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A Thief In The Night

Page 17

by K. Sterling

  “So, you did want me but you’d have to be completely mad to open yourself up to a junkie like that,” he realized and Quinn hissed.

  “It was a lot, in addition to you being a serious criminal, London’s greatest whore and a dick,” he said pointedly and Roman’s jaw fell.

  “London’s greatest whore? I am international, sir. There is a shrine dedicated to me in Mykonos!” He declared indignantly and he thought Quinn’s eye might have twitched.

  “Such a dick. But the drugs were too much. I knew I’d never be able to totally trust you and nothing would ever feel stable. I could get past the stealing, that’s why rich people have insurance and it’s not like you’re a murderer. And the sex thing doesn’t bother me. What’s the difference between a person having sex five hundred times with one person or having sex with five hundred different people? People aren’t like cars or bowling shoes,” he explained and Roman cringed as he rolled them.

  “I’m sorry I hid that from you but it was more of an omission. It’s something I try not to acknowledge in general,” he said and Quinn nodded.

  “I understand but it’s something we can manage pretty easily if you’ll quit being so fucking stubborn.” He gave Roman the evil eye but his heart swelled and felt too big as he gasped Quinn’s name and kissed him. We. And he called him ‘fucking stubborn’ and it was so much like Antoni, in the most beautiful way. Roman felt so alone and lost without the bond he shared with Antoni. He felt it with Quinn.

  “It makes sense now,” he said to himself. He never understood the point of Love or why it would be a good thing. Why would you want to feel that way about one person and be so vulnerable? He saw what it did to the men in his family. We. Roman knew how to eat right and check his blood and when he needed insulin but it was tedious and made him weak and gave everything so many more consequences. He only cared because it was always a matter of We with Toni. We gave Roman a reason to care. He took care of himself because he loved Toni. He could take care of himself because he loved Quinn.

  “What? Managing your diabetes?” Quinn asked, snapping Roman out of his revelation.

  “Of course,” Roman said then cleared his throat cautiously. “If I am a dick, it’s because I will never lie to you and I’d rather you were prepared. And there are some things I can’t hide. It would be fucking exhausting,” he imagined.

  “Kind of like a leopard pretending it doesn’t have spots,” Quinn mused.

  “Quite,” Roman agreed then winced as he kissed him. “The whole murderer thing is…” He nodded sheepishly and Quinn tried to sit up but Roman shushed him as he pinned him and kissed him soothingly.

  “Whyyyyyy?” He complained loudly.

  “Do you mean each one or in general?” Roman asked.

  “Each one?” Quinn cried and Roman shushed him again.

  “There are so many awful people. Does the world really need all of them?” He asked and Quinn pressed his lips hard against Roman’s as he swallowed a shriek.

  “Holy shit! What?” His fingers twisted in Roman’s hair and it made his cock jump. Roman’s head tilted and his brows tightened.

  “What did you think I was going to do to Darlington? Send him a harshly worded letter and have him kicked out of the Rich Evil Perverts Club?” He asked and Quinn’s lips pursed as he considered.

  “See. I get it with Darlington…”

  “It’s best if you just leave it at that,” Roman advised.

  “Is that what it’s called?” Quinn asked and Roman shook his head.

  “No. There’s no name. You’re either invited or you’re not. Usually you’re not because you’ve shit in the wrong place or you give too many people chlamydia. It’s not as exclusive as everyone pretends it is. If you’re an incredibly wealthy, powerful asshole who enjoys assholes and dicks, you’re in,” he stated.

  “Or an attractive younger man,” Quinn added and Roman shrugged.

  “Yes, the assholes and dicks. It was implied. It’s not that exclusive.”

  “This is why I thought it was heroin. What would a man with no shame hide?” Quinn said.

  “I understand. I would have had a much easier time seducing you if I had appealed to your instinct to help and nurture,” Roman stated and Quinn started to argue then stopped.

