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A Thief In The Night

Page 27

by K. Sterling

  “Jenna!” Quinn cried and Roman had to agree with him.

  “Are you completely mental?” He asked and she shook her head as she pursed her lips.

  “Nooo... I know that if I find the most dangerous man I possibly can, he’ll take me right to Darius,” she stated.

  “Definitely mental,” Roman declared then held up his hands. Mr. Bishop returned and Quinn gasped in relief.

  “Mr. Bishop, can you take her home please,” he asked and Jenna’s eyes flared and she was ready to spit.

  “You will not take me home, Mr. Bishop!” She burst out as she turned on him and squeaked as her eyes grew round. “Please,” she added meekly. “Thank you and I’m sorry,” she whimpered then dashed to Darius.

  “I think she should stay,” Mr. Bishop said.

  “She’s your problem now, Darius. I don’t know what I can do to help you,” Roman said and Quinn became pale as Darius scowled at him then turned to Jenna.

  “Most women would have got the message. I don’t know how else to tell you I’m not interested,” Darius pleaded. Roman and Quinn cringed but Jenna shook her head and there was a crazy glint in her eyes. Roman thought it was quite fetching.

  “You certainly acted like you were interested,” she said. Quinn jumped and Roman watched him very closely.

  “I got carried away, Jenna!” Darius exclaimed.

  “Three times!” She announced as she held up three fingers for everyone to see.

  “What?” Quinn demanded and Roman decided to do a little fishing.

  “I think we should let these two have a moment to discuss this privately,” he purred as he reached for Quinn’s arm and he leaned away from him.

  “No, I really don’t think we should,” he said as he crossed his arms and Darius nodded as he flailed at him.

  “He’s right. We don’t need a moment. I argued with her all the way over here,” he said and Roman held up a hand.

  “I think we need a moment,” he said pointedly then took Quinn’s elbow and steered him down the stairs and into the study.

  “I know what you’re thinking and I swear I’m not jealous,” Quinn stated immediately and Roman tilted his head.

  “Excellent. So, you don’t think my cousin is good enough for Jenna?” He asked and Quinn’s eyes widened before he laughed nervously then pushed his hand through his hair.

  “Sort of…in the literal sense. But come on!” He whispered. “I love Darius and I think he’s a great guy but he’s a really bad guy, Roman. I know he wouldn’t harm a hair on her head but it’s too dangerous. Look at how much danger she’s already been in. We nearly got her raped and murdered and now she’s stalking rapists and murderers. I’m starting to thinks she’s unstable,” he said and Roman laughed softly.

  “That’s why she’s perfect for him,” he said and Quinn clutched his forehead.

  “He eats people!” He screamed as quietly as he could and Roman waved his hands.

  “Calm down. I don’t think Jenna minds, she’s a crazy little sadist.”

  “Oh, my God! You’re all crazy. I’m the only sane person in this house,” Quinn said then waved toward the foyer. “Do you see how tiny she is?”

  “She would be the safest woman in all of London,” Roman proclaimed as he put his arm around Quinn and turned him toward the foyer. “And she would be worshiped,” he added and they watched Darius give in as Jenna tugged on his lapels. He tipped her back as his hands slid around her body and her fingers tangled in his hair as they kissed ravenously. “You’re not the only one who has a weakness for tiny, bosommy, bottomy women. I was keeping an eye on her for Darius,” he explained. “She’s clever, brave, a little mean, she can throw a decent punch and they can’t keep their hands off each other. She’ll do very well for him.” He tightened his arm around Quinn and he sighed. They both pulled their heads back as Darius picked Jenna up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her into the dining room and she giggled as he kicked the door shut behind him.

  “I think we should go back to bed,” Quinn said. There was a loud crash and they winced as Darius begged for help.

  “I think I’m going to need new dining furniture,” Roman murmured as they headed up the stairs.

  “You could get a normal size table. Do you need seating for fifty?” Quinn asked and they paused as another loud crash and clattering exploded in the dining room and Darius groaned.

  “From the sound of things? We might. I think that was the silver,” Roman said as they turned down the hall.

  Chapter 25

  “You’re making me nervous. More so than usual,” Quinn said and Roman jumped slightly as he snatched his eyes away from his window. He’d been distant all afternoon and there was a heaviness to his contemplation Quinn wasn’t used to. Roman was never heavy and the stillness was unnatural for him.

  “Me?” He asked as he took Quinn’s hand and pulled it to his lips. “I’m feeling quite relieved and balanced. I’m in a very forgiving mood at the moment, actually,” he said as his lips traced Quinn’s knuckles.

