A Thief In The Night

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A Thief In The Night Page 10

by K. Sterling

  “Is something wrong?” Jenna asked and Quinn felt a breeze brush against the back of his neck. Yes. Very. His head swung around as he looked for Roman but there was nothing but normal people doing normal things.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” he said hesitantly then shook his head quickly and smiled. “What could be wrong? I have the perfect date for a trip to the market and we’re going to have the perfect day because she’s picked the perfect dress,” he said as he gave her a playful wink then gestured for them to continue their journey.

  “I don’t think this counts as a date,” Jenna argued as she turned her stroller toward Pimlico Road and Quinn winced.

  “No, it doesn’t. Does it?” He murmured then offered her a vacant smile as she glared up at him.

  “No. It doesn’t. Especially if you don’t try to kiss me again,” she muttered petulantly and Quinn pulled his lips in to keep from laughing. She was adorable when she was frustrated with him. “A date might require an invitation on your part…” She mused then smiled expectantly as she blinked up him and Quinn’s lips twisted as he pretended to think back.

  “I’m certain it was me who asked if you wanted to meet at 10:00 to go to the market,” he said and her lips pulled tight.

  “That still doesn’t count. We always go on Saturdays,” she pointed out and he ducked his head in agreement.

  “It should count, it’s the highlight of my week,” he confided and her cheeks turned pink as she pretended to sniff a bouquet of roses from the first vendor as they entered the farmer’s market. Quinn ignored the tremor of guilt and waved at his favorite produce monger. Saturdays used to be the highlight of his week, before Roman. He was usually just exhausted from wandering nightclubs and bars or sneaking into parties to look for Jayce or anyone who could tell him something useful. Now, he was tired from going out with Roman until dawn and rushing to the Whittacombes’ to wake the kids up and prepare their breakfasts. Jenna was just part of his routine now. He’d changed. It started before they went too far on the sofa at the party but that felt like the final strike. She was lovely and his ideal girl in every way but he didn’t feel like he was right for her anymore. He’d seen and done things she’d find outrageous and probably even perverted. Some of it, he enjoyed. While he sensed she wasn’t completely naive and innocent, he knew he was too jaded or tainted for her. You’re not good enough for her and you’re not bad enough for Roman, he realized. But he had to stop making Jenna blush and focus on being a better friend.

  “I think I’ll look for a hat,” she decided then crossed the aisle to check out a selection of sun hats. She picked a wide-brimmed straw hat and laughed as the vendor handed her a mirror. Quinn grinned as he went to look for plums for a tart and stopped to check on the baby. She was still passed out and Quinn adjusted the visor then spotted some leeks. He liked the idea of soup, in the event that Jenna’s dress failed and the afternoon turned. He steered the stroller between the stands and reached for the leeks. Roman’s hand closed over his and Quinn jumped. He was behind him and stretching as if he was going for the same basket.

  “Jesus!” Quinn said as he elbowed him and looked over his shoulder. Jenna was still laughing with the woman at the hat stall. “Where did you come from?” Quinn asked under his breath as he grabbed a leek then swallowed a groan as Roman’s fingers danced along the cleft of his ass discreetly. “Stop it!” Quinn hissed as heat bloomed in his groin and his hard-on pushed against the front of his jeans. He glanced back and Roman was gone.

  “I think I need an apple for the park,” Jenna declared as she stepped behind Quinn. She scratched playfully between his shoulder blades as she hunted in a basket close to the leeks and Quinn laughed nervously as he turned and searched the stalls around them but Roman had vanished.

  “I’ll get that!” Quinn said as he made eye contact with the vendor then held up four leeks.

