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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1)

Page 15

by Jessica Florence

  I raised my chin in challenge. “And if I am?”

  His eyes turned to a full flame. The corners of his mouth lifted. “You wouldn’t want to provoke a god would you? We don’t take provocation very well.” I knew he was playing with me but I felt the power rolling off of him and hitting me like a tidal wave. I dug my feet into the sand. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

  So I pressed on. “Oh yeah? Whatcha going to do?” I gave him a little head shake for some added effect. He appeared literally inches away from my face. My eyes widened. He lips lightly touched mine, and then he moved them across my jaw, his nose skimming my neck. His breath was warm, leaving tingles in its wake.

  “I’m going to take you home and fuck you till you can’t move.” Shivers covered my body and went straight to my sex.

  “Oh my.”

  He purred against me. “I will be relentless in pursuit of making you scream my name over and over as I make your sweet pussy clench around me.”


  My body trembled, and my insides clenched at his words. My legs pressed together in an attempt to alleviate pressure. I leaned into his lips. “Please.”

  His arms wrapped around me and we were suddenly in front of his bed. His eyes were looking over my body, memorizing every curve. My hands went to his chest, feeling him. I felt so alive.

  Every sensation of his touch intensified with the anticipation of what he was going to do. “Are you ready for your punishment, Thalia?”

  His hot mouth kissed my neck. A moan escaped my lips. He growled and his mouth grew with determination to devour me. We were undressed seconds later and falling onto the bed. I was already soaking wet when his fingers pressed into me. I gasped at the feeling.

  My chest arched and his lips claimed my tight, pebbled nipple. Sucking, and biting. Oh God, biting was so hot!

  My hips moved in unison with his fingers. I moaned incoherent praises to him. I was so close already!

  His fingers were curving and pumping in and out of me. My eyes closed and my back bowed as I came. I barely had time to come back down from my orgasm when he thrusted into me and started fucking me.


  Another orgasm crashed over me, barely giving me time to breath. “Tristan! Oh God!” I cried out. He kissed me to the point of almost pain. But it just turned me on even more.

  “I am a god,” he teased.

  Really? Now? “God, fuck me harder!” I moaned, and he did. He pulled my legs up over his shoulders and took hold on my hips. I felt so full. My toes were curling so hard I thought they would cramp. He kept going, thrusting with everything he had.


  My breasts tingled. My insides felt coiled again, and then suddenly stars exploded. My sex clenched him as I broke apart, my nails digging into his arms. I couldn’t help it. I was shattering into a million pieces!

  “Thalia!” he groaned out as he came with me. His pumping slowed down. My legs fell to the side, as he moved himself so he could kiss me. I hummed as he kissed me.

  “Amazing,” he breathed. I couldn’t speak. My body just wouldn’t do it. I placed my hand over his face and kissed him sweetly.

  “Ready to go again?” he asked. Again? I didn’t think he could go that quick, I mean, surely he needed a little recharge time, right? I knew from experience that wasn’t much, but surely not seconds later. I moved my hips slightly to see he was still hard. “No way,” I whispered as I felt him.

  He flexed his hips, pushing that large sex stick inside me, making his point. “God, remember?” I groaned as he started moving again.

  He WAS relentless in his punishment for me just as he said. I screamed his name over, and over, in the shower, in the bed, on the floor, against the wall, against the dresser again, on the couch, and on the counter in the kitchen.

  “Seriously, no more! Stay over there! I can barely move as it is.” I narrowed my eyes at him. I was dead serious.

  We had settled onto the couch to watch a movie and eat because I needed my strength after the freaking sex marathon we just had. I made him sit a good cushion away from me to stop his wandering hands. Tristan was sitting there looking all sexy in running shorts and no shirt.

  I knew what he was doing. He wanted me again. Well my hoo-ha needed a break! I was not some god that could literally fuck 24/7!

  “Thank you for the sushi.” I changed the subject. He went out somewhere, I’m not sure where, and got us food, since I was lying on the floor and couldn’t move. Thankfully, he took pity on me and set me on the couch. He brought a big t-shirt for me to put on and I wrapped myself up in a blanket.