  “You’ve been quiet all day. Now, we’re at the docks and you’re being extra cryptic tonight. I’m a little concerned,” Quinn admitted. Roman sighed and it was still heavy but there was a finality to it. A finality Quinn still didn’t appreciate as Mr. Bishop parked and got out.

  “I realized today that the longest chapter of my life is coming to a close. I’ve waited a long time for this,” Roman said quietly. Quinn’s eyes widened as Mr. Bishop opened the door and Roman stepped out.

  “Darlington?” Quinn whispered as he looked around. They were surrounded by massive ships but it was dark and eerily quiet as he got out and joined Roman. “Where are we?” He asked and Roman gestured for Quinn to follow.

  “Port of Tilbury, this way,” he said and Mr. Bishop was behind them as they walked. Roman clasped his hands behind him and hummed softly to himself. It was the same mournful lullaby Quinn heard him play the first night at Carlton House.

  “Mr. Bishop found Darlington?” Quinn asked as he glanced over his shoulder but Mr. Bishop’s expression was as immobile as ever.

  “Not long after we left him, just as I said,” Roman replied and Quinn gasped.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” He asked and Roman looked confused as he stopped.

  “I told you Mr. Bishop would pick him up within the hour. I don’t know how I could have made that more clear,” he said and Quinn blinked back at him.

  “Right… So you’ve had him this whole time and we were just…” He asked as he flung his arm toward St. James. Roman grinned as he waved ahead of them. Quinn turned and a sleek white yacht was waiting.

  “We’ve waited twelve years. One more night for him to reflect on his demise seemed appropriate,” he stated and Quinn understood he’d offer no more explanation. “He’s waiting on that ship but I don’t believe you should board it with us,” Roman said carefully and his eyes were full of warning. Quinn frowned and shook his head quickly.

  “I want to see this through to the end. He took my brother from me,” he said and Roman nodded.

  “I know. This is the end,” he said as he glanced at the yacht. “I’m telling you he’s on that ship. That’s all you need to know and all you need to see. This is the end,” he repeated firmly and Quinn understood. This was where Roman offered him closure. There was no doubt in Quinn’s mind that Darlington was on the ship and justice was about to be delivered. This was clean and simple but whatever happened on the ship wouldn’t be. “You don’t need to see the rest of this. In fact, I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “I need an answer,” Quinn pleaded. “I still don’t know where Jayce is,” he said and Roman held up a hand.

  “Mr. Bishop and I will have that answer for you before Darlington leaves the ship,” he vowed. Quinn forced out a loud breath as muscles that had been tight for almost a year began to relax. Roman would bring Jayce home if he was still alive. “I’ve worked very hard
to gain your trust and I don’t want you to think I’m a monster,” Roman said as he cupped Quinn’s cheek. “You’re getting cold. A car is here to take you back to Carlton House and I’d like you to get into it. If you stay, you’re going to see a monster on that ship. I’m going to be a different man for you and I want to give you the life you deserve but I have to finish this and that’s going to require a monster,” he warned. His face was soft with worship and concern but Quinn saw a flash of fire and raw rage. He’d kept it hidden so well but it was always there, just beneath the elegant veneer. Roman was going to purge it.

  “I’m going with you,” Quinn said firmly then held up his hand before Roman could argue. He was a little taken aback before his lips twitched and Quinn rolled his eyes. “I’m only afraid of the things you hide from me. I fell in love with you when I thought you were an addict and a monster. I know what you are now and I understand. But Darlington’s a monster and I’d like to be there to see him face one. Then, I’d like to see it die with him,” he stated and Roman narrowed his eyes at Quinn.

  “It won’t be pretty, I won’t hold back because you’re there. He didn’t just violate me physically, he tried to rob me of my independence and he violated my soul. The torment I experienced that night will never go away, I’ll always feel a trace of it. You never stop feeling heroin, once it’s touched you. It’s beyond exquisite and utterly sublime,” Roman said as he shut his eyes. His hand danced through the air as it pulled the bow across his invisible violin and Quinn could hear the lullaby and he realized it was heroin. “It’s exquisite until it’s hell and it never lets you leave, if you’re normal. If you’re like me and can feel a sneeze from across the room and hear a person blink, it’s pure unmitigated torture from the first moment and hell is an itch you live with every day of your life. Why do you think I’ve never been optimistic about Jayce? I know where he’s been and the demons he’s lived with,” he said and Quinn didn’t need him to explain any more. There would never be a punishment for Darlington that could give Roman justice or closure, he’d suffer forever.

