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Rhett (Signature Sweethearts)

Page 14

by Kelsie Rae

  Now I need to decide if I want to go for cute and bubbly, or mature and sexy?

  Tapping my forefinger against my puckered lips while eyeing my choices, I reach for one of my favorite dresses. It’s a soft gold cocktail dress with embroidered stitching and a boat neckline. I feel classy, yet elegant as I channel my inner Audrey Hepburn. My hair is curled and pinned into an intricate updo that looks flawless, with tiny wisps of hair framing my face.

  I don’t remember the last time I spent this much time getting ready for a date. I don’t remember the last time I wanted to. My stomach is full of knots and nervous energy, and I wonder if I’ll always feel this way with Rhett. I hope I do, because I love the way my adrenaline spikes when he knocks on my door––like he just did.

  I grab my nude heels and slip them on before making my way to the front door, anticipation pulsing through me.

  When I open it, I’m greeted with the most gorgeous specimen of the male species I’ve ever seen.

  Perfectly styled James Dean look-alike? Check. Snazzy black slacks with a button-down black dress shirt? Check. Wet panties? Double check.

  “Um . . . wow.” The words slip right past my usual filter, but I’m too dumbstruck to care.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, sunshine.” His teasing tone puts me at ease. He just . . . does something to me.

  And I’m pretty sure that crooked smile will be the death of me. On a whim, I lean forward and place a gentle kiss against that crooked smile I’m such a sucker for. His tantalizing cologne wafts through the air as I pull away.

  “You smell really good,” I compliment, blushing at my forwardness.


  Filter? Where art thou?

  He chuckles before grabbing my hand and tugging me lightly out of the doorway. Thankfully, my keys are in my hand and my clutch is tucked under my arm, so I don’t fight the pull he has on me––both physically and emotionally.

  There’s no use fighting our connection.

  It’s inevitable.

  Rhett wraps his arms around my lower waist before leaning down and running his nose slowly up and down my neck, inhaling deeply.

  “You smell pretty addicting too, sunshine,” he whispers into my ear. He kisses my jaw before pulling away. “I’d insist we go back to your apartment and bag the whole show and dinner, but my job is kind of riding on this so . . . .” He shrugs in his fitted black dress shirt as his stupidly gorgeous crooked smile makes another appearance. The sly look in his eyes is practically begging me to change his mind.

  By some miracle, I restrain myself and lock my front door, and Rhett guides me to the exit of our building with a possessive hand on my lower back.

  Is it wrong that I love the gesture?

  Rhett hails a cab before pulling his cell out and texting someone.

  “One sec, sunshine. I’m just confirming that Nathan won’t be late. We’re meeting them at the theatre.”

  Earlier today, Rhett had mentioned we would be seeing Hamilton, and I’m so excited. I’ve been dying to go see it on Broadway for months but haven’t been able to get tickets without selling my kidney on the black market.

  “Sounds good.” I lean back in my seat and stare out the window while Rhett finishes his text.

  “Hey”—he turns to me—“I forgot to tell you, guess who Nathan’s bringing as his date?” He quirks his brow mischievously, like he’s got a secret he’s willing to divulge if I’m interested in hearing it.

  “Who?” I ask, intrigued.

  “Sophie.” He grins.

  My eyes bug out of my head. “For real?”


  I squeal in excitement. “Yes! That means I’ll know someone, and things won’t be so awkward. Thank you.”

  I wrap my arms around Rhett and squeeze him tightly. This evening just got a hell of a lot better.

  “Don’t thank me. Thank Nathan. Or . . . don’t. ’Cause I have no idea how that whole relationship is going to play out.” He shudders at the thought. “You might want to warn Sophie that Nathan’s a bit of a player.”

  “Meh. Sophie’s a pretty tough cookie. I’m sure she’ll be fine. I’m just happy I’ll have someone to cling to while you’re busy schmoozing your client.”

  He plants a playful kiss on the tip of my nose. “Hey now, if you’re clinging to anyone other than me, I might get jealous.”

  I roll my eyes before patting his chest. “I think you’ll survive.”

