Conquering Cassie: The Celestial Mating Series Book 3
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“How are you feeling Cassie?” he asked her.
“I feel wonderful. I feel like a new person, a complete person. It is hard for me to describe.” She smiled up at him and touched her small, soft hand to his face.
“I know what you mean sweetheart. Believe me, I felt it too.”
“Now I know what Brielle and Dani were talking about when they said they became one with their mates. I now know that our souls are intricately entwined with one another. We created a bond that is unbreakable; where you two are I will be there as well, forever.” She kissed him and then turned to kiss Wes.
She scooted down to the foot of the bed and then stood up.
“Where are you going?” Wes asked. Luc wanted to know the answer to that question too.
“I am going to get the three of us a snack and something to drink. Don’t worry, I am not leaving you; not now, not ever.” She winked at them as she left the room.
“Holy shit man! That was…” Wes started.
“Life changing?” He finished for him.
“Yeah. That was a once in a lifetime feeling. I have never even come close to that amount of peace and joy in my life.”
“I know. I mean, I thought there were times in my life where I was happy but those moments are nothing compared to what we all just created in that moment when we all climaxed.” He was still in shock at the emotion he felt when they were transcended.
“Max and Adrian tried to explain to me, before, what it was like to finally mate and bond with your true mate. Now I know exactly what they were talking about. You and Cassie are engrained in my DNA now. I truly feel that if we were to lose one of us then we would all cease to exist.”
“Exactly. I rather like that though because I would not want to live without you guys. That mating just took all of our feelings and made them more extreme.”
“Yes, it definitely did that.” Wes agreed with him.
The two of them laid there, both in their own thoughts as they waited for Cassie to return with their snacks and drinks.
Luc couldn’t help but wonder if each time they were together in the future would be that way. He had a strong feeling that it would. Each time they were intimate would be special because they were Celestial Mates and the three of them had fulfilled their destiny to bond. He looked forward to the rest of their days with one another, raising their family and making their lives even more perfect than they were at this very moment.
Luc wasn’t sure how long they had been waiting for Cassie but he was beginning to worry. It shouldn’t have taken this long to grab a few snacks and drinks.
“Hey man, do you think Cassie is ok? She has been gone a while.” He asked Wes.
“I don’t know. I don’t have a very good feeling about it. She should have been back by now.”
With just one look they both jumped out of bed and threw on their jeans, skipping their shirts, they walked toward her kitchenette when they heard voices.
“You didn’t think I would stay away for long, did you my sweet? I did tell you that if I couldn’t have you then no one else was going to either. I came here to make good on that. It was hell getting through all of the blocks that bastard, Luc, put in my way.”
“What in the hell do you think you are doing here?” Luc roared at the man who had to be Jake. He and Wes both lunged for the bastard who had a hold of Cassie by her hair. His heart broke when he saw the tears and fear in her eyes.
“Get the hell away from her,” Wes growled as he grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it so fast and hard that you could hear the snap when it broke. The man screamed at the pain and pushed Cassie to the floor.
“Cassie, sweetheart, go to your room and call Max. He will get security. Let us take care of this jerk.” Luc commanded Cassie and she listened, running to her bedroom and slamming the door.
When he turned back around it was to see Wes on top of Jake who was lying on the floor. Wes had his hand around Jake’s throat. He growled menacingly in Jake’s face, “You never answered our question. What in the hell are you doing here?”
“I…came…for…my…woman…” Jake gasped.
“Wrong, bastard, she is not your woman now and never will be again. She belongs to us now. You will never, and I mean ever, come near her again. You will never think of her again or speak her name. You had your chance with her and you abused her and caused her more emotional damage than you’ll ever know. You don’t get to have another chance. She is ours. Do you hear me? Ours! And we protect what is ours.” Luc could tell Wes was willing to kill this asshole. Luc couldn’t let him do that.