  “None of this is changing my mind. Can we get going?” Quinn asked as he jerked his thumb at the yacht.

  “Very well,” Roman said then pressed his hand against Quinn’s back. They were quiet as they strolled the rest of the way and Roman was deep in his thoughts as they climbed the ramp that led to the deck of the ship. Quinn’s eyes darted around the deck, he’d never been near a yacht, let alone on one. There was a pool and lounge chairs but Quinn’s eye caught on a wheelchair waiting by a door as Mr. Bishop opened it. They hurried down a short, narrow set of stairs and into a tight hallway. The doors were plain and labeled as storage and utility rooms and Roman waited as Mr. Bishop paused at a set of heavy double doors.

  “Are you sure?” Mr. Bishop asked and Roman’s brows pulled together as he considered then nodded.

  “I already have what I need. Anything after this is icing on the cake,” he said then gave him a bright smile and gripped his arm. “After this, it’s on to bigger and better things, right?” He asked and Mr. Bishop’s eyes were a little softer as he offered him a tight nod.

  “I think so, sir,” he said and Roman winked.

  “Let’s get on with it then!” He declared and the temperature in the hallway dropped. Roman changed as Mr. Bishop reached for the door handles and Quinn flinched. Roman shifted his shoulders and stretched his neck and there was no laughter or playful wickedness. The elegant exterior was gone and he was just the feral menace that always lurked beneath the surface. His eyes were savage and glowed with wrath and it was boundless and brutal. Quinn was horrified and terrified as Roman gave Mr. Bishop a wide, wolfish smile and tilted his head. The door opened and Quinn bit down on his lips to keep from screaming and he felt faint and nauseous as the sight and smell hit him.

  The room was intended to be a storage room but it was almost completely cleared. It was humid and Quinn shrank back as he realized the moisture beading on the walls and making the air heavy and damp was Darlington. A large hook hung from the ceiling and he was suspended from it by his wrists. His feet were on the floor but just barely, he was stretched on his toes over a drainage grate and his body was taut and shivered with pain and exhaustion. It would have been an excruciating pose to hold for five minutes but Darlington was insensate as he whimpered and keened softly. Quinn’s eyes instinctively swept around the space, avoiding him, and he noticed faded red stains in the cement floor and flecks of red on the ceiling. The windowless walls were scuffed and dented and Quinn wanted to run but he remembered it wasn’t for him, whatever happened in that room in the past and whatever was about to happen. This was Roman’s justice.

  “Hello, Roger!” Roman said cheerfully as he strode into the room. Darlington struggled to lift his head and squinted as he tried to see through his agony then became alert when he realized he wasn’t alone.

  “Roman!” He cried as he twisted toward him. Fresh tears spilled from his eyes and created streaks through the salt and filth in his cheeks. “Please, Roman! Let me put my arms down,” he rasped and Roman grunted thoughtfully as he unbuttoned his coat. He was in solid black again but Quinn didn’t recognize Roman as he shifted out of his coat. He went to the corner and draped it over the back of a steel chair. “Quinn, please,” he said as he waved at it. Quinn nodded and quickly crossed the room and sat. He had a feeling it was probably for his protection and to keep him out of a splash zone. Roman gave him a lingering look that was loaded with a warning. You’ll stay out of the way and stay quiet or you’ll leave. Quinn nodded back at him as he sat and Mr. Bishop’s eyes held a similar warning. He was ready to remove him if needed. Roman turned and loosened his tie as he strolled toward Darlington.

  “What about your current accommodations suggest I’m inclined to do that?” He asked as he rolled up his sleeves then pushed cufflinks Quinn didn’t see him remove into his pocket.

  “I’m so sorry! I’ll do anything. Please, Roman!” Darlington urged as he stretched toward him and Roman wagged a finger.

  “This isn’t the part where you beg. That comes later but I’m looking forward to it,” he assured him. He shoved both hands into his pockets then slouched so he could hold Darlington’s gaze. “You owe a debt and we’ve waited a long time so you’re going to listen to me first,” Roman said and Darlington shook his head.

  “It doesn’t have to be like this. We can work something out,” he pleaded.

  “You have to die, Roger. I gave you a reprieve but your time is up. Darius didn’t want to wait,” Roman said. Darlington whimpered and jerked at the sound of Darius’ name and fought to pull his hands free but the cords only tightened as his wrists bled.

  “No! I just wanted you to stay, I didn’t want to hurt you!” He screamed and Roman sighed as he held his hand out and Mr. Bishop had a rag ready. Roman stuffed it into Darlington’s mouth then touched his forehead.

