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Montgomery Billionaire Series

Page 121

by Michelle Love

  ‘Don’t bother me in the slightest,’ she whispered and pressed her lips back to his. Ran felt breathless, giddy like a teenager. Everything about this woman drew him in; her intelligence, her refusal to bend to pressure from her peers, her kindness. And, God, she was beautiful…



  ‘I don’t have to be back at work today….our research cycle doesn’t start until next week…’


  She looked up at him, her dark eyes full of desire. ‘I don’t want to be distracted when I work, thinking of you and me together…’

  He smiled – then his phone rang. He groaned, but Marley laughed. ‘That’s what Alanis Morissette would call ‘ironic’, but the rest of us would call ‘a pain in the ass.'

  Ran grinned and picked up his phone. ‘Indeed. Excuse me…hello?’

  Marley watched as Ran’s expression changed – more than changed – became something she couldn’t describe…excitement, hope, and joy. ‘Yes, yes thank you, we’ll be there right away.’

  He ended the call, staring at her in disbelief. ‘Hayley’s been released. She’s safe – the police are bringing her back to Seattle now.’

  ‘And Quilla?’

  ‘He wouldn’t tell me anything else; just to say get to the field office. Will you come?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Together they drove through the city and got to the field office twenty minutes later. Just as they were about to get out of the car, Marley suddenly stopped him. ‘Ran…what if Quilla….what if she’s dead?’

  Ran stopped and saw her eyes were full of fear, of tears. He kissed her. ‘We’ll face whatever comes together, and we’ll get through it.’

  She nodded, and they got out of the car. Holding hands, they raced into the field office to find out what was going on.

  Skandar Mallory paced up and down inside the interview room, Nan Applebee equally as tense. Seated next to Joel, her legs jiggled up and down, and she couldn’t keep her hands still. She’d collapsed when Joel had gotten the phone call from Skandar – she could hear the young man sobbing down the phone such was his relief. All they knew was Hayley had been freed and was safe and well. No news of Quilla yet.

  Now, they waited. Nan looked up and smiled as Ran and Marley joined them, then a few minutes later, Flori and Grady arrived, Flori hugging Nan and sitting beside her.

  Skandar kept checking his watch. They had a new agent, Steve Kendrick, sitting with them: Carter and Ali were down, following the trail in Puyallup – made easier now that Hayley was freed near there. Skandar was impressed; their lead had proved to be fruitful. Of course, Hayley had been released before they had found where the women were held, but now she could tell them where to go. He knew no-one in this room could stop thinking: where’s Quilla? If she was dead, wouldn’t they have told them? Or would they? God. Joel had told him not to call Jakob yet. ‘He’s in London, he might find out something useful and if the worst has happened, well, I want him to be with us when he finds out.’

  Skandar didn’t agree but went along with his father’s wishes. All he could think of now was having Hayley back in his arms and when, thirty-seven minutes later, he heard her voice out in the office, every sense left him, and he ran.

  Hayley saw him at the same time, and as they slammed into each other, they collapsed to the ground, holding each other, sobbing, kissing, as Nan, hysterical, joined them, the three of them making a human pile in the middle of the FBI field office.

  After they’d gathered themselves, Agent Kendrick shook Hayley’s hand. ‘Good to have you back, we’re going to have the doctor look you over….I know, you said you were fine,’ he stopped her interruption, ‘but it’s a formality for the case. Then you can have a few hours with your family, go shower, eat, and maybe get some sleep. But we are going to need you to help us by answering some questions; I warn you, we go over everything with a fine tooth comb so be prepared for answering the same questions over and over.’

  Hayley nodded. ‘I don’t care how long it takes, anything to help Quilla.’

  When she’d told them what Quilla had done for her, Marley had burst into tears, Nan and Flori looked close to it, even Joel’s normally implacable face colored. Skandar shook his head. ‘I owe her everything,’ he kept saying, ‘everything.’

  They managed to book a suite in a hotel, not wanting to run the gauntlet of the press just yet. After they’d eaten dinner together, the others left them alone, Nan hugging her sister tightly, looking at her as if she still couldn’t believe they’d got her back.

  When they were alone, Hayley stripped her clothes off and went to the shower. She turned and smiled at a wondering Skandar; his eyes drinking her in. ‘Get in this shower, Skandar Mallory, and soap me up.’

