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Montgomery Billionaire Series

Page 19

by Michelle Love

  How could I not agree with him?

  So I beat him home that night and was lying on our big bed with a bottle of his favorite wine on the bedside table and me in a naughty negligée. It was a deep green color, his favorite color on me. It had a plunging neckline and was short. It covered just to the bottom of my bottom. I left the panties off because who likes panties, anyway.

  I’d let my hair down and thanks to being rich and being able to spend loads of money on hair care products, my red mess had finally been tamed.

  My cell rang and I picked it up to see it was Lucas. “Hey, you,” I answered.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I’m going to be late. The damn board members have their panties in a bunch over an overseas deal they think is a bad idea. I have to deal with them. This might go late into the night,” he said, wrecking my sexy mood.

  “Oh, man!” I said as I was thoroughly disappointed.

  “Did you have something you wanted to do?” he asked.

  “Um, yeah,” I said as we had discussed this just last night. “I wanted to make a baby with you. If you do recall?”

  “Oh that,” he said with a laugh. “We can do that anytime. It’s not a big deal.”

  Not a big deal?

  “Wow! I mean, wow! Lucas, we just talked about this and you decided the damn board members are going to come between us on this specific night? I’m not about to pretend that I’m not pissed about this. I don’t see why that meeting can’t wait until tomorrow! And what do you mean by we can do that anytime? This is supposed to be special, damn it!”

  The bedroom door burst open and there stood my husband, tugging his expensive suit off as he came in the door. He was laughing and tossed his phone on the dresser. He kicked the door closed and looked me over. “Very nice. And I love that heated color in those pretty little cheeks of yours.”

  “What the hell did you do that for?” I yelled at him. “You made me all pissed off for no damn reason.”

  “Oh, I had my reasons, baby. You’re a wildcat when you get mad and I haven’t seen that side of you in a while. Everything has been going your way so much, I missed that spark you get when you’re mad.” He’d completely undressed by the time he’d stopped talking and my temper was even hotter when I found out he’d done that just to rile me up.

  I hopped up on my knees on the bed and starting wagging my finger at him as I yelled, “Well, now I’m really mad!”

  He just started chuckling and smiling. “You’re so damn cute when you get mad.”

  “I’m going to show you cute, buddy!”

  “I know you are,” he said. His hands went to my waist as he lifted me up. I kicked my feet and screamed. “Easy, red. You’re going to blow a gasket.”

  Our bodies touched as he brought me back down then he kissed me hard, his hand held the back of my neck so I couldn’t back away from him. I wanted to stay mad but I couldn’t. When he kissed me it took all the fight out of me.

  So I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked to the end of the bed. The kiss grew as he laid me on the end of it. His cock was swelling as he ground it against my core. I arched up to get him to fill me but he pulled back. “On your knees,” he said with an air of authority.

  He knew I hated that tone but in the bedroom, I quite liked it. My eyes went wide. “Are we establishing our dominance in the bedroom, Lucas?”

  “I am,” he said. “So hurry up and do what I said.”

  Eyeing him all the while, I moved around on the bed until my ass was facing him. It was then I realized something that had gone unnoticed in the monster-sized room I’d called our bedroom for well over a year. A large mirror filled the wall and I could see us both in it.

  The dim light of the candlelit room made Lucas glow a golden color as he stood behind me. His handsome face was pulled into a smile. “You like the new mirror I had installed today?”

  I nodded. “I have to say I do. And I have to confess I didn’t even notice it until it was filled with your gorgeous reflection.” His hand moved over my ass and I felt it but could also see it in the mirror. It made the feeling more intense and I went wet with just that.”

  “I thought it would be nice if we both could see everything while we made our baby.” He leaned over and kissed the top of my left butt cheek as I watched him in the mirror. It made me moan and my body began to ache.

  “I think you had a very good idea, hubby,” I said as I continued to watch him and feel him at the same time.

  He leaned over me, not making any penetration but everything was touching me. His chest on my back felt warm and he pulled my hair away from one side of my neck and ran his teeth up the long column.

  His dark hair fell over the side of his face as I watched him nip and suck my neck. All I could do was watch how gracefully he moved his body along mine. His hands dipped at my waist as he pulled back and ran his hands along me as he did.

  My sides quivered as his hands stopped at my waist and he pulled me back until his hard cock was between my ass cheeks. It was straight up, only the side of it was between them and when he started pumping against my rectum it sent a mix of fear that he was about to stick it into me and hope that he was about to stick into me.

  I closed my eyes with the new sensation and his hand connected with my ass. “Eyes open!” came his order. “I want to see those gorgeous green eyes all the while I take you.”

  I nodded and smiled. “Got it, boss.”

  He smiled back and continued to stimulate my ass in a way I didn’t know I’d like. As he pumped away, he looked at me through the mirror and sucked two of his long fingers. He placed them on my clit and began rubbing it until it was hard as a rock. The combination of actions had me on fire.

  When his fingers went inside of me, I felt my walls gripping him. I wanted more than just his fingers but if that was all he was allowing me at that time then I was going to come all over them.