  “You’re welcome. I really like sushi. In ancient times, we didn’t eat raw fish like this. It’s sort of new and I really like it,” he said as he chewed. I just nodded and took another bite of my Mexican roll. I didn’t remember that much still, but I knew from studying that they didn’t have stuff like that back then.

  After we finished eating he put in The 300 for us to watch. I liked this movie. “Come here,” he said as he opened his arms for me. I eyed him suspiciously. “I promise your virtue with be safe.” I laughed. Oh boy. I looked at him and smiled. I couldn’t stay away, no matter what. I crawled over and snuggled into him.

  We stayed on the couch till about midnight then settled into bed. “Thank you again, for today. I always wanted to go to Egypt.” I spoke as he wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing his body close behind me. “You’re welcome.” He kissed my head, and I let sleep take me.

  Chapter 29

  “Father, I need to speak with you.” I stood in front of the table he was sitting at with Alexander. They put their drinks down and gave me their attention.

  “Yes, daughter, go ahead.” He smiled gently at me. I felt a little bad for going against his wishes, but I wanted Anubis and that was that.

  “Alexander, Father.” I stared them in the eyes, letting them know I was serious.

  “I will not marry the warrior you have chosen for me. I have found love, true love ,and it’s not this warrior.” Both of their faces were marked with concern.

  “Who is this love, Thalia?” Alexander asked. I still wasn’t sure why he was a part of all of this. I was about to speak when Anubis walked through the doors towards us.

  “My name is Anubis.” He stopped next to me and bowed. We had to keep his real identity a secret, so he had to bow like everyone else would. My father looked at me with a grim expression.

  “This man is your love?”

  “Yes, Father. Please don’t force me to marry another. I will not do it.” I stood tall as I spoke.

  “Warrior, what is your profession? Will you marry my daughter? Or are you merely trying to bed young, beautiful women?”

  I was shocked. I could not believe my father would say such things. “Father!” But Anubis spoke first. His hand lightly trailed along my cheek as he spoke.

  “I will marry your daughter, good Stelios. She is far more than beauty. She is the other half of my soul.” We stared into each other eyes. He would marry me. I was so in love that my heart was bursting at the seams. He dropped his hand and turned back towards the men.

  “As for my profession, I deal with the dead. But know I will give Thalia whatever she pleases; she will never want for anything.” I smiled. I knew he would be there for me not matter what came our way. I wanted to run into his arms and press my lips to his. But I wouldn’t, that would not be proper for a woman.

  My father sat there, staring at Anubis. Maybe he could feel the raw power, and masculinity that rolled off of him. Alexander was the one to speak up first.

  “I can’t dismiss my warrior so easily. Anubis, if you see yourself fit to be with our Jewel of the Nile, then we shall have a dual. You will fight her suitor. It will be the only way for us to know she will be in safe hands. For neither her father nor I wish anything less for her.” He looked at me with such adoration in his eyes. I was confused.

  “I will do it.” Anubis nodded in agreement.

I turned towards him. I had no fear for this dual. I knew whoever this warrior was, he was no match for Anubis.

  I turned back towards Alexander. “I consent.” Anubis raised his arm for me to take as he escorted me out of the room. As soon as the doors closed, I turned into him as his strong arms incased me in their grasp.

  “Do not worry, love. I will not fail.”

  I nodded against his chest. “I know.”

  I woke up tangled with Tristan. I did not feel fear or confusion from the memory this time. I felt loved. I leaned in and kissed my sleeping Tristan. He stirred awake. “Thalia, are you okay?” His face scanned mine for fear from a dream. I smiled.

  “Yes, I am fine. I had another memory.” He looked at me, unsure of what I was going to say or do, so I went on. “I told my father I would not marry their suitor. And you were there, talking to them with me. You just accepted to a dual with the other man.” He leaned in and kissed me gently. “You looked so courageous, and sexy.”

