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The Sculptor's Seduction (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 2)

Page 21

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  And there was nowhere for him to run.

  “Stop,” he said hoarsely, rubbing his eyes, trying to get them to focus on anything beside her gloriously naked body, kissed by the light of the setting sun, as she came closer. She paused and stared at him in confusion. “I want to see you dance for me again, vixen, just like this.” His hoarse voice was a caress over her skin, her nipples tightening even harder.

  Unlike the first time, where the look on her face had been one of pained apprehension, a smile spread slowly over her face, as she gave him a small nod. And just like that he managed to dim his desire from excruciating to just incredibly painful as he watched her naked form move across the space.

  This time, she was even more confident, more daring. The sky had darkened but his apartment was still lit with her joy.

  It hadn’t been a completely well-thought-out idea, since every bend drew his eyes to the weight of her breasts, and every leap and kick giving him taunting glimpses of her glistening core.

  She finally spun to a stop and his momentary reprieve was over. Not only was it over, but he was still crippled by his desire.

  Under heavy lids, her gaze trailed up to his, lingering on the evidence of his arousal that was about to punch through the front of his pants. She closed the distance between them, bending down so that her face was level with his.

  Sloane couldn’t help himself, his hands reached to grab her breasts that were hanging in front of him, like ripe fruit waiting to be tasted. One look into her sensual gaze and he knew he was done for.

  He knew that tonight, for the first time in his entire life, he would have some part of this incredible female touching his cock. And he would be lying if he said that it wouldn’t be worth the risk.

  Not this time. This time, she was getting a taste of her sexy sculptor.

  She placed her hands on his face, tilting it up to her, desire and hesitation written in his eyes. Before he had a chance to react, her legs straddled him and her mouth covered his. For a moment, he didn’t move and she could feel how every muscle in his body was tense with restraint; but, it was only for a moment. She capitalized on the desire that was running rampant through his system after tasting her and watching her dance. His mouth opened beneath hers and she tasted herself on his tongue began as his restraint cracked and he began to hungrily explore her mouth the way that he had explored her core.

  As they kissed, her hands made quick work yanking his shirt out from his pants and off of his arms. Her hands delved between their hips to undo his belt and pants. Her mouth broke from his as she moved off his lap, beginning to slide down between his legs.

  Suddenly, he gripped her shoulders and Cyn saw the same pure fear written in his eyes that had been there the other morning when she’d reached for him in bed.

  “No…” The final threat of his control clinging desperately in that moment that would decide whether or not he let her consume him.

  “Just let me pleasure you, Sloane; let me ease your ache. I’ve seen… I’ve felt… how much you want me and I’ve been dying to taste you just like you’ve tasted me. Let me give you this.” She watched as his jaw clenched at her pleading confession.

  After a second, his hands miraculously released her shoulders; trembling, his arms fell to his sides as she knelt to the floor between his knees. She eased his pants down over his hips to release his arousal that he’d kept contained from her all of these weeks.

  And holy God, was it an erection.

  Cyn bit her lip, wondering how much of him she could even fit into her mouth. She watched as he twitched underneath her stare and wondered what kind of crazy genes this man had been blessed with to get a cock that was so large and a fear (that was just as large) to use it. Her eyes flitted up to his, a thrill running through her to see how on edge he was – how much he wanted to feel her mouth on him. She didn’t know if she’d be able to give him what he’d given her, but she was damn sure going to try.

  Sloane’s eyes were locked down between his legs on Cyn who was staring at his arousal that lay hard and thick on his stomach.

  Jesus Christ, how had he gotten here? How had he’d let it get this far?

  One second, he’d had his face buried in her, his tongue lapping that sweet, addicting honey from between her thighs, enjoying the satisfying burn through his body as he’d made her body come for him. And then next, she was staring up at him, begging him to let her pleasure him in the same way.

  As though she moved in sweet, slow motion, her hand grasped his hot, hard length. He bit into his cheek, tasting blood as a pleasure he’d never experienced shot through him like a rocket. He stared at the sight of her pale fingers barely able to clasp around his red and engorged flesh. She moved her hand up and down and he wondered if he would even make it to her mouth before he came.

  Sloane’s fingers dug into the armrests on the chair, blood pumping and pounding through his entire body. His entire body tensed and his breathing stopped as her head dipped towards his turgid arousal. Goosebumps claimed every inch of his skin as he felt the brush of her breath as she neared his head.

  Nothing could have prepared him for what he felt next.

  A roar ripped through him as the hot, wet suction of her mouth closed over him. White flashed in front of his eyes as he tried to stay focused, but quickly lost every sensation other than the feel of her sweet mouth sliding down his swollen length.

  This must be heaven. Or hell. It didn’t matter – he’d sell his soul to whichever deity that would let him stay here with her forever.

  He didn’t know if he groaned, if he moved, if he breathed… all he knew was her mouth on him was the most incredible thing he’d ever felt in his entire life. It took all of his will to force his vision into focus to watch as she slid as far down his length as her mouth would let her. He felt his tip hit the back of her throat and his hips jerked up as pleasure tore through him.