  “You spoil me, sir!” Jenna said as she dropped her apple in her bag. Quinn paid for their items then followed Jenna to another florist and bought her a bunch of daisies. He always bought her daisies because they were friendly and innocuous but he appreciated the irony in feeling guilty as he handed them to her. Welcome to my Friend Zone. I’m sorry I might be gay now but I hope you’ll decide to stay. He did his best to act relaxed and present but every now and then he could feel Roman brush against him or catch a whiff of his scent. His nerves wound tighter and tighter as he became anxious. Quinn’s head whipped from side to side as he ducked and leaned to see around corners and behind signs and banners as they made their way through the market. “What are you doing?” Jenna giggled as she nudged him with her elbow then rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

  “I was hoping I’d find some game for a pie but…” He said distantly then spotted Roman. He was leaning elegantly in the bookstore’s doorway and watching them. A wicked grin curved his lips and his eyes sparkled as he balanced an apple on his finger. He flipped it in the air then caught it and took a bite and Quinn felt a rush of intense lust as Roman’s tongue slid across his lips. Quinn shoved his hands deep in the pockets of his cardigan and rocked forward to cover his groin as his cock throbbed. “Actually, would you do me a favor and watch Cassie for me? I want to run in there and see if Bernard found that cookbook I’ve been looking for,” Quinn asked and Jenna nodded as she steered out of traffic and found a bench by a telephone box.

  “Just park her here and I’ll watch her. I think Tessa might need a new diaper,” she whispered conspiratorially. Quinn made sure they were settled then darted and dodged his way through stalls and around people then ducked into the bookstore.

  “Hey, Bernard,” Quinn said as he waved at the man at the desk as he hunted for Roman. He couldn’t see him so he decided the easiest way to find Roman was to hide. He rushed past the tables at the front of the store and made his way to the back corner and the shelves of gardening and nature books. No one ever went back there and the lightbulb was still burned out. He checked to make sure the aisle was clear then peeked around the shelf to see if anyone was nearby. Aside from Bernard, the shop was empty.

  “It’s definitely going to rain,” Roman murmured at Quinn’s ear. Quinn swore under his breath and checked the shop once more then turned. He groaned as he was pulled into Roman’s arms and into the shadows as their lips crashed and their tongues swirled hungrily. Roman tasted like apple and Quinn was helpless. He couldn’t stop his fingers from twisting in Roman’s lapels and pulling him closer. Roman’s hands were under Quinn’s cardigan and his shirt and they spread over his skin possessively as he backed him against a shelf.

  “Why do you have to follow me?” Quinn huffed as Roman’s lips slid along his cheek then nipped at his earlobe before he sucked. Quinn swallowed hard as a moan caught in his throat and his body vibrated with anticipation and desire.

  “Because it’s fun and I want to taste you,” Roman breathed in his ear as he braced his hand on the shelf over Quinn’s shoulder, pinning him. Quinn shook his head quickly but he couldn’t move.

  “Not here. We can’t…” He stopped and his mouth stretched on a silent cry as Roman’s hand pushed into the front of his jeans. Roman’s purr was low and mesmerizing as his fingers curled around Quinn’s erection. Quinn’s jaw hung and his chest heaved as Roman’s teeth dug into his neck and he stroked hard. Intense pressure swelled in the base of Quinn’s cock and his sack pulled tight as pleasure and heat swirled and rolled through him. Quinn’s hips bucked urgently as Roman hummed encouragingly in his ear.

  “I need to taste you, Quinn,” he complained. It was as soft as a breath but Quinn’s heart slammed against his ribs as his blood rushed and it felt like thunder as the pressure became unbearable. Quinn rose on his toes as Roman’s hand tugged slow and tight. “I dreamt about you. My tongue was so deep in your arse and you were so sweet and so good. I need to taste all of you,” he groaned and his tongue swept along the curve of Quinn’s ear and he shattered. Quinn gasped for breath and arched as cum pushed up the length of
his cock. “Shhh… Shhh… Shhh…” Roman muffled Quinn’s moan with his lips as he caught his cum in his hand. He soothed him with a lazy, drugging kiss until Quinn’s heart stopped pounding then leaned back. Roman raised his hand to his lips and his eyes held Quinn’s as he licked his palm and sucked his fingers clean. “Enjoy the park,” Roman said as he stepped back and Quinn jumped and looked toward the front of the store as a man asked Bernard if he had any books about birds. He directed him to the back corner, under the burned out bulb and Quinn looked at Roman but he was gone. Quinn shook his head then remembered his pants. He reached down to fix them then stared in confusion at his fly. It was zipped and buttoned.

  “How in the fuck…?” Quinn wondered to himself then hurried around the shelf and avoided a petite man with a very large beard. “Any luck with that copy of The Art of French Baking?” He asked as he rushed past Bernard’s desk.

