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Montgomery Billionaire Series

Page 145

by Michelle Love

  I shook the negative thoughts from my head and started to walk back to my room from class. As I approached the building I spotted the lady that attacked Arsen at the restaurant. She was leaving the building that I lived in and now seeing her in broad daylight she looked strangely familiar. I walked with my head down until she was out of sight so she wouldn’t see me and assumed it had something to do with Arsen murdering her husband.

  I started to think about how messed up that situation actually was and I felt horrible. I couldn’t imagine that happening to me or my family if I had one. I finally made it past her without her noticing and caught the elevator up to my room. When I made it inside of my suite, there were about 4 or 5 other people sitting on the couch watching tv. Anna was sitting in the middle of them.

  Seeing her doing something that we always did with some random people made me feel less important. Like this entire relationship actually ended over something that I wasn’t completely aware of. I stormed into my room and lay out on my bed, burying my face into the pillow. I let out a muffled scream of frustration then sat up straight. I just wanted everything to be back to normal.

  It’s officially been an entire week since the kiss with Arsen and the argument with Anabella, and I haven’t talked to either of them since. I didn’t talk to many other people on campus, so when It came time for me to rant about anything I could only talk to myself. It felt like I was going crazy. It’s definitely not fun being the only person you can talk to.

  I had just finished my last final of the school year and decided to get a cup of coffee to wake myself up. Everyone must have really been in a hurry to get home because the line for coffee wasn’t as long or as slow as usual. The campus was almost empty. It was finally summer.

  I got a cup of coffee and a Danish. This was the only thing that’s been able to put a real smile on my face for the last couple of days.

  The walk to and from the coffee shop and the actual coffee itself was what I needed to clear my mind from everything that has been going on lately. Though I felt pretty bored and alone, these were the moments that I needed to keep myself sane. It´s always good to take the time to reassure yourself that everything is going to be alright and that you could always move forward in any problem as long as you worked hard enough.

  I took a seat on a bench next to a girl with sandy brown hair. I wanted to see if my attempt to make small talk would work because quite frankly, I’m tired of talking to myself.

  “Hi,” I looked over at her. “I’m Lola, what’s your name”

  “Daisy” she smiled and looked over at me. “I know who you are, Lola. I’ve always wanted to hang out with you” she laughed nervously.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” she just looked at me and I caught on. “Let me guess, the email that I sent to the entire school claiming I didn’t need distractions from my work?”

  “You’re right” she laughed. “What made you want to talk to me?”

  “Just decided to be social for once” I smiled slightly. “I thought it’d be cool to actually have fun once in a while.”

  “I understand” she spoke.

  “So, do you have any plans for the summer?” I asked.

  “Well, yeah. There are tons of flyers going around for some upcoming parties and bonfires” she began pulling out pieces of folded paper from her bag. “You can have these, I already have the information on my phone.

  “Thanks, Daisy!” I smiled big and put the flyers inside of my bag.

  “A couple of friends and I are hosting a big ‘end of the semester’ party event tomorrow, you should come out.” she mimicked my smile.

  “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” I stood up and waved. “See you around!”

  Did I just make a friend? The end of my junior year of college and I’m finally making a friend other than Anabella. Why did this feel so great? Is it because I found someone who could fill this empty part of me or because I just missed the feeling of having multiple friends when I was younger? Who knows. I’m just glad that I don’t have to be alone anymore.

  As soon as I got back into my room my phone rang. It was Arsen. After this long period of not speaking, I thought I would be the one to call first. I answered and put the phone up to my ear slowly.

  "Come over tonight" those were the only words that he spoke. His voice was deeper and darker than usual, it sent chills up my spine.

  "What time? I thought I was meeting you at the coffee shop" I asked.

  "You know what... Just come over now."

  "I-is there anything that you need, in particular, Arsen?"

  "Stop talking and come over now" he demanded and let me tell you I've never been more attracted to him than I was this very moment. He hung up the phone and I sat there speechless. I decided to slip into something more appealing. I took a quick shower and threw on a dress similar to the one I wore when we first went out with fishnets and a pair of nude colored heels. Little did anyone know, I was hiding a beautiful set of red lace lingerie underneath. I put loose curls in my hair and wore no makeup except for my favorite burgundy lipstick and a little mascara. I’m sure I know what he wants, but if things go a different way I’m not so sure how I’d feel.

  The drive to his house felt like I was on top of the world. I was in my own car, blasting my favorite music, with the wind blowing in my hair. Once again, feeling like the 19-year-old me. I had a feeling that my life was about to take a turn that I never expected. This could be the start of something new.

  I pulled up to his house and parked off to the side. A couple of seconds after ringing the doorbell, I was greeted by the nice lady who helped me last time.

  “Well, hello beautiful. It’s a pleasure to see you back here” she smiled and stood off to the side so that I could come in. “Mr. Lockhart is waiting for you in the master bedroom.”

