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The Sculptor's Seduction (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 2)

Page 27

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  Sloane swore as he rammed fully inside of her.

  Dear God. He’d died.

  There was a split second where he felt like he couldn’t breathe and he truly thought that the pleasure of being inside of her had killed him. The pleasure of the slick, tight heat of her passage clenched around him was so intense – so earth-shattering – that he couldn’t breathe. His vision went white as pure pleasure seared through every cell in his body.

  He wasn’t dead, but he was so fucking close to being in heaven.

  He might not be breathing, but his body instinctively knew what it needed as his hips pulled back and pushed into her again. He prayed he wasn’t hurting her because he couldn’t stop himself; he thrust into her over and over again, each time completely sheathing himself inside the hot clutch of her core.

  He was on the brink of his orgasm when Cyn whimpered loudly, her voice tearing through his trance. Buried inside of her, his eyes darted open to realize she wasn’t in pain, she was on the brink of her own orgasm. He pulled out and plowed into her again and this time, she screamed his name as she came.

  The feeling of being inside her was incredible, but the feeling of being inside of her as her inner muscles spasmed in pleasure around him was indescribable. The first ripple of her orgasm sent him over the edge. He roared her name as his hips pumped into her, his release exploding out of him more powerfully than he’d ever experienced before.

  He slid in and out of her, her desire mixing with the outcome of his as he rode out the waves of what seemed like an endless orgasm. Minutes passed before he could even bear the thought of leaving the warm haven of her body. Finally, with what little strength he had left, he slowly pulled his throbbing erection out of her core and pushed his weight off of her to lay on his back beside her, his chest heaving from exertion.

  Grabbing a few tissues, he wiped himself off before his arm came up to rest over his forehead; his head was on fire from trying to process what had just happened.

  There were no words to describe what he’d just experienced.

  What he could describe though was his complete certainty that if he had sex with anyone else, it would never feel like this… like it did with her.

  His eyes glanced over at Cyn, her beautiful breasts rising and falling as she, too, tried to catch her breath. Sloane watched as she rolled towards him onto her side, biting into the wound inside his cheek as her red-tipped flesh pushed together enticingly.

  “Are you ok?” he rasped, guilt washing over him. He’d taken her like… an animal.

  God, the pleasure had been so overwhelming it was all he could think about.

  She placed a hand on his bicep. “Are you kidding me?” came her throaty response. His head tipped towards her in confusion. “Sloane, that was… you were…” He groaned seeing her bite her lip. “I’m more than ok.” She let out a soft laugh.

  “Is it always like that?”

  She shook her head. “It’s never been like that…” The way that she stared at him told him the absolute truth in her words. “Are you ok?”

  Sloane chuckled at her question. “Gorgeous, I just died, went to Heaven, and then managed to make my way back down to Earth with an angel captured in my arms…”

  That was what he felt – no hurt, no fear, no pain – and he wasn’t going to question it. He was sure those feelings would reappear in time, but right now, tonight, all he felt was peace and blissful satisfaction… and the rapidly growing ache to have her again.

  Cyn felt her stomach flip at his words, knowing that she felt the same. Sloane might have never experienced sex before, but she had, and that was so much more than just sex.

  Even though she’d had him in her mouth the other night, when he had finally stripped in front of her, seeing the huge, hard length of him had made her question what they were about to do for a second. She wasn’t petite – not like Tash – but, compared to him, she might as well have been. Thankfully, coming off of the orgasm that delicious mouth of his had given her, she was as ready as she would have ever been.

  Her heart tugged with the impressive amount of restraint he still showed, apologizing to her before he took her. She saw the fear in his eyes – the fear that he was going to hurt her and wouldn’t be able to stop himself – but, she knew it wasn’t possible; not with how much she wanted him. She wanted to be consumed by every ounce of desire that he’d ever held back.

  And she was.

  He’d slammed into her and she wasn’t sure if her body would split apart from the sheer size of him or from the pleasure of being filled so completely.

  Now, she stared at her beautiful sculptor and his blue eyes that were, for once, clear from any worry or guilt about the past. His arms and chest shimmered in the dim light with sweat from exertion. She watched her fingers trace up along his arm and onto his chest, her palm coming to lay flat on the hard plane as she brushed over his nipple.

  He shuddered, the movement drawing her eyes lower to his erection that was… still hard. Immediately, she felt a rush of warmth between her thighs, seeing that he was still one-hundred percent aroused.

  Of course, he was; he hadn’t had sex before, did she really think that once was going to be enough?

  Except Sloane – being Sloane – just laid there peacefully as though the thing didn’t exist… as though it wasn’t probably throbbing even more now that it knew what was possible.

  “Sloane,” she whispered, waiting until his eyes met hers before she pushed herself up to straddle him.

  The groan and tortured look on his face told her that her assumption was right; he needed more.

  “Gorgeous,” he rasped, “what are you doing? I just took you like…” He broke off. “You should get some rest.”

  She bent her head close to his, grabbing his earlobe with her teeth. “You just took me like you needed me. And Sloane, I needed you, too.” Her face moved back in front of his. “I still need you.”