  “That would have worked so much better than the whole moody and mysterious thing,” he murmured thoughtfully then gasped. “I fixed the lancet on your meter. You can adjust it so it’s not pricking as deep and here,” he said as he pushed Roman onto his side and captured his hand. He held it in his and found Roman’s ring finger. “I think part of the reason you hate testing is because of how much you need your fingertips. But you can do it there, on the side. You didn’t even feel it when I tested you this morning. Find the parts of your fingers that are less sensitive, that you don’t use,” he explained and he turned Roman’s hand to show him. Roman couldn’t speak or breathe as he watched Quinn holding his hand so tenderly. It was so overwhelmingly intimate.

  “How did you know?” He whispered and Quinn raised a shoulder then kissed his finger absently.

  “You don’t use your fingertips just to feel, like everyone else. You use them to see, like blind people. And you use your fingers to speak and they’re the only thing that gives you away. Your fingers are an extension of you and sort of like a cat’s tail,” he said as he studied Roman’s fingerprint and he could have been examining his soul in the shaft of sunlight as he described every facet. “I understand you so much better now and I know what you need. I can see why you’d need me,” he added quietly and Roman groaned. He ducked his head and caught Quinn’s lip and sucked on it.

  “What do I need?” He asked and he felt Quinn’s lip tug into a grin.

  “A nurse,” he declared. “And maybe a little sugar, now and then,” he said as he raised Roman’s finger’s to his lips. He rubbed them along the pads then licked and Roman swallowed hard as need slammed into his groin. He sucked and Roman shuddered as silky heat swirled around his fingertips and he clenched at the flaring, gnawing ache in his passage.

  “Oh, good Lord,” he whimpered as his arm stretched for the bedside table over Quinn’s shoulder. He was painfully hard and his cock leaked as he remembered he was in his bedroom and there were no condoms in the drawer on his bedside table. “I don’t know where Mr. Bishop keeps those,” he realized.

  “I left some under the other pillow,” Quinn said. Roman settled on his elbow and rubbed Quinn’s lip as he made a thoughtful sound.

  “If I did need a nurse… Would he be the sort of nurse I could ride from time to time?” He asked and Quinn’s brows rose. Then, he laughed.

  “What is that? Like a nurse horse? There aren’t any kinds of nurses you can ride,” he said and Roman cackled and it was brilliant. He felt brilliant as light and joy filled him and the muscles in his stomach started to hurt. It had been so long since he laughed like he did when he was with Quinn.

  “I don’t know, I’ve rode a lot of nurses,” he said and Quinn laughed sarcastically.

  “Shut up. I didn’t think you bottomed,” he said directly and Roman was a little startled.

  “I don’t very often because I prefer a certain level of trust,” he admitted and became embarrassingly uncomfortable. It was one of his few hang-ups, if he was able to be completely honest. But he couldn’t. He didn’t like the lack of control and he felt vulnerable, especially if he was on his back. It was why he didn’t like having sex in front of other men. He didn’t trust them and he was defenseless if he couldn’t see what was happening around him. Who was behind him. He felt exposed. He didn’t feel that with Quinn, especially in his bed. He wanted to enjoy Quinn’s body in every way possible and feel him in every way possible. His neck stretched as he went to kiss him and he stopped. “You didn’t think that could become an issue?”

  “Well…” Quinn’s teeth scraped over his lip before he shrugged. “I wasn’t having a lot of sex before I met you and I’ve been ge
tting off pretty hard every time I’m with you. I didn’t see much reason to complain.”

  “I’d like to keep you forever,” Roman said then nodded. “If you could have your mail forwarded to this bed and let Mr. Bishop know if you have any food allergies, that would be acceptable,” he stated and he wished he could tell Quinn he loved him.

  “I’ll think about it,” he said slowly then cocked his head. “Before we do that, could I try a few things?” He asked and the hairs on Roman’s neck stood as he nodded.

  “Of course. You can do anything you’d like.” His voice cracked and Quinn became alert as he rose on his elbow.

  “I have some lollipops on the bedside table,” he said as he pointed over his shoulder and Roman shook his head as he pulled his lips close and kissed him.

  “What do you want to try?” He whispered. He didn’t trust his voice to work and Quinn’s cheeks pulled in nervously as he sucked loudly. “Out with it, Mary,” Roman ordered and Quinn wrinkled his nose.

  “This is a little weird because of everything we’ve done but I’ve never really touched a man…like that.”