  We pull up to the theatre within minutes, and Rhett opens the door, climbs out, and continues to hold it open while offering his hand to help me out of the back.

  “And here I thought chivalry was dead,” I quip.

  “And here I thought you were never wrong.”

  Oh, the man is quick with his comebacks.

  I’m about to respond when I’m practically tackled from behind by Tinker Bell herself.

  Sophie’s wearing a gorgeous emerald-green dress that hugs her petite frame and emphasizes her tiny curves like a magnifying glass. She looks gorgeous, and by the way Nathan’s eyes are devouring her whole, I know I’m not the only one who notices.

  “Sophie, you’re a freaking babe!”

  “I know, right? You look pretty hot yourself, Indie. Very classy.” She links our arms together and leads the way into the theatre with the guys trailing behind.

  “See what I did there?” she whispers, leaning in. “I gave them the opportunity to check out how hot their dates are. I’ll bet ya twenty bucks they’re both drooling right now.”

  Subtly, I glance over my shoulder and see both men watching us with their brows touching their foreheads and pure lust radiating off them in waves.

  “Looks like I just lost twenty bucks,” I whisper before giggling.

  We wait by a set of stairs, chatting about work and our excitement for the play, when a set of strong arms wraps around my midsection, and a husky voice whispers in my ear, “I changed my mind. We’re leaving right now. Every guy in this room is watching you like a hawk. I’m afraid I’m going to have to mark you as mine in front of all of them, so they don’t get any ideas about approaching you.”

  I grin knowingly. “And holding me isn’t enough?”

  He growls deep in his throat before nibbling on my ear lobe. “Not even close.”

  His attention makes me feel strong. Powerful. I feel like I could conquer the world. For the first time in . . . I don’t know how long . . . I feel confident in my own skin, and it’s because of the man in front of me.

  Don’t get me wrong. I know I shouldn’t base my confidence off the attention I get from a guy, but when that guy looks at me like I outshine the sun, it’s a pretty damn good ego boost.

  I’m about to turn around and show him how he makes me feel when an older couple approaches us.

  “Nice to see you again, Mr. Rockford.” Rhett reluctantly steps to my right, sliding his hand to my waist and tugging me to his side. He offers his right hand to Mr. Rockford who shakes it confidently.

  “How many times do I need to remind you, Rhett? Call me Bill.”

  Rhett’s lips lift on one side. “Yeah, yeah. I have to keep up some formal pretenses, though. Right, Bill?” Rhett turns to me with glowing pride. “I’d like you to meet Indie Peterson.”

  Bill turns his attention on me before offering his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His eyes twinkle with sincerity, winning me over with a kind smile. Rhett had mentioned that Bill is ruthless in the conference room, but it’s obvious he’s an absolute gentleman outside of it.

  “You, too,” I reply, shaking his offered hand.

  Bill motions to the gorgeous older woman standing beside him. “And this is Patricia, my other half.”

  Nathan introduces Sophie then we find our seats in the intimate theatre.

  The lights go dark, and the first half of the play is amazing. Seriously. The rapping. The dancing. The plot. Everything.

  During intermission, my stomach twists in hunger, and I really wish I had grab
bed a granola bar or something.

  Rhett hears my stomach’s protest and leans across the armrest to whisper in my ear, “Be right back.”

  A few minutes later, he returns with a pack of cherry-flavored Twizzlers.

  “You brought me a snack?”

  “I had a hunch you might be hungry,” he teases. His heated eyes pin me in place.

  “My hero,” I say as I clutch my chest and bat my eyelashes.

  He opens the pack and pops a piece of licorice into his mouth, chewing slowly as my gaze drops to his gorgeous lips. “Well, you have called me Batman a time or two,” he murmurs before passing me the opened pack.

  Giggling, I grab a few pieces as the lights lower and the second half starts.

  He’s definitely one of the good guys.

  An hour later, the lights come on, and we take a short walk to the restaurant where Bill made reservations. I find it a little odd that the client is the one inviting his contacts for a night on the town, and that he purchased the tickets to the play, but I don’t say anything.