  “It’s too soon… don’t want to hurt you, angel.” The familiar fear shimmered in his eyes.

  Her lips captured his, pressing her tongue into his mouth and coaxing a duel from his.

  “You just gave me the best orgasm of my life… if that was hurting me, then please, hurt me again, handsome; hurt me hard,” she whispered into his mouth, pressing her hips down so that the slick heat of her core rubbed along the length of his erection.

  “Vixen…” Whether it was a curse or a prayer she wasn’t sure. All Cyn knew was that his hands dug into the flesh at her hips, holding her steady as he angled his arousal towards her entrance and slammed into her.

  He wouldn’t let her hips move because they wouldn’t have moved fast enough for either of them. Instead, he anchored them and thrust his swollen flesh up into her over and over again. Cyn gasped as he filled her, stroking her sensitive muscles, touching a place inside of her that she hadn’t known existed.

  “Need you to come, angel… can’t…” He groaned, one hand moving so that his fingers could find her sweet spot. His thumb barely rubbed over her clit before the sensation had her soaring into her orgasm. Her hips spasmed, the waves of her climax allowing him to find his. His frenzied movements rocketing him over that incredible peak.

  She heard him groan her name as she felt his release coat the inside of her again and she collapsed over him.

  His arms immediately slid up and held her against him. Their chests rose and fell in heavy sync for a few minutes, restoring oxygen and feeling to the rest of their systems. Cyn tipped her head toward his face.

  “See? You didn’t hurt me.” She placed a gentle kiss along his jawline. “I’ve never felt so incredible in my entire life.”

  His chest rumbled, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. “I’m glad, angel… Can’t tell you what hearing that means.”

  She pushed herself up, slowly sliding him out of her before climbing off the bed. “I have to pee,” she confessed before darting into the small bathroom in the back of the room.

  After Cyn cleaned herself
and came back out, she was halted in her tracks by what she saw.

  Sloane was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. Immediately, her body tensed, afraid he was going to pull away from her again.

  She padded over to him quietly, sitting down next to him. His arms crossed in his lap as he turned to look at her.

  “Are you ok?”

  She smiled. “I told you, I’m fine.”

  “I mean about tonight… about Tash,” he clarified hoarsely.

  A shiver ran up her spine – her friend’s battered face flashing in her mind. “I’m better… because of you. But, I don’t know that I’m ok. I’m scared,” she admitted.

  His arms wrapped around her, hoisting her into the bed and underneath the sheet. Her head came to rest on his chest, the steady beating of his heart a soothing rhythm of calm to the crazy that had shaken her tonight.

  “I will never let anything happen to you, angel.” She felt him kiss her hair. “And that means I will do everything in my power to make sure that Tash is safe.”

  She felt a tear leak down her cheek and onto his chest, knowing that his protectiveness didn’t stop with her, but extended to the people that she cared about most.

  What had she done to deserve him?

  “I just don’t know what we are going to do… She’s not safe, Sloane. She’s not safe here anymore. I saw it in her face when I wanted to take her back to our apartment – she was petrified, she—”

  “Shh,” he whispered, tipping her chin up to look in her eyes. “I will figure something out, angel. We will figure out a way to make sure she – and you – are safe.” His mouth touched hers, his tongue gently teasing her tender lips, sealing his promise. “Why don’t you try and get some sleep now?”

  She sighed, shifting one of her legs up and over his. He groaned deeply in response.

  “Are you ok?” she asked, concerned she’d hurt him somehow. Before he could answer or stop her, she looked underneath the cover to see his arousal long and hard resting against his stomach. “Oh…” Her nipples immediately tightened, heat pooling in her stomach.

  “I’m fine, gorgeous.” He sighed. “Nothing that I haven’t had to fall asleep with before.” He smiled tightly.

  “I’m not letting you go to sleep like this,” she insisted, trailing her hand down the hard ridges of his abdomen.

  “Cyn,” he hissed. “You should get some rest before tomorrow.”

  His eyes met hers, begging her, but for which outcome she wasn’t certain…

  “I didn’t come here for sleep, Sloane… I came here for you.” This time, her mouth took his, claiming it fiercely. He groaned against her mouth.

  Her hand continued further south, but was stopped in its tracks as he grabbed her wrist.

  His stormy blue eyes swallowed hers. This time, she didn’t doubt what was going to happen. He’d given up on trying to deny himself her.

  “Will I ever stop wanting you?” he growled as his lips began their slow exploration down her body.

  She hoped… she prayed not.

  Chapter 22

  Cyn sighed, slowly coming out of her slumber as the hint of dawn filtered through the window. Even though it had only been a few hours, she still felt well-rested. Her legs shifted and she sucked in a breath, feeling a soreness between her thighs that she’d never experienced before.

  Sloane had taken her one – two – more times after they’d climbed back into bed – each time more Earth-shattering than the last. It wasn’t just the physical pleasure. And it wasn’t just the delicious knowledge that he’d never been inside of another woman’s body before. It was the way that he spoke to her, touched her, and took her – all with a reverence that made her feel like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. He made her feel not only incredibly desirable, but cherished; whereas, in contrast, Marcus had made her feel cheap.