  He didn’t to be told twice. The moment he put his hands on his beautiful girlfriend, Skandar felt a shift inside him, a release and he kissed her more passionately than he ever had before, feeling her soft skin under his like it was the first time. Hayley sunk into his arms and it wasn’t long until still soaking from the water, he lifted her up into his arms and took her to bed.

  ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’

  Hayley groaned. ‘God, yes, this is all I’ve been thinking about for over a week, please, Skandar.’ She reached down and stroked his cock, which jerked and trembled under her touch. ‘God, Skandar, I want you so bad, don’t wait, please…’

  With a growl, he kissed her, hitching her legs around his waist, the tip of his cock nudging at her sex before sliding in all the way. Hayley quivered and moaned, tilting her hips up so she could take him in as far as he could, moving with him as he thrust. Their eyes stayed locked on the other – a reconnection, a new beginning, a love solidified – and they moved, Hayley felt all the tension in her body be replaced with pleasure. She kept her mind focused on him and only him, his gentle eyes, his beautiful smile, his dark blonde hair which felt so soft as she ran her fingers through it. The feel of his hard chest against her breasts, his belly against her own, the feel of his hips rocking against her inner thighs – god, blissful, heavenly release.

  Her orgasm was less of an explosion, more of a gradual build until she felt Skandar come, groaning and moaning her name over and over until she felt that utterly pure love come from him then it hit her. The climax was so bittersweet she lost all sense of control, and she started to sob uncontrollably, hysterically, great wrenching sobs of terror and heartbreak and the utter helplessness she had felt during her abduction.

  Skandar understood immediately and gathered her into his arms, swaddling her tightly as she cried out and let go. He said nothing; just let her get it all out, his lips against her temple. Eventually, she calmed herself, her sobs turning to hiccups. Skandar rocked her gently, and she burrowed hard against his chest, lifting her chin, finding his lips with hers.

  ‘Okay, baby?’

  She nodded. ‘I love you so much. I didn’t stop thinking about you the whole time. God, Skandar, it was…indescribable, thinking I’d never see you again. And what he did to Quilla….jesus…’

  She told him, haltingly, everything that had gone on and Skandar was sickened. ‘Do you think she’s given up?’

  Hayley shook her head. ‘I don’t know. I hope not; she plans to try and kill Gregor, but I think…if she died trying, she’d be okay with that. I’m scared she’ll be reckless, and he’ll guess what she’s planning and…’ She couldn’t finish, and Skandar tightened his grip on her.

  ‘Listen, precious one. We know Fisk’s weakness is Quilla. As long as she plays along with him, he’ll keep her alive. So keep the faith that she knows what she’s doing. I’ll be forever in her debt for getting you home safely. We’re all going to do everything to repay that debt and get her back alive. I promise you.’

  She nodded. ‘I know. I’ll talk to the FBI in the morning – it might be hours and hours, but I’m willing to do it. Will you be there?’

  ‘I’m not letting you out of my
sight, Miss Applebee and when this is all over, if you’ll say yes, I’m going to marry the heck out of you.’

  She giggled. ‘That sounds like a fine idea, Mr. Mallory. Nan will be outraged I beat her to it. But ask me again, properly, when Quilla is safe. I promise I’ll say yes.’

  Skandar’s eyes were full of love, surprise, joy. ‘You will?’

  ‘Hell yes! This is it, you and me, for all time.’

  Later, when she’d finally fallen asleep, Skandar lay next to her, drinking her face in, gently stroking his hand down the length of her body. She was home. She was safe. She was his.

  Now he could only wish the same for his uncle.


  Jakob took the news calmly. ‘Well, at least Hayley’s okay, that’s great news. Quilla’s a smart girl; she’ll find a way to let us know where she is.’

  Ran was a little discombobulated by his son’s rather cold response. ‘Jakob…I don’t think you heard me right. Gregor has Quilla; he’s taken her away somewhere we don’t know.’

  ‘I heard you, Pa. What do you want me to say? I have no panic left, all there is left is hopelessness.’

  After the call had ended, Jakob sat in his hotel room. He’d called Padme’s parents, and they’d agreed to see him later. He’d also called Bo Kennedy, and she was delighted to hear from him.