  I thanked her and took my time walking up the stairs. With every step I took towards that room I felt the anticipation rise. I knew that there was going to be something interesting behind those doors but I couldn’t imagine what it could be. I got closer to the door and placed my hand on the doorknob.


  As soon as I felt her hand on the other side of the door, I knew it was 'go time'. I quickly opened the door, and she jumped slightly. I grabbed her wrist pulling her inside, shutting the door behind us, and pressing her up against it. She groaned quietly and I placed a few kisses on her neck. I felt her body become tense so now it was time for me to lay out some ground rules.

  “Now you listen to me, and you listen closely” I spoke in a stern voice, asserting my dominance.

  Her eyes widened as she nodded slowly. “O-Okay”

  “Nah-uh” I pulled her hands over her head and gripped both of her wrists with one of my hands. “From now on you answer with ‘yes sir’, Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes sir” she bit down on her lip and I smirked. I loved seeing her under my control. I wanted her to submit to me, I wanted to have complete dominance over her.

  “Whatever I say, you do.” I chuckled. “You didn’t really think that tough girl act was going to cut it around me, did you?”

  She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. “Think before you answer, Lola”

  “No, sir” she spoke quietly.

  “Louder, Lola” I pushed myself closer to her.

  “No, sir!!” she squealed and I felt the pace of her breathing increase.

  “That’s a really beautiful dress you’re wearing, Lola” I spoke in a low tone but loud enough for her to hear me. “Take it off”

  I let go of her wrists and took a step back so that she could get undressed. She turned her back to me and slowly let down the zipper of her dress. She let the straps fall down her arms slowly and proceeded to pull it off of her chest. From where I was standing it looked like a simple red bra but then she turned around and the lace took me by surprise. I could see her beautiful breast through the thin material she had on.

  She slid the rest of her dress
down to her ankles and kicked it across the room. She had on a matching pair of lace panties underneath her fishnet stockings. They looked so beautiful laid across her long legs. I sat on the bed and just admired her beauty. Everything is happening in my favor and I couldn't be happier.

  "Take off the stockings and bring them to me. When you make it over here lay across my lap and do not make a sound" and that's just what she did. Without hesitation, she complied with each demand and I loved every moment of it.

  When she made it over to the bed she stood in front of me. She placed the stockings in my hand and laid across my lap. Laughing slightly under my breath, I pulled both of her hands behind her back and tied them together,

  “Good girl” I spoke and she moaned slightly under her breath. I gave her a spank right on her ass and she squirmed in discomfort. “I thought I told you specifically to not make a sound, Lola. Don’t make me punish you.”

  “Yes, sir” she whined and I gave her another spank.

  “Don’t say another word” I instructed. I lifted her body and tossed her on the bed. I brushed her hair back out of her face to admire her beauty. Her skin was perfect as softly, and the color of lipstick she chose really made her eyes glow. I looked her directly in the eyes and said: “you’re never going home”.

  Her face went from seducing to panicked. It made me chuckle to see how frightened she’d gotten. She was about to open her mouth but I warned her that if she screamed, although no one would hear her, she’d be in serious trouble.


  “You’re never going home” Arsen spoke as he looked me directly in the eyes. It was like the words rolled off his tongue as slowly as possible.

  Just when I thought life was going great, everything goes to shambles. I watched as he laughed right in my face as if I was nothing. ‘Maybe this was all a part of the roleplay’ I thought to myself, but there I go again making up silly excuses in my head to make light of the situation. I guess it was a way to make myself calm and comfortable.

  I thought back to Anabella calling me a dumb, stupid little girl. That’s exactly how I felt right now because that’s exactly what I was for trusting a man who I barely know. There’s just something about Arsen’s aura that just pulls me in. His charm and witty sense of humor really captured my heart. Even with everything going on I could feel myself falling harder for him.

  I somewhat understand why he would keep me here ‘forever’. I know his biggest secret and he doesn’t want anyone to find out. He’s just protecting himself, maybe even the both of us. Maybe someone else found out that I knew the secret and was out to get me and this was Arsen’s way of protecting me? Why else would he wait an entire week to do something about the situation?

  Whether he is doing this for us or just himself, I still felt stupid for the way I caved. I submitted to him so easily that it was embarrassing to myself. I have never been so obedient and controlled my entire life, not even as a child. My parents were never really the most chill parents in the world but they definitely were not as demanding as Arsen.

  I felt my panties become wet at just the thought of Arsen having full dominance over what I do and say. I wish he would come back to finish what he started but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. So I sat there, close to tears and not knowing how feel or what to do next.

  I felt hopeless at this point. My arms were tied up so if I’d tried to make any escape it would be ten times harder than it should. I shifted onto my side and laid down, it was a little uncomfortable for a while but soon my body became numb and I couldn’t feel a thing.

  So many thoughts were flying through my brain that I couldn’t even decide on what to think about first. I eventually got so confused about everything that’s going off that I just let myself fall asleep to take a temporary break from all of the madness.


  I left her sitting on the bed and went to my office to check a few emails and see if there’s any new information from the guys. I was scrolling through a load of emails from people contacting me for events and to do lectures around the world. The guys sent a few messages about how they found out the woman’s name and address, now they were coming up with a plan of how to get rid of her. I sent out a few replies and continued to scroll through pointless messages until one message in particular caught my eye.

  It was titled ‘Watch your back, Arsen” and it read:

  Dear Arsen Lockhart,

  I know what you’re up to. As if you didn’t think to murder my father was enough, now you’re fooling around with my best friend?

  I raised an eyebrow. What was this person talking about?

  The fact that she actually gives you the time of day makes me think is she that stupid or are you just really good at playing these games. My father has been dead for a year now and if you think my mom and I have forgotten, you have another thing coming. Enjoy your peaceful life as much as you can Arsen.

  The letter wasn’t signed with any name but now that I think about it. The girl that sat next to Lola the same day that I gave that seminar looks a lot like the woman at the restaurant. That woman said her daughter has been watching Lola and me around town and the only person that could possibly know who we both are and what’s going on between us is Lola’s best friend. Is it possible that I killed Lola’s best friend’s father?

  A Billionaire’s Troubles

  A Billionaire’s Treasure

  By Michelle Love


  I woke up in a room I’ve never seen before. I looked to the left and the view was almost the same as the view from Arsen’s house. I looked down and I wasn’t tied up anymore, nor was I wearing the same outfit from the night before. I was dressed in a satin top with matching shorts. I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the door. When I tried opening it, it was locked. No matter how hard I pushed or pulled it wouldn’t open.

  With a sigh, I turned and went to look at myself in the mirror. My hair looked freshly brushed which was odd. I pulled it into a ponytail with the hair tie that was on my wrist. I looked down and saw a note laying on the dresser. It had my name on it. I was a bit hesitant about picking it up but maybe it would explain why the door was locked.

  After a couple of seconds of deciding, I finally opened the letter. It explained how there were two doors inside of the room. One led to a walk-in closet while the other led to a bathroom. It said that there would be various pieces of clothing that were my size inside of the closet. I read over a few more lines about where certain things were in the room and I finally made it to the end, which I was looking for.

  The reason the door was locked, according to the note, was because I didn’t deserve as much freedom as I wanted. The note was clearly written by Arsen because it said that I should think about the consequences of my absurd actions. He wrote that he had a hard time deciding if I should work for him until he trusts me again or if he should kill me. He also mentioned that my phone has been taken away and any source of connecting with someone outside of the house has been blocked off of the computer in the room and my laptop that he had found in my car.

  I rolled my eyes and crumbled the note into a ball. I can’t believe that this is happening to me. All because I looked through a couple of emails. What I really want to know is why it took him so long to take action against me. What about the situation changed his mind? Does someone else know?

  That’s it. Maybe he told the members of his cartel and they put this entire plan together. That had to happen because what else would’ve made Arsen change his mind so suddenly?

  I shook my head and slid my feet as walked back over to the bed. I plopped down and buried my face in the pillow. I let out a muffled scream to release the built up anger in me. There was a knock on a door followed by the voice of the woman I met the first time I was here.

  “Ms. Lola, your breakfast is ready” she spoke.

  I got up quickly when I heard the door unlock from the outside. It pushed open slowly and she came inside, walking towards me with a tray of
food. It smelled so delicious, I couldn’t wait to eat . As she sat the tray down on the bed, I eyed the cracked door thinking about if I’d be able to make it out to find my car keys.

  I guess she noticed because she grabbed both of my arms and looked into my eyes.

  “Don’t even try it” she whispered. “There’s two big guards out there”

  I nodded slowly. “Do you know when I’ll be getting out?”

  “No” she shook her head. “Mr. Lockhart doesn’t tell me much”

  “Two questions” I looked at her and she nodded, agreeing to answer them. “What’s your name? And why are you always so nice to me?”

  “I’m Ms. Rose, the maid” she smiled. “You remind me so much of myself when I was younger. Independent and spending time with older men. Seeing you makes me nostalgic. After over-hearing Arsen explain the situation between you two, you could use all of the support you can get right now”

  “Thank you so much” I smiled and hugged her. She jumped unexpecting the hug but returned the gesture. She reminded me a lot of my grandmother who I was really looking forward to seeing this summer, but that plan is ruined because of Arsen.

  “Rose, what is taking you so long?” One of the guards asked in a menacing tone.

  “I gave you extra bacon” she smiled and left the room swiftly, closing and locking it behind her. I smiled softly to myself knowing that someone cared and crawled back into bed. On the tray were waffles, bacon, eggs, and a bowl of fruit. I was also given a cup of tea with a little bowl of sugar on the side.


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