  When I see the sign for Charmant, I almost squeal in delight. Rhett squeezes my hand subtly when my steps falter, silently telling me Chef Thomas crossed his mind as well.

  He’s busy schmoozing Bill over their latest success while my thoughts return to my last conversation with Chef Thomas the night of the cooking class. I wonder if he’s cooking tonight, and if he is, if we’ll see him.

  I hope so.

  I want to thank him for giving me the courage to take the leap I’ve been dreading for the last thirteen years without even knowing it.

  “Everything okay?” Sophie whispers from my side.

  “Yup,” I answer. “I kind of know the owner to this place. Not well, but still.”

  “Seriously?” Sophie’s eyes light up at the little tidbit I just unveiled to her.


  Her mouth opens wide in a silent scream of enthusiasm before mouthing, Oh my god!

  The ambience inside is intimate. Classy. The lighting is low, and candles are scattered throughout. The walls are a deep red with gold accents, and the employees are all dressed in conservative, black attire. The women are in dresses, and the men in bowties.

  I’m instantly in love . . . with more than the restaurant.

  I catch Rhett staring at me with easy affection.

  Wow, I mouth to him, taking a page from Sophie’s book and mimicking her earlier reaction.

  His mouth twitches in amusement before turning to his client. Seeing that Nathan has captured Bill’s attention, Rhett swaggers over to me, exuding sex like a freaking male model, before planting a lazy kiss on my lips.

  “You’re gorgeous when you’re excited,” he whispers.

  “Only when I’m excited?”

  He grins. “And other times.”

  I’m about to say something snarky when the hostess leads us to our reserved table.

  Rhett slides out my seat like a gentleman. After I sit, he drags his forefinger across the exposed skin on my neck, causing goosebumps to spread like wildfire.

  How can an innocent touch be such a turn on?

  When I glance over my shoulder at Rhett, I see his smug expression, and I correct myself.

  Innocent my ass.

  Once we order our entrees, Bill addresses the table.

  “All right, gentlemen. I think we both know this isn’t a regular dinner invitation.” He eyes Rhett and Nathan intensely.

  Rhett laces his fingers in front of himself on the table, staring right back at Bill with the same earnest expression.

  “I think you’re right,” Rhett agrees dryly.

  Nathan is mimicking Rhett’s body language, though I doubt it’s a conscious choice on his end. He’s as invested in this conversation as Rhett, and they’re both curious about Bill’s intentions.

  My phone vibrates in my purse, and I pull it out to silence it, noting Tony’s name as I do so. What the hell? I don’t have time for him right now.

  “Rhett,” Bill addresses my boyfriend, grabbing my attention as I slip my cell back into my purse.


  “We both know you’re one of the most talented recruiters I’ve ever met. You have a way of seeing things other people don’t. Your recommendation to invest in Derrick’s company was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” I don’t know who Derrick is, but I’m going to assume he’s another client.

  Bill turns to Nathan. “Nathan, you’re Rhett’s right hand man, and I know he wouldn’t go anywhere without you. You know this business like the back of your hand and have great insight with people.” Rhett and Nathan simultaneously clear their throats in pride.

  “I’m here to offer you a full-time position at Rockford Unlimited.” His eyes bounce between both gentlemen. “Both of you.”

  Rhett’s jaw twitches slightly, but that’s the only clue that he’s surprised by Bill’s offer. Other than that, he’s like a steel vault, not giving anything away.

  Nathan is the first to speak. “I, uh . . . we don’t know what to say. Obviously, we’ll have to discuss this.”

  Rhett only nods.

  “Of course,” Bill agrees, tilting his head in acknowledgement.

  Rhett’s hand brushes against my upper thigh before gripping me firmly, as if he’s holding on for dear life, and I don’t know why until he utters a question that makes my blood turn cold. “Would we be expected to relocate?”

  Nathan grabs a slice of French bread from a basket in the center of the table. He’s totally oblivious to his friend’s overwhelming reluctance.