  “Yes!” Bernard exclaimed as he stood and his hands waved excitedly as he hunted among his post-it notes. “I have the tracking number here somewhere. I’ll have it next week,” he said and Quinn held up his thumbs as he backed toward the door.

  “Excellent! Give me a call or hang on to it until next Saturday,” he said and waited for Bernard to nod before he fled. He jogged to the other side of the street and Jenna smiled up at him as she buckled Tessa back into her seat.

  “Any luck?” She asked and Quinn tripped but caught himself. He threw his hands up dramatically then bowed before he offered her a hand.

  “I got quite lucky, actually,” he said as he pulled her to her feet. “The book should be in some time next week,” he added and she cheered as they turned toward the park.

  “Wonderful! I might let you have a bite or two of my apple if you promise to bake some macarons for me,” she said and Quinn raised his brows and offered her a tight smile.

  “Awesome!” He replied a little too enthusiastically. There was no way he was ever going to be able to taste an apple again and not get turned on and it felt wrong even thinking about Roman in her presence now.

  Chapter 11

  “Here’s the thing, Quinn,” Roman said as he pointed at the mirror then shook his head and started over. “You know, I have a really bad feeling about tonight and I think it might be best if I handled this on my own,” he stated in his most serious tone then hissed as he set the razor on the tray and reached for a towel. He dabbed his face then groaned into the Egyptian cotton before flashing a cocky grin at his reflection. “Look,” he said as he tossed the towel at the sink then braced his hand on the mirror. “I get that you’re not the kind of man who rushes into sex. With men,” he added then waved nonchalantly. “Which is fine. I respect that and I respect you, most importantly.” He pointed at the mirror again and widened his eyes appropriately. “And I’ve decided to turn a new leaf and I’m enjoying it. It’s great and I want to prove I’m ready for something deeper and more meaningful.” He made his gaze intense and emphasized everything perfectly so there would be no misunderstanding then offered a sheepish smile. “It’s just that you and I haven’t reached that point in our relationship and we aren’t officially or technically even together yet,” he added as he gave himself a very loaded and expectant look then swayed closer and winced as he looked around. “And if I’m being honest, it’s been weeks since I’ve got off with anyone and Minton’s is the perfect opportunity for me to get a round out of the chamber without upsetting any of this,” he explained as he waved between himselves. “Because nothing counts at an orgy. People won’t even have faces in there. I’ll probably walk in, do a lap, get my dick sucked, ask about Dash then call it a night. I expect the whole evening to be a waste, if I’m honest,” he said then stared at himself. “I don’t think that’s going to work,” he murmured then swore as he snatched his phone off the counter. “Be a coward and send a vague text,” he decided as he swiped at the screen.


  Following up on a lead tonight but I think it would be better if I handled this on my own. Not expecting much but I’ll let you know if I learn anything interesting in the morning.

  He hit send then watched the screen as he patted aftershave on his cheeks then held his breath as Quinn typed. The dots bounced for just a few seconds and Roman relaxed as his message arrived.


  Ok. Be careful.

  “Why do they say dating is difficult? Be vague and don’t lie,” Roman said simply then offered himself a satisfied, congratulatory nod.

  “I think you’re overlooking many things, sir,” Mr. Bishop warned as he held up a tray of detonators and Roman winced as he mentally considered the layout of the house.

  “New remodel, thinner walls, narrow construction, high traffic…” He shook his head and waved it away. “I’d rather disrupt the power and set off the alarms, if things get that messy,” he murmured and Mr. Bishop nodded then stepped aside as Grigore held up Roman’s shirt. He pushed his arms into the sleeves then shrugged his shoulders as he pulled it on. “I’d like you to stay with Mr. Waverly,” he said as he stretched his neck so he could button his collar then held out his hand. Grigore passed him a tie and Roman pulled it around his neck. His fingers flickered for a second then he hummed in approval as he inspected the bow. He stepped back and tucked in his shirt and buckled his belt as Mr. Bishop arrived with a selection of watches and cufflinks. Roman chewed on his lip as he considered. “Smoke?” He asked as his fingers hovered then nodded. “Always good for a distraction,” he said as he picked the simpler Patek Philippe with the white face and the black leather band.