“Wes, loosen up man. Max will have security here in a few moments. He isn’t worth it. Let him up and we’ll restrain him until the guards get here.” He placed his hand on Wes’ shoulder and could feel the instant his body relaxed. He heard that mates had that effect on one another and he was thankful they did at this moment.
“You are one lucky bastard because if it were up to me I would kill you, you useless piece of shit.” Wes spat out as he gave one final shove at Jake before standing up.
Jake rolled to his side and took deep gasps of air into his lungs.
At that moment the front door to Cassie’s suite burst open and Max charged in with the guards close on his heels.
“Men, you need to escort this animal here to the police department. Let them know that he is the suspect they have been searching for in the attack on Cassie.” Luc ordered the guards who quickly cuffed Jake and dragged him out the door.
“How is Cassie? He didn’t hurt her again did he?” Max asked.
“No, not that we could tell. We came out of the room just in time.” Luc answered.
Max nodded, “Good. Cole would have gone ballistic, as would the rest of us, if he had done more harm. I’ll leave you guys now since I can smell your mating scent. Take care of her and we will see you guys in the morning.” Luc watched Max walk away and heard the door close behind him.
He and Wes made their way into Cassie’s room and ran to her when they saw her curled up in a fetal position on her bed.
“Cassie, sweetheart, are you ok? Did he hurt you?” He asked the questions as both he and Wes moved their hands rapidly up and down the length of her body trying to soothe her.
“No, he didn’t hurt me. He just scared me. I never expected him to show up here. I had hoped I would never see him again.”
Luc wrapped his arms around her fragile body and pulled her into an embrace as Wes soothed her from behind.
“He is going away sweetheart. The guards are taking him to the police department. He will be going to jail for the attack against you and for breaking into our home. You will never have to see him again do you hear me?” He pulled away from her and smoothed her hair away from her face and placed a tender kiss to her forehead. When she nodded, ‘yes’, he felt an instant relief at her trust in him.
“Thank you, both, for rescuing me. Thank you for helping me to conquer my demons and come to peace with who I am. And thank you for loving me.” She said as she wrapped an arm around each of them.
“Let’s rest now, little one. Tomorrow we will begin the first day of the rest of our lives as mates.” He told her and the three of them drifted off to sleep.
Epilogue: 2 Years Later
Cassie sat in her porch swing with Dani and Brielle. The three of them watched with joy as their men played in the yard with the little ones. Max and Cole had Lily and Jasmine on the merry-go-round, spinning around and around as the girls giggled cheerfully. Dani’s boys, Marcus and Vane, were swinging in the baby swings on the play set, being pushed by their fathers Ryan and Adrian. Cassie’s little ones, Cheyenne and Cain, lay on a blanket and were kicking their little feet as their dads made faces at them. Life was perfect for them. The three women were all breeding again and soon there would be 6 more pups in their pack. Since that day 2 years ago they had had peace. Each day that passed Cassie would thank her Guardians for leading her to Wes and Luc. She didn’t regret anything she had gon
e through because it led her to them and they were her life. If you would have asked her when she was a little girl what her dream life was it would never be as wonderful as the life she was living now.
“Are you nervous?” Brielle asked Cassie and Dani.
“Naw, what is there to be nervous about? We have all been through it before. I am just getting anxious to get it over with so I can hold my little ones.” Dani replied as she patted her belly.
“Same here,” Cassie laughed. “I do not look forward to the pain but at least this time around we know what to expect.”
“Oh, isn’t that the truth.” Brielle exclaimed.
The women all laughed and looked out over the scene in the lawn. The men must have sensed their gazes because they each looked up from what they were doing and smiled before all 6 of them walked up and embraced their women.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Luc asked her as he and Wes placed their hands lovingly on her round belly.
“I feel perfect,” she answered and kissed them both.
That word summed up her life now; perfect. She looked around at her family; Brielle with her men both massaging her feet; Dani with her men rubbing her back; the children all in the yard. No matter what happened in the future; what trouble may come, they would always have each other and together their family was perfect.
"Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers"