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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1)

Page 12

by Jessica Florence

  I fell against his chest, unable to move. My body was tingly all over. I still felt little aftermaths of my orgasm hitting me and making me shiver. His kissed the top of my head. “I don’t think I will be able to move today,” I huffed out.

  I felt so utterly like Jell-O. He chuckled underneath me. “Then we’ll just stay in bed all day.”

  I started to move off of him. “I’m not sure my body could handle another earth-shattering orgasm again. I might explode.”

  He chuckles again. “But it would be fun.” He winked at me. He was just to stinking cute. Ah, I would give this man anything. But I could already feel I was a little sore from our activities. It has been a while for me. I lean over and give him a sweet kiss.

  “How about I make us some breakfast?” I coo to him.

  “I would like that.” I really wanted to stay in bed with him and just continue to run my hands all over his body, but I needed to get out of bed or we would be like little bunny rabbits all day.

  I scurried out of his bed towards his dresser. I was about to just about to go digging for something to wear but then realized I should probably ask. “Um… can I borrow some of your clothes? I didn’t know I would be having a sleepover.” I blushed.

  “Of course, love; take whatever you want,” he said with his silky smooth voice. He was still lying in bed naked. His chiseled torso was out on display. I licked my lips just staring at him.

  “If you do that again I’ll have no choice but to fuck you against the dresser.” Oh, God. Those words went straight from my ears to my sex.

  My eyes closed just imagining that. Screw the soreness! I heard him growl; the next thing I knew I was being pushed up against the dresser with Tristan behind me.

  His hard member pressed against my backside. I pushed back against him, needing him to ease my new ache growing. He groaned and impaled me against the dresser, driving into me relentlessly. Pushing me further and further. His hands gripped my hips bringing me closer to him with each thrust.

  My fingers dug into the wood, trying to claw it to death. Hearing his breaths and groans brought me over the edge. I screamed as I was once again falling into euphoric bliss. His pace quickened and then he found his own release. “Thalia,” he groaned as he came.

  I fell onto the dresser; face smashed to the side as he bent down over me and kissed my back. I wiggle at his affections. “Thalia,” he said in warning. And I agree. I need to get away from here. He slowly eased out of me.

  Chapter 22

  He opened a drawer to the left of me to grab a pair of boxers for him and then handed one to me, which I take happily. I dug around in the drawer for a shirt after he walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I grabbed a black shirt that had nothing on it. As I lifted the shirt, a little black box caught my attention. I knew I shouldn’t looked; people put things in their drawers for secrecy, but did that stop me from taking a peek? Nope.

  I opened the little box and stop breathing. Inside were two onyx rings, obviously a his and her set. I didn’t know what to think about them. I mean, he had that tattoo on his chest he said was for a woman but from a long time ago. Was he married?

  I began to breathe again, but more like hyperventilating than breathing. “Thalia? Are you okay?” He walked over to me and then froze once he saw the box in my hand. “Fuck, this is so ridiculous,” I heard him curse. I turned to him really quick.

  My hyperventilating turned to anger really fast. “I’m sorry; I just happened to see it. But now that I have, care to explain? Were you married?” I cursed at him. I wasn’t really sure what I was expecting, but I wanted something.

  “Don’t worry about it, love. I swear to you I will tell you, but now is not the time. You have nothing to worry and stress about. I love you more than life; you are a part of my very soul. Please don’t let this get between us. I promise it’s nothing that should upset you. You are my destiny, Thalia; you are mine,” he pleaded with me.

  “Yours forever love” comes out of my mouth without my permission. As soon as I said those words, that same flashback came back to my mind when he first kissed me. He said the same exact thing. The box dropped into the drawer and my head started hurting again.

  I stumbled back and sat on his bed. This was starting to get really annoying. “Thalia!” he asked in a panic. He sat beside me, trying to comfort me.

  The pounding in my head started to ease, but the memory of he and I making love, as he said that same exact thing, and what the hell did I say that for? I was so confused.

  I started hyperventilating again. “Thalia, love, you have to give me something. What’s wrong? What can I do?” he begged. The headache was almost gone. I turned to him. There was fear, and something else in his eyes. Hope?

  “Do you believe in past lives?” I asked him. I mean, just because I was having these whatever the hell they were doesn’t mean he did, or ever, believed in them. He joked before about them but he probably didn’t actually believe it.

  He nodded. His face still showed concern for me. “Thalia, what did you see this time? You can tell me.”

  I took a deep breath. Just a few minutes ago I was freaking out about the rings in his drawer and now I’m about to reveal more about me. I’m such a sucker, but I loved this man. If he says not to worry, I’ll trust him. I needed to trust him.

  “It was the same images as when we first kissed. You said the same exact thing just now, and I just blurted out what came to my mind, which was the exact thing I said in those images.” His eyes had softened. No longer wearing a mask of panic.

  “I met a woman the other day; she told me that these images, dreams, or whatever you want to call them are memories for a past life.”

  He looked a little panicked again. “What was her name?” That caught me off guard.

  “I don’t know; she was really beautiful.” I waved it off. She said they were memories. I had been so lost and confused by them. But a realization hit me. That is what they are. Memories. They have nothing to do with the now. Tristan was about to say something when I placed my finger over his lips to stop him.

  “You know what? It doesn’t matter. If these are memories, then that is exactly what they are. Memories. They have nothing to do with the now, us now. I don’t even know if it is true and I am not going to drive myself crazy over something like that.” I told him, and I felt concrete about that. I leaned over and kissed him. He tried to deepen the kiss but I needed to occupy my mind on something else right now.

  I stood up and put that black shirt on and walked out into his kitchen. Now that the light was shining through into his apartment, I got to look around more. He had a really nice kitchen and right now I needed this. I searched around and found the makings for pancakes. Tristan appeared into the kitchen after I had the first pancake cooking.

  “Thalia, I think maybe we should talk about these images,” he said as he sat at the bar. I shook my head.

  “I don’t want to, Tristan,” I told him. And I didn’t. I saw him out of the corner of my eye run his hand through his beautiful black hair.

  “After we eat some delicious pancakes, I want to go out somewhere. Do you think you could take me to Spectacle Island again?” I asked. He smiled at my question.

  “Anything you want, love, it’s yours.” Strange thing was I knew he meant it. He would serve me the world on a silver platter if I asked.

  We ate and every time he tried to start talking about my images, I steered him away with something else. Hours later, he took me to my apartment to grab a few things and then to the island where I swam, relaxed, and kissed Tristan all up and down the beach.

  After the beach, he dropped me back off at home. He kissed me passionately once I got off his bike and then left.

  “Let me guess, you got your world rocked?” Leander said as soon as I walked in the door. I blushed. He started hooting and cat-calling as I walked into the bathroom to shower. Once I was clean and dressed, I went back out to face him. He was giving me the I-know-what-you-did
-last-night look.

  I shook my head. “Oh grow up Leander.”

  I went and sat down next to him. He shoulder bumped me. “Never going to happen, sweetheart.” He smirked out. I shook it off.

  “So, was he as dreamy in bed as you thought he would be?” he mocked a girl voice. I chuckled.

  “God, Leander I had no idea sex could be that great,” I confessed, Yeah, I was such a girl.

  “It’s amazing when it is with the right person.” I looked at his face. That was the last thing I expected him to say.

  “All right, my dove, let’s order some food and have an X-Men marathon.” I nodded as he got up, called for takeout, and got the movies set up.

  Days went by in the same manner or so. Tristan and I spent every moment we could together, in and outside of the bedroom. Leander and Lacey were making out every five minutes, so I ended up spending a lot of time at Tristan’s apartment.

  I finally found a way to show my boys what they meant to me by getting them tickets to see the Patriots during pre-season. They both got very excited. Tristan was all possessive over me when we went to the game, although my wearing shorts, boots and a tank top probably provoked him a little bit more. I had a few dreams even. Anubis and I finding time to be together, stolen moments, hidden from everyone, especially my future husband. I continued to believe that they were not affecting me. My work kept me busy all other hours. And I am pleased to admit that all sick kids stayed away from me again. Everything was going great.

  Until I ran into someone while walking out of work. Literally ran into.

  “I’m so sorry!” I told the person. My eyes lifted to show the apology in my face when I noticed that person had brown hair and gold eyes.

  “It’s okay, Thalia. You can run into me anytime,” Orion said as he helped me up. Oh boy.

  “Um, what are you doing here?” I asked, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

  “I wanted to see you; I hadn’t seen you since you were sick. I wanted to see how you were.”

  I tried not to look into his all American boy face. “Aw, thanks Orion. I’ve been feeling great. How are you?” Trying to be friendly. He beamed at me.

  “I’m good. Would you like to go grab a drink or something? My treat?” He looked so sweet. I felt nothing for him now, and he was a good guy. I decided I should go with him and tell him how I felt, and hopefully we could still be friends. “Sure.” I told him. He held out his arm for me, and took it in a friendly manner.

  We walked around the street to a little sports bar. It wasn’t very busy so that was nice. “So, I gotta ask. Who was that guy at your apartment was a couple weeks ago?” My face froze. I didn’t want to start out like this.

  Okay, Thalia, you have to let this boy know the truth, you can’t lead him on.

  “He’s my boyfriend, Tristan.” His face fell, I thought I saw anger in his eyes but it was gone seconds later.

  “Oh, were you and him together when…” I cut him off before he finished what he was saying.

  “No, we weren’t. I’m sorry, Orion. I really like you. You’re sweet, and funny. But Tristan has my heart.” There, I said it. He cracked his neck and then smiled. Shivers ran up my spine, and not in a good way. His smile was not the sweet smile I was used to; it was sinister almost. I pushed back that thought. There was no rhyme or reason for that thought.

  “Sorry,” I told him. I hoped he still wanted to be friends but I would understand.

  “It’s okay. The heart wants what the heart wants, right?” he shrugged. I smiled at his acceptance.

  “I’m glad you are okay with this, I think you’re awesome, and I really do want to be friends with you.” I told him through my smile. He smiled back.

  “Well, if things ever don’t work out with him, I’ll be next in line, okay?”

  I laughed. “Sure,” I said, although I know that wouldn’t be happening.

  We somehow moved on from that conversation. We talked about mindless things, sports, music, random things happening around the world. After that, he walked me back to my car. I felt a lot better. I gave him a hug goodbye and we split ways.

  Chapter 23

  The scent of cinnamon hit me as I walked into the door. My eyes found Tristan without even trying. He was playing video games with Leander. Boys.

  “Hey there, dove! Stay late at work?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the game. I put my stuff down and went to sit next to Tristan who gave me a kiss on the cheek. “No, I went to Jax with Orion.” Tristan’s whole body stiffened next to me.

  “Don’t worry, babe. It was just to let him know that I was with you now.” I smiled. And as unbelievable as it was, his body stiffened more! He turned to me. Fear was written all over his face. My face scrunched up in confusion.

  “He was fine with everything. He’s just a friend, Tristan.” I told him sternly. Leander had stopped playing games and was watching our conversation like a hawk.

  “Thalia, may I speak with you in private?” Tristan asked me. What was his deal? I stood up to go to my room when Leander butted in.

  “Um, sorry Tristan, but I can tell you’re pissed and I would prefer if you talked to my girl in front with me. I don’t care what you have to say,” he told him. He was very serious.

  “Fine.” Tristan said through clenched teeth. What the hell was his problem? “What is going on Tristan?” I asked wanting to know what had his panties up in a bunch.

  “I told you to stay away from him, Thalia.” He clenched his teeth. I was so beyond confused right now.

