both guns into her saddlebag taking off her holster and put it in the other side. She gave the stable boy a hundred dollars to take the horses back to the house as she went back into the bar where you couldn’t tell who was who as the bartender and doorman tried to pull everyone apart only to have them swing out before climbing back in the fray.

  Charisse sat on the bar as the police came through both the side and front door with their billy clubs out and ready to use. They were shocked to see that the fight was nothing but petty coats and flying hair. They slowly separated and pulled them off of each other as they cuffed each one and put them in the patty wagon. They finally got the Madame up off the floor and took her out the door as Mirisa stood and wobbled until she grabbed the bar for support. Charisse smiled at her moxie. She had never been arrested before but it sure felt good to deal with all that pent up aggravation.

  “Officer, the woman on the bar is armed. I want her arrested.”

  The Officer walked over and asked her to get off the bar before he searched her and searched the bar for a weapon but only found the bartenders gun.

  “She stashed them somewhere. Ask any of the girls.”

  They put both Charisse and Mirisa in the patty wagon and closed the door. The commotion drew crowds on the street wondering what caused the police to raid the Gentleman’s Club.

  Meeks was sitting in the office going over a file with James when Garnett came in.

  “Mirisa has been arrested.” They both sat there stunned. “They are taking her to court.”

  “What did she do?”

  “I have no idea. The bailiff just sent me a note telling me to get to court.”

  They closed up the office and headed down the street to the municipal courthouse. The steps were lined with on lookers and it was obvious that word of an arrest was spreading. It wasn’t every day that the ex-wife of a Senator was arrested. The only word that they heard over and over was ‘Gentleman’s Club’.

  Garnett pushed his way through the crowd and when the three of them stepped into the courtroom they stopped in their tracks. In the jury box sat not only Mirisa but Charisse and a dozen house girls from the Gentleman’s Club. The bartender and doorman were talking to the prosecutor as Garnett approached the bench. Mirisa watched him and smiled at her husband.

  Mirisa’s eye was turning black and her hair was in disarray but the only one who seemed unscathed was Charisse who looked like she had just eaten a canary. She waived to her brother and smiled broadly. Garnett
was arguing with the judge when Jack pushed his way through the doors and stopped dead in his tracks.

  “What in the damn hell have you done?” Charisse turned to Mirisa saying something. Jack walked over to the prosecutor who was trying to explain the charges when he exploded and Garnett pulled him back talking to him. He finally threw his hands up and sat down next to James.

  The judge brought his gavel down and told the audience if they could not contain themselves he would have the courtroom cleared. The number of people who were trying to listen to the prosecutor’s conversation grew. “Bailiff, clear out anyone standing and lock the doors.”

  He waited as he looked over the very colorful and provocative display of prisoners in the witness box. “Ladies, I am not in a very good mood this morning having been drug out of my beds over what seems to be nothing more than a disagreement that somehow got out of hand.” There was a banging on the door and the judge nodded as the bailiff opened it and Dominic entered. Mirisa smiled because now everyone was in the room. The girls were whispering because most of the men in the courtroom were regular customers and high rollers.

  “Your honor, May I approach the bench.”

  “Senator Lanfear, what do we owe to this honor? Do you have an interest in this case?”

  “I do.”

  “Alright, approach the bench.” Dominic stopped and talked to Garnett who walked up to the bench with him.

  “Mr. Alexander, are you representing all of these fine upstanding ladies this morning?”

  “No sir. I am representing Mrs. Meeks and Mrs. Casper.”

  “Have you read the charges?”

  “No, the prosecutor has not given me a copy.”

  “Well, it seems that they are being charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and assault.”

  “Based on what?”

  “Well I don’t rightly know yet but I am sure if we question the witnesses we will all be more informed.”

  “Your honor, may I suggest that I pay for any damages they have caused and avoid a public hearing.”

  “And your involvement Senator?”

  Dominic shook his head. “Mrs. Meeks is my ex-wife and I would like to avoid this becoming more news worthy than it already is.”

  “Well that is awfully generous of you and if the owner of the club where here I am sure he would entertain your offer since the last thing he wants is more notoriety. Having wives appear at a club would not bode well for business especially if they are as feisty as these two appear. Which one is Mrs. Meeks?”

  “The one with the black eye in the front row next to the blonde who is her sister in law.”

  The judge waved his hand sending them away from his bench. If anyone thought he was going to handle this without knowing the story, they were crazy. “Bailiff, I want everyone who isn’t involved in the case or related to the prisoners to be removed. In the meantime, I am going to get a cup of coffee.” He banged his gavel and left the courtroom as Dominic stood talking to Meeks. Garnett walked over to the jury box and leaned over lifting Mirisa’s chin.

  “What exactly did you do this morning?”

  “Garnett, hello sweetie.” Garnett looked at the little brunette. “Not now Ginger.”

  “Is this your wife?”

  “No and if I hear one word out of any of you about what happened you will unfortunately find business to be very slow.”

  The Madame looked at him. “Is that a veiled threat?”