  “What?” Roman mouthed and Quinn shrugged as his cheeks turned pink.

  “I grew up with Jayce so I’ve never been uncomfortable with gay men or gay sex. It wasn’t that big of a shock, being in the clubs and going to parties. It wasn’t any weirder than random women touching me and I was working, in a way. You were the first man I approached or kissed,” he said and Roman truly didn’t know what to say.

  “I thought you’d done a lot more. How does a straight man learn to keep a vibrator in his bedside table?” He asked and Quinn rolled his eyes.

  “We date vegan yoga instructors with back tattoos when we’re in college. We’re catching on,” he muttered and Roman hummed loudly.

  “You were remarkably nonchalant considering it was your first time last night. I was more concerned with your level of experience,” he said and Quinn shook his head dismissively.

  “I trusted you,” he said simply and the last little ache Roman felt from the night before eased. We. Quinn licked his lips and grinned wickedly. “I knew I was in good hands. If you’re going to do that for the first time in a room full of rich evil perverts, you might as well do it with the master,” he said and Roman’s smile became brittle for a moment before he laughed softly. “It’s like having your portrait painted by da Vinci. Who wouldn’t be excited about that?” He added. Oh, that’s much better. “But I’ve never actually touched another man’s cock before. Or sucked one. I’m kind of old fashioned and think I probably should, before I fuck you.”

  “If you’d like to,” Roman said then leaned back as Quinn rose over him.

  “I’d really like to,” he said and his eyes were heavy as his fingers trailed down Roman’s chest. His stomach sucked in as they skated over his navel and Quinn stopped. “Is this wrong?”

  “No!” Roman shook his head. He wasn’t used to it. They were always in a hurry to impress him with how much they could swallow, how hard they could suck or how tight they were. They rarely touched anything above the belt, he rarely took off his clothes. “I’m not used to being touched.”

  “But you’re so beautiful. Everyone says that about you. Who wouldn’t want to touch you?” Quinn argued and Roman nodded.

  “People rarely know what to do with beautiful things.” He held his breath as Quinn’s fingers spread through the neatly trimmed hairs at the base of his erection and Roman shifted anxiously.

  “You don’t like it!” Quinn realized as he leaned back and pointed accusatively. “You had a better time when that creepy Oompa Loompa was groping you!”

  “That’s not true and Minton isn’t creepy,” Roman stated.

  “Get the fuck out! There were so many things wrong with him,” Quinn said and Roman gave him a disapproving look.

  “You shouldn’t judge people based on appearances. I’ve never fucked Minton because I enjoy sitting on things but I’ve heard he’s magnificent.”

  “I’m losing the will to have sex and the will to live. Why don’t you want me to touch you?” Quinn asked and Roman wasn’t completely sure what was happening himself. He’d thought about Quinn touching him and blowing him but he was tense and his hands wouldn’t unclench. He definitely wasn’t as hard as he was when Quinn was sucking on his fingers.

  “I think I may have overdone it a bit as far as you being so different from all the others,” Roman confessed. “I’m so used to using men for my own pleasure, I wouldn’t want you to do anything that feels exploitative or degrading. I feel like I shouldn’t make you do anything that isn’t…wholesome. I can tease and do wicked things to you, because that’s me. But it feels a little beneath you,” he said and Quinn’s eyes were wide.

  “Oh, don’t do that!” He pleaded. “I’ve never been to a glory hole or had sex with a treasure troll but I’m not a monk or a prude. I haven’t been with many women because I like getting to know them first, so it’s not nervous and impersonal. But I’ve had some really good, hard sex. I find that if you let a girl get comfortable enough with you that she’ll let her leg hair grow, she’ll eat your ass and sit on your face. I enjoy that a lot more than getting my dick sucked by a different girl every night. If it makes it easier for you, that vegan yoga instructor got me limber enough that I was able to suck my own dick for a while. So I have technically given a man head before but I usually don’t count it because we’re not allowed to count the times we jerk off.”

  “When you say for a while?” Roman asked hoarsely and Quinn’s lips pulled tight.