  I rolled my eyes. No sexy time for him today. I still needed a break. I tried to roll away, but he wouldn’t let me. His arms were like steel bands. “You are insatiable,” I giggled.

  “Ah love, but it is you who turned me into this man,” he teased. I felt him hard behind me.

  “All right! All right! I need to get up and get ready for work.” I somehow managed to escape his grasp, but he was quick to follow me into the shower.

  After we dried and I put on a fresh new shirt of his, he poofed us back to my apartment so I could change. I quickly got ready for work in a nice blue dress and some nice heels to match. I felt like leaving my hair down today, I left it like that. “You look delicious,” Anubis purred as I walked back out into the living room. I shook my head at him and grabbed us both a muffin.

  “Keep your wonder cock in your pants, mister.” He chuckled.

  We sat at the table just eating and enjoying each other’s company when I heard giggling coming from Leander’s room. Hmm, he must have had some sexy time himself last night.

  The door to his room opened and Lacey walked out wearing his shirt.

  The piece of muffin I was about to eat fell to the table.

  “NO WAY!”

  I couldn’t keep in it. Lacey stopped mid walk and turned to me. Her cheeks blushed so red she could pass for a tomato. “Hi, Thalia.” She spoke and then ran into the bathroom.

  Leander walked out of his room in his boxers and strutted to the table. “Good morning.” He made himself a cup of coffee and another! OH, MY GOD. He must really like her; he was making her coffee! He never made coffee for the other women. He usually just kicked them out!

  Tristan reached over and took my hand in his. I knew he could feel my happiness and excitement. It was probably written all over my face too! “Cool it, dove. We are taking things slow,” Leander said as he took the cups and set them down on the table and then joined us.

  “So where did you guys go?” he asked as he waggled his eyebrows. I blushed.

  “We went to Memphis, Egypt,” Tristan answered with his thumb brushing back and forth on my hand. It was distracting.

  “It was really fun!” I added.

  Leander was smiling at me. “I’m glad you are doing good, dove.”

  Lacey joined us moments later. It was a little awkward at first, but we found conversation. “I’m so glad you know almost everything now. Now we can like chat and stuff.” She said. I was glad too.

  “Yep, it is all pretty cool now that the initial shock is over.” They were all smiling at me. I bit my lip kind of feeling a bit self conscious. They all knew more about me I did. I knew eventually I would remember everything, so until then I was going to just be happy with what I could get.

  “Alright” I stood up.

  “Are you riding with me to work?” I looked at Lacey. She nodded, kissed Leander quickly and ran back into his room. Moments later, she came out looking fabulous as always. Leander got up and walked over to her. He scooped her up into his arms and kissed her feverishly. I was so stinking excited to see them like this. I truly hoped it worked for them. Tristan’s hands were wrapped around me, bringing me towards him.

  “Enjoy your break from me, Thalia.” He kissed my cheek. I turned around and gave him my very own feverish kiss. He growled into my kiss. Then he pulled back.

  “Get that fine ass on a move, or you will be late, love.” I turned to get my purse and he swatted my butt as I walked away.

  Lacey and I giggled and talked about our guys on the way to work. “I swear he made me see stars, Thalia! He really knows what to do with his piece.” I laughed.

  “I know the feeling; I mean Anubis is a god and all.” I hope it didn’t sound like I was bragging, I wasn’t trying to. It was nice to talk about this stuff.

  “Oh man! I couldn’t even imagine the stamina. Demigods can go like crazy but even they will run out of energy eventually. A god must, like, be able to go forever.” She seemed to be thinking about that intensely.

  “Yeah. He is a machine. I’m trying to take a break before he breaks me,” I confessed. We both fell back into a laughing fit as we pulled into work.

  We both rocked today at work. I guess that was what a lot of sex would do to you. I had an easy group of tourists today. All of them were interested in what I was saying and caused no issues. I even picked up a little gift in the gift shop today for Tristan. Lacey and I both rushed out of work as soon as we were done, both eager to get back to our sexy men.

