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Page 4

by April Zyon

  “Emily, sweet Emily. You’re the most important being in the universe to me. You complete me in a way that I didn’t know existed, and I just met you. Trust me when I tell you that you will move in with me and that I will do everything in my power to make you happy.”

  Damn, how can a girl turn that down? She gulped. “I’ll come with you, but we’ll revisit the whole living with you part.”

  He smiled that cocky smile that made her melt.

  “Give me two minutes, and I’ll be ready. I can shoot a text to the man who gave me Elmer Fudd to come get him. But I think I’ll leave EF out and prowling.”

  “Good idea. Allow the beast to roam. I’m assuming he won’t attack his previous owner?”

  “No, not at all. EF really is just a big, overgrown kitten with really sharp claws. Well, most of the time. If you mean harm to me, he’ll rip out your throat.”

  “Then I think we’ll definitely send for him later so that you have an additional protector.”

  That had her smiling. What was it about this man—this man with one hell of a past—that made her all gooey inside? But she knew. Deep down, she knew. It was that instant connection her grandmother had spoken of. Her great-grandmother had been Romani. Emily’s grandmother had been raised in the true Gypsy heritage. Not so much the glitz and glam as the pure power of it.

  When Gaius pulled away from her, Emily reached under the counter and grabbed her bag. She left a Post-it note on the cash drawer, asking her friend to take the contents in it to pay at least a small portion of what she would owe him for keeping Elmer happy, then gave the cat some love. “Make sure he knows to take your steaks, too,” she told him. She knew how silly it was, but she was positive that he could understand her.

  Walking back to the front of the shop, Emily looked over her shoulder. It was odd—this sudden feeling of sadness, a knowledge that she would never again see this home. Taking a deep breath, she did the only thing she could. She turned and moved toward Gaius. Toward her future.

  Chapter Four

  Gaius watched her all but say goodbye to the world she had built for herself. He felt bad about it. But the simple truth was that it was time for her life to change. It was time for her to move forward, and they both knew it.

  He felt her anguish at all she was leaving behind like a living, breathing entity in his chest. Pressing a hand over the medallion, he frowned as she moved around tending to last minute details before they could depart.

  He’d watched other guardians with their women. The bond they’d had was truly something to behold. They had always seemed so connected to their females, on a level that he’d never once expected to share with someone all his own. Most were now long gone—not everyone lived forever, after all—but the memory of the love they’d shared was something he’d always wondered if he could have for himself. While the love that a guardian had for his VV was awe-inspiring, it was also their Achilles heel because should anything happen to the woman, the man would give in and pass into the abyss of the afterlife as well.

  Gaius wasn’t sure how he felt about a soul mate, though. The pull was strong, but it didn’t make losing his independence any easier. He was sure all men felt the same at some point in their lives. He’d been autonomous for a long time, though, and he knew there would need to be adjustments and allowances made.

  Emily would need to know about his work as a guardian—what they did, what they faced, or potentially faced, every time they left their stronghold. He had his own home away from the Mountain but now that he had her in his life, the Mountain was the safest place for her until the darkness was taken care of and they could live forever in the light. Whether she could handle it was something else. A worry he hadn’t yet considered, yet knew was all too real. He’d seen other guardians’ soul mates fight tooth and nail every time their men had gone out the door to face God only knew what.

  And he had borne witness to what happened when they didn’t return. The anguish, the pain, the blame, and the heart-rending tear of the bond before the female perished from a broken heart and a lost soul.

  He never wanted that for Emily, but he couldn’t let her go. Gaius made himself a promise to take extra care from now on. No way was he letting her go. No way was he dying because of a distraction waiting at home, and no way was he going to leave her behind to mourn. Turning to face her with a new determination in his heart, he went to collect his woman.

  With her hand in his, he took the bag from her and led her out of her shop and home. He got her settled in the SUV before slipping his sunglasses back on and taking a glance around once more. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, which had never boded well for him in the past. Gaius had always had a highly sensitive sense of self-preservation. It had saved his hide more times than not, except for the one that had counted.

  Shaking off a dark memory from the past, he refocused on the present. Sliding into the specially designed vehicle, he started the engine and felt the wall of magic wrap around them. As long as they were in the car, they were good. The hard part would be when they stopped. He would deal with that later, though.

  Looking over at Emily, Gaius said, “You’re taking this far better than I had anticipated. Do you have questions?”

  The look she sent him was one of pure disbelief. “Do I have questions? Are you serious right now? Of course I have questions. Who wouldn’t? But I’m also a smart woman, and I sure as heck know when to get the hell out of dodge and rely on someone else for protection.”

  He snorted. “I’ve known women who were a lot more hard-headed than you’re being right now. And that indignation you’re resonating is only making you more appealing than you can possibly know.”

  Emily just looked at him and shook her head.

  When she leaned back in the seat, Gaius grinned and drove through the city, out to the edges of it. He wanted to get her to the safe house before night fell. “After we stop, there are things that I need to tell you. Things I need to explain to you. There’s far more than the evil of man out there, and you need to be aware of it all.”