  “Not since I got into microbrews. You can’t do that if you drink beer. Even if you stop, you will never get those muscles to do that again,” he said sadly and Roman silently said a prayer for Quinn’s college body. His current body was a wonder so Roman wasn’t too disappointed.

  “I’ll try to respect you as little as possible,” he reassured him and Quinn beamed.

  “Perfect,” he said then slid lower and rubbed his face against the dusting of hair across Roman’s pecs. He settled on his forearms and took his time, learning, licking and tasting Roman’s neck, shoulders, chest and ribs. He rubbed his face in his armpits, licked and nibbled on his nipple and sucked on his throat and shoulders. He wanted to taste, smell and feel everything with his lips and tongue. Quinn lapped at the grooves in Roman’s abs and his tongue swirled in his navel as his hands pulled and kneaded his skin. He wasn’t trying to please Roman, he was exploring and searching. It was mind-numbingly erotic for Roman and the anticipation was pure agony as his cock leaked and strained toward Quinn’s lips as they lazily swept through the trail of hair that led to his shaft. Quinn inhaled deeply, pulling in the scent of Roman’s aroused flesh as he shifted his shoulders lower. His hands spread and parted Roman’s thighs as he pushed them back and he pressed his face into his ass.

  “Quinn. Quinn, Quinn, Quinn, Quinn, Quinn!” He whispered loudly as he rose on his elbows and tried to scoot back. Quinn raised a brow as he looked up at him. “I wasn’t sure if you meant to go that far or if you might have been confused,” he said quickly and Quinn smirked.

  “I assumed you only had the one ass but I can take a look at whatever else you’ve got going on down here after I’ve finished. You’ve done this before, right?” He asked playfully and Roman gave him a flat look.

  “You told me you were a virgin and then you went straight to Tijuana,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting that,” Roman admitted and Quinn raised a shoulder.

  “I usually start from the back and work my way forward,” he said then dropped and pushed his face into the cleft of Roman’s ass as he held him open.

  “Oh.” Roman said before his eyes crossed. “Ohhhhhhhhh, Quinn,” Roman moaned as he melted onto the bed and his eyes drifted to the canopy. He was blind and his jaw stretched as Quinn’s tongue bathed his hole. Lush heat probed and swirled and Roman’s head lolled on the mattress as hot pleasure radiated from Quinn’s tongue.
r />   “Can I use my fingers?” He asked and Roman nodded. Quinn’s tongue continued drilling and flicking until he looked up. “Roman?”

  “Yes. Please,” he wheezed then grabbed a pillow as Quinn slid two fingers into his ass. He used his fingers to part Roman so his tongue could push deeper and he sucked greedily as his fingers twisted and stretched. Quinn pressed deep and found his prostate as the flat part of his tongue spread from his hole to the underside of Roman’s sack. There was a euphoric groan as Quinn sucked and lapped around the base of his cock and under his balls. It wasn’t from Roman.

  “You taste really good,” Quinn growled as his lips pulled at Roman’s sack and he fingered him slowly.

  “Thank you,” Roman breathed as tight heat twisted in his groin. Quinn’s lips danced along the length of his erection and a tear rolled down Roman’s temple. Finally. He sucked on the head and Roman’s spine bowed as his head rolled back. “Sfinte Dumnezeule, Sfinte tare, Sfinte fara de moarte, miluieste-ne pre noi!” He prayed as the slick, wet heat of Quinn’s mouth wrapped around his cock. His lips stretched as he took him deep, deep, deep in his throat and Roman realized his hand was fisted in his hair and his breath was hissing back and forth through his teeth as his heels dug into the bed. Quinn slurped loudly and his lips clung as he raised his head and Roman’s arms flung wide and he clawed at the bed as intense pressure drilled into the base of his erection. “Miluieste-ne pre noi!” He begged. Have mercy on us!

  “That sounds like a prayer. Is it working?” Quinn asked as his fingertips ground against Roman’s prostate and he shook his head.

  “Not yet,” Roman panted and clenched his jaw as a wave of warm pleasure rolled down his legs.

  “You’ve only come once,” Quinn breathed against the head of Roman’s cock and his eyes widened in shock as he raised his head and looked down at him.


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