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The Fallen One

Page 18

by Lexy Wolfe

  "Chani! Let Josef do his job," Nolyn called as he straightened up and rubbed his face to wake himself up. He arched an eyebrow at the sound of running feet as the two young people raced to the doorway. The servant arrived first, glaring at the boy in a messenger outfit. "You two sound like a rampaging herd of horses."

  "Messenger Josef to see you, Master Nolyn," Chani stated officiously, then hissed at Josef, "You are supposed to be announced first! It isn't proper—!"

  "It's too important!" Josef hissed back. Both straightened up when Nolyn cleared his throat. "Edai Magus Nolyn," he greeted, polite but still puffing, trying to catch his breath.

  "Messenger," Nolyn replied gravely, ignoring the smile Kelafy hid behind her hand as she started straightening out throw pillows. "What's the matter, Josef? You look as though you ran all the way here from Market Circle."

  "I did, Master Nolyn!" Josef's excitement was impossible to miss. "Captain Dani sent me to fetch you to Market Circle because…" he paused to catch his breath, "Because there are Desanti in Ithesra! Everyone in the whole realm seems to be there to try and look at them!"

  Kelafy and Nolyn both looked at Josef in shock. The man stood abruptly, leaning on the desk. "The Githalin Swordanzen have returned? Is the... Are the Illaini Magi with them?"

  "Not those Desanti, Edai Magus. New ones! They came with the gypsy caravan and there are five drizzen with them and the gypsies won't let anyone in their camp and oh, the caravan leader asked for you, too. By name!"

  Nolyn blinked in surprise. "For me?"

  Josef turned deep red in embarrassment. "Well not at first. He asked for someone named Emil who Captain Dani didn't remember was one of the Dusvet Guardian's gypsy students. And then he asked for the Githalin Swordanzen, and then he asked for Illaini Magus Ash, and finally he asked for you, but he called you Captain." He took a deep breath. "The gypsy leader said they are not allowing anyone into their camp until he speaks with you because he doesn't trust anyone else.

  "Everyone is crowding on the market bridges. Captain Dani is worried the weight is getting too great for them to bear and the crowds keep getting larger. She is also worried someone will get belligerent and fights might start then bleed over to become an international crisis. Even if they are only gypsies, they aren't Forenten, and there are the Desanti who everyone knows are warriors and really dangerous. Especially if the Githalin Swordanzen come home and find out and no one wants that to happen, so she wants the matter dealt with soon. Like, 'now' soon."

  Nolyn smiled faintly. "Captain Dani is a good woman. Chani, take Josef to the kitchen and give the poor lad something to eat and drink and send someone to me to take a message back to Captain Dani." When Josef opened his mouth to protest, he said, "You need to take a moment before you take your message to the Se'edai Magus and you'll need the energy. Not everyone can run full on like that without sustenance. Wouldn't do any good for you to get there then fall over in front of Master Ellis, you know."

  Chastened, Josef nodded and bowed. Chani echoed the gesture before dragging Josef away. "Desanti in Ithesra," Nolyn muttered. "I wonder—" He looked up when Kelafy brought over a glass and a wire-wrapped bottle from the wine cabinet. He picked up the glass she had filled, sniffing it and drawing back in disgust. "Oh, dear gods, what is that?"

  "Gypsy brew," Kelafy replied. "Vile, but it does wonders to clear the mind and keep you alert. For a while, at any rate. Emil gave it into my care before he left with the Dusvet Guardian. He said you'd probably need it before long, overachiever that you seem to be."

  Gagging, Nolyn set the empty glass aside and grabbed the tea to wash the taste of the brew from his mouth. "Vile is a wholly inadequate word for that stuff." He leaned over to kiss Kelafy's cheek. "I will make certain not to fall off any bridges or branches on the way there or back."

  "You will be bringing the Desanti back with you?" Kelafy asked as she went to start clearing the empty cups and dishes.

  Nolyn shrugged. "If they are amenable to the idea, yes. I would rather have them where I can keep an eye on them. And away from the curious or hostile. If Storm and Skyfire are any indication of possible temperaments..."

  "Better safe than sorry," Kelafy finished for him. "I will have the Swordanzen's suite refreshed then. Might be a bit crowded for their number, but Storm told me they are communal like gypsies, so I expect they will want to share the same quarters. And I figure Storm and Skyfire would have wanted them there, even if they were still here anyway." Nolyn nodded in approval, tugged on the more practical of his robes, and took a deep breath before heading out to meet the Desanti.