  I rocked back on him, our bodies moved back and forth in a rhythmic motion. I started shaking as the orgasm crested inside of me. He smiled and moved his fingers out of me and put his hands on my shoulders, pressing down until they were on the bed and my ass was high up in the air.

  His nails raked down my back as he stood back up and then his large, hot cock was thrust into me with one hard movement. He stayed perfectly still while my orgasm moved my body around his cock. I felt it pulsing inside of me and it made my orgasm go on and even grow in intensity. I was a squealing mess of pure pleasure.

  Once my walls had stopped convulsing around him, he pulled his cock back slowly. His hands went to my hips and his eyes met mine in the mirror. “I want you to wait until I tell you to come. I want us to climax together.”

  “Okay, that sounds good to me too,” I said as I bit my lip and hoped I could hold it back.

  That wasn’t a thing we practiced. He allowed me to climax as many times as my body needed to. But he was right. Making a baby was different from everyday sex. It needed to be memorable. It needed to be more about us coming together to bring another life into this world.

  No one could ever accuse Lucas of being unemotional. He may seem stiff and unmoved in the boardroom, but in the bedroom and when we had our intimate moments, he was full of emotion and so caring it was nearly unreal.

  His movements were slow and deliberate at first. He was easing into me as we held each other’s eyes but mine kept drifting to watch his muscular body move behind mine. He stopped for a second and lifted me up and took a few steps to move us where the mirror would catch our reflections from the side.

  Now I could see his massive dick going in and out of me and I was mesmerized. His large cock moved into me and came out with a slick shine of the wetness from inside of me. I watched his hand gripping my waist then he slid it down and ran it over my ass.

  I groaned with the need to feel his hand all over my ass. He lifted his hand and brought it down with a nice smack and I moaned. He smiled. “You got even wetter.”

  “It makes me hot as hell when you d
o that.” I licked my lips and hoped he’d do it again.

  When Lucas was being dominate in the bedroom, he didn’t allow me to tell him what to do to me. Any other time I could but when he played this role I was to be quiet and accept the pleasure he decided to give me. It was a thing I loved to do now and then. It made me feel a little kinky and very hot. Like he was a cave man and I was his cave woman. And as long as we both liked it, then it was going to continue to occur from time to time.

  Chapter 10


  On a Monday in July, my wife had our first child, a son. I watched her go through a pretty tough delivery and she took it like a champ. Sure, she had to bitch out a nurse who wasn’t listening to her when I went to the car to grab some blanket she’d become attached to. I had to smooth her ruffled feathers and apologize to the nurse.

  But Sloan calmed down pretty quickly with a kiss from me and the blanket wrapped around her, then apologized for losing her temper. I held her hand through it all and when our son made it out into the world, we kissed. A sweet kiss that told me more than words ever could.

  Sloan loved me. She’d just pushed this eight-pound kid out of her body that I had helped put there and she wasn’t one bit upset about it. She loved me that damn much!

  “I love you,” I told her as I stroked her red cheek. “You were awesome.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “It was pretty hard. But looking at you made it all worthwhile. I love you, Lucas Montgomery.”

  Her smile was radiant and her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. When our son was held up so we could see him those tears fell like rain and I found some brimming up in mine too. But I wiped them away so I could cut our new son, Jackson’s, umbilical cord.

  His cries made my heart hurt and I asked the doctor, “Is he crying because this hurts him?”

  She shook her head. “He’s just crying because this is all new to him and he’s cold and afraid. It’s going to be up to you guys to let him know it’s all good and you’re going to keep him safe for the next eighteen years or so.”

  After his cord was clamped off and cut, he was wrapped in a little blue blanket and a blue cap was placed on his head and he was placed into my waiting arms. The way he stopped crying immediately had the whole room going, “Aww.”

  My first words to him were, “Hi, little buddy. Daddy has you now. It’s all going to be okay. I picked you out the perfect momma and she and I are going to take care of you and love you forever.”

  Sloan laughed and said, “I thought it was me who picked out the perfect daddy for him.”

  I moved to her side and held the baby down for her to see him. She ran her hand over his chubby cheek. “We both know it was me who picked you out, Sloan. Out of a crowded night club with tons of eligible women, I caught site of you and I knew you were something else. You were special.”

  She sniffled as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m pretty glad I caught your eye. We made us one cute kid here.”

  I kissed her cheek as the nurse came to take the baby to do all of the vital stuff they do to babies. Then I let him go and turned my attention to his momma. I ran my hand through her hair and smiled at her. “Sorry about the attempted kidnapping, and the kidnapping.”

  She laughed, “Don’t forget about the shooting.”

  I laughed too. “How could I forget that?” I pressed my lips to hers then said, “But you stayed with me. It seemed like the world was against the two of us getting together but you kept on staying tough and making the decision to keep on seeing me.”

  “Except for that one week,” she said as she took my chin into her hand. “That horrible week.”