  “Tristan, he was fine. He was perfectly okay with us being together. You don’t need to be upset.” He just looked at me, his jaw was locked.

  “Tristan man, this is no biggie. You know our girl is crazy about you.” Leander tried to help calm him down.

  “If you think our girl should be hanging out with an owl warrior with gold eyes then maybe I am in the wrong here,” he spat out.

  I had never seen him this angry. He was practically shaking with rage. I had no clue what to do here. I looked at Leander for help, but his face was pale. He no longer had the protector look he had on earlier. He looked like he saw a ghost. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing.

  “What is going on guys? This is starting to get on my nerves. You got something to say? Then say it!” My anger was seeping through my voice.

  “Nothing, Thalia. I just think Tristan is right. Maybe this guy is just trying to play the nice guy, but really he isn’t okay with you being with Tristan. I saw the way the guy looked at you.”

  I stared at Leander in disbelief. He was always on my side, not matter what. “Leander,” I whispered. His eyes showed pain.

  “I got to go get Lacey. Dove, I love you. I just want what is best for you.” He practically ran out the door. Tristan was now sitting down with his head in his hands.

  “Tristan, look at me.” I got down on my knees in front of him. He didn’t look up at me. I parted his hands to forced him to look at me. His face was contorted. It didn’t suit him.

  “Tristan. I love you; remember what you said to me when I found those rings. The same goes for me. You have absolutely no reason to get upset. I told him I was with you. You own my heart, Tristan. You are the other part of my soul.” I wanted him to let this go. I couldn’t fathom a reason he would get this upset, and he needed to get over it.

  “Thalia, you are my life,” he whispered desperately.

  I felt the urge between us. Lust swirled in my veins. God, I was like a freaking roller coaster. Life was great, then we fought; great, then we fought. But I figured that was the way things went. I felt like it just made me appreciate the good times more.

  I leaned in and kissed him. Trying to soothe whatever pained him. “Thalia,” he groaned into my mouth as he kissed me back. My hands found his hard biceps, gripping him. He reached around my waist and pulled me up to him. My skirt moved up to my hips as I straddled his lap. His hands gripped my hips, bringing me closer. I felt the tension ease out of him as I
moved above him. Back and forth over his hard erection pressing into me.

  I felt that oh so familiar pull in my soul, reaching for his. I welcomed it. His hands pulled at the hem of my shirt, running his fingers up my back as he pulled it up, breaking our mouths apart only to get the shirt off me and then his.

  We clashed back together explosively, our hands both kneading at each other, hard and soft flesh colliding in perfect balance. His fingers moving as slow as molasses down to my throbbing sex. His fingers caressed over me, sliding up and down over the lace causing me to squirm. My fingers fumbled down to unbutton his jeans.

  Finally, I got everything undone and sprung him free from the confinement of his jeans. Oh, commando Tristan. Was there anything better than that?

  I felt him smile against my lips. He must have been proud of himself for that. I wrapped my hand around him, teasing him. His smile disappeared, only to be replaced by a ravenous animal who was hungry. Hungry for me. He pushed; I pushed back. His fingers took hold of my panties and very quickly ripped them right off me. HOLY SHIT!

  He ripped my underwear right off me! My need for him grew ten thousand times. That was the hottest thing ever. “God, Tristan!” I moaned out. He lifted me by the hips placing me over his hot cock.

  Slowly, I sank down on top of him. I felt so complete, in a way only Tristan could make me feel. Our breathing continued to escalate in a mixture of grunts and moans. I moved over him. Up, down, up down. Finding the perfect rhythm for us. I pulled back from his lips. I wanted to see his face.

  Our hooded eyes stayed glued to one another as we both found our release. “Oh, Tristan!” I cried out. I tried not to let my eyes close as I came but I had no choice. The feeling was so intense. His hand wrapped around my neck and crushed my lips to his as the waves of our pleasure calmed.

  We stayed just there, breathing against one another hard. He broke the silence first. “I can’t lose you, Thalia.” He sounded defeated.


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