  Chapter 33

  Nolyn squinted as he looked at the several levels of bridges that made Market Circle. "Dear goddess, Josef's description was an understatement. Then again, I don't know there are words to describe this," he said aloud to himself. People filled the bridges to a dangerous capacity, some climbing the trunks and covering the branches, some trying to get out onto dangerously thin ones.

  Though people were willing to move for the Edai Magus on the bridges, there was nowhere for anyone to make room. He climbed down the side of the tree to the ground level, impatient. The bridges of Market Circle creaked ominously. Guardsmen formed a perimeter around the encampment, keeping the curious and a few hostile people, back from the circle of wagons.

  "How is it going, Captain Dani?" Nolyn asked as he approached the woman in a black and forest green uniform with gold emblem over her heart.

  "So far, it's been peaceful, Edai Magus Nolyn," the captain reported briskly. "There is more curiosity than fear. Most of my worry right now is the bridges. They are not designed for so much weight for so long. It'll be a disaster beyond imagination if they collapse with so many."

  She looked back towards the circle of wagons. "I haven't decided if it helps or hurts that the gypsies are keeping these Desanti so well concealed. Just catching glimpses of those desert beasts from under the beast awning sends them chattering again. There are all sorts of rumor squirrels running around; as I am sure you have heard many of them on the way here. Some of them have been downright insulting."

  Nolyn made a face. "I heard, yes. However, if all Desanti tempers are anything like Swordanzen Storm's, it is better they are concealed for now. The Desanti don't go looking for trouble, far as I've known. And if they do not hear a challenge, they will not try to answer it. Illaini Magus Ash and the Dusvet were the only ones capable of taking that on, and Storm trusted them. These Desanti have little reason to offer us similar trust." He sighed, squaring his shoulders. "What's the name of the caravan leader again?"

  "Etaio. He said, in his words, 'I ain't lettin' no one inta our camp but Captain Nolyn Lirai.'" The captain smiled faintly. "You must have made quite an impression for them to ask for you by name. Gypsies don't trust anyone outside of their own as a rule."

  "I must have," Nolyn stated dryly. "I just wish I knew how I did so. Let me see if I can't lure the Desanti away from here so the Circle will clear out."

  "It would be dearly appreciated, Edai Magus. I would rather not be remembered for being the captain during the great market crash." Nolyn smiled, patting the woman on her shoulder before he headed into the circle of wagons. Before he could step from between the two wagons into the inner circle, a pair of children with sharpened sticks blocked his path. He smiled inwardly at the children and bowed. "I seek Etaio. I am Nolyn Lirai."

  The scrunched up expressions brightened. The younger child grabbed Nolyn's hand to pull him along while the other ran towards a group of men, tugging on one's sleeve. Etaio waved the boys off as he openly appraised the Forentan. "Ye be Capt'n Nolyn Lirai?"

  "Used to be captain," Nolyn replied, adopting the less formal gypsy speech pattern. He touched the sigil embroidered in the robe over his heart. "I am Edai Magus of Verusia now."

  Etaio's eyebrow rose in surprise. "Well, movin' up in th' world, eh? Emil said ye could be trusted. Can't ask fer a better placed ally in Forenta 'n someone on yer council, eh?"

yn laughed. "Emil called me an ally? I'm surprised that rogue spoke so kindly of me."

  Etaio's teeth flashed in a brief smile. "Aye. That do be high praise comin' from 'im. Emil don't trust no one that much when it comes t' protectin' the clans. Ye musta done somethin' right." He waved Nolyn to follow. "We was as surprised as anyone t' hear that more Desanti came outta th' desert. Had t' stop a fight on the piers of Ganessi when the local pier rats wanted t' take 'em on. And then ye've no idea how much fun it were t' get 'em here."

  Nolyn arched an eyebrow, surprised the gypsies bothered with anyone not one of them. "I don't want to be insulting, but isn't it a little unusual for gypsies to help those who aren't one of them?"

  "Eh." Etaio scratched behind his ear sheepishly. "Emil warned that if that Swordanzen woman Storm ever finds out 'outlanders' hurt her people, as they call us all, she'd likely come down on everyone like a grass fire from the depths of the hells. And that's th' watered down version of how he described it." The man cleared his throat. "Figured it be safer not t' risk bein' blamed for nothin'."