  “Fine,” was all she said in response.

  * * * *

  As they drove, Emily watched the passing scenery. She was fascinated by this man, but she refused to tell him so. When she’d touched him, she had seen and felt everything he had lived through. She knew the truth of who and what he was, and it was only that truth that had convinced her to go with him.

  She would have been able to escape him. Sure, he had some serious mojo going on, but he’d been on her home turf, so to speak, and she wasn’t completely defenseless. No, Emily was far more than she appeared. She could do a hell of a lot more than read people, but that was her secret. One she was keeping to herself, for now. She didn’t think that the people of the world would take too kindly to not only her ability to read people and things with a touch, but also being able to climb into their minds and make changes to what they were thinking at that moment in time.

  Unable to take the silence another moment longer, she asked, “Where are you taking us? We’re well out of the city, so where are we going? How far?”

  “We’ll be stopping at a safe house, and then I’m taking you to the Mountain. I know—not an original name for our home base, but it’s the truth. It’s literally a mountain.” He shot her that crooked smile, which sent her heart racing again.

  “A mountain. Really?”


  “Crap on a cracker. Wonderful. So I’m going to be in a mountain in the middle of nowhere, and I have no way out?”

  “You’ll always have a way out, Emily. I would never allow you to be trapped anywhere.” There was truth in his words—she could feel it running over her entire being. “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll let you have the keys to the SUV when we get to the safe house and then again when we reach the compound. I just ask that you come get me before leaving, because I sure as hell don’t intend to allow you to be harmed by running off alone.”

  “What ma
kes you think I’ll want you to come with me? That I won’t be running away from you?”

  “Oh come on, sweetheart, you know you like me. You felt it in that touch. Admit it.”

  Time for a change of topic because yes, yes she had felt something in that touch. Touching him had been like finding a piece of heaven. “You know, history painted you as a much different man.” Right then, she was in full-force deflection mode.

  “And they will always have that wrong, but that is their problem to contend with, not mine. All that I can do is live in the now.” There was a heavy sigh followed by his softer words. “Before the moment when I touched you, I was simply living and existing on a code of honor. It wouldn’t have been much longer before I would have become the things that I hunt. That’s a harsh truth, but it’s just that—truth. I honestly don’t know if I would have been able to return to my leader in order to end my existence before I lost my honor and turned to the darkness in full.”

  “You would have.”

  When he looked at her, there was certainty in his eyes. “No, Emily, I wouldn’t have.” It was a stark and honest fact. The way that he said the words made the truth flow over her.

  Emily didn’t know what to say to Gaius after that. She mulled over his admission. But she knew the truth. With or without her, he never would have turned. The honor inside of him was far too deep.

  Finally, they made it to their destination. Once they stopped, she studied the unassuming home, which looked at odds from her mental picture of what a safe house was supposed to be like. “This is your safe house?” she asked with a frown. “This looks like a building from right out of suburbia.”

  “This is our safe house,” Gaius confirmed, the look on his face one of indulgence. “There should be food inside. If you like, I can make us a nice dinner.”

  “You cook? Seriously?”

  “Yes, you wench, I can cook.” There was laughter in his tone. “I’m good at it. You would be surprised at just how good. I’ve had many, many years to hone the craft.” He slipped out of the vehicle.

  Emily just watched him. She couldn’t help herself. He was incredible. He’s not only drool-worthy but able to be domestic? She wanted to pinch herself just to make sure she was actually awake and not dreaming.

  When he came to her door and opened it, she slipped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze. “So, what makes this house so safe?”

  “See the path?” He placed her upon the stone walkway that was nestled between two rows of colorful lights. “Don’t step off of it. The lawn is layered mines and to step off the walk would kill you instantly.”

  “Right. Got it. Don’t step off the path.” Now I’m scared out of my mind. The lawn can kill me. Fan-freaking-tastic.

  “Don’t worry, Em, I won’t allow you to be harmed.”

  The heat of him surrounded her and made her feel that he was telling her the truth. That he wouldn’t allow anything or anyone to hurt her. That made her ache. It made her need, and it made her realize there was a great deal more to this man and this connection than she had originally assumed.

  Moving to the porch with him, she watched as he entered a strange code on the keypad with odd symbols, then once again on another door. “Two doors? Isn’t that overkill?”

  “Not with the things we track. Believe me, this is nothing compared to the compound.”

  “I’ll take your word on that. Will you tell me more?” She walked into the surprisingly open-concept and beautifully designed living space. “Wow, this is incredible,” she said with wide eyes and a shocked expression. “You guys seriously do not play around when it comes to comfort and all that fun stuff, do you?”

  “I’ll tell you more, later. For now, let me get us locked down before full night falls. I’ll make you dinner while we talk.”

  “You weren’t teasing about food?”

  “What’s with the questions?” There was a smile on his face.

  “I’m curious.”

  He snorted in laughter as he walked away from her.

  * * * *

  Oh, it was a lucky day indeed. And listening to the sounds of the venom that was spewed from such a beautiful mouth made it all the better. With a new target in mind—now that the man down the street was handled—it was time to hone another perfect weapon. Time to create another slice of justice.

  Breathing in and out, the killer simply smiled. A pearly white grin behind thin lips. It was a grotesque expression. “Glorious,” was all that was said as the heavy gloves were pulled on. The canister of frozen nitrogen was pulled out, and the mold was filled. Ahh, it’s the simple things in life.

  Once the knife was crafted, the special cooler was lifted to the worktable area and it was placed inside. The wrappings on the end there to ensure that no frostbite harmed the hand that held the blade of justice.

  Glory be.

  The vicious streak of cursing crossed the ears of madness once more. A wince was the only indication that the words were heard. Closing the cooler after placing the specially designed ice packs inside, the killer moved from the workstation and to the vehicle nearby.

  This one was far more personal, closer to home than all of the others had been. For this, there was going to have to be some artful rearrangement. Oh yes, this one was going to be a creation, a testament to the determination to rid the world of the nastiness that seemed to breed—even in fine and upstanding homes such as the one that this monster was raised in. It was going to be a fine cleansing!

  Too bad his dear, darling wife had had to let go of such foul and intense language when he had been punishing her for not seeing to it that dinner was perfect when he’d had guests over. That was most unkind of her, showing his business associates that he didn’t have full control over the woman in his life. No, he’d had to punish her, and she had known it the moment that the meal was presented and there were cloves left in the ham.

  Hands rubbed together. A gleeful snicker escaped a pair of thin, pink lips. Joy. All from the planning of a murder.

  It wasn’t truly murder, though. It was a cleansing. A way to rid the world of the evil that walked the earth. People who used vile words instead of a true vocabulary were beneath them. Those sorts of beings didn’t deserve anything except hate and the retribution that they had been handed as their goal in life.

  No, he was doing God’s own bidding. He knew when he finally left this wretched world that he would stand before Peter at the Pearly Gates and be welcomed for the bastion savior that he was. This was truly God’s work.

  The killer thought of the first time he had been tasked to take out the ones that spewed vile obscenities from their lips. When God had stepped before him and demanded that he begin this quest, he had accepted it freely because he had always known that he was special.

  God had come to him to offer the chance to rid the world of the monstrosities that walked the earth, and he had readily agreed. He had been touched by God. He had been shown the perfect weapon and taught patience at the knee of a true master. Now it was time for him to create his single most amazing masterpiece ever.

  It was time for his family to pay for their perfidy. It was time for his wife to pay for her cursing and for his daughter to pay for being a little whore. He had caught her with her shirt off in the backseat of Tommy Montgomery’s car yesterday, and he’d had enough.

  It was time for them both to pay and for him to play his ultimate role. The role of the grieving father! It was time the world understood just how good it had to be in order to keep from breaking His commandments.

  Ah yes, the time for a reckoning was coming, and he was the perfect vessel to deliver it.

  Chapter Five

  Sitting before the fireplace to digest the wonderful meal he’d made her, Gaius told Emily the story of a goddess who had come to the world in order to set right many wrongs. A woman who had tasked Mercury to be the first of the guardians. Mercury was a man from a land that shouldn’t exist, a king of a lost and forgotten world. Some would call it Atlant
is, but in reality, it was far older than that fabled land.

  Emily just listened to him, then swallowed a sip of the amaretto that he’d poured for her. “So, you’re telling me that you think I’m one of these vestal virgins and these things that are after me are after me because of what I can do?”

  “Pretty much. You share a unique gift with one of the original thirteen,” he explained softly. “What you can do is amazing, Emily. Never allow anyone to take that from you.”

  “It’s a terrible burden. A curse.”

  “It’s a way to ensure that the monsters that walk in human skin are found and brought to justice. What you do is something to be proud of.” Gaius frowned, reaching up and cupping her cheek.

  “It’s also a curse. It’s horrid. Living through a killer’s eyes. Feeling what they feel. Knowing just how much they get off on killing innocents. It sticks with me for a while. There’s a cleansing that I have to do sometimes just to be rid of the horror that I lived through.”

  “It’s only a curse if you allow it to be one,” he told her in a firm tone. “Emily, this gift you have wasn’t given to you as a punishment. You were given this particular skill because the goddess knew you were more than strong enough to face the toll.”

  “I hope you’re right. There are times that I wonder just how sane I might be,” Emily admitted bluntly. “Because it all depends on the insanity of the man or woman who is the killer.”

  “The fact that you’re questioning your own sanity, or lack thereof, means you’re perfectly sane. But you’re also no longer alone in this. You understand that, right?” He brushed his thumb slowly over the skin of her cheek, leaving behind sensation and heat.

  “I know. I just hope you don’t end up hating me because of the insanity that I bring along.” Closing her eyes, she leaned into his gentle touch, a whisper of a sigh escaping her lips. “Amazing. Utterly and truly amazing.” The effect of his proximity was, well, it was incredible.


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