  If she would have stayed there, he probably would have climaxed in another two-point-five seconds just from the sheer pleasure of being inside of her mouth. But, she didn’t; instead, she tortured him as her head began to move. Those delicious lips sliding up over his length, her tongue pressing and rubbing against him as she went.

  His hands moved to her head, shaking as they thread through her soft, black mane.

  “Cyn,” he groaned. “I’m going to come…” He barely registered the words as they came out of his mouth.

  He tried to pull her head off of him, knowing what his release was going to be like and not wanting her to have to take all of it. But, she gripped his hips harder as her mouth only moved faster. His head fell back as he felt the wave of his orgasm about to crash; she felt it too. She took him as deep as he would go and then with a movement of her tongue that he couldn’t even describe, she sucked him hard and he exploded.

  Sloane yelled her name, his hands holding her head to him as his orgasm surged into her. His hips jerked uncontrollably as wave after wave of his release rushed out of him. And she stayed, taking all of him; she swallowed again and again until his arousal was only a dull fire that ached to be stoked again.

  Slowly, she slid her mouth off of him. He stifled a groan, seeing his firm erection laying moist from her mouth up against his stomach.

  God. He’d just come inside of a woman. Well, inside of her mouth.

  It was…

  He had no words. He hadn’t known what to expect. Of course, he’d pleasured himself before out of necessity so he’d had a baseline of what to expect. Only that was like saying he’d flown in a plane before so he knew what skydiving would feel like.

  No, nothing about this was what he expected. His body had been in a freefall of pleasure – soaring and plummeting all at the same time; she could enslave him with that mouth.

  Imagine what it would feel like to be buried inside of her… Sloane quickly stifled that thought. Christ, he’d just been blown for the first time in his entire life and all he could think about now was what was next – what more there was.<
br />
  Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile…

  He watched her gaze rise to meet the deep blue desire in his. Cyn licked her lips, causing him to almost come again, as she looked down at his arousal; there was no doubt that he craved more.

  Her hands on his knees, she rose to stand in front of him, pausing purposely as he drank in the sight of her – a mistake, since his cock was already Cyn-fully intoxicated. His other senses returning, he caught a whiff of smoke from the fireplace and instantly, he was back in his house, screaming at his mother’s body lying lifeless on the floor as the flames consumed everything around them.

  Too close.

  Her body had just begun the barest movement towards climbing on top of his when he stood abruptly, quickly caging his arousal before any more damage was done.

  Sloane saw a flicker of confusion and concern in her eyes, so he dropped his lips to hers, gently kissing her.

  “Those lips of yours are dangerous, vixen,” he murmured. “That was…”

  “Incredible?” She finished for him with hopefully confident smile.

  His eyes flared. She had no idea… she could have no idea. But, he would give her a glimpse. “Like nothing I’ve ever experienced,” he replied huskily, savoring the pink that flushed into her cheeks and then down over her chest.


  He shouldn’t have followed her blush to where those perfect breasts of hers gracefully rose and fell. His hands came up to cups the mounds, his thumbs brushing over the rosy peaks, enjoying how her body immediately quivered underneath his touch.

  Sloane grimaced, dropping his hands to his sides and stepping out from between her and the chair. He ran his hand through his hair before turning and walking into the kitchen.

  Way to make it awkward. What are you – in middle school?

  He pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge, turning back to her. “Would you like some?”

  Cyn was picking up her dress from the floor and she stopped at his question. “No, I’m ok. Thanks.”

  He nodded, twisting off the cap and gulping down almost half of the contents. He watched her pick up her destroyed panties, her eyes meeting his as he just shrugged with a mischievous smile.

  She shook her head, crumpling them in her fist. “Have you seen shoes?”

  His smile faded. “Why? You’re not leaving.” Cyn looked at him, eyes widening as though she wasn’t sure if that last was meant as a statement or a question. Sloane was pretty sure it had come out as a plea.

  Her mouth parted as he walked over to her, putting his knuckles underneath her chin, he lifted it up. “Stay with me.”

  Why he thought it would be a good idea to torture himself with another night next to her was beyond him.

  It must have been from the lack of oxygen to his brain over the past several minutes as all of it went to fuel his lower extremities.

  The worst part is that it wasn’t just torture for him; asking her to stay was only going to make it harder on her when he had to let her go.

  But better to leave her than to destroy her.

  Chapter 17

  The light flickering over her face woke Cyn from her peaceful slumber. It was still early. She blinked, looking around for a moment to remember where she was.

  Sloane’s bed. Sloane’s arms.

  She sighed deeper into the pillow, feeling the weight of his arm rest over her. It had been an intense night for both of them; she shivered remembering just how intense. He’d insisted that she wear one of his t-shirts to bed since he liked to keep his apartment really cold overnight. She’d changed and crawled under the perfectly-made covers, waiting for him to come to her. She’d tried to stay awake as she heard him cleaning up a few things in the kitchen. There was a vague memory of the shower running; she remembered because she wondered if her mouth on him had made him feel dirty, knowing what her almost-previous job had entailed. Exhaustion hadn’t let that line of thinking continue and the next thing she knew, she was only marginally aware of him sliding up behind her, his arm coming to rest over her side, and she was back asleep again.