  “The longest week on record,” I said as I looked into her red-rimmed eyes. “Thank you for coming back to me. Thank you for marrying me and thank you for giving me a son. Our first one. Thank you for loving me, Sloan. This life would be nothing without you. I could lose every dime I have and as long as I have you, and now that little guy over there, then I’d be the richest man in the world and would never want anything more than your love.”

  I heard a sniffle from across the room and looked up to find one of the nurses wiping her eyes. She noticed me looking at her and said, “Oh, Lord! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be listening. It’s just that you said that so well and it was obvious that you really meant it and, damn, I’m sorry. I just wish I’d have held out for a man who loves me the way you love this lady right here.”

  Sloan looked at the young woman and offered her a little wise advice. “The way to get this kind of love is to give it. If you knew how hard both of us tried not to fall in love, you’d be amazed. This whole thing started out as lust then it turned into more than that. And when the chips were down, we held tight to each other. That’s where true love is made. It’s made in the trenches as life hurdles things at one or both of you and you hold onto one another for dear life. Because the thought of losing them is too much to think about.”

  I heard another sniffle and found another nurse with tears. “You too?” I asked with a chuckle.

  “It’s just that what she’s saying is so true and yet I never thought about it like that. My husband and I have been married for fifteen years. And the last three have been miserable. We even talked about separating but neither of us really want to move on to anyone else. And after listening to you two, I think all we really need is to remember what’s real. Why we got together in the first place. It was to join forces to make it through this life with a partner. Somewhere along the line, we forgot that. But I’m going to make a date with that old man of mine tonight and try to change that.”

  “That’s good to hear,” I said. “I’m sure we’ll have our rough patches but when you hold on through the times others would be saying goodbye and good riddance to one another you gain a little something.”

  “Connection,” Sloan said. “You gain a connection you didn’t have before. You realize that person went through something pretty bad and instead of busting you up, they clung to you, they trusted you. A connection is made and it grows and grows until you feel like two parts of one whole.” Her hand gripped my arm as she looked up at me. “There are no better halves, there is just this one whole being who has two bodies, souls, hearts, and works together to make life livable.”

  I kissed her cheek as the women watched and knew our lives would continue to go well. I knew, without a single doubt, that Sloan and I could get through anything, after all we’d been through.

  “Only three more to go,” she said.

  “What?” I asked perplexed.

  “Three more pregnancies,” she said.

  Then the baby started crying again and the nurse looked at us with a laugh. “Seems this little guy might want to be an only child.”

  Sloan and I looked at each other and smiled. Then we both said, simultaneously, “He takes after you. Stubborn!”

  The End.

  Hot Nights in Sturgis

  By Michelle Love

  The Billionaire Bad Boy Meets His Angel

  Hot Nights In Sturgis

  By Michelle Love

  Intrigue. Lust. Passion.

  Blaze is a member of a motorcycle gang on their way to Sturgis, South Dakota for the huge biker rally held there every year. He’s single and wants to keep it that way, but plans on taking as many females as he can to his bed while in the rowdy town.

  Angel is working in her uncle’s motorcycle repair shop and when Blaze comes in with a little trouble with his new ride, she finds him as interesting as he finds her.

  Blaze is stricken with her knowledge of bikes and her beauty as well as her feisty attitude.

  But when he asks her out, a thing he never does, she refuses.

  It only serves to send Blaze into alpha-mode and he shows up at her home and makes her dinner then she takes him to her bedroom.

  Both know they have stumbled onto something neither saw coming.

  But can Angel get past her fear of abandonment and let Blaze have a place in her heart? And ca
n Blaze get past his idea of being single forever and let Angel into his heart? As both want to be the master of the situation, can they give into the other without losing who they are?

  Chapter 1


  Vibrations fill the air as fifteen of us make the last leg of our journey to the motorcycle Mecca of the world, Sturgis, South Dakota.

  After our gang met up at the Ohio headquarters of The Brothers of the Scarlet Dragon, the motorcycle club I belong to, we headed out for the three-day trip to the rally which beats all motorcycle rallies.

  This is the third year I’ve made this trip. I have to fool my entire family each year to get to do this.

  I’m a business lawyer. That means I push papers for the law firm my grandfather started way back before even my father was born. Thanks to that man we all are stinking rich.

  That alone was good enough reason for me to be able to flake off my entire life. But one of the stipulations to being able to receive one’s trust fund is you have to show my grandfather your college degree.

  Oh, and it must pertain to the law in some fashion!

  So I had to keep my grades up in school. I had to be able to get into Harvard and there is where I stayed until I successfully completed my Master’s Degree in Business Law.

  A thing I hate with every fiber of my being!

  I’m the youngest in my family. My father’s an only child. So the billions upon billions of dollars my grandfather has managed to make with my father’s help and now my oldest brother’s help too, keeps us in our fancy mansions and cars and motorcycles, in my case.

  After six years of college, I was placed in the family firm. That’s where I’ve been the last six years and I’m going completely stir crazy in the New York office.

  Only a mere thirty now, I’m ready to sow a few wild oats. My family has kept my ass so damn busy, I’ve had little to no time for extracurricular activities, like chasing ass.


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