  “No it is pretty much a real threat. It is a small community and I don’t think there is a single married man who would look favorably on this becoming a public issue. Those generous pockets you so love will turn on you in a heartbeat not to say what Mr. Gibby will say when he finds out there was a brawl in his establishment.”


  “What Mirisa?”

  “Mr. Gibby doesn’t own the Gentleman’s Club.”

  “Mirisa, don’t talk about things that you…”

  “Garnett?” He looked at Charisse who was smiling like a school girl. “We own it now.”

  Garnett straightened up and looked at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “They can’t arrest us for trespassing because we own it. They can’t arrest us for disorderly conduct because we were trying to evict someone from our premises. They can’t arrest us for assault because we were defending ourselves.”

  “I don’t believe you. You don’t have the ability to own property without a man executing the documents and none of us would have approved such a purchase much less this hair brained idea.”

  “The papers are on file in the Clerk’s office.”


  “What Mirisa?”

  “It’s not a hair brained idea. We were on assignment.”

  “Mirisa do not try to make light of this. This will be all over the papers.” Garnett turned from them and walked over and talked to James who got up and left the courtroom.

  Mirisa turned to Charisse. “I love him when he’s angry.”

  “I love him when he uses ropes.” Mirisa raised her eyebrows as the girls all agreed. Mirisa turned and looked at them.

  Meeks leaned over the railing as Garnett sat down. “Can I talk to her?”

  “No. Mirisa and Charisse have been charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and assault. They want to charge them with threatening with guns but the police can’t find any weapons.”

  “Can this be paid off?”

  “Dominic tried that but I’m afraid he will have to negotiate with the owner before the judge considers his very generous offer.”

  “Has anyone sent for Mr. Gibby?”

  “He sold the club.”

  Meeks looked at his sister and wife who were talking like they were at a tea party. “Who owns it now?”

  “Your sister and wife.”

  Meeks closed his eyes and Dominic cussed under his breath. “You know Meeks, that woman must love you a lot to pull off this scheme. What is her intent?”

  “I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure out how Charisse came out of the brawl without a scratch.”

  Jack who was listening to the conversation turned and looked at his wife before he turned back to Garnett. “She’s doing this to spite me.”

  There was a knock on the courtroom door and the bailiff opened it letting in James along with a well known process server who spoke to the bailiff before approaching the group. Garnett took in his breath knowing that he was about to serve papers on someone. He tried to step around Dominic when the man stopped and asked for Mr. Casper. Jack turned as he handed him papers and told him that he was being served with divorce papers and an order to stay away from the marital home.

  His face turned bright red as he turned to his wife. “Are you out of your ever loving mind?” Jack looked from his wife to Mirisa and when he saw the Madame’s face he knew he was in trouble. “You will love living in poverty.”

  Charisse smiled sweetly. “Darling, I plan to get all of your money and I shall spend the rest of my days entertaining the most beautiful men to grace this earth. You played the wrong card.”

  Jack attempted to go through the gate into the arena when the bailiff stopped him. “I will hire the best attorneys in New York.” Garnett told him to sit down before he had a heart attack. Never had he seen something executed so perfectly not only for affect but to put all of them in their places. The women had the upper hand and nothing was going to happen unless they agreed to it.

  The girls in the box were primping and waving to men in the courtroom as everyone tried to ignore them.

  “Meeks, I am afraid that your sister seems to be as guilty as your wife.”

  Meeks smiled. “It appears that way. Can you get them out of this mess?”

  “They don’t want out. What none of you are getting is that they have decided that we have humiliated them for too long and revenge is going to be bad. I knew it was a bad idea to let them go to those women meetings.”

  James handed the paperwork t
o Meeks who looked over it as Mirisa watched him. They had set up a shill company to purchase the property and business and used only their initials and last name. They hired a company to manage the property which was all legitimate. The documents were signed after Mirisa had received the letter. Meeks thought it was nice that his sister spent so much time sitting with Mirisa not realizing what they were doing. He looked back up and his sister smiled at him.

  “Mirisa this is far more fun than I thought it would be.”

  “I think your little trick of serving Jack here was very original. Are you going to go through with it?”

  “I am. I think it will be nice to be notorious and after this it would be impossible to be in the same house as Jack.”

  “What shall you tell the children?”

  “That women always have a tipping point.”

  The judge came back into the courtroom and everyone stood as he banged his gavel and told everyone to sit down. The prosecutor stood and read the pending charges against each of the women before he called his first witness, the doorman.

  They all listened as he testified to Mirisa pulling a gun on him to get into the establishment. Meeks looked at his wife who was listening to his detail of her behavior. The bartender testified to the whole event in complete detail.

  Garnett listened but didn’t object. The prosecutor called the police captain who described the scene when they arrived. Garnett approached him.

  “Did you find any weapons?”

  “No sir. The only gun was under the bar and belongs to the bartender but I can’t image how two little women could get the drop on both of these men the way it has been described.”

  “What about the men who were in the Club?”

  “By the time we got there, only these women were in the Club and it looked like a basket of wash that had been dumped over an unsuspecting maid. Frankly, I have not seen that much leg in my entire life nor heard such language.”


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