  “Where was I…? Right. Darius,” he said then pointed at Darlington. “He wanted to pick you up right away when he heard but I told him we’d make too many enemies. He didn’t care, he was prepared to kill them all but I didn’t want that kind of pressure on our family. He let me find the right time but he’s done waiting. If by some bizarre turn of events, you make it off this ship, you won’t see sunrise,” Roman stated emphatically and Darlington moaned around the gag. “And then there’s Mr. Bishop,” Roman announced as he gestured toward him grandly and Mr. Bishop became larger and more forbidding as he loomed closer. There was a muffled shriek from Darlington and Roman nodded along with him. “We’re very close friends and he took what you did to me personally. It’s his job to protect me and punish anyone who’s wronged me in any way. He’s waited twelve years for me to tell him to pick you up. It’s never sat well with him, letting you walk and breathe when you were so close. Am I right, Mr. Bishop?” Roman asked as he turned and Mr. Bishop’s head ducked slightly.

  “Yes, sir,” he rumbled and Roman raised his hands and shushed him s

  “Calm down, it’s nearly time,” he said soothingly then turned back to Darlington. “He has remarkable restraint but he has his limits. And then we have Mr. Waverly.” Roman’s eyes slid to Quinn and there was another breathtaking spark of rage in them. “You’ve put him through hell and taken something from him. He’s mine and you know what happens when you hurt the people I love.” He gave Darlington time to absorb the consequences of his words and his eyes trembled as they filled with tears. “Now, Mr. Bishop and I are gentlemen. We prefer to be neat and generally humane when we kill people but we have a very special night planned for you,” Roman said with a flourish of a hand as he drifted around Darlington. “Well, it could go late into the morning. But it’s going to be very messy and the pain is going to be fantastic. I’ve thought of little else but your pain since I woke up with you on top of me and felt the heroin in my veins.” Roman looked up then let out a breath and it was relieved and balanced. “We’re on our way,” he announced and Quinn realized the ship was moving. Darlington wailed in horror and he shook as he danced from the end of the hook. Roman’s face was vivid with joy and delight as he watched him. He drank in the hysteria in Darlington’s eyes, the flaring of his nostrils, the snot that leaked from his nose and drool that seeped from around the gag and made his chin shimmer. “I have the equipment on this ship to keep your heart beating for as long as I want. I’m going to kill you over and over again and I’m going to do it with pain. I’m going to start by fucking you, Roger,” he declared and Quinn’s eyes widened. He didn’t enjoy the thought but there was a growl in Roman’s tone that made the hairs on his arms stand and Darlington heard it too. “No one fucks like me, right?” He asked silkily and Darlington was ready to faint. “We’re going to put you in a swing and I’m going to open you up with a horse speculum so I can fuck you with a blowtorch,” Roman whispered with berserk glee as his eyes spilled into Darlington’s. “That’s going to be your base level of pain for the last hours of your life. When I’m resting and Mr. Bishop is taking a break from breaking your bones, you’ll still feel me fucking you,” he explained. “I’m going to drag this out for as long as I can because when I do finally let you die for the last time, I’m going to eat you. I’m going to kill you over and over again until the hunger is as strong as my fury because I’m going to have to work up one hell of an appetite.” Quinn’s throat muscles pulled and his stomach clenched as he gagged. Roman stepped behind Darlington and breathed in deep. He wasn’t savoring Darlington’s scent, the way he savored Roman in his study. He was savoring Darlington’s misery and fear. Quinn could smell it as soon as the door opened and it dripped down the walls. It smelled like urine, sweat, blood and breath. The room was saturated with the smell of Darlington’s fear. “You have one card left,” Roman whispered at his ear and Darlington became alert then nodded as he pleaded incoherently around the rag. Roman chuckled and it was steely and grating, like Darius’ as the family resemblance became even stronger. “No, no, no!” He whispered in icy, maniacal giddiness as he fisted his hand in Darlington’s hair and ripped his head back. “There is nothing you can do to save your life. There is nothing on this earth that will stop you from dying on this ship,” he crooned as his other hand patted Darlington’s cheek hard. “You have one card and it’s Jayce Waverly,” he said and Quinn froze and his heart stopped. “That card is worth one thing: mercy,” he said and Quinn couldn’t see as his vision blurred. “I will cancel your debt and give you a clean, easy, merciful death if you tell me where Jayce Waverly is. That’s all you have and your only option because Jayce Waverly deserves my mercy.” He paused and let Darlington consider then jerked the gag from his mouth.


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