  Nolyn hid a smile, nodding with a mask of solemnity. "Of course. Probably a wise course of action, all things considered." He looked around at the various wagons to see if he could catch a glimpse of the newcomers. "I know why Storm and Skyfire came out of Desantiva. You know what brings these new ones?"

  "Yep. They want their Githalin Swordanzen back. They ain't th' most trustin' sort, 'specially them Swordanzen."

  Nolyn grimaced at the thought of having to deal with more volatile warriors. "I thought two were difficult enough. How many Desanti are there?"

  "There be five of 'em," Etaio replied, amused but sympathetic. "Only four of 'em are Swordanzen. No Githalin Swordanzen, but I ain't wantin' t'cross swords wi' none of 'em. They be damned fast. Rather temperamental, too, so ye need t' watch yourself. Take offense at damned near everything, but ye never know what will make 'em really mad. Somethin' that should make 'em furious, they shrug it off. Somethin' minor? Someone ends up bleedin'.

  "The Swordanzen be guardin' the fifth'n who ain't no warrior. And them Swordanzen? They will draw swords at even a hint of offense towards 'er, physical or not. They will stop if she asks, and thank gods, she usually does get 'em to stop, but…" He shrugged.

  Interest piqued, Nolyn looked over Etaio's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the reptilian hide of a drizzen. "The fifth is not a Swordanzen?"

  "Eh." Etaio shrugged, scratching behind his ear. "Not exactly sure what th' other be, just know she is kinda mystical or somethin'. Called a Su'alin. Seen her in action m'self. All of us have. Rather take on them Swordanzen than her. Spooky shit 'round her."

  "Mm hm." Nolyn looked at the multiple wagons and asked, "Where would you be keeping them, Leader Etaio?"

  The gypsy waved, walking towards the indicated wagon. "They be in there. When we gots here, I found out th' Dusvet and them went and left t' somewhere 'r other. Offered t' help 'em go t' where they be now. Not just 'cause they be payin' well, neither." Etaio scratched the back of his head, sheepish. "Kinda like th' mystic girl. Sweet thing. But these Desanti be determined t' wait here. Said they be sure th' Swordanzen be comin' back here. 'Grandfather said so,' she said. They intendin' t' pitch their tent, so t' speak, but I tol' 'em it might be best t' wait."

  He glanced upwards towards the creaking bridges. "Don't mean no disrespect, but I ain't trustin' yer people that far an' I can't be stayin' more'n a few months. I had, ah, told 'em we will be winterin' here. We will be, but… Well. Took me lots o' concessions t' get my clan's route t' include this region so's I could help m' brothers an' th' Dusvet. An' I had t' give the other clans that normally be here this time of year extra so's we could get here early. Costin' us plenty t' keep th' peace."

  "I understand," Nolyn replied. "I will speak with the Se'edai Magus about offering your clans compensation for the trouble."

  "Well, the Desanti been tradin' wi' us fer passage. Even wi' what we had t'give up fer this season, we're ended up pretty good. Won't turn away nothin' if ye really want, but my clan ain't hurtin'." Nolyn arched an eyebrow at the honesty. Etaio grunted. "I heard th' stories 'about them two my Desanti are after. And after dealin' with these ones? I do like my spleen right where it be, thank ye very much. No desire t'see it."

  The mage coughed trying to suppress laughter at the blunt assessment. "I can't blame you for erring on the side of caution. Still. I will speak to Master Ellis." Pausing a moment to collect himself, he pushed the ornate, heavy curtain aside and entered the wagon. Once his eyes adjusted to the dimmer interior, he could only stare agape. Before him sat a beautiful young woman centered amongst four warriors, a pair of men to the back and a woman on each side of her.

  Looking vastly amused at Nolyn's expression, Etaio introduced, "This here be Su'alin Kiya na'Citali."

  Though the wispy, ninon veil covered Kiya's entire face, Nolyn could see her large eyes were a tawny brown that bordered gold. Her skin was deep, rich brown and her hair was an inky black done in many small braids held together by a pair of polished bone hairpins. After several heartbeats spent in silence looking at one another, she spoke with a quiet voice filled with confident strength. "Are you the one called Captain Nolyn Lirai?" Despite himself, the mage could only stare, dumbfounded. She tilted her head. "You do speak trade common, yes? My accent is not too strong?"