  “What if Mr. Waverly isn’t home?” Mr. Bishop asked and Roman’s eyes flared. What if he made other plans?

  “You find him and let me know.” He ignored the smug look on Mr. Bishop’s face as he pondered the cufflinks. “I’m nearly ready if you’d like to bring the car around,” he said.

  “You didn’t eat your sandwich,” Mr. Bishop scolded as he pointed at a plate on the counter and Roman nodded.

  “I wasn’t in the mood. Help yourself,” he said as he slid into his coat.

  “I’ll have it wrapped. You can eat in the car,” Mr. Bishop nagged and Roman made a dismissive gesture as he stepped back and swayed and turned in front of the full length mirror.

  “I’ll find something at Minton’s. There’s usually fruit and it’s fairly safe, if you eat while people’s hands are still relatively clean,” he mumbled and Mr. Bishop made a disgruntled sound as Roman tugged at his sleeves. “I think I’ll drop by Mr. Waverly’s afterwards. It would be a shame to deprive him of this and he’ll be impressed because I’m going home early and alone.”

  “That doesn’t seem likely,” Mr. Bishop said and Roman’s jaw fell as he tried to decide if he meant he wouldn’t be able to control himself or Quinn wouldn’t be impressed. His lips pulled tight as he scowled.

  “Get the car. Please,” he said as he pointed at the door. He didn’t listen as Mr. Bishop complained under his breath and stomped out of the room. “I think, Grigore, that Mr. Bishop could do with an hour at an orgy or a brothel,” he mused and his butler looked nauseous and extremely offended as he stared at him through the mirror. Roman’s head snapped back and he cackled and hugged his stomach as he imagined Mr. Bishop having an orgasm. “Good Lord, that’s ridiculous! Can you imagine?” He asked as he wiped his eyes. “He probably sounds like a foghorn!” He wheezed as he tried to catch his breath and paused. “Well… I’m much less enthusiastic about getting off tonight,” he noted as he headed for the door. “I’m going to have to remember that for later, if I ever need to kill an erection immediately.”

  Roman hummed to himself as he left Grigore horrified and pale and was still giggling as he skipped down the stairs. He grabbed his overcoat off the hook then pulled it on as a footman opened the door. Mr. Bishop was still judging Roman as he ducked into the backseat. The door shut and Roman snorted at the sandwich. It was wrapped and waiting on the armrest. He waited until Mr. Bishop was watching h
im to slide it into the outer pocket of his overcoat.

  “In case I feel peckish,” he said then pulled out his phone. His thumb tapped idly as he debated. If he implied he might stop by later… He stared until his eyes became dry then shook his head and tossed his phone on the seat. “Don’t be absurd. Or common,” he muttered to himself. There was absolutely no reason to feel jealous or threatened. “Over a girl!” But she was a girl. He reminded himself. And she’s twenty-six. Just two years younger than Quinn. He threw up his hands in disgust. The whole thing was completely… Disorienting. Roman didn’t understand how the straight brain worked or what to do if just being him wasn’t enough. He barely talked to the people he had sex with, they weren’t really interested in his personality and he wasn’t interested in them. It was so simple. “I had to decide it was time for something different,” he complained as the car stopped and he was already bored as he waited for the car in front of them to release its passengers. Roman groaned as he recognized familiar faces among the men waiting at the door and smoking on the balconies. The promise of easy, anonymous sex with as many of them as his heart and body desired wasn’t remotely arousing and he was far more interested in how he could steal a few kisses from Quinn later. “I’ll just talk to Minton,” he decided as the car rolled forward and stopped. Mr. Bishop got out and Roman smiled as he opened the door. Minton lived for two things: gossip and orgies. “Do a slow circle around the block, I don’t need to stay.” He caught a hint of a smirk as Mr. Bishop shut the door. “We’ll see if Mr. Waverly’s in the mood for a late dinner,” he decided as he left him and headed up the steps.

  “Carlisle,” someone called from one of the balconies and Roman tapped his brow absently as he climbed then pulled off his overcoat as a footman greeted him.


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