  “Okay go! I need dick, like now!” she said as soon as we closed the doors to my car. I shook my head and put the car into gear.

  Chapter 30

  Lacey all but pulled the doors open to the elevator herself as they opened slowly. We walked into the apartment to see the guys just sitting on the couch talking. Leander seemed to have caught onto Lacey’s mood as soon as he saw her because he walked up to her, threw her over his shoulder and ran to his room.

  “Hi dove, bye dove!” he yelled as he closed the door. I shook my head. Tristan looked amused too.

  “Um, do you think we could go back to your place? I don’t think I want to hear their hello’s to each other.”

  He chuckled. “Of course.” He held out his hand for mine, which I took.

  Instantly, we appeared in his living room. “I’m glad you do not feel any side effects from me transporting you now.”

  I was glad about that too, and I said so. “Me too.” I sat down next to him, I was very eager to give him my gift. I reached into my purse and pulled out the little bag for him. He looked at it quizzically. “I got you a gift,” I confessed. I handed it to him. He weighed it in his hand. Trying to see if he could guess what was inside.

  He pulled out the little keychain. “I thought it was cute.” It had a little jackal head with the words “Anubis rocks my world” underneath. I had to buy it when I saw it. “I found it appropriate,” I laughed.

  He lunged at me, his hands in my hair, his lips on mine. “I love everything you give me. The very air you breathe is a gift to me,” he murmured against me. We moved against each other.

  “I have a gift for you, once your memories are back.” He told me. His arms kept around me as he pulled us up to a sitting position.

  “I love you,” I whispered to him.

  “I love you too,” he responded.

  We decided it was best to not stay in the apartment that long because otherwise we would have been at it like bunnies again. He took me out to a really nice Greek restaurant. It had some of the best gyros I’d ever had.

  After that, we walked around downtown Boston while Tristan told me more about his side job with the military families. I was glad to see he really did do that. It was one of the things that made me fall for him this time.

  He held my hand as we walked through the streets, and then we saw a movie together. It was romantic and sweet.

  We retired back to his apartment after the movie and took a long bath together. I couldn’t resist having him naked with me in a tub. I str
addled his hips and went to town on his hard cock.

  Afterwards, my head rested against his chest as we lay in the bath, tangled together. He was sweet as he dried me off after our bath and carried me to the bed. His warm body pressed against mine.

  “Was it always like this for us?” I was curious. I saw the images of that one love making session, but I knew if it hadn’t come to me yet, he wasn’t allowed to tell me. Why? I don’t know.

  But I couldn’t even ask questions about it. I just needed to be patient.

  “You were always perfect for me. Always the other half of my soul.” I tried to stop the huge smile that crept onto my face but I couldn’t hide it.

  “Thank you.” I kissed his chest and fell asleep, soundly with no dreams.

  I woke up alone. Tristan’s warm body was nowhere to be found. I rolled over and saw his perfect handwriting on a little note for me on his pillow.

  I wanted to be there when you woke up, but there was some Godly business

  I needed to take care of.

  There is a little something for you on the kitchen table when you’re up and moving.

  I’ll see you soon.

  I love you.


  I loved him so much. Even if we didn’t have a past like we did, or he wasn’t a god, I would still love him. He was so caring, sweet, sexy, and unbelievably hot in bed,

  I mean, the list could go on and on. My heart filled with pure love and bliss. I kissed the note and laid it back on the bed before rushing up and out to the kitchen.

  I saw a little box sitting by a beautiful lily. I did a little happy dance I was so excited, quickly opening the little box my breathing stopped as soon as I saw it. A beautiful black chain necklace with a turquoise jewel in the shape of a flower. My fingers softly ran over the jewel. It was magnificent.

  “It was yours.”

  You would think hearing Tristan speak out of nowhere would scare me. But I knew it was him. I felt him approach and I felt no fear.

  His arms wrapped around my waist, his cheek against mine. My eyes closed at the feeling of his warmth surrounding me. “It’s beautiful.”


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