  Etaio glanced at Nolyn and elbowed him hard. Nolyn jumped, blinking several times. "Huh? Oh, uh, yes. No. I mean…" He exhaled, collecting his thoughts before trying to speak again. "I am called Edai Magus now, not captain." He felt his cheeks warm with embarrassment as the young Desanti woman's lips curled into a small smile. "Forgive me for staring. Why are you here?" he asked, wincing because bluntnesss was, considered offensive in Forenta.

  The directness did not seem to bother any of the Desanti, none taking insult with the lack of formality or greeting. "The Alanis Su'alin, the oldest of the order of the Path of the Spirit, tasked me to find the Githalin Swordanzen who left Desantiva." She lowered her eyes, with quiet sadness. "Etaio said they are no longer here?"

  Etaio whispered in Nolyn's ear and the Forentan man nodded, kneeling on the floor across from the young woman, mirroring her posture. "No, they are not here any longer. They left to return the Dusvet to Fortress several months ago." He glanced at his hand, rubbing the old scar. "I expect them to return soon."

  The young woman tilted her head, her piercing, tawny eyes now bordering gold in color seeming to stare right through him. "You are not confident about soon, but you are about them returning here." Nolyn could not bring himself to meet her eyes for long, feeling his face flush. "Give me your hand," she demanded, holding out hers towards the one he had been rubbing nervously. He opened his mouth to ask why, then shut it, holding his hand out to her.

  Her hands possessed a surprising strength beneath their deceptively delicate appearance, an underlying strength in them. Calloused fingers turned his hand palm up and she traced the star-shaped scar there in silence. She tilted her head, appearing both surprised and pleased, both emotions that waxed to concern. She spoke in Desanti, the four warriors reacting to her words with confusion and scowls.

  Kiya released his hand, looking up to meet his eyes. "We will remain in this place called Ithesra until the Githalin return." Looking to Etaio, she stated, "We thank you for your assistance, Gypsy Leader Etaio. But we do not have enough to continue trading for your help if we must wait longer. We wish not to burden you by disrupting your people's migration any further. We will find shelter to call home and leave your people in peace."

  Etaio reacted to the young woman's words, flicking a look at Nolyn. "Ye hardly be a burden. We are glad t'have ye with us, 'specially knowin' ye are not familiar wi' how things be done up here. We could be figurin' out how ye could earn yer keep 'stead of payin' us—"

  "I would be honored if you would stay with me at my brother's home," Nolyn interrupted, drawing all five pairs of Desanti eyes towards him in surprise. "The weather in Ithesra is cons
iderably cooler than what your people are used to in Desantiva, from what I had been told. I remember how acutely sensitive to the weather Swordanzen Storm and Skyfire were during the worst of it."

  While Kiya considered the mage's offer, the four warriors were openly skeptical and distrustful. "My servants are more accustomed to Desanti than most of my people. The Dusvet and all of his students stayed there, including the Githalin Swordanzen."

  All five Desanti looked at Nolyn in surprise, though the warriors regarded him with wary suspicion still. The young woman smiled shyly. "You offer us the place where the Githalin Swordanzen took shelter? You honor us, Edai Magus Nolyn Lirai. We accept your offer of hospitality." Though still displease, the warriors did not argue with the young woman.

  Kiya accepted Seeker's hand as she stood, smoothing out her clothing before she approached Etaio. He took both of her offered hands in his, returning the bow of respect she gave him. "Thank you for your gifts and hospitality, Gypsy Etaio. May the Totani bless your people with wisdom and strength."

  "It were a pleasure, Su'alin Kiya. This be one of our homes, so if ye ever be wantin' t' visit us when we be here, ye are always welcome," Etaio replied graciously. "I will send word when we be plannin' t' leave and when we return, so ye ken visit us anytime we be here."

  "Thank you." She leaned close to kiss his cheek through her veil. Even that made the dusky man turn a deeper color and duck his face to hide his reaction. Kiya then tugged the pale doeskin cloak around herself, drawing the hood up. She looked to Nolyn. "Guide us to your home, Edai Magus Nolyn Lirai."

  "Of course," Nolyn replied. Outside of the wagon, he offered a hand to Kiya. She ignored the offered assistance, hopping down with an enviable grace. He followed her gaze up to the trees, suddenly embarrassed by his people's behavior. "You will have to excuse my people. They are very... curious."


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