  She snuggled back further against him, his arm laying over her side and his hand cupped around her breast. His gentle breathing caressed her back and she assumed he was still sleeping until his fingers rolled over her nipple, immediately sending sparks down to her core.

  “Sloane?” she said, breathlessly.

  “Good morning, vixen,” he rasped against her back as his fingers continued to tease her breast. “How did you sleep? How do you feel?”

  “Mmm… deliciously sore.” She moaned in response.

  “God, Cyn. I love hearing you moan because of my touch,” he confessed, his hand trailing lightly down over her stomach to her center. He bit into her shoulder as his fingers found her folds. “More than that, I love feeling how wet you are for me. You are so wet, beautiful.” He groaned, teasing her sweet spot.

  His touch felt incredible and Cyn completely forgot about any trace of soreness that had been present. She pressed her hips back against him, feeling the hot length of his arousal against her ass.

  “Don’t Cyn,” he begged. “Just let me pleasure you. I don’t want to make your soreness worse.” He held her hips, as though staying behind her would prevent him from being able to be inside of her.

  Cyn bit her lip. At some point, he was going to have to learn that she wanted him just as much as he did her.

  She lifted her leg back over his hip, gasping as she gave him better access to her core; his fingers swirling around her clit and down along her slick entrance. That wasn’t why she’d done it though.

  She shifted her hips, a quick subtle movement that put his erection between her thighs and resting against her entrance instead of her back. His hand stilled as the head of his arousal settled into her folds.

  “Vixen… what are you…” His horse and confused voice cut off as he realized just what he was able to still access from laying behind her.

  She used that moment to reach down and guide him inside of her. His length slid easily home inside her hot passage.

  And that was the end of the debate.

  His thrusts weren’t crazed like the night before. Sloane pumped firmly and steadily inside of her while his fingers remained on her clit. He brought her swiftly to her release, groaning as her clenching core brought him over the edge. He orgasmed, her name leaving his lips on a hoarse groan as he came.

  Cyn moaned, feeling his arousal pulse inside of her. She turned her head to look over her shoulder.

  “One day I’ll finally convince you that that is worth any amount of soreness.”

  He moaned, his forehead coming to rest on her shoulder as he tried to calm his breathing.

  Cyn tensed for a second, realizing that she’d just implied a significant future to their relationship – a future that she’d wondered about ever since he’d asked to invest in her studio.

  Where did last night leave them?

  She wanted to talk to him about his offer and about them, but that discussion would have to wait. Right now, Tash was her priority.

  And Sloane’s.

  She felt him pull out of her and leave the bed. Cyn sat up as well, glancing over her shoulder to see him wiping himself off with a tissue.

  “I need to get you over to… Terri’s, you said?” he asked. “You should be there when Tash wakes up.” He turned, walking to the foot of the bed where he’d discarded his clothes last night.

  Her heart clenched. He was still aroused. But he was behaving as though he didn’t need to take her again; he continued to put her needs before his own. And right now, that need was to get to her friend and figure out where to go from here.

  “Yeah, Terri’s,” she confirmed. “I’ll need to stop at my apartment though to change. You… ahh… ruined some of my attire last night, so I’m missing a few critical pieces.”

  He turned and glared at her. “You’re not going to your apartment – not until I can make sure everything there is ok.”

  “What am I going to wear?” she replied.

  Sloane frowned and then opened the small closet to reveal a few button-down shirts and pants. Cyn stood, walking over to the garments. With limited options, she
pulled out a light blue shirt of his and put it on. It fell a little high above her knee, but overall it could pass as a shirtdress. She looked on the floor, picking up her trashed corset and pulling out the white sash on the back wrapping it around her waist as a makeshift belt.

  She turned back to face him to find him just staring at her in awe, his jaw twitching.

  “You look damn good in my shirt, Cyn,” he said hoarsely. She felt heat rush through her at his compliment. He walked over beside her, reaching around to take out a crisp white version of the one she was wearing for himself.

  She eyed him up and down as he buttoned the fabric over his sculpted chest.

  “You look damn good in your shirt, too, Mr. Peterson,” she returned. And then, with a devious smile added, “You look even better out of it and inside of me, though.”

  He exhaled tightly. His eyes flashed with desire at her and she could feel his body tense.

  “I need to get you to Tash.”

  “I know,” she smiled and rose up to kiss him lightly. “I’m willing to wait until later.”

  “Vixen…” he exhaled against her lips.

  Cyn walked out of the room back into the studio to look for her purse and phone, hoping that Tash hadn’t woken up yet.

  Six forty-five.

  And two messages from Terri.

  - Her girl, sorry about last night. Home now. See you in the morning.

  - Tash had a rough night. Still sleeping now.

  That last one came through about twenty minutes ago.

  ~ On my way.

  She looked up from the message to see Sloane standing by the door waiting for her, watching her with a peculiar expression on his face.

  “Coming,” she murmured.

  “Oh, thank God you’re here.” Terri embraced Cyn tightly as they walked into his apartment. Sloane and the man shook hands, a look of understanding passing between them, knowing that they both cared a lot about the woman standing with them.


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