  She wanted to stay next to him, but the sun was rising up through the far corner of the windows and she felt herself drawn to its light. Sliding out from underneath his heavy arm, she looked over her shoulder to make sure he was still asleep. She stared for a moment at his peacefully resting form, noticing how he had slept – clothed – on top of the covers next to her, just like he had last night.

  Cyn frowned. Why was he ok with her mouth on him, but then couldn’t stomach just sleeping right next to her?

  There were so many things about this man that were still a giant puzzle.

  His face finally looked rested though and she had a feeling that what happened between them last night was the reason. It was a step in the right direction, she thought, standing quietly next to the bed. He’d even opened up about his mother and how she had died. Her stomach clenched at the memory, knowing that not even his closest friends really knew what had happened to his mom except that she had died. Her heart ached for the poor little boy who had tried to save his mother and had had to live with the knowledge that he couldn’t.

  She padded into the kitchen, picking up Sloane’s water bottle from the night before and taking a sip. She hoped that talking about his mom, sharing his memories had helped him fight whatever demons he was trying to contain inside of him.

  He was just a little boy; surely, he couldn’t blame himself for her death.

  Cyn’s eyes locked on the sunrise blooming on the horizon, perfectly visible through the giant windows in the corner of the apartment. She walked over to the one Sloane had trapped her up against last night, and watched the light break across the city, scattering the darkness.

  She let herself imagine she was back in her studio. God, her studio… For the longest time, she thought those words would never leave her mouth. And in one day, Sloane had made her dream possible. Her eyes began to fill with tears, knowing that the sun would light that space just like it was brightening his apartment right now.

  Setting the water down on the floor, her eyes fluttered shut as she began to sway to the music of the dawn. She let her limbs move with the freedom that they craved, taking her mind and body to the place where they became a peaceful, cohesive unit. She danced because it forced her doubts from her mind – her worries about how she had gotten so lucky and what the eventual cost would be. But mostly, she danced because she could – because Sloane had freed her from her self-imposed cell of fear. He had done something – and she wasn’t quite sure yet what it was, but it had changed her life.

  She was spinning and smiling with a few rogue tears streaming down her face in happiness, when she finally came to stop in front of and facing the bedroom.

  And facing the gorgeous, troubled man, who had resisted his way right into her heart as he sat in bed watching her with an intense captivation. His gaze immediately setting a flame to her body.

  But it wasn’t his desire for her that sparked her own. No, it was the appreciation in his eyes of her, her talents, and her dreams that had her so turned on.

  Cyn just stared at the man sitting in the room in front of her. His softly imposing presence filling the space between them. His hair was disheveled, but mostly pulled back away from his face. And those blue eyes…

  The only thing clearer than his cerulean stare was the fact that she was in love with him.

  Jesus Christ. She’d fallen in love with him; she’d fallen in love with her sculptor.

  Sloane had begun to wake up the second Cyn left his bed – not because she’d moved too much, but because something inside of him felt the loss of her and that something slowly pulled him from his slumber.

  His first thought on seeing emptiness where she’d been was that she’d left and his gut immediately clenched. He propped himself up instantly, looking out into his apartment; a breath of relief left him as he saw her in front of the window, the warm light shining through the white t-shirt he’d given her
to wear.

  But, she wasn’t just standing. She was dancing again – when she thought no one was watching.

  A part of his heart exploded with the thought that whatever he’d done… whatever he’d given her… had been enough to bring this back into her life. The past two times she’d danced like this was because he had asked; now, she was moving because the steps were written inside of her heart. The other part of his heart yearned to continue to be a part of her journey – to make it their journey. But if what he felt right now below his waist was any indication, he’d already started down a dangerous path that needed to be cut off.

  Sloane adjusted the pants that he’d slept in over his arousal as he watched Cyn continue to dance, oblivious to him. After she’d climbed into bed, he washed up the rest of the dishes. He’d walked in and stood at the edge of the bed, fighting with himself whether or not to wake her and let her ease his ache once more. But the motto of ‘restraint’ that chanted in his head finally won out – forcing him into the shower to relieve his aching erection again.

  All he kept seeing was her perfect lips around his cock, sliding up and down as she took as much of him as she could down into her throat. He bit his tongue; even now, the memory of that feeling overwhelmed him; his need to lose himself inside that hot paradise was suffocating him.

  This is how addiction starts, Sloane. When you crave something like air; when you’ll do anything to get it no matter what the cost, even if that cost is someone’s life.

  He wanted to think that maybe it was only so intense because it was the first time his cock had ever been touched by a woman. But was he really willing to take that risk? If watching her dance was any indication, every time she touched him would be just as Earth-shattering.

  She spun to a stop, finally noticing him, and Sloane felt like the air had been knocked completely out of him. T-shirt hanging off of one shoulder, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath, the remnants of a smile fading from her face as her expression deepened into one of burning desire.


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