  “Yes. I think it’d be best if you both relocated to our headquarters in California,” Bill states bluntly. The importance of his answer hovers over us like a heavy storm cloud threatening to break.

  And with his simple answer, it does.

  “Excuse me. I think I need to use the restroom. I’ll be back in a minute.” A fake smile is plastered on my face, and I pray they can’t see through my crumbling facade. I slowly stand on wobbly legs then rush to the bathroom.

  Once I’m in the elaborately decorated restroom, I take a few minutes to breathe deeply.



  Over and over again while my mind tries to figure out why the hell I almost had a meltdown over something so miniscule.

  Sure, I really like Rhett. But it’s only been a few weeks. My breakup with Anthony was a walk in the park compared to my fraying emotions right now.

  What if he leaves? What if the potential of this relationship evaporates into thin air? What if I never get to see him again? What if I never find another man like Rhett, and I spend the rest of my life wishing I could simply be with him? That the biggest regret of my life is currently coming to fruition outside of this tiny restroom? What if . . . .

  A lump forms in my throat at the thought of losing Rhett. I don’t know if I’d survive it, which is ridiculous.

  Come on, Indie. Buck up.

  The bathroom door opens, and Sophie walks in, takes one look at me then wraps me in a hug.

  “It’s going to be okay.”

  My hands shake as I hug her back.

  “I don’t know what my problem is. I’m sorry.” I’m trying to convince both of us that my meltdown isn’t that big of a deal.

  Slowly, she pulls away and looks at me. I’m not tall by any means, but I’m pretty sure Sophie doesn’t break the five-foot mark.

  “Indie. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel. You never know––he may stay.”

  She punctuates her words as she says them. As if it’s the simplest thing in the world. As if I have any say in the matter. Like my confession, my vulnerability, is going to fix everything.

  The problem? I’m not sure it will. I’ve spent my entire life in a relationship with a man who, time and time again, chose work over me. And that’s when I thought we had a relatively solid foundation.

  Rhett and I? We’re practically strangers. Sure, I feel like I know
him. I feel like he’s my other half. But does that mean he feels the same way?

  I don’t know. And the thought of asking him, and facing the consequences of his answer, is almost more than I can bear.

  “I dunno, Sophie,” I reply honestly while struggling to hold her stern expression.

  “Indie. That man out there”—she points to the bathroom door, indicating our table—“he’s in love with you. Not sure if he knows it yet, not sure if you do, either. But trust me when I say it’s pretty crystal clear to anyone within a thirty-foot radius of you guys. Tell him how you feel. You might be surprised that not everyone is like Anthony.” I somehow gain the courage to look at her. “Trust. Him.”

  Her powerful words give me the strength to leave the isolation of the bathroom. Steeling my courage, I make my way to the dining table with Sophie by my side.

  The rest of dinner goes by without a hitch, and it isn’t until Bill is paying the check that I see Chef Thomas.

  Without thinking, I approach him like a long-lost daughter and give him a giant bear hug. Thankfully, he laughs at my abruptness before returning the gesture.

  “Why, hello again, chérie. Why did you not call to tell me you were coming? I would have created something superb for your guests,” he admonishes me with a soft smile, and I grin.

  “I didn’t know we were coming until we walked into your restaurant. But next time, I’ll definitely call. I’d love for you to create something for me.”

  “For both of you, oui?” he returns, eyeing who I assume is Rhett making his way toward us.

  I glance over my shoulder, confirming my suspicion.

  “I don’t know.” My eyes shine with sincerity, portraying my heartbreak to a mere acquaintance who, for some reason, treats me like a daughter.

  “Chérie, listen to your heart. All is well. And when it isn’t . . .” His voice trails off, giving me time to finish the sentence with him.

  “Eat cake,” we say together, our words mingling with the lilting music filtering through the speakers. I laugh, somehow feeling lighter.

  “Bonjour, Monsieur Rhett. Are you treating my chérie with le respect?” His tone is relatively light, but his words are sharp.

  I interrupt the possible interrogation from proceeding. “He’s been treating me perfectly.” My eyes silently warn Chef Thomas to keep his big French mouth zipped.


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