  ‘I ‘eard the news, love, that fucker doesn’t give up, does he? Come over later.’

  Padme Khan’s parents were polite, but he could tell they were not pleased to see him.

  ‘Padme told you about us, then?’ He couldn’t help ask the question and her father, a serious looking man, rimless spectacles, and a full beard nodded.

  ‘She did. For what it’s worth, she told us that she regretted the affair but not that it was with you. She cared for you deeply, Mr. Mallory.’

  ‘As I did for her. I’m not proud that we had a fling behind Gregor’s back but I can’t change that. I’m so very sorry that she died. Dr. Khan, be straight with me. What were her true feelings for Gregor?’

  Padme’s mother muttered something under her breath then looked at her husband. He nodded.

  ‘Gregor’s intensity concerned her; part of the reason why she moved back to London was that she was beginning to feel afraid of him. He called, of course, after she’d come home, begging her to come back then after a while the calls just stopped. Then, one night, she was coming home on the Tube. It was only a couple of streets from where she lived. She was stabbed to death a few seconds from where she lived. Fisk was questioned of course, but he had an alibi and after a few months, the investigation was quietly dropped.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Jakob said, softly, ‘Her murder not being solved, it must be awful.’

  ‘You make the mistake of thinking that if the law has said so, it must be unsolved. We know different,’ Padme’s mother held his gaze, ‘we know who killed our daughter, Mr. Mallory.’

  Jakob was at Bo Kennedy’s door by eight-thirty. Despite only meeting her once before, he immediately felt at ease in her company.

  ‘You look like shite,’ she said and Jakob, relieved to be with someone without an agenda, laughed.

  ‘I feel like it.’

  Bo had made dinner, a divine beef casserole that warmed him to his soul. Two good bottles of red and he was as near to relaxed as he could be with his wife missing. He told Bo everything, and through her gentle questioning, he was finally able to admit his doubts.

  ‘Why would she go through with it?’

  ‘Easy. To stay alive, to keep Hayley alive.’

  ‘Everyone keeps saying that but…she looked like she was enjoying it.’

  Bo studied him. ‘You know what a psycho Gregor is. Come on, Jakob; this is a no-brainer, she was forced to act the part. So what is this? Please tell me it’s not your wounded male ego because I’ll scream.’ She was grinning at him, and he laughed softly.

  He sighed. ‘I don’t know. God, this is killing me, Bo, knowing he has her, that he’s doing God knows what to her. And it’s my fault – if I’d acted more responsibly when I was younger…’

  ‘We could all say that, Jakob. All of us.’

  Jakob nodded then looked around the vast living room. ‘This is a nice place, Bo. Kit loved it here, you know.’

  She smiled, a little flush coming onto her cheeks. ‘I still can’t believe he’s gone, he was just so…present, you know? Even when he was a numpty.’


  Bo snickered. ‘An idiot. That’s why I loved him; he was everything, good and bad, his kindness, his massive ego, his ability to piss me off one minute then make me fall even more in love with him the next. People are flawed, Jakob. Kit, me, you, Quilla. She’s not perfect; she’s a survivor. Do you know how many women are put through this kind of thing every day? It happens to us all in some manner. When Quilla is freed – and I have no doubt she will be – don’t ever let her know you’ve felt like this. She’s been through enough.’

  They were high in the Cascades, a small cabin – one roomed but luxurious – the snow ten feet deep outside. The nearest cabin was just across a snow field, but Gregor had already warned her. ‘Try to contact them and I’ll kill them without a second thought.’ Quilla would not risk anyone else’s life.

  But every day she thought about killing Gregor. All day, every day. It consumed her and fueled her ‘performance’. For the first few days, he’d held a gun to her while he fucked her, obviously not trusting her after the threat of killing Hayley was removed. But now, she had been so responsive, apparently, that he’d laid the gun aside and caressed her body. She felt dirty, sullied but she switched her feelings off and smiled prettily at him, even murmuring encouragement. Gregor had fallen for it all. She drove him crazy with her body yet still, she had to listen to him fantasizing about killing her. She expected to die every day, whenever Gregor picked up the gun or used a knife. It had shredded the last of her nerves, and now she was close to the edge, struggling to keep it in.

  So, killing Gregor was all she thought about.

  Carter James and Ali Bell exited the interview room where they had been interviewing Richard Danks, the man who had delivered Hayley Applebee to freedom. Danks had been open and had given them a lot of information…but not the location where Gregor had taken Quilla Mallory. ‘I would tell you if I knew,’ Danks had said, and the agents believed him.

  Hayley Applebee had been a star, patient and responsive and she’d even told them, with feeling, that Danks had been kind to her on the drive to freedom.

  ‘He didn’t have to do that, he could have killed me; he could have done anything. They had all the cards. And he was never abusive like the other guy.’

  They’d found Paul Mines’ body in the farmhouse Hayley had identified. With Skandar, she’d agreed to show them where the house was, and had shown no fear entering it with them. To Carter James’ frustration, there was no evidence of Gregor’s plans there either.

  They all agreed he could not have taken Quilla far. Their pictures were all over the press; the airports, ports and all other transport services had been alerted. Danks had told them Gregor was paranoid about being caught; that he’d kill both Quilla and himself before going to prison.

  Carter ran a tired hand over his eyes. Ali, wan and pale, shook her head. ‘This case…man, I don’t think I’ve ever been this…’ She couldn’t finish, but Carter nodded.

  ‘I know.’

  Ali looked up at the board containing every scrap of information they’d gleaned and threw her hands up. ‘What next? We have nothing more, no clue to where they are. We’re not getting Quilla Mallory back alive.’

  Carter wanted to argue but he couldn’t form the words because he knew she was right. They’d exhausted every last resource. He didn’t look forward to telling Jakob Mallory that.

  Ran put down the phone and sat back, his hands covering his face. The FBI had no leads. Ran had told them he would talk to Jakob; see what they wanted to do next. But he felt drained. He didn’t want to h
ave to tell his oldest son that Quilla was more than likely dead. He couldn’t bear to think the lovely young woman, who had saved Jakob’s life, might be dead. Quilla had become a daughter to him and now…


  Marley entered the study looking for him. She took one look at his face and went to him. She wrapped her arms around him. Since the day they’d declared their feelings, they’d barely been able to spend any time together; tonight they were supposed to have dinner, but Ran had asked Marley to come to the house rather than go out. Since Hayley’s release, the press had been all over all them, all the time.

  Ran sighed, his face in her hair, his arms around her. ‘Thank you for coming, darling.’

  He looked up, and she stroked his face. ‘You look exhausted.’

  Ran tried to smile. ‘But better now you’re here. Look, I have something to tell you.’ In halting words, he told her that the FBI were out of ideas. Marley took it calmly at first then her face crumpled, and she started to cry. They held each other for the longest time before Marley, her face streaked with tears, finally shook her head.

  ‘I knew it was a long shot getting her back but…god dammit,’ she whispered. Ran pressed his lips to her forehead.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Marley.’

  She leaned into him. ‘Ran?’

  ‘Yes, honey?’

  ‘Can we forget dinner? I just want to be held.’ She gazed up into his eyes. ‘Please, Ran, let’s just be together and forget everything else.’

  Ran nodded, and they walked to his bedroom Ran was suddenly nervous as he closed the door but Marley, sensing this, pulled her t-shirt over her head and unhooked her bra. Ran watched her as she stripped, her toned athletic body, her firm breasts and flat belly. He wanted to tell her she was beautiful, but something told him that no words were necessary here. Marley walked to him and kissed him, her little fingers at the buttons on his shirt. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. He hadn’t felt like this in years – since his wife had died, he’d dated off and on, slept with a few woman but had never felt like he did right now. Marley stripped him of his clothes and smiled up at him, stroking his thickening cock against her soft belly, feeling it growing and thickening. He ran his hands down her body then cupped her breasts, dipping his head to his each one, flick his tongue around her nipple, her little gasp making his cock tighten and swell. They lay gently on the bed and Ran moved his body over hers, and they took their time, exploring the other. Ran knew he had kept himself in good shape, that he had the taut, hard body of someone half his age but still, he was nervous about what she would think. He shouldn’t have. Marley caressed and kissed his body before taking the sensitive of his penis into her mouth, the sensation of her tongue driving him crazy, and by the time he pushed into her warm, wet, velvety sex, he was lost in this woman, this brilliant, charming woman.


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