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Page 7

by April Zyon

  Gaius and the tall, muscular man that got off the expensive-looking bike stood shoulder-to-shoulder. Then she saw the—well, she could only call it a “thing.” It was massive. The shadows seemed to seep around it and spill onto the pavement as it faced off against the two men. It was the thing of nightmares … at least, of hers.

  The men looked at each other and… Is that them laughing? Holy hell, they’re laughing! Have they lost their minds? The thing was clearly not happy with their laughter, either, and it lashed out with a massive, shadowy tentacle. No, not a tentacle. An arm.

  What in God’s name…

  Both men shifted out of reach. Gaius spun with his blade and hacked at the arm. Part of it flew off, right at the windshield, and left a smear of something black and thick on the glass. The thing, whatever it was, bellowed loud enough that the truck actually rocked from the force. Out of the dust came something else, moving fast and headed straight at their backs.

  The man with Gaius lashed out with an equally large blade and took the head right off. But another came and another, all of them with the same vicious expression, hard and hungry.

  Emily screamed. It was human, and she knew how stupid it must sound, but for a moment she could almost see relief on the face of the severed head when it hit the hood of the truck she was in.

  Gaius shot her a brief glance before focusing on the thing trying to kill him. But that moment of distraction got him caught upside the head, and he went flying through the air. He landed, rolled, and was up and racing back into the fray, even with blood pouring from his temple.

  Emily held on to the dashboard. It was taking every ounce of her strength to stay inside of the vehicle instead of running headlong out to Gaius’s aid. Biting her lower lip, she watched the battle.

  Another body hit the dirt, the head long gone. It wasn’t from Gaius or the tall man, but another who had joined them. He was tall—not quite as tall as the first guy, but close—thick with muscle, and blond. Without even looking, he twirled his blade around and took another head from one sneaking up behind him.

  Gaius said something, and the blond nodded and gave a reply before shooting her a look. Then he sent her a grin and a wink before blowing her a kiss. Which had Gaius reaching out to punch the guy square in the nose before facing the monsters again. This time, Gaius didn’t miss a beat and hacked off another part of the large thing trying to decimate them. “A bunch of overgrown children, I swear.” The three men were now four when a massive, red-headed man in a—holy hell, a freaking kilt—joined in. She held the blade and the gun in her hands, leaning closer to the windshield to watch the fight.

  “Looks as if you have a wee bit of a party going on and didn’t send me an invite. Should I be offended, your highness?” the newcomer asked loudly enough for her to hear.

  “Stuff it in your fucking girdle and kill these assholes,” Gaius retorted with a snarl. Throwing Emily a look, he backed up a little as the dust began to close in. “Mercury! They’re trying to blind us for the next round.”

  “No fucking shit,” their leader snapped out. All four went back-to-back and braced, swords up, as the cloud of dust began to swirl and shapes seemed to form. Not one of them flinched, though. They obviously knew what they were doing.

  What no one saw coming was the blast that lifted and threw the truck, with Emily in it, sideways. She heard Gaius bellow her name as she tumbled around inside as it rolled and finally slammed to a halt.

  Emily was upside down. She panted, staring down at the blade embedded in her side. “Shit,” she muttered and put her head back down. She was seeing double, maybe even triple at that point. She had no idea, to be honest. She heard Gaius call for her, and as much as she wanted to answer, she couldn’t.

  Every single part of her body hurt. Finally, though, she bit back the pain and yelled out that she was fine. She so wasn’t fine, but she couldn’t distract Gaius and the other men, not in this moment. They had to be able to keep up with the things that were attacking them.

  “Emily!” She saw Gaius’s legs skid in until he was leaning over, looking in the window. “Emily, talk to me, now!” he ordered as he shifted and, she assumed, started working on the door. More feet arrived on the scene and faced away from them, protecting his back.

  “I’m good.” She put her head back once more. “I’m on the roof.” She giggled. Don’t know why I find that funny, but I do. “And I think that me and weapons are a bad combination. Sorry I asked for one.” She held her hand on the wound as best she could with the blade still stuck there. “Kill those things so you can get me out, okay?” I need you to stay safe, damn it! “Don’t you dare get hurt. You said I’m safe in here. Now, you stay safe out there.” Goddess, bless it.

  He crouched down to look at her through the spidered glass. His gaze moved over her. “Don’t move. Don’t do anything. Just focus on your breathing for me, all right?” he said, his eyes begging her, pleading with her.

  “I’m good. You just do your thing, and I’m going to lie here on the roof and wait for you to come in and pull this knife out, okay?” It was impaled into the roof and the road under her. She just prayed that the vehicle didn’t move, because that would damn well hurt. “I love you, Gaius. You need to make these things dead, please.”

  Nodding, he curled his fingers into a fist. “Kill them all, now,” she heard him shout to the other men. The feet around the window spread out and began to move. It was like watching a dance. Sort of. It was all very odd, being upside down as she was. They seemed to move faster, the blades swirling around them as they hacked and chopped at anything and everything that got close. The dust was starting to clear.

  When they all stopped, Emily let her eyes close. “Just do me a favor and don’t move the truck? I’m kind of pinned here.” She heard them all panting and hated to add more to their trouble. The redhead leaned down and looked at her, grinning and shooting her a wink. “Are all of you big flirts or what?” She was smiling, though. “Silly men. Picking on Gaius like that.”

  A hand landed on the back of Big Red’s neck and his eyes went wide a second before he was yanked off his feet. She didn’t see where he went, but Gaius was there again. Somehow, between him and another set of legs, they yanked the door open. He eased inside carefully, which was a challenge given her position and how big he was.

  Leaning in, he brushed a kiss to her lips. “I’m here,” he said softly against her mouth. “Talk to me, Emily. How are you doing? Any other aches and pains? Anything broken?” He asked the questions fast and hard. They nearly tumbled over one another.

  “I’m dizzy, and I think I might have a very mild concussion. Don’t know about broken, but my knee hurts like mad. My back is killing me, and I can’t feel the hand that isn’t wrapped around the blade in my side. I think that I’m glad I can’t feel it. It looks like I might have a broken finger or two.”

  “I didn’t pull the blade out because I can’t tell where it’s at on me. I was afraid I would make it all worse. I’m not sure if it’s just in the meaty part of my side or not.” She closed her eyes and bit her lip. “I really want to get out of here. Can you please get us out of here? I really don’t want to be here anymore, where those things could get to us.” She was scared shitless of whatever those things were.

  “Jesus, does she always talk this much?” Big and Blond peeked in at her.

  Gaius let out a snarl at the man as he lightly stroked her cheek. “Don’t listen to him, sweetheart,” he said, his tone even and calming. “I’m going to get you out. Just don’t move while I check the blade, all right? But, no matter what, we’re going to have to take it out. That won’t be pleasant.”

  He leaned over and gave her another kiss before drawing back to study the blade through her side. He didn’t touch it, not right away. He was peering at it and gently probing the flesh around it. Then, with no warning at all, he yanked it out of her side with a quick move before pressing his hand to the new hole spouting blood.

  “Grab her good arm
and pull,” he ordered the big blond. “Gently. She’s got other wounds, and I need to keep pressure on this. Watch her head, too.”

  “Damn, if this is what finding your other half does to you, it’s for the birds,” Big and Blond muttered. He put one hand under her armpit and the other under her head. “This is going to hurt like nobody’s business. Feel free to scream.” Then he pulled.

  Emily did just that. She hollered and cursed him as he yanked her out. Tears spilled from her eyes, and she smacked the man with her bloody, good hand. “You asshat.” Her head was spinning. “Son of a bitch, I think I’m going to pass out.”

  The redhead laughed. “I would be very careful. Gaius might just kick your ass for making his mate pissed off enough to call you a…” He looked to the other large man and asked, “Asshat, wasn’t that it?”

  “Shut the hell up and get the truck. We need blankets for her,” Big and Blond said with a growl.

  Gaius waved him off as he moved out of the vehicle, his hand still pressing hard to her side to stem the bleeding. Cupping her face with his free hand, he stroked her cheek. “Emily, look at me,” he said. She was trying, but it was hard. Her head was still spinning, and she was nauseous. “Emily, look at me,” he barked in a firmer tone. “Come on, sweetheart, look at me.”

  The redhead jogged off out of sight as the other big man came closer and crouched. “We need to get her back to base to medical. She’ll need the bones reset and quickly.”

  “I know,” Gaius whispered. “Merc, this is Emily. Em, this is Mercury, our leader. The other two, you never need to know—they’re assholes.”

  She nodded at the man and licked her lips. “Would shake your hand, but yeah, not so much.”

  “It’s okay.” Mercury looked to Gaius. “Others are coming to clean up the mess. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just her.”

  Emily stared up at Gaius and smiled. “Hey, you.” She felt him leaning in closer. “I think I need another kiss and a lovely, long nap while you take care of everything, okay? I think that would be best, don’t you?” Oh, she definitely wanted to give in to the oblivion that was reaching for her.

  Nodding, he kissed her again. “Sleep for now, Emily. You need it, and it will be better for us to move you if you’re not awake. I’m so sorry,” he whispered against her lips. “I never, never meant for you to get hurt.”

  “You protected me. I’m safe. I’ll be fine with some time, recovery, and lots of pain meds. Don’t worry so much. Just, next time I ask for a weapon, tell me no,” she teased. She was fading fast, but she struggled to hear what came next before passing out.

  Mercury put his hand on Gaius’s shoulder. “We’ll get her back to medical and looked over by the best. She’s right—you saved her. There are monsters out there, and they obviously knew about her.” There was anger brewing in his voice. “Now, to find out who the fuck let it leak that one of the virgins’ descendants was coming in and how.”

  “Whoever it is, they’re mine,” Gaius snarled before he eased Emily into his arms with infinite gentleness as she finally succumbed to the darkness.

  Chapter Eight

  Seven weeks later…

  “Gaius, I swear if you don’t stop hovering, I might have to beat you.” Emily was teasing him. “I’m fine. I know you have to go and follow the lead that you have, and I promise, I’m good. Go. Do what you need to. You heard the doc—I’m good. I get my cast off in a couple of days, and by then you’ll be back and you can give in and give me what we both need.” She was very frustrated because he had refused to make love to her while she was hurt. “Okay?” she asked, hopeful.

  Gaius shoved a hand through his hair as he paced. He was armed and ready to head out. They’d found the mole and knew where he was. They were going after him and were ready for anything. But Gaius wasn’t happy to leave her behind. He wasn’t exactly in the most trusting of moods of late.

  Finally, he moved to sit next to her and wrapped her in a hug. So gentle that she could feel the worry pouring off him. He didn’t say anything. He just held her and stroked her hair. After a time, he let out a heavy sigh and leaned back so she could lift her head. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he cupped her face. “If you need anything, anything, you contact Mercury. He’s remaining here to watch over you and the base. For any reason, Emily. No matter what. Even if it’s silly after the fact, trust your gut and contact him. Swear to me.”

  “I will. I promise.” She put her hand on his cheek and smiled. “I love you, Gaius. Now go and get this asshole that turned us over for money.” They had learned a lot in the last seven weeks. “Are you taking the flirty twins with you?”

  “Yes,” he growled, his lip curling. He was not happy with either man and got his back up whenever they came around. Not that she knew their names, and Gaius wasn’t telling her. Mercury was highly amused by it all, from what she’d observed, but he wasn’t giving her their names, either. “They need a good beating, and I’m hopeful they’ll get one. If not, I’ll attend to it myself,” he said with an evil grin.

  Sighing, he stroked her cheek. “I love you, Emily. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. Be safe,” he whispered and kissed her again. Then he was up and gone out the door before she could say a word.

  Emily watched him leave and smiled. “Gods, I love that man,” she said to no one. She knew why the men picked on Gaius by flirting with her. It was because he was like a brother to them, and it was their way of showing their acceptance. Too bad Gaius didn’t see it like that.

  Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes, grabbed the back scratcher that Gaius had bought for her, and shoved it down the cast to scratch her arm.

  Her mind began to drift back over the last few weeks and all that she’d learned. As a vestal virgin, she was apparently a “key.” Mercury had explained it to her the simplest. As one of the VV’s, as they called the virgins, she was pure in a unique way. Neither good, nor evil, she was perfectly balanced, yet could be used by either side.

  The important point of it all was that the guardians wouldn’t use her like the evil ones would. While they weren’t opposed to using her gifts in the right situations, they wouldn’t ever allow harm to come to her.

  The evil ones, the monsters, were truly evil incarnate. For the most part, they were humans turned demonic. They had allowed the insidious whispers of darkness into their hearts and souls. The head of all of them was Hades. He wasn’t a myth, which had absolutely blown her mind. It had definitely taken her a while to believe they hadn’t been yanking her chain about it all. She still wasn’t sure she truly believed.

  The god Tartarus used “minions”—Mercury’s term—to spread evil across the globe. The greater the hold the darkness had in the human realm, the stronger Hades would become. No one was sure what the end game was, but they knew the VV’s held a key role in everything. They were what could tip the scales of the ongoing war in favor of the guardians and help push back the rising tide of evil. Unfortunately, evil didn’t have any prejudice about who it went after. Including the guardians.

  Gaius had explained that they’d lost a lot of guardians over the years. Some to battle, while others had allowed evil into their souls, turning them into the worst of the monsters the remaining guardians faced. Fortunately, only a small number of them were ex-guardians, because with the skill sets they all had, they were definitely dangerous and deadly foes. Moreover, no one wanted to face a former friend on the battlefield.

  The other monsters were humans who, through the dark arts, had pledged allegiance to Hades and given him a door into their souls. Some were given a demon, which on the earthly plane gave them added strength, unique viciousness, and made them harder to kill.

  Others were humans that were naturally evil, broken souls that never should have made their way from the Wheel of Souls to partake of human life again. Serial killers, murderers, pedophiles. The truly evil souls of the human race returned and given new purpose, while being allowed to spread their filth and darkness onto i
nnocent lives.

  It all boiled down to one thing, according to Mercury. The guardians they still had standing strong against the gathering tsunami of darkness were the human race’s last hope to keep evil at bay. If they fell, there would be no hope left.

  Unfortunately, in the most recent battle of a seemingly never-ending war, it appeared that another guardian may have given evil entrance to his soul. As far as Gaius and the others were concerned, it was the only way the monsters could have been waiting for their return. No one but those within the Mountain had known she was coming with Gaius.

  Not good, not good at all. Biting her lip, she tossed the scratcher aside and rubbed a hand over her face. She didn’t know what was coming, but she knew that Gaius and his brethren were hanging on by the thinnest of threads to the only means of keeping evil from spreading unchecked.

  * * * *

  San Diego, CA

  “You fucking bitch!” A young woman screamed at an older lady who had hit the back end of her car. “I can’t fucking believe you hit me. Are you that fucking old that you can’t see?”

  The woman’s shock was clear. She didn’t speak, but others around them did, many coming to the defense of the old woman. The young girl continued to yell profanities, which only marked her for death.

  From the shadows, a smile spread. “Ah yes, another one.” Whispered maniacal laughter followed. “I think this one will be even more fun. I do believe I will test my new material.” The ice had been weaponized with the aid of a helpful fellow, a man who had refused to give his name.

  Hands rubbed together. Happiness filled the figure like warmth. Humming a tune, he walked away from the scene to find a hidden area in order to take the shot. Ah yes, now the kills could be made from a distance, so that there would be no trace left behind, no possible way to track the killer. The cops and FBI were all spinning their wheels, which made each successive assassination even better.

  Traveling was a wonderful thing, just as the man who had helped him perfect the weapon